EYEM5G CBSLHTElt, LA liitA-MIt, OitL'Kv ... RIMY, Jl"E 56, 1909. Arte abstract before you Invest if 'olutely necessary if you wish to ( old buying a lot of expensive lit 1 i Jon and probable loss of the invest I at - llaTC US arBW 'uu u ttu u;rarr, . purchasing. We have the only bplete set of abstract books in Cn- county. Guaranteed accuracy and mpt work. ' , U GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. if - I lie wise men of today are those who on the slighest trouble with their eye sight have that trouble investi gated by a reputable optician. Many am an wearing glasses today could have had his trouble remedied by the wearing of glasses for a short period if he attended to it in time. J. H. PEARE Summer Rates t IF o eft During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on The 0. R. & N. line To OMAHA and Return... $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return. . .$60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return. $67.50 To CHICAGO and Return $72.50 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit October 31. '. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12. To Denver and Return ......... . . $55.00 On Sale May 17; July 1; August 11. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stopover .privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pass engers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. . Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any O. R. & N. leal agent, or W3L McMUERAT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. A GOOD RcGORD ! We have conducted a laundry business in La Grandejfor many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. A. B. G, Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 t t The J. I. Scott Miisie Co. I Successors to -:- ; tramvvell Mfisic Go. 4 "It, ? - e vcmempeWlmycrthe old reliable ChicKeririg, Weber, Kimball, Lester; j 5 43 other good makes of PIANOS Good line of small instruments and Sheet Music. Edison's full line. i The J. T Scott Music Co. La Grande, Oregon 7 : REM ESTATE TRANSFERS Real estate transfer for week end ing June 23. reported by La Grrndj Investment Co.. abstractors. . Charity Bloom to E. C. FuId: SEVi NE4SE of aec. 18, tp. 3 SR 43 ft $1.00. , E. C. Fulp, to Minnie Weaver: NW ttSWU SWNW. sec. 17. SE NE, NESE of sec 18, tp. 3 SR 40 E, $1.00. La Grande Investment Co. to V. L. May: NSE, NESWK, 8enw4 of aec. 6, NHSE, SESWVi, SEU SE. 8NW. NWSW of aec. 7. SWSE of see. S. twp. 2 SR 40 E and EKNEK. NEy4SEVt of sec. 12, tp. 2 SR 39 E, $1.00. Bert E. Slack to Emma D. Slack: S'SE of aec. 27, tu NR 38 E. $3000.00. t F. C. Slack to Philip Richer: SE nwv.: rwkmhi''' - - 3 SR 40 E. $1800.00. J W. L. May to J. F. Gross: N',aSE4. SEtfNW, NESW of aec. ;, I,). 2 SR 40 E, $1.00. 'E.'NV. Oliver to W. F. St'ne:XW. NW of Bee. 29, tp 2 SR 39 E 1600.00. Minerva E. Neal Estate to F, R. Bridges: Lot 1, blk 69 of Chaplin's add., $1000.00. R. R. Bridges to J. B. Fisher: Same as last above, $1000.00. Minnie Pinkerton to J. N. Shanks: 1-2 int in S V6 of lots 13, 14. 15, 16, 17, 18 of blk 3 of Imbler, $300.00. N. C. McLeod to Josephine M. Jack: Lot 6 of blk. 6 of Shaw's add. to Sum merville, $1.00. Josephine M. Jack to Geo. Krouser: Lots 2. 8. 