n ! I Ml! volume vm. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, ORE., FRIDAY, JULY 9, 1&09. NUMBER 221. RECORD PIES FOR II VALLEY LANDS SET MARK UNO ALQHE WORTH BIG SUM CONSIDERABLY MOKE THAN $100 PER ACRE PAID. TRACT WAS. OWNED BY J, McCQY Alllnson And Chandler Buy 160 Acres For Bfgr Price. It leaked out from an authorathe source this afternoon, that the. tfuin Involved In this transaction was an Ten $125 per acre. Stupendous Increase In Grande Ronde valley realty values is reflec ted. In a deal consumated yesterday evening In this city, when naked land brought such a price as has never been equalled. The land in question lies in Frultdale, and comprises 160 acres. It Is known as the McCoy "160" and the purchasers are William Alllnson and J. W. Chandler, both well known here. Some idea of the exact price can be gained from the knowledge that J. D. McKennon rec ntly purchased a tract adjoining this. paying $100 per acre, but this sale price Is considerable better. Merely Naked Land. When naked land without orchards, houses or crops can bring consider ably over $100 per acre, land values i ft ;; .1 !v J THE t-.-.a. Lffl are necessarily high. In this In stance, there are a few Jap quarters on the tract, one acre of orchard land, and the beet crop now growing on it. not Included in the sale. It is, according to realty men who have followed the advance of land, the highest price ever realized in Union county. This deal was consumated through C. J. Black agency". - While there are no improvements of any kind with the land, there does go with it, excellent water rights which Is the root of the enormous price, for, naturally fertile soil, wa ter has made It so productive that it can ' command the highest known price In the history of the country. In a few years the Observer ventures, there will be sales innumerable of this sort, for land now selling at the $50 mark will not be on market for anything less than $100 and running above that often, as this piece has done. 7 '.. ; : '.' TAUT CALLED IU IHtblAKl) KNOWS NOTHING OF GINGLES WHITE SLATE SCANDAL. Was Excused Immediately After Giv ing Brief Evidence. CHICAGO, July 9. Tom Taggarn, a former chairman of the Democra tic National Committee, toik the wit ness stand this morning In the trial of Ella Gingles, the 1 rish lace ma ker, accused of stealing lace from Miss Agnes Barrette, her employer. In previous testimony given by Miss Gingles It was Btated Alias Barrett j (Continued to Page 8). i 1 Stylish New S JUST ARRIVED TAILORED WHITE LINEN WAISTS. , , . The .kind you have been looking for. , - No. 900, Pure white Linen, Pearl Buttons with the ; Pockets trimmed to match, price ", . . V. . . . . . .$3.00 No. 910, Pleated White Linen, trimmed with three - large buttons, price . . .. ......J. ...... ...$3.00 No. 1255, Dainty Wite iinnen, with pleated panel front and embroidered in beautiful patterns, price, . . , . ........... . . ,. ... . r. .$3.50 - ' DUTCH COLLAR WAISTS. , v , All The Rage in the East. ' We have a large assortment of exquisite, patterns i y to choose- from,' prices from :J:i . . . ; $2.00 to $5.00. BEAUTIFUL LINGERIE AND LACE WAISTS. . - 1 Lingerie Waists embroidered -and i pleated, for . ..... . V. . . . . . . . . . . . .89c and Up, " ' 'A beautiful Net Wais in Ecru and White, triinm- ? ed with Persian insertion, price . vt ... ... .$&00 , YOUR WAIST IS HERE. ' Ml STORE THAT SAVES VoU T LAW SAI NULLED PILL SMOKERS HAPPY WASHINGTON LAW IS KiLIED DECLARED CXCOXSTTTUTIOXAL IX SUPERIOR COURT. PASSED RFTFR ,HARD SKIRMISH Great Rejoicing; Among Smokers of Washington Today. TACOMA, July 9. The antl-clga-rette law passed by the last legisla ture is unconstitutional, according to a decision by Judge Miles Clifford, rendered n the Superior court this morning in the case of the State against T. E. Snook and J. R. Murphy. The court said the law is in re straint of interstate commerce, and therefore contrary to the constitution. The defendants were released. The case decided today was taken up from the police court to the high er tribunal for a test. "Pill Fiends" from all over Wash ington have awaited with deep an xiety the opinion of the higher court In this matter, and among them, there has been great rejoicing this afternoon. The law was passed after the moBt Bensational warfare in the legslature, where the reformers were spurred on by thousands of consti tuents. , f if :' MONEY. 