FIGHT PACES. ETEirreg ousibte ia ratde, obegox. moxdat, joe m, my. I ' ! PAGE THREE. Works For rare JULY FOURTH We have the latest improved noise makers for the day and the popular fire works for the evening. Our stock is fresh and large and while we hope we have enough to go around it will be a good plan to buy younr fire works early, thus having the widest choice and making sure '.of getting Justt what you want and all you want F1EE CRACKERS, CANSOX CRACKERS, TORPEDOES, EXPLO SITE TABLETS, COLORED FIRE, PCXK, EOMAX CAXDLES, FIX WHEELS, VOLCANOES, ETC, ETC : The Most Reliabl to be Had an d at prices right. NewlinBook & 3faitionery Co. LA GRANDE SILTEB TOILET SETS. Nothing will be as much ap preciated by the bride and groom as something that will be of practical as well as decora tive use in other words, silvor backed hair brushes, combs. manicure sets, etc. etc. - In these lines we are showing splendid assortments assort ments that compare favorably with the most completely stock ed of metropolitan establish ments at prices that are much better than those quoted here or elsewhere. You will do well to Inspect our stock before you buy elsewhere. J. H. PERM iSiliii Huntington Cove ...... Union '..-... La Grande Elgin Baker City Standing of The Clubs. W. L. P.C. 777 777 600 555 333 000 YDAIL OBSERVER 65c a Month 1 N. D. C. Rheumatic Capsules We guarantee them. Newlln Drug Co. New I Carry one of the Largest Stocks of and Secondhand Household Furnishings To be found in the country. You cannot afford to overlook my stock when in need of anything. In my second hand departmeut you may find jusf what you are looking for and if so you will always obtain a bargain. Right now, I have: several exceptional good offerings in Cook Stoves, a $65 Saddle for $20. LawnmMowers nearly as good as new at attractive pr ces. Granite Iron Ware, Crockery and Glassware, Carpets, Rugs, Iron Beds, Dining Tables, Rocking'jChairsMattresses and a" thousand and one things that must be seen to be ap preciated.. Always make it a rule to visit my store and keep in touch with the bargains rhat are coming in and going out daily. Chas. L. England The House of Bargains La Grande yesterday forfeited the game with Elgin to Elgin on account of refusal to consider or comply with La Grande's objectfons and request regarding umpires. The game went by default and the excursion costing Grant Lincoln a neat sum of monev due to lack of. patronage returned to T n r . . . .... It was another of those nasty af fairs which crop out In' baseball oc casionally with any aggregation where organization is not up to the highest standard, and even then, frequently. The fracas arose over the fact that Elgin would have Lee Morelock for umpire and no other arrangement could be made with them. Manager Lincoln objected to Morelock, as other managers before him have. After wordy negotiations. Lincoln condescended to have Elgin name any other man but Morelock, Elgin refus ed. Then, Btooplng still farther, Lin coln offered to leave Morelock In. provided La Grande name another of ficial, which is perfectly legitimate. Again Elgin refused. . Then La Grande refused to , play and went home. While not substantiated, it is said that Morelock had money up on the game, and, La Grande learning of this, refused to let him officiate. The excursion train was run with a patronag of 25 and Llncolu paid fares for 35 imaginary passengers. I;tnee. Attend fie -nice at Elks hall, July 5th, 2 p. in. an J P ;. in.. Good music, maple floor; tickets 10 cents. Re ceipts for benefit Of celebration fund. 5J8S Notice to Creditors. Kitchen Coolness No hot and blistering air to sap vitality and make cooking intolerable when work is done on the safe, economical and comfort' able New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove. Using necessary household work is done in restful coolness doesn t heat the kitchen. The MEW PESFECT1N Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove a uum wun a ivy Jual " Combines conveniences found in no other oil stove.. , Tin perfect stove for summer, inree sizes, nuiiumiuwuivwiu".