I HIIMD BUDGET OF 1 I HEWSY HAPP1K I DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS A Word to the Wise God , A Complete Line of FIREWORKS We must unload some of the large sizes : : : : J.-;' LA GRANDE, ORE. t La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets aacb Monday evening it I. O. 0. F. kill. All riming neighbors are cor- tlklly invited to attend. M. McMURRAY. C CAL JORDAN, Clerk. F.O.E. La Grande Aerie No. 259, F. O. E., assets every Friday night in Elk's ball iilp.iL Visiting brethren invited at attend. - C E. HACKMAN. W. P. GEO. ABEGG. W. 8. 0. E. 8. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S., hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. TJiitlcg members cordially invited. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, W. M. MART A WARNICK, Secretary. L 0. 0. F. Encampment Etar Encampment No. SI, I. 0. O. il'., meets every second and fourth Wednesday in tbe month, in Odd Fel- tows' ball. VSaitlng patriarchs always welcome. - , W A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. B. f A. Meets every Thursday evening at L O. O. F. hall. Vieirlng members al ways welcome. ANGUS STEWART, President. ' C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No.' 169,' W. 0. W., meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening in K. of P. hall in tbe Corpe building. All visiting mem Mrs welcome. ; NERt ACKLES. J. H. KEENET, Consul Commander. ' 'Clerk. .' Quick Transfer a t a For Rapid Delivery Stivkt Call Up ' : WXQCK WQS We are in position to do any k)nd of transferring. Give us a trial order. Calls answered day a i tx$ Red 711. V 5JicJi; Black lJtl. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND BEST GOODS EVER SHOWN IN UNION COUNTY. WE HAVE OTHERS BUT WILL ONLY MEN TION THESE IN THIS AD. ' I $375.00 A beautiful Colonial Bet in Wax Golden Oak, con sisting set of six fine leather1ehairs - ;60 inch round ; pedestal 10 foot extension table; 60 inch buffet; serv ; ing table; and china closet; fThe swellest suit ever "shown in Grand Ronde valley. 5 See window display. im,oo.: ':;';ft'-::;,v Colonial dining room suit, Wax Golden Oak. Very handsome; well worth the money. Must be seen to " be appreciated. . ' $80.00. Leathered Oak Dining Room Suit. Those who have visited the large cities tecently' will recognize this style, with the exception of the price ,which is much higher than ours. WE CARRY THE STOCK; ALL GRADES. IF IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN nOUSE FURNISH INGS CALL Hemy & Can r.-.fSfe; L 0. 0. F. Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. IS, meets in their hall every Saturday night Vis itlng brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant. HUGH McCALL, N. G OSCAR C00L1DGE. Secretary. W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. foresters el America. Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednesday night la K. of P. hall. Brothers are invited to attend. BEN HAISTEN, C. R. LEO HERRING, C. S. C J. VANDERPOEL, F. & A. F. A A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. R.L. LINCOLN, W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets ev ery Monday evening in Cagtle Hall (old Elk's ball). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C. K. U L1MUULN. K. Of K. ft S. KtBEKAIIS. Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. ball. All visiting members are invited to attend. JENNIE N. SMITH, N. G. MARTHA E. SCOTT. Secretary. B. P. 0. E. . La Grande Lodge No. 433, meeeta each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner Depot Btreet and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. H. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. LADIES AND GENTS. Cleaning, Dying and Repairing. 1 . ., ' ' . . . You work solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. In rear of C. C. Penlngton ft Com pany's store. ' Phones. ' Pacific States Black 851. Home Ind. 171. H. L. WINN. ootn. HILGARD, July 2. (Special) Weath er getting warmer; and every one complaining of the beat. J. D. Casey made a business t f It to Pendleton Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanford have moved from Rock Creek camp, and will live In Hilgard. Oscar Coombs was -down from tbe Coombs ranch Wednesday evening. Everyone Is invited to attend the dance, Saturday night, July 3. Supper at Hotel Nels Holverson. C. N Lewis visited La Grande Mon day. FAMILY HOUSE KILLED. Carriage Horse Owned by Mr. Ferpu- son Falls And Breaks Leg. A valuable family carriage horse be longing to Proprietor Ferguson of the Ronde Valley house, met with an ac cident this morning which necessita ted killing the trusty horse. The horse stumbled and broke one leg, and to relieve the suffering, the owner In structed the animal be killed outright, Tooked Food Sale. Get your 4th