11 BANK SUITS ARE III COURT BANK FILED DE MURRERS TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT WANT CASES TRIED BEFORE A JURY SOT COURT. IS PART OF ASSURED LITIGATION Only To of Four Demurrers Arc Argued by Ramsey. Demurrers to suits recently filed against Walter Nledner as receiver of the defunct Farmers & Traders National bank by the Grande Ronde Electric company, in two instances, the Hot Lake Sanitorium, and Frank Phy as trustee for the J. W. Scrlber estate, were in circuit court this morning when two of these demur rers were argued by counsel for the parties interested, T.H. Crawford ap pearing for the plaintiffs. Attorney Ramsey, counsel for the receivership, filed demurrers In each of these four cases, which cases had been brought In equity. During the course of the arguments, however, only two demur rers were argued, namely the Grande Ronde Electric suit of ,$1470 which the lietit fomany wants cancelled from the tank books alleging previ ous settlement, and the other was the sanatorium suit for $3000, which the receiver will attempt to collect on a note said by the company to be an accommation with out consideration. The company asks for surrender and cancellation of the amount. ' The court took the matterunder advisement.- ' : " .- The purpose of the demurrers is to compel the plaintiffs to try the cases before a Jury, rather than before the Jury, rather than before the court court alone. These cases form a portion of the approximate $50,000 of alleged bank assets which are tied up In litigation and cannot be touched until, the courts pass on the merits of the cases. Until then the depositors will receive no additional dividends. , Mns f SEND BILL TO HOUSE WASHINGTON, July 8. The house this afternoon..; adopted the previous question on a rule to send, the! tariff, bill to a conference by a' vote of ;i79 to 153. - Seventeen Republicans vo'ed against the' question; '" r ' ; 1 ; At 12 ;30 this afternoon wthd Sec retary of the), senate presented the tariff bill to te house, and requested a- conference. receBS was then ta ken. ' . ' ? ; ; v ; ' ' . I Considerable' unfavorable comment waj made today among the members of 'the house (Over the action of the sepate, .at 'the instigation Of Aldrich la appointing conferences, for the tar ic bill before the measure wan re turned to. the. bouse. The ordinary procedure Is to send an amended bill to the house, and await its action be- T fore appointing confrees. AUruh dalftied his course was adopted . to save time. Sir. Kutspll Improins. Word was received here this morn ing from the Russell camp that Mrs. James Russell, who met with an ac cident while riding In the hills rec ently, was considerably better today, taking the first nourishment since the accident. It will possibly be several days, however, before she can be brought home. MAS TEX TilVES. "Go Ccter" In Trouble at 'Frisco Over Wives Question. SAN, FRANC I SCO, Calif., July 9. Twenty-four women are involved to day in the strange case of Christian C. Johnson, the alleged bigamist, whom the police believe is John Mad sen, with wives In most of the large cities. Ten wives were found who believe they were all . married to Madson In the past four years. Others think he handled them through prom ises of marriage.. The purtsoner is a puzzle to the police. He is fi2 vnr nlri nrt a professed woman hater. Lane Connty Wins. SALEM, July 8. Lane