6, 7, 8, blk. 6 of Shaw'B add. to Summervllle, $500.00. U. S. to Blanche Baker: SE4NWU. NEi4SW of sec 3, tp SR 37 E, Blanche Baker to Mary C. Amadon: Same as last above, $1000.00. W. O. Sallee to I. S, Winn: E4SW"U sec. 5, tp. 4 SR 38 E, $200.00. J. L. Corbett to D. H. Steward: Lota 1 and 2, blk. 12 of Grandy's 2nd add., $1200.00 H. E. Putman to Ella Putman:Tract in SEtt. aec. 19, tp 4 SR 40, $1.00.. "MaftiA Prophntel tn V.mmn A ClraAv WI.MU Lot 4 of bllr. 13 of Grandy's add., $1100.00. Sada Anderson to "A. Provost: Lota 11, 12, 13 of blk. 2 of Grandy's add., $500.00. ;. W. B. Bartholf to Maud N. James: Lots 1 and 2 of blk. 7 of R. E. Steven son's add. to Elgin, $750.00. U. S. to Ozra Hunt: SESE'i of sec. 32, tp 1 SR 36 E. , A. L. Berry to W. F. McKennon: NW. sec. 30. tp 2 SR 39 E., $9912.00. STATEMEXT OF LA GRANDE X U j TION'AL BAK. ' ' I REF'ORT OF THE CONDITION' OF the La Grande National bank, at La ' Grande in the State of Oren, at the i close of busluesa, June 23rd, ia09; No ' 3655. , , ! - Resources Loans and discounts $623,808.84 Overdrafts secured and unse- cufed 2,461.97 U. S. bonds to secure circu lation 62,000.00 U. S. bonds to secure U. S. de- I)UBltB 50,000.00 Bonds, securities, etc . . 24,970.17 Banking house, furniture, and flxtur '55.000.00 Due from National banks tnot reserve agents) ......... 23,712.23 Due from State . and private banks and bankers, trust companies, and savings banks 1,338.65 Due from approved reserve agents 90,225.93 Checks and other cash Items. ... 638.24 Notes of other National banks, - 1,775.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents , 567.71 La tut tuuuey reserve In bank, viz: Specie. ........ 35.211.30 .......... Legal tender notes, 25,341.00, 60,552.30 Redemption fund with U. s. ; . , . Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) .... v. . 2,082.50 La Grande Professional Total- $909,133X1 Liabilities. ' Capital stock paid in ..... rtmGo Surplus fund .............. ',0.00 Undivided profits, less expen ses and taxes paid 10,166.17 National bank notes outstand ing ..., 60,995.00 Due to other National banks. 12,114.8s Due to State and private : banks and bankers ..... 213.91 Individual deposits Bubject to check 410,091.73 Demand certificates of deposit .,.......i. 285,710.85 Certified checks 90.PP United States deposits ... . . . . j 278.. Deposits of U. S. dUburslui., officers 7.472.T Directory Total .s. ...... ....... .'. '999,133.5, State of Oregon, County of Union, bj.: I, George Palmer, President of th-above-named band do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. GEORGE PALMER, , President. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of June, 1909. EARL ZUNDELL, Notary Public. Correct Attest: George L. Cleaver. C. C. Penlngton W. L. Breqholts. Directors. DRY CHAIN WOOD DRY - For Best quality oi DRY chain wood call on V. E. BEAM ; Biggest loads for least money , PdONE RED r 1741 rilYSlCIAS. DEST1STS. J. H. HUBBARD, M. D. C. B, CAUTHORN " PhyBlclan and Surgeon. ... , Dentist Jfflce In New Bank Building .Rooms Offlc over Hill's Drug Store. 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main La Grande Oregoa 98; Office .Main, 78. m . " ' J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. v cl ; DenUst ' ' ' Physician and Surgeon. ' Room 23, La Grande National Bank Office over Hill's Drug Store Building. Phone Black 199). Office Phone 1362. Residence Main 55. . v TEACHERS OF 11 US 1 12. N. MOL1TOR, M. D. - - Physician and Surgeon. . PROF. E. PORTER DAT, Principal Corner Adams ave and Depot st Grande School of Music Office Main 68. Residence Main C9. Mrs.: Day., -aaalatftiitt . bk " ' Greenwood ave.. one door south of BACON & HALL. Adaina ave. Thone Black 1831. ' Physicians and Surgeons. , Office in La Grande National Bank MISS STELLA OLIVER Building. Phone Main 19. Teacher of Piano and Harmony. , 3. T. Bacon, Residence .Main 18. 1 Studio at residence of Turner Olivet M. K. Hall. Residence, Main 62. cofner Fourth and O avenue. DR. F. E. MOORE " ' ' MISk ..OSE HOUSE ' DR. H. C. P. MOORE InBfuc tor in i ...., Harmony and Ostepathic Physicians. - Tecliiuo. 'lrkvm-v Graduates Under Founder. 