riGE TWO. ETESISG OBSIETEK, A GRANDE, 0RTG05. 3I05DAT, JOE 2S, 1909. DIRECTORY or THE FRATERNAL ORDERS L.A GRANDE, ORE. 31. W. A . La Grande Camp No. 7703 rneets jacb Monday evening at I. O. O. F. ktlL All visiting neighbors are cor dially Invited to attend. M. McMlRRAY. C CAL JORDAN. Clerk. r. o. e. La Grasde Aerie So. 259, F. O. E., Beets every Friday nigbt ia Elk's hall li t p. a, Visiting brethren Invited tm attend. C E. HACKMAX, W. P. GEO. ABEGG, W. S. L 0. O. FvSsborliESte. La Grande Lodge No. 16. meets In j.heir hall every Saturday nighc Vis iting brothers cordially invited toat-.c-ad. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant. HUGH McCALL. N. G OSCAR COOLIDGE-Secretarj-K. WORSTELL, Fin. Sea t'restert i Aneries. i Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednesday night in K. of P. i ball. Brothers are invited to attend. I BEN HAISTEN, C. R. I LEO HERRING. C. 8. 0 C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. 8. Hops Chapter No. 13, O. E. S, hold i A. F. A. 31. stated communications the second and La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & foartn Wednesdays of each month. M nojdg regl,iar meetings first and Tliung members cordially Invited. i Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, W. M. J R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. MARY A WARNICK, Secretary. ; A. C WILLIAMS, Secretary. L 0. 0. F. Encampment j Knights of Pythias. Star Encampment No. 21. I. O. o ' p.;j Crzzi LcL Iw. 27, uievis ev FV meets every second and fourth ery Monday evening in Castle Hall 1fs4nesday In the montU In Odd Fel-(0ld Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome lows' halL Visiting patriarchs always to all visiting knights, welcome. ' ' J. F. BAKER, C. C. RE. COOLIDGE. CP. , R. L. LINCOLN. K. of R. & S. RINEHARTS RETURN The Union county delegation to the Rinebart reunion which, was held at Freewater, last week, have all return ed. There were 118 of the Rlnehart clan present from all over the Inland Empire: The affair lasted five days and was one of the most successful and enjoyable meetings held by the family. Those who attended from L'nion county were: Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Rinebart, Mrs. Anna Smith. Carl and Fred Dittebrandt and H. C. Rlne hart and family of SummerviUe; Mrs. Henry Rlnehart and S. A. Chapel of Elgin; Clay Rlnehart of Imbler and Tod Rlnehart and Miss Nell Morton of La Grande. The officers elected for the follow ing year were: W. D. Edwards, Mays vllle, president and W. Cyum of Olex, secretary. M. B. cf A. Meets every Thursday evening at : L 0. O. F. hall. Visiting members al ways welcome. ANGUS STEWART. President C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. tVoodaien of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. O. HT., meets every second nd fourth Tuesday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corpe building. All visiting mem bers welcome. NER ACKLES. J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commander. Clerk. liEBEKAIIS. Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every Tuesday evening at tha I. O. O- F. hall All visiting members are Invited to attend. JENNIE N. SMITH. N. G MARTHA E. SCOTT. Secretary. In seeking the newest you find it at Van Duyn's store. Just received a C 6 wu Jkiiu. otc ana wame elastic belts, nobby Dutch collars. pins, cuff button sets, fine line of Dutch collars. Friday and Satur days we will have on sale our en tire line of underskirts, both black and white, at a big discount Call and see them. VAN DUYN CO. 1$. P. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meeets each Thursday evening at o'clock In Elk's club, corner Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. H. E. COOLIDGE. Exalted Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. Quick Transfer For Rapid Delivery Seivke Call Up WILLC0CKBR0S We are In position to do any kind of transferring. Olve us a trial order. Calls answered day or tight Phones: Day, Red 741. Night, Black 1271. LADIES AD GEMS. Cleaning, Dying and Repairing. You work solicited and satisfaction guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. .In rear of C. C. Penlngton & Com pany'a store. Phones, Pacific States Black 851. Home Ind. 171. H. L. WINN. The Little Shop Main St. Stamping of all kinds. Includ ing shirt waists & Center pieces. When you buy goods of Penington, you get a GUARANTEE. . We guarantee them perfect arid if you find them otherwise you'll get your money back. If you buy goods at our store you're on the proper track. C. C PENINGTON & CO Reservation Openings. For full Information regarding Coeur d'Alene Spokane and Flathead opening, send 25 cents for pamphlet to P. Simons, Nezperce, Idaho. A Pleasant Physic. When you want a pleasant physic Tablets a trial. The yare mild and gentle in their action and always pro uce a pleasant cathartic rffet Call t iit j(oou aesleri :o- a iTh. vdiWm. Gomplete equipment for rubber buggy tires. resetting and repairing WHY NOT TRY Popbam's ASTHMA REMEDY? Jives prompt and positive relief i evry case. Sold by druggists, Pric 11.00. Trial package by mall 10 cents. IVUlUun Mfg. Co., Props, Cleveland . For sale by A. T. HTT.Ti, Druggist I, done, embroidery lessons given. J j FjlQf"-PlflSS RC- pairing Orders taken and lessons given j In e?ncillng. Full line of em- 1 broidery materials 0 mmg Room HlfS ft ED STIUNGHAM, AUCTIONEER. "Bale cried on short notice. 4 Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON 4 Ro .te No. t 'Phone No. 196x5 You Need I A Well r THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND BEST GOODS EVER SHOWN IN UNION COUNTY. WE HAVE OTHERS BUT WILL ONLY MEN TION THESE IN THIS AD. $375.00 A beautiful Colonial set in Wax Golden Oak, con sisting set of six fine leather chairs; 60 inch round pedestal 10 foot extension table; 60 inch buffet; serv ing table, and china closet. The swellest suit ever shown in Grand Ronde valley. See window display. $120.00. Colonial dining room suit, Wax Golden Oak. Very handsome; well worth the money. Must be seen to be appreciated. $80.00. Leathered Oak Dining Room Suit. Those who have visited the large cities recently will recognize this stvle, with the exception of the price , which is much higher than ours. ' WE CARRY THE STOCK; ALL GRADES. IF IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH INGS CALL Henry & Carr fJSL A letter to me stating your location, and needs will bring you all the in formation regarding well drilling necessary. t ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A Shoe poorly repaired Is worthless, but a properly re paired Shoe Is good as new. My work pleases and satisfies. R. Plant THE OLD PRESTON STAND. DO YOU KNOW : FOR CERTAIN? R. A. WEST, The Well Driller I that your title is gocd? An abstract will tell you all about it and it may be tc your advantage to have I one made. You cannot afford to take chances. J.R. OLIVER: La Grande National Bank Building GRANDE IKON WORKS D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry frw44 THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for . Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood We are prepared to furnish anddeliver 'material promptly. Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. If you believe in your town why not make it worth while to do busi ness here? : : : : j ASK FOR LA GRANDE SUGAR Accuracy the SCcy Note MM I lMMI SEASON OPENED AT SELDER'S ICE CREAM and SOFT DRINKS When you are installing a new plumbinig system or making the minutest repair. We do this at the time you want it and at prices you can afford to pay. BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEP0) STREE1 J :