EYEING OaSERTTR, LA MUSDr, OREGON. 3rOXD.IT, JI LT 2(5, ItkiO. PEAKMECCA GALLERY r ft ffriliCS ; La Grande Professional SCALERS IS CLOSED 3 Q Directory OR Tn abstract before you Invest It' absolutely necessary U you wish to avoid buying a lot of expensive liti gation and probable loss of ihe Invest Ql)t. Have us draw you up an abstract, and be thoroughly posted on what you are purchasing. We have the only complete set of abstract books In Un ion county. Guaranteed accuracy and prompt work. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. !t The wise men of today are those who on the slighest trouble with their eye sight have that trouble Investi gated by a reputable optician. , Many am an wearing glasses today could have had hit trouble remedied by the wearing of glasses for a short period If he attended to It in time. J. H. PEARE Sommer Rates .Esist During the Season 1909 Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND , UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on The 0. R. & N. line To OMAHA and Return.. $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return. . .$60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return ....... $67.50 To CHICAGO and Return $72.50 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12. To Denver and Return $55.00 On Sale May 17; July 1; August 11. These tickets present some very attractive features In the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pass engers to make side trips to many Interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any O. R. & N. Ical agent, or YFM. McMCRRAT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. A GOOD RECORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. G. Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 The J. T. Scott Music Co. j Successors to Bramwell Music Co. Remember we have the old reliable Chickering, Weber, Kimball, Lester; : and 43 other good makes of : Good line of small instruments and j Sheet Music. Edison's full line. : PIANOS The J.T. Scott Music Co. I La Grande, Oregon j : Daily Observer, 65c per Month Vicissitudes of. Alpln struggles were Indulged in yesterday by the greatest number of mountain scalers to attempt the hazardous climb to the peak of ML Emily In one day. of several years. Twenty-three eith er walked or rode to the peak during the course of the day. Those who walked, chose the Old Indian trail, starting at a point due south of Sum merville, and leading to the flagpole on the summit. The party left La Grande by team early yesterday mor ning, and at 7:20, turned their faces toward the top of the ridge, three miles west of the poinL The well defined trail Is one of the longest and steepest on the big mountain, and after it reaches the ridge is still three miles from the peak. Splendid weather favored the Ma samas, and' It was 11 o'clock when the advance guard of the climbers registered at the summit. A lunch and a rest, and the downhill trip, even more strenuous than the ascent, was commenced, teams being reached at the foot of the hill at 4:30 o'clock. Those undertook and successfully carried out the ardorous ' adventure were Messers and MeBdames E. Pol ack, Frank Bay and A. W. Nelson ; Misses Lulu Gulldig and Maude Snotl- grass, and MesserB James Kilpatrlck and II. M. Bay. A balky team, each of the horses being past masters in the act, gave additional excitement and a fitting climax to the trip, and for a period of nearly two hours, Just at dusk, cut capers in the heavily timbered woods, in such a manner as to scatter the feminine half of the party to the four winds. With return of mobility to the animals, the ladies were round ed up and the homeward journey was successfully culminated. Thirteen Ride up. , A cavalcade of 13 riders left Island City at 6:30 and at 1 o'clock was at the top. . The Jackson trail was the route chosen by this crowd of Near Mazanias, and though not afoot, had troubles of their own. The route Is not clear In many places and the par ty twice lost its bearing, only to re find it and proceed tenaciously to the top.. The feat is no delicate one, either by horse of afoot, and the ladles of the cavalcade were a thoroughly tired group on their return to La Grande late in the evening. Those to make the trip by horseback were: MIsbbl Mable Whitycombe, Corval 11s, Julia Cooper, The Dalles, Jessie Foster Island City, Mary and Iv;i Head, Jefferson. Iowa, Alice Ander Bon, Jefferson, Iowa; Messers Reyn olds, Thomas, Don and Tom MyerB, Roscoe Doane, Clyde Kiddle and Hugh McCall. ' Trifling adventures such as being pulled from her mount by an over hanging limb and sustaining bruises on her face were meted out to Miss Cooper. All In all, the trip was an enjoyable one. The view of the Grande Ronde valley from the peak of the mountain is too majestic to be tampered with In an effort to paint word pictures. Actual presence Is necessary to estimate the grander of the thing. W. W. Yeager, who has been run ning the shooting gallery here for the past three months, is packing up today preparatory to taking a vaca tion for the rest of the summer. He will make his headquarters in La Grande for a week or two, and will fish the Wallowa, Mlnam and Look ing Glass. Mr. Yeager Is an enthusi astic angler, and has cast a fly In ev ery stream of note in the wesL His conduct of the shooting gallery has won htm the friendship of every one who has competed for the prizes of fered, and has been eminently satis factory In all respects. After enjoy ing the fishing around here, he will go to one of the California summer resorts for the rest of the summer. Foggs Ferry" Great Good production put on by Pastime Stock Co.. Probably the best comedy drama ever presented In La Grande ' by a Stock Co. was the production at the by the Pastime Stock Co. There Is Just enough drama and just enough comedy in fact it it one of the most evenly balanced bills ever seen here and all the com edy parts are real laugh producars.', Louise - Claire, female baritone, is again on the program with one of her excellent vocal selection;: and Russell Harrison with his "Silly Kid" jokes kept the audience In an up roar. The same bill will run through Wednesday night. mttffttlitlftltf tiff ! PHYSICIANS J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office in New Bank Building .Rooms 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main , '89; Office, Main 79. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drue Store Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 65. N. MOLITOR, M. D, ' ' Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave and Depot sL Office Main 68, Residence Main 69. BACON & HALL. Physicians and Surgeons."',, Office In La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Main 19. , 3. T. Bacon, Residence .Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 62. PENTISTS. C B. CAUTHORN DentlsL Office over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande ' v. , . Oreg?a J. C PRICE, D. M. D. ' D-ntisL Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 199).. TEACHERS OF MUSIC. PROF. EL PORTER DAY. Principal La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistanL School, 101 Greenwood ave., one door south ot Adams ave. , 'Phone Black 1831. , . MISS STELLA OLIVER Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio at residence of Turner O'lvet corner Fourth and O avenue. ' - For Sale. Furniture consisting of range, kit chen cabinet, dining table, chairs. beds, dresser and small Bde table, will , be sold at private sale Tuesday, Wed j nesday and Thursday at the residence ot D. H. Jordan opposite court house. OR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C P. MOORE Ostepathlc Physicians. lrksvllle Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Building. Phones: Office Main 63; Res. Main 64. C. H. UPTON, PH. Q.. M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. DlTice In La Grande National Bank Building. Phones: Office, Main 2 Residence , Main 32. Notice to Creditors. "Ribbons, imported Dresden ribbons sold from 30c to 50c a yard, extreme and medium widths, flowered and Marie antique effects, semi-annual sale 23c a yard. The Golden Rule Com pany. (3t) Just Arrived. Large shipment of electric Irons. Callr at ths light office for prices Hrrt wee samples. LOST Light gold cuff link. Suitable reward if returned to this office, (tf) Notice is hereby given that letters of executorship have been issued by the County Court of Union County, Oregon, to Angus Shaw, Jr. upon the last will and testament of Angus Snaw, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims agalnBt said deceased are notified to present the same with proper voucher to the undersigned at his residence, La Grande, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1., within tlx months from date of this notice. Dated this June 21, A. D. 1909. ANGUS SHAW JR., Executor. (d-m-5-t) J. D. Slater, atty for Ex. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that C. C. Penington and W. II. Rush doing business under the firm name of C. C. Penington & Company, have dis solved business by mutual consent, and C. C. Penington will collect and pay all bills against the firm. Just Arrived. Large shipment of electric irons. Calla at the light office for prices and see samples. A Pleasant JTliystc. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. The yare mild and gentle in their action and always pro duce a pleattant cathartic cffocL Call -u xo iy r or Cr Pitipie. his law office in La Grande, Oregon, tor them. Hltrh Avernire SliooL This is the last week of prize shoot ing at the Indoor. rifle range. The best average in three scores to win. All prize scores 10 cents. VETERINARY SURGEONS. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. -Veterinary Surgeon, jfflce at Hill's Drug Store, La Grande. Residence Phone Red 701. S Paoce 1361 1 Independent Phone 63 Both phones at residence. DR. W. H. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery t aV kinds. Country calls promptly answered. . Office " 14 Adams avenue, .'bones: Pacific Black 1901. Independent, 873. ? DR. T. W. RIDDELL. M. D. C. Gr duate Veterinarian. . . . Office Red Cross Drug Store, ."ores: Pacific, Main 4. Home, 121. A Grande Oregon. ' ' MISS ROSE HOUSE ; 1 Instructor in Piano, Harmony and .;' Technic. 2105 North Spruce StreeL La Grande - Oiegon ARCHITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. . ' Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engl , neerlng. Twenty Years' Experience RUBttiVT MILLER. ArchltecL . Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phonn Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent NO. 8. ATTORNEYS. Chaa. E. Cochran Geo T. Cochraa COCHRAN it COCHRAN. Attorney. La Grande National Bank Building La Grande Oregon. H. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the Courts ot the Stat and United 8tates. Elgin Oregon ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. a. L. A. PICKLER itval, Mining, Irrigation Engineering and surveying, estimates, plans and specifications. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. C Grande Oregor C. H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law, " Practices In all the courts of the State : and United States. Office In La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms 16 and 16 Sommer Block La Qrunde Oregon. YIAYL MRS. GRACE McALlSTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 197. i t The Little Shop Main St. Stamping of all kinds, Includ lng shirt waists & Center pieces, done, embroidery lestions given. Orders taken and lensons given In stenciling. Full line of em broidery materials. Billie Burkes, Coronets, Grecian Knots, Norma Waves Duchess Rosetts, Rats and Switches E M. WELLMAN & CO. ADAMS AVEHUE continually evincing signs of trouble black specks appear ing before the eyes, having "smashing" nervous headaches your vision is in need of ' a pair cf glaBHes. If we fit you you are posi tive of glasses that will not only permanently chech the the development of the trouble and relieve but glases that will tend to remedy the trouble. Reasonable rates. I J. H. PEARE 4c ED STRING HAM, AUCTIONEER. flale cried on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. . LA GRANDE - - - OREGON RO'-te No. 2 'Phone No. 196x0 Plnesalve V..1 Carbolized roans or sua bmiasi VIOLIN 1 and PIANO Instruction I J. ALDERT KENNEDY. I Phone Red 782. T