CTRI5C0 SERVER. LA OKEGOT. SATURDAY, JFVE 25, 1D09. t ' f i i 1 i 1 Jt it- n foWLLlNoj There are several kinds of drilling but the kind the kind tnat makes the farm pay is the drilling which makes water avail able. There is no need of a dry farm. The task is not so great as you may think. I have had years of experience and understand the well busi ness thoroughly. i D.M. HUNT ! LA OBANDE, OREGON bat little months dost care, to Ions as they feel the delicious coolness of our tempting Ice cream. Children are fend of it, bat what of their elders especially the ladies? Very fev ever decline the Invitation to partake of a pare dish of oar excellent cream Take a box of this "Frozen Gladness" home with you. BLUE M0U5TAIX CRE.tHEItT. Seward Offered. Lost, heavy s!lrr watch, open face. Rturn to this oihee and receive re ward. (8-16-St) s Stop and look at the 135.00 camera, and explanation la oar window. New tin Drug Co. SORES Mm ULCERS S . S. S. heals Sores and Ulcers ia the very simplest way. It just goes light down into the blood and removes the causa, and the place is bound to heal because the impurities and morbid matters which have been the means of keeping the ulcer open are no longer absorbed fr:m the blood. External applications of salves, lotions, plasters, etc., can never produce a sure because they do not reach the source of the trouble. At best ther ean only allay pain or reduce inflammation; such treatment is working on symptoms aaa cot reaching the cause, tvery nutritive corpuscle in the blood U weakened or infected, they cannot nourish the fibrous tissue around tho place, but instead they constantly discharge into the flesh around the sore a quantity cf impure, germ-laden matter which gradually eats into the surrounding heihh7 tissue and causes the ulcer to enlarge. Since Impure blood is responsible for Sores and Ulcers, a medicine that can purify the blood is the only hope of a cure. S. 8. S. has long been recognized as tha greatest of all blood purifiers, possessing the qualities necessary to remove every impurity from the blood. While curing the sore or ulcer S. S.S. brings about a healthy condition of the flesh by supplying it with rich, healthy blood, and thus makes the cure permanent and lasting. Book on Sores and Ulcers and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, 3 A. SHE'S A QCEEN! CHE'S A SIREN! Is an pxpreion that is always heard at sight of a well devr dd woman. If you are flat-chested, with Bl' undeveloped, a Brawny neck, thin, lead arm' re-nark will never be applied to you. "SIT' . ' wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch in, fhey DEVELOP THE BUST in a week from S to inches and produce a flue, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make the rms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grateful. "SI REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONET BACK. J Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DI- RECT TO US. ' FREE. During the next 30 days only we will send you a sam 1 pis bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of T packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient If the defects are X trifling. i DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., SI W. 125th ST., NEW YORK. : . - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Sunday Services at the Churches FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHTBCH. Washington ave and Sixth streets. Sef. S. IT. Setsaaaa, I. D. Minister. Morning subject, "Rooting and Furl ting." Solo, "O Divine Red ee mer er," Gounod, by Mrs. A. L. Richard son. Evening subject, "The Reign of Christ In La Grande;" Anthem, "The Day la Gently Sinking.' Neildlinger, by the choir. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Mr. WL. Brenholts, superinten dent C. E. service, 7:00 p. m., Leader Geo. M. Rogers. Mid-week prayer service, Thursday 8:00 p. m. CENTRAL CHURCH OF CHRIST. Corner of Washington & Depot si. Ford Ellis minister. Professor Bridges who has charge of the choir for the last month will sing at the evening services. The subject of the morning sermon will be, The Key to Eternal Life," In the even ing, "The Day Laborer.' The evenlrg sermon will be confined to the railroad men. Is It Justice that the earnings of a multitude of people over aad above the cost of production - be handled and controUed by a few? Bible school at 9:45; Communion, 11; Christian Endeavor at 7. James Clay wilt lead. Junior Endeavor at the same hour. Mrs. Ellis will have charge of this department for the present. Church at 11:45 and 8. A cordial Invitation is extended to alL A special invitation is extended to the men who work upon the trains, in the shops and In the yards to attend the evening service. 