of July dinner at the cooked food' sale. Home-made bread, cake, doughnuts and beans, all frerta- ly baked, Saturday morning. Will bo for sale at 1 o'clock at Russells meat market. This Is no Bluff. A 7 room cottage up-to-date, with cellar and out buildings, in right lo cation. Cheap at $2,500 will take $2, 300 must make change on account of health. (J-ll-J-17) , Address J. R. Case Observer Dance at Elks' HalL Attend the dance at the Elks' Audi torium, July 5th at 2:30 p. m. and 8:30 p. m. Good music, maple floor,, tic kets 10c In the afternoon and J 1.00 at night. Receipts for the benefit of the celebration fund. (tf) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. : Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore. May 24, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that JOHN KOROLL, of La Grande, Oregon, who, on Sep- tmhr 29 '1903 made Homestead En-' try No. 13261, Serial No. 04028, for SE NEU. NE?4 SE& Sec. 7, WH NW. section 8, vownship 2 south, range 38 east, Willlmette M., has filed notlc of intention to make final year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before th register and receiver, U. S. Land Office, La Cranio. Oregon, ui tbe I2tb day t. Julj . 10. V Claimant naur as witnesses : French; H. Cwsly. Ttv troebr. George Olhaoa. Joha If ore. At of La Grande. Orwi. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. A t A letter to me , stating your location and needs J will bring you all the in- formation regarding well drilling necessary. PR. A WESTi :! The Well Driller Vou Need We - 1 Miss Fay Milligan of La Grande, is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. N. Lewis. .Richard Lowe has moved into Hil gard for the summer There will be 'a grand dance at La Bray hotel, Saturday night, July 3, and a big ball game on the diamond Sunday. Game called at 2:30. t Mrs. Laura Harves made a trip to La Grande Saturday. Many Hilgardites attended the cir cus in La Grande Saturday, returning home well satisfied with the show. Mr. Archie Kelly has gone to Sump ter, where he will be employed. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereoy given that letters of executorship have been issued by tbe County Court of Union County, Oregon, to Angus Shaw, Jr. upon the last will and testament of Angus Snaw, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against said deceased are notified to present tne same with proper voucher to the undersigned at bis residence. La Grande, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1., within six montas ftuui 1jh9 oi ui nonce. Dated this June 21, A. D. 1909. ANGUS SHAW JR., Executor. (i-ta-5-t) J. D. Slater, atty for Ex.7 N. D. C. Rheumatic Capsules-We guarantee them. Newlin Drug Co. Sweet Oder. (good article) and pure cider vinegar, for sale by H. Young, phone Farmer 94. For Sale. House and eight lots in south La Grande, city water and good well; large barn and plenty of fruit Best view of the valley. . Thos. S. Harris, 1302 B street. WHT HOt TRT Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY? Gives prompt and positive relief . i very case. Sold by druggists. Price 81.00. Trial package by mall 10 : cents. Williams Mfg. Co.; Props. Cleveland For sa by - 'A. T. HILL, Druggist. Up Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an atorney of Pitta field, Vt, writes: "We have used Dr. Kingg's New Life Pills tor years and find them such a good family medl For Chills. Constipation, Bllliousnesi or Sick Headache they work won- !r t&c yswlln Drug Co. We have Just reeelveC a complet line of Columbia double disc records 65c Newlin Book & Stationery Co. Cagel Matotfc .'lank sidewalks built and repair ed, excavating and filling. Phone Black 1562. (J-20-J-20) DO YOU KNOW: FOR CERTAIN? ll that your title is . good? I I An abstract will teli 'you I tc your advantage to have I one made. You cannot' afford to take chancesT T ;.R. OLIVER: La Grande National Bank Building SELDER'S i Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS "D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry rTHE GEORGE LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish andtieliier "material promptly. Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. fiirfrlSlKvlR It you believe in your town why not make it worth while to do busi ness here? : : : : : ASK FOR LA GRANDE SUGAR I............ .........................e.e.......: aaaaeeeeeaaaeaac 'Accuracy the Key Note j I When ypu are installih.a new plumbinig systeirt ormking.tbe minutest repair. We do this at the time you want it and at prices you can afford to pay. BAY & 211 DEPO) STRtEl Z eeee see ' The Observer : suits. That's what you advertise for- ..........'Try The Observer tetee4eH resetting -and repairing PALMER ZWEIFEL I brings its patrons re- and be convinced. s V in vv 1 1 .A