: , . . m OOOOOOC-OOOOO O O OOOOOOOOOSOSO O O OOOO0OOO0CO0 O OOOOO00OO0OOOO 0 0 00000000000000 0 0O00e2000000000 0 O 0 I- BROKEN LINE SPECIAL ONLY A FEW OF S THE MANY o o o o o G 0 O o o o 68c $5.95 for one line new ladies' skirts, Chiffon, Panama, light colors. Value up to $15.00 $2.18 for one line ladies oxfords. Black, Tan & Patent Leather 10c fot full 14 in. Ghiffon and Net Ruching. $1.95 for long Lisle Gloves $1.25 values. I 8c g Childs Sampson Hose Sup g porters. a ; : for broken line men's work shoes. All sizes worth up to $3.00. 0 0 0; 0 0 89c if I! Watch the Papers o i ' V -A. - 3 0 300&00Q000&0 The only baklag powder made from Royal Crape Cream of Tartar made from grapes Royal Baking Powder conveys to food the most healthful of fruit properties and renders it superior U-firande tvenina Observe; PablNbecl Daily . Except Jsandty. GEORGE H. CUKBEY. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. United Press Telegraph Sen Ice. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Daily, single copy...... 5c Daily, per month 65c Daily, six months In advance.... 13.50 Dally, one year in advance 16.50 Weekly, six months lit advance. . . 7Ec Weekly one year In advance $1.00 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nom de lame. Signed articles will be re ceived subject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment AdTtrtlsIng Bates. Display ad. rates furnished upon ap Ucatloa. Local reading notices 10c per line ftrst Insertion; 5c per line for each jubsequeat Insertion. Resolution ot condolence, 5c a line. Cards of thanks. 5c a line. Those using poisoned grain to kill squirrels should be exceedingly care ful in not placing it in fields where stock Is permitted. There have been number of animals poisoned this spring and several deaths have result ed. - Stockmen report the range In better condition than for years. The timely rains is one of the primary causes, another is the ranges are not over stocked to the extent they were sev xal years ago. Bunch grass is report ed nearly knee high, a condition that recalls several decades ago before it was eaten out, the native condition that prevailed when the white man first occupied this country. Jiotlce of Impounded Stock. Notice is hereby given that on the 14th day ot June, 1909. I took up while running at large in the city of Lev Grande, Oregon, the following de scribed animals, tow it; one dark bav horse, weighs about 1050 pound, about 10 years old, branded I. H. on left shoulder, and J. D. (over bar) on right thigh. Foretop has been cut o:f, small aadle mark. That I Impounded said animal in the city of La Gradne, Oregon, under and by virtue of an ordinance there of, and unless the owner claims and for Linen Dust Robes, fancy hemstitched border. watch our windows Q 0 O000000000000 i!i Absolutely Tare in flavor and wholesornenesa. pays cost of such Impounding and keeping of 'said animal, at the expira tion of 10 days from date of this no tice, I will advertise and sell said animal as provided by ordinance of said city. Done and dated at La Grande, Ore., this the 15th day of June, 1909. L. RAYBURN. (J-19-3) Chief of Police. Words to Freest the 8onL "Tour son has Consumption. His case Is hopeless." These apialltrg words were spoken to Geo. E. Elevens, a leading merchant of SprlntnM. N. C. by two expert doctors one a lung specialist Then was shown toe won derful nower ot Dr. King's New Dis covery. "After three weeks use,' writes Mr. Elevens, "he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money In the world for what It did for my boy." Infalllabla for Coughs and Colds .Its the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases o n earth. Cue and 11.00. Guarantee satisfaction Trial bottle free. Newlta Dm t I VIOLIN and I PIANO Instruction J. ALBERT KENNEDY. Phone Red 782. 4 i v r A Sceue In The in M TT-I I toe JranF 0 & 000000000000 Amusements "Kit Carson" Two Bits Tonight. Everyone will hsv ch; ziu "Kit Carson" for the special Satur day night price of two bits will pre vail at the Pastime. This company puts one of the most exciting shows erer seen here rip roaring all thru, and their scenery is some of the handsomest ever painter! west of the Rockies. Taylor Mock Co. Monday. "Back Among our Favorites" is what the Taylor's have written about their return engagement at the Pas time, which opens with "Man of Mys tery" Monday night. SCEMC PACKED. The morning performance at the Scenic, following the street parade, was characteriped by a packed house The same performance will be pro duced tonight. The Scenic PANTAGES CIRCUIT , La Grande's Foremost Yandeville Theatre. Depot Street. 