8T. PETER'S CHURCH. Third Sunday After Trinity. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Sunday School . 10 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Evening Service 8 p. m UPTO.V H. GIBBS. Rector. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL . CHURCH. Corner M and Fourth Streets. C. E. Deal, raster. Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Bible school, G. H. Currey, superntendent; 11 a m.. Morning . worship; subject: "A . vital Question." Baptism administered, and members received. 7 p. m., Ep worth League devotional service. Subject: "Sleeping Disciples." Mrs. F. H. Green, leader. 8 p. m. Evening worship. Subject: "The Two Ways." Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock on Thurs day evening. A cordial welcome to all to attend these services. . , Department of the Interior. U. S. Land OSce.at La Grande. Or, May 21. 109. Notice Is hereby given that JOHN KOROLL, uf La Grande. Oregon, who on Sep tember 29, 1903. 'made homestead en try No, 13261-SerlaI No. 04028, for SE NEK. NEVi SE-4 See. 7. WV4XWJ4. Section 8. Township 2 South. Range 38 East, Willamette Merldan. has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. 8. Land Office, si La Grande. Oregon, on the 12th day of July. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Francis IL Owsly John Streber George Gibson John Morg, all of La Grande, Oregon. uaisiSsH CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAM AT Tilt BAPTIST CHURCH Children's Day will be celebrated at the Baptist church tomorrow even ing with, the following program: Hymn, "Neath the Banner." Invocation. responsive Reading, Page 3. . Prayer Hymn. Recitation, ."Our Fatiur'ii Care", Elmer Horstman. Song, Tiny Bible girls and teacher. "Children's Day,'1 class of girls. Vocal Duet, Lei a Jordan and Calls- ta Love. Recitation, Ruth Diggers. Recitation, "Let the Children Come" Estey Synder. Hymn. "Sowing the Seed of Faith." Recitation, "June the Month of Roses, Neva Synder. Primary Trio, Neva Synder, Marie Love, Beulah Ellsworth. Recitation, Emma McAnish. t Vocal Duet, "The Smile of a Child," Estey Synder and Rosie Bishop. Daisy drill, nine little girls. Recitation, Nelly Wyatt Recitation, "Wanted a Man," Clar- ance Ilagen. Solo, Adaline Little. Recitation, "La Grande," Jordan. , Recitation, "On Children's Day," Mary Group. Song, Primary girls. Recitation, "Legend of a Rose," Naomi Kirtley. Hymn, Here Lord we offer. Ocerlng. Hymn, At the name of Jesus. Exercise, class of young ladies. EXECUTOITS X0TICE. Notice Is hereby given that D. Som mer and Leopold Rosenthal are. the executors under the will of Bertha Sommer, Deceased, and have been duly appointed as such of her estate by the County Court of Union County, Oregon.' All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same with proper vouchers for proof and allowance to either of said Executors, or to C. H. Finn,' at bis law office In La Grande, Oregon, for them. v , Dated June 7, 1909. Ioold Rosenthal. D. Sommer, Elgin Oregon..' Executors of the estate of Bertha Sommer, Deceased. Setke of Inpeaadel Stock. Notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of June. 1909, 1 took up while running at large In the city of La Grande, Oregon,, the following de scribed animal, towit, one Jersey bull, about two years old, no brands risible. Has square crop off of right ear and slit In left ear, that I Impounded said animal In the city of La Grande, Ore gon, .under and byVirtue of an ordi nance thereof, and unless the owner claims and pays, cost of feeding and keeping of said animal, at the expira tion of ten days from' the date of this notice, I will advertise and sell said animal, as provided by the ordi nance of said city. Done and dated In La Grande, Ore gon; this the 17th day of June, 1909. L. RATE URN, (J-18-20) Chief of Police, Sotlce For Bids. Notice is hereby given that. te County Court of Union County, O.'o gon, will receive sealed bids at the of fice of the undersigned