-!. At your dealer s, or write our neaici agem. The true ter i the faults of other lamps. A perfect artificial light Handsome and safe. If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL. COMPANY (Incorporated) DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month Notice is hereby given that letters of executorship have been Issued by the County Court of Union County, Oregon, to Angus Shaw, Jr. upon the last will and testament of Angus Shaw, deceased, and all persons hav ing claims against Bald deceased are notified to preuent the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at his residence, La Grande, Oregon, R. F. D. No. 1.,' within six months from date of this notice. ' Dated this June 21, A. D. 1909. ' ANGUS SHAW JR., Executor. (d-m-5-t) J. D. Slater, atty for Ex. Ten Arce F r u i t Tract 6 Ares in apples and cherries. House barn -and irrigation and . other conveniences- ' $1,250 IT'S A SNAP BECAUSE! IT'S NEAR COVE, (COVE IS TO UN ION COUNTY, WHAT HOOD RIVER IS TO COLUMBIA RIV ER DISTRICT), BECAUSE THE SOIL IS A DEEP, BLACK LOAM, BECAUSE IT HAS 600 ROME BEAUTY. YORK IMPER IAL. ROYAL ANN AND BINO TREES,' AND BECAUSE THE PRICE IS WHAT YOU ORDI N.ARILY WILL PAY FOR THE RAW LAND IN THIS VICIN ITY. SEE US TODAY ABOUT THIS PLACE. The Van Duyn Realty (o. Depot Street BOTH PHONES M ISI New Ribbons Collar Spreaders ; Bunting and Flags Serpentines and Firecrackers . IW. )NELLMM & CO. ADAMS AVENUE ta Grande ED. PROPECK, The Second Hand Dealer School Of Music T,he only School of Music like it in the state ' ' .V teaching young ana new students as well as ' . ' ; the older ones The very ...... : ; LATEST METHODS USED The Conservatory of Music of Boston is the oesi in me couniry we teach as they do. MISS DAY, , Primary Teacher E. PORTER DAY, ' ; Principal Daily Observer, 65c per Month E-EU-SA-TIIE OMY LAWFUL FILE CURE. Because It does not contain 'narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or anr poisonous drugs. Because E-ItU-SA cures piles. U. S. Dispensatory recommends every Ingredient of E-RU-SA. Drug laws make "false or misleading statements" a crime. Therefore the sale of all old or nar cotic pile medicines Is illegal, because they effect the brain and spinal marrow; produce constipation and never cure. Only drujtjtlsts of highest standing sell and endorse E-RU-SA. . SILVERTIIOUVS FAMILY DRUG STORE. FAT FOLKS ONE DOLLAR Invested In a bottle of those wonderful, harmless ?at-reduc(nv tahit and In 30 day i you will be a normal, well-formed prison again. Don't earn ; around your ugly bulk, your ungainly superfluous It makei van mia. erable ridiculous and what Is more Important. It suojects you to fa'al conte. ' quences, sudden death from fatty degeneration, heart dlseaie, kidney trou ble, apoplexy and muscular rheumatism all come from OVER-FATNE8& "ANT1.CORP0" It o V At Pfll pi11 j 9 Thousands of Testimonials from Grate ful People Prove This YOLR MONEY BACKJIF IT FAILS ANTI-COrtPU is absolutely the greatest discovery in mealclno lor e duclng fat. It Is made In the form .Z A little tablet out of Vegetable mat ter and Is easy and pleasant to take. It is endorsed by every reputable phy sician and College of Medicine. a' Ask our doctor. ANTI-CORPU Is absolutely harmless. The formula used In making this I reparation U on file In the Bureau of Chemistry In Washington, which is proof that It ta PURE and HARMLESS. , .- ; ANTI-COKPU reduoes FAT S to t pound a week. It reduces double chin, fat hips and flabby cheeks.. No wrinkles result fiom this reduction, cr it makes the skin close-fitting and smooth. AXTl-t OitPU st-engthene weak heart, cures palpitations, short breath, and acta like magic in muscular rheumatism and gout. PRICE $1.00 per bottle. Money back If It don't do all we claim. If your druggist does not ketp it, show him this advertisement and make htm ret It for you. or you can send for it DIRECT to us. Wo pay postage and tend In plain wrapper. 80 DAYS' TREATMENT IS EVERY BOTTLE. We will send you aaample of this wondciful fat-reducln remedy on receipt of ten cents to pay for postage and packing. The sampl Itself snay be sufficient to reduce th desired weight Mention this paper. Desk 4. FREE; ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO. WESTI25U1 STREET NEW YORK .,N Y,