EYE5T5G 0 REBYER. LA GEATDE, OBECOX TYEDXESDAT, JtXT 25, 1909. FODB(L At my place near the foof of ML Emily on June 28 a Jersey cow, branded on the left side but not plain. Owner can have same by calling and P&ytag for this ado. M. L. LEADER. UNION NURSERY J. B. WEAVER, Prop. Fruit, shade andor- J namental trees. Sherbs and Rose3. Strawberry vines and other small fruity SEND FORJPRICE 1 SOT UNION.JORE. Jast Arrived. Large shipment of electric Irons. Calla at the light office for prices and see samples. 0 t DO YOU KNOW: FOR CERTAIN? I that your title is good? I An abstract will tell you I all about it and it may be Z to your advantage to have one made. You cannot afford to take chances. i JR. OLIVER: La Grande National Bank Z ; Building YES Rock Springs I Place your orders for coal, future or immediate delivery. If you will give the fuel problem a little consid eration, It will show you that the early purchaser will save money. Take advantage of the storage rates. FEED New alfalfa hay now in. Both phones Main 6. Grande Ronde Cash Co : : : BALLAST TOO IMPROVED ROAD FROM PEMLE TOX TO UMATILLA. Work Actually Commenced on The '' Dust Killer. PENDLETON, July 28. To keep down the dust between Pendleton and Umatilla a blanket of gravel is now being placed on the track and sub grade. A steam shovel is at work at the Umatilla gravel pit loading cars with gravel for this purpose. Special gravel trains are used to convey the gravel to its destination along the track. . This Is the largest piece of ballast ing done by the O. R. & N. in this vi cinity for some time and when com pleted will be a great Improvement and will cetrtainly bo appreciated by the traveling public. Another great improvement or bet terment Just made by this company was the relaying of the fifteen miles J of track between Umatilla and Coyote with 75 pound common standard steel rails. This work has Just been completed. IMtKtSl INCREASES UMO COCMY AD LA GRANDE ENTITLED TO THIRTY. I DRY CHAIN WOOD DRY For Best quality 01 DRY chain wood call' on V. E. BEAM Biggest loads for least money PriONE RED 1741 Sfotlce of Annual Fair. The management of the First Eas tern Oregon District Agricultural society, wishes to announce that the county fair will be held this year at La Grande, beginning October 4th, and lasting one week. The new catalogue will be out now In a short time, the cause of the de lay so far has been due to the effort to get the Wallowa county people to Join us and combine the two fairs. The new catalogue will be practic ally the same as the old one, but with this exception, many of the premiums have been raised and new features added, and also a large special list of premiums will be offered by the business men of La Grande. Get your exhibits ready for the largest fair that Union county has ever had. F. M, HUFFMAN, Sec. First E. 0. DIst. Agri. Society, La Grande. Delegates Can Visit Seattle on Spo kane Trip. Much interest In the National Ir rigation Congress, in Spokane, Au gust 9-14, is being ' manifested throughout the county. We are entit led to about 30 delegates, and It Is expected that more than that num ber will be present In addition to the five delegates to be appointed by the county commissioners, each Com mercial club is allowed to send two, each incorporated town five, and each irrigation company two. Can Visit Both Spokane And Seattle. One feature that will attract many people to Spokane Is the arrange ment made with the railroads by which delegates to the irrigation COUgrebH CUU vibii oeai.Uo without paying any extra fare. That is, tic kets to Seattle, with stopover privi leges at Spokane may be bought for no more than tickets direct to Se attle. Those who wish to go to the fair, and are willing to serve as dele gates at the Irrigation congress would do well to see the mayor of their city, and obtain credentials. A Pleasant Physic ' When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. The yare mild and gentle In their action and always pro duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call ' jot, .! r oi a ;r. wmpio, his law office In La Grande, Oregon, for them. A Jiewsy Newspaper. The Observer excels in real news. Jobs For The Unemployed. NEW YORK, July 27. Reports from the grain fields of the west re ceived In New York, have furnished a suggestion for the National Asso ciation for Unemployed Men, which it is said will furnish work for hun dreds of men now seeking employ ment. The National Association for the Unemployed is a semi-philanthropic organization with such men as Otto Bannard, the banker; Jacob Schlff, E. H. Macy and other multi millionaires as officers. Urgent re quests for men have been received from Nebraska, Kansas and other western states. Similar appeals have come from the small grain raising states every season for years, but this summer is louder and more plaintive than ever before. The association, it Is known, is willing to provide transportation for men who will go west. Reports similar to those from Nebraska and Kansas have also been received from the Dakltas and Min nesota. . E0OQ ooooooooooqooqk . ' ' ' 2 ; 0 OQ&.Q& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 ft & ! gg gSg g$;g ; & ; ;gi?;g I.!: 'I! OUR PLATFORM SAFETY first, liberality next, both are essential to successful banking. If you are satisfied with our platform come and see us. United States National Bank La Grande Ore i Two Car Loads McCormick For Sale. Furniture consisting of range, kit chen cabinet, dining table, chairs, beds, dresser and small sde table, will be sold at private sale Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday at the residence of D. H. Jordan opposite court house. larvestiog Macliimery jj Just received and now ready for distribution. Buy a McCormkk and you will have the best We have a lot of other goods now on sale. Come and Bee what wo have. M. & CO. MhM ?., DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month I fie HeBtmg and went Mating Problem Solved mi i h ' : m 1''';--' ;,rf ;', ': ' ; if, ; IS-;.- ' , . ' . : By ffte W&terbury ystem For Schools, Churches, Lodge Rooms, and Public Buildings Does away with window ventilation, which is almost as great an evil as impure air. Maintains a uniform temperature all over the room. Eliminates the cold floor problem and the "dreaded hot stove," Adds 25 per cent to the seating capacity by removing the plant to the corner. Great saving in fuel bill. Requires no basement Always under direct supervision. No expense to install. Will burn either wood or coal. Every plant guaranteed to meet the most exacting requirements. No Experiment, Plant in scucessful operation in Public School of La Grande. Invented by J. L. Waterbury who for many years taughtin the public schools,' after carefully studying the problem and long experimenting devised and patented the system. Those seated in the farther corner of the room will be just as warm as those sitting near the'plant. Can be attached to any flue. Every school district should investigate this system. , ' IVJI Wiuifisf kilt llvill kU yiUIIUW yi this a iwunS ana venuiating conditions caused me to take I