until nom on Thursday the 8th day of July, 1A09. for the construction of a 304 foil s'eel span bridge over the Crande Ron lc River at Orb Dell, as per plan? and specifications on file In the otf.ee oi the undersigned. Said bids to bs : compauei by a certified check or five per cent of said bid. Da'el at La Grande, Oregon, In's 14th day of ji.ly, 1909. ED. WRIGHT, County Clerk of "Union County, Om-gon. A Healing Salre for Barns, Chapped Hands and Sore Nipples. Two Big Games. Union and Enterprise will play ball at Union July land 2, at 3 p. m. each day. Manager Hutchinson, who has Bteered the 'Union team through a succession of victories this season, confidently expects to win both these games. Union Republican. " As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salve Is most excell ent It allays the pain of a Intra al most Instantly, and unless the ln without leaving a - scar. Price, 5 cents. For sale by All Good Dealers, yourself how Quickly It relives the pain and soreness. The medicines l nsualy given Internally for rheuma tism are poiosnous or very strong medicines. They are worse, than use less In cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For sale by All Good Druggists. An Ideal Cough Medicine. "As an Ideal cough medicine I re gard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In l class by Itself." says prr.'ft. A. Wilt shire, of Gwynneville, IndY "I take great pleasure In testifying to the re sults of Chamberlain's Cough medi cine, In tad, I know of no other preparation thai meets so fully the expectations of the most, exacting la Tases of croup and coughs of children. U contain no aninnt. RMnrtftirfn -ir afe, pleasant and efficacious remedy for the Ills It U Intended." For sale by J1 good dealers. X0TICE OF ASXCAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the iegal voters of school district No. 1, of Un ion county, State of Oregon, that the ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETINGS for said district will be held at High School building in said district, to begin at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. on the third Monday of June, being the 21st day of June, A. D. 1909. This meeting is called for the pur pose of electing one director to serve for five years, and the transaction of business usual at such meetings. Said election shall be held from 2 p. m. until 6 p. m. and It Bhall be by ballot Dated this 10th day of June, 1909. ARTHUR WILLIAMS, . District Clerk, r' DAVID BAT, Chairman ( Board.,?of -Directors. (June 11-21) ' : Cage! Matott Plank sidewalks built and repair ed, excavating and filling. Phone Black 1362. (J-20-J-20) ELGIN, OREGON, Where ioca.1 business men are 4 co-operating and buying stump lands preparatory to setting commercial orchards. For par- 4 tlculars regarding good orchard 4 4 land? at very low prices call or ... write The " 8LOUGH INVESTMENT CO. ' 4 Real Estate, Investments, Loans and Collections. , O t 4 The. Heaf i bo and Ventilating -Pmblem Sofeed riV ,,'4. - w"' "V V ) t ' J; I ? " i " ' '' , , ' i .' !... ' .. ! 1 ,': ' "' - ! . ( - - . - . . ' ..' '..;'.-'T'X , it H 'if I ... ' ' N By ''he MMerhu For Schools, Churches, Lodge Rooms,and Public Buildings Does away with window ventilation, which is almost as great an, evil as impure air. Maintains a uniform temperature all over the room. Eliminates the cold floor problem and the "dread d hot stove," ' . . Adds 25 per cent to the seating capacity by removing the plant to the corner. Great saving in fuel bill. Requires no basement. Always under direct supervision. . ' No expense to install. Will burn either wood or coal. Every plant guaranteed to meet the most exacting requirements. No Experiment, Plant in scucessful operation in Public School of La Grande. invented by J. L. Waterbury who for many years taughtin the public schools, after carefully studying the problem and long experimenting devised and patented the" system. Those seated in the farther corner of the room will be just as warm as those sitting near the plant. Can be attached to any flue. Every school district should investigate this system. i Mi SNIDER, Rzent, LaGrande, Ore. I Have taught in the various schools of tne county for the past fourteen years and lB n"uwlcu6 W1 imprupsi neaimg ana ventilating conditions caused me to take amsmmsss4s.A.. . . . . . - f. . . - iQLsa?ency.