210i Nrtl Spiuce street Office Sommer Building. La Grande Oregon Phones: OOo Main 63; Res. Main C4. - . c 11. upto.v, r'T. a., m. d. rrrrr :rrr Physician anaur ; a wt ( fecial attention given to Lyc. Ear, Q A rch"ec, J "J cEfng ,neer; , Nose and Throat . Surveying, Civil and Structural Engl- Jfflce tn La Grande Nationnl , Bank J16 , f," Building Twenty Years' Experience hones: Office, Main 2 Residence ROBERT MILLER. Main. 32. ' 1 . . , Architect 1 Office 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phones TEKIXARY SUltOEOS Pacific, Main 1. Home independent DR. P. A. CHARLTON. ' No- ; " ' ' - Veterinary Surgeon. ATTORSEIS. ' See at Hill's Drug Store, La Giaude. Residence Phone Red 701. Chas. E. Cochran Geo T. Cochraa PHom lnrk 1361 COCHRAN & COCHRAN. Independent Phone 63. Attorneys. I Both phones at residence. La Grande National Bank Building. , La Grande - Oregon. DR. W., H. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University. H. H. LLOYD. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery Attorney at Law. ' t all kinds. Country calls promptly Practices in nV ' - 1 ourts of the SUU nswered. ' - and ciiited States. Office 1'.14 Adams avenue. EWn Oregon hones: Pacific Black 1901. i ' - 1 independent IW a OtAWTWUX i, Attorney at Law. s DR. T. W. RIDDELi-. .vi. 1. O. P-pftlces lu all the courts of the Stat Gr duate Veterinarian. and United States. ' ' Office Red Cross Dru,; ; Office In La Grande National Bank 'hones: Pacific. Main 4. I!i.u.e. 121, Building, La Grande, Oregon. jk Grande OrEon 11 - ! K0P WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. ELECTRICAL EXGOEERS. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. ' ;t-t-ii-l-u-l lt.'-l.'-u-u --l- -- -. -. . u J 1 Rooms 15 and 16 Sonuner Block r h. A. PICKLER I Grande : Oregon. !lTal, Mining. Irrigation Engineering v- vliTI ; - . 'and surveying. - A .. lJUJj ' . , -.- stlmates, plans and specifications. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Office In Bohnenkamp Building. Teacher and Manager. ! Grande Oregot. Telephone Farmers 1976. eeeeeeeeeMete N.K.mST.Pns. Win. mtlER, Vict Pres. T. J. SCR0GGIN, Cash H. EC00UD6Et Asst. Cash Hddiug NEW- ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts and our business is increasing at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably you might be glad ' and join us. M The United States National Bank Of La Grande I N. K . lVes VP. Staples C. T. Bacon directors: .. Wm. Miller H. E. Coolidge T. 1. Scroggin I. L Cavines Frank'Conley i A, T. Hill What Ire From the fleck up? The ordinary unskllledlaborer Is worth from $1.60 to $3.00 per day from taeaeckiowav If you are capable of doing heai'werlt planning andfllfectlng the work of others, your services ars worth from $4.00 to $10.00 per day ..upwards. Two fity to seven-dollars a day. represents the difference from a financial standpoint between the, trained and, the untrained worker, or In other wordsif your value lies from the neck up. or neck down. ." ; : v;' Many a man, who today Is down In the mire of over work and inder pay, with a course of training such as the I. C S. ' Is able to give, would become a leader, in his chosen work.. If you, are ambitious , and willing to .utilize your spare time for advancement,' drop me aline and tell me something of your ambition and what , you would like to prepare for. The I. C. S. will niKut you morethan bn'way. You are putting your self under' no obligation by writing us and we are willing to give you every opportunity of investigating our methods and' , after It has been explained to you, act on your owu Judg ment' Write today. : ' v , 'Address I. E. Martin, Representing International Correspondence School, . BOX 491, WALLAWAltA, WAS H