8. A. Gardiner, Manager. Matinte, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Adults, matinee: 101; Children under 12 years oil Ec. Evening prices, 10 and 15c. Week Commencing June 21. Wayne, the wizard, asslstted by ' M ile Adele and Company. Billy Baxter, the black faced comedian, formerly with Higi Henry's Mlnlstrels. PASTIME THEATRE Proprietors. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MUHTS AND SATllt JAY MATINEE KIT CARSOS A four act Comedy Drama Prices Nights 60c; Matinee, All Seats 25 cents. Purade Today. ..... The 0 0 0000000000000 0 BCfcSIJY'S HACK LINE. r uZ norvice. Day and 4 Night. Hacks furnished for 4 funerais and private parties. 4 Baggage transferred Day and Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. 4 'Phone Red 241. ' 4 4- Night 'Phone Main 25. 4 J5. lu BCSSET. 4 4444444444 44444 TO LATE TO CLASSIFY. FOR SALE Fox terrier, pays JlO.u'i; C. M. Graham, May Park, phone Black 1331. (J-25-5-9) Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of the estate of John H. Dillon, dec-eased, under and by virtue of an order of the County Court of Union County, Oregon, duly made and entered on Monday the 14th day of June, 1909, authorizing and em powering him so to do, will on and after the 24th day of July, 1909, sell at private sale for cash to the highest and best bidder therefor the following described real estate belonging to said estate of John H. Dllllon, deceased, towit: lots 7 & 8 in block 10 Romig's addition to the town of La Grande, Union County, Oregon ; lot 5 in block 62 of Chaplin's addition to the town of La Grande, Union County. Oregon. The SEK of NW4, the E of SW and SW4 of NE4 of sec. 34 twp. 1 S. R. 40 E. W. M. and NW of sec. 14 twp. 3 N. R. 39 E. W. M. In Union County, Oregon.. Also begin ning at the SE corner of lot 1 n block A Lostine, Oregon, running thence north 100 feet, thence west to the west line of said lot, thence in a southeast erly direction to the southwest corner of said lot 1 block A, thence east to the place of beginning (R. C. Mays to Save the privilege of leaving bis wa ter pipe across said land) In Wallowa County, Oregon. Dated at La Grande, Oregon,, June 25, 1909. E. C. DISQUA. Administrator of the estate of John H. Dillion, deceased. ) 6-25-2-9-16-23) The Observer office carries Jc one of the largest lines of leg- al blanks in Union county. q O Mining locations. q i Warranty deeds. 0 Quick claim deeds. Corporation deeds. O 0 Power attorney. q & Mortgages. ii Assignment mortgages. O Bill, of sale. i leases. Satisfaction mortgages. 0 Chattel mortgages. ... 0 Real estate contracts. J o fur long Silk Gloves, $2 VaL S Store That Saves You 0 00000000000000 We Want Our Want Ad Column Your want is placed before a thousand or more'r'wanl-seekers very day Can you afford to spend one cent per. word of your ' want au where result are the keynotes? ' fUEJfl. FOR RENT 'Modern Cottage. Inqu're of A. L. Richardson. FOR RENT Modern 4 room 'cottage furnished; inquire of Mrs. Zuber. (J-23-29) Room and board, 2114 Third St., Mrs. Edna Schrock. (J-24-J-7) FOR RENT Furnished room for gen tlemen. Electric light, bath, etc. Inquire at Gilham residence, 1910 Cedar. Phone Black 1351. lw Furnished housekeeping rooms large and airy, 'on ground floor. Inquire of Hattie McDonald, 1616 6th street, nhnnr flln'' !'. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. suitable for lady or gent. Electric light, bath and fire. Inquire at 161? Adams avenue or 'phone Red 131. FOR RENT Nice, cheerful, sunny room for rent to gentleman, facing east on Fourth street; close in; mod ern conveniences. Call at Observer office. FOR RENT House and good one acre garden. L. C. Smith. 4-19 tf Two or three choice rooms to let, with or without board. Inquire of 2103 1st street or phone Black 1761. FOR RENT Flower place on Elgin branch, outside of city, "Old Lyle Place;" 5 room bouse with garden, big barn, chicken house, cellar, 110.00 (J-21-J-12) FOR SALS.' FOR SALE Fresh milk cow, Jersey, 6 years old. Earl Jones, phons 1944. (S-S-U) FOR SALE Young canary birds lor sale. Phone Main 4. ' ( J-21-26) Land tor Bale. 40 acrea of fruit, garden or alfalfi land for sale cheap If