county was awarded the sweepstakes trophy to day.';, ORECQH DAY AT TWEMT-FIYE OREGON COUNTIES REPRESENTED TODAY. Great Bustling lu Oregon Building at A.T-P. Today. SEATTLE, July 9,-r-Thls is Oregon day , at,thefvwr,iV Oregon building is bustling' with activity. Women who made it possible to en tertain the , thousands .,who passed through the building, predominate. Exercises began at 11 o'clock, with nn nrlilrnKH delivered hv Archblahon I Alexander Chlratte. of the Catholic J diocese In Oregon, and Governor Ben-. ' son. Twenty-five counties were rep ' resented among hostesses, nearly ev 'ery woman a member of a woman's club. Wives of Oregon Commission ers entertain the clubwomen at a reception and- dinnr in the New York building tomorrow afternoon. all Rlverside park's street car vjhich made its initial trip at 1 o'clock this afternoon with Joe Woods doing the motorman stunt, was loaded to the guards with women and children. They were hanging on to the "straps." on the "Cow Catcher" and some with a little more' courage were on top and In serious -danger of striking the trol ley wires. It was kept very busy dur ing the. afternoon, for'as" fast as one loadjwas taken to the park,, another waited for It at the street car station (Presbyterian church). ;OesDite the Intermittent showers th. people' have got the spirit of clean-up day and are res61ved . to' work, rain or; 'shlW.'' '-Already- there are a large crowd of women an htl- .dren at . the park and at 4 o'clock, there was a . stampede, at t the busi ness men.;. . , : ... . The ice cream for the workers Is furnshed by the Blue Mountain creamery and Is certainly a treat for the workers.'' Coffee will be served and after .the work Is finished, it the dampness does not prevent, there will be a large bonfire of the deorls TOTAL LAUDS OF IIA UNION COUNTY VERY SMALL 69,040 ACRES UNSURVEYED BAKER COOTV LEADS IX SIR. TETED PUBLIC LANDS. , EXHAUSTIVE TA8LE IS COMPILED Union County Among The Lowest of All The Count! Receiver F. C. Bramwell has Just completed his annual report of the area of lands unappropriated and not reserved in this land office district This does not include the land hi the Forestry reserve nor that in irriga tion projects. It is a very difficult job, as all of the records in regard Xo land taken up, have to be gone over. and has tonsumed considerable time. The following table was compiled: Surveyed Lands. Baker county, 405.230 acres; Grant, 197,160; Morrow, 61,800; Umatilla, 149,760; Wrallowa, 117,960; Union, 63, 040. - , Unttnrveyed Lands. . , Baker, 27.2G0; Umatilla. 530. Total Surveyed And UuNurvejcd. Baker, 522.210; Grant, 197,160; Morrow, 61,800; Umatilla, 150,299; . Union, 69,040; Wallowa, 117,960. ' Total In All Counties. Surveyed, 1,090,970; . unsurveyed, 27,799; surveyed and unsurveyed, l, 118,789. ,: : AH of this land Is pncipally moun- talhous.tflniber, grazing and" farajc Ing. There Is some fruit land In Ba ker county.''; 'f '.'f . This - is the only approximately correct report made out in several years. - - ,...,:-.-;.. , ', "Work Done,. County Assessor Rlnehart reports that' the work of asseslng the prop erty is all practically finished and, by the last of the week all the stragglers will have had their property assesedL VETERAN i SUICIDES 2 NORTH YAKIMA, July 9. The mangled remains of Levi R. Ledua, veteran of the Civil war,. was found on the main line of the Northern Pa cific today. In a pocket was found a restraining order from the superior court of Yakima county, prohibiting him from visiting the home occupied by his wife, who started divorce proceedings.'- ';- "v ' ;-.'(', It' is supposed- the old . man was heartbroken, and committed sulci je. Last Day Tomorrow. ' Tomorrow is the last day for dis count on electric light bills. ' i ' collected, tonight While it rained Jn town it was sev eral hours before the park site actu ally felt the showers. . . '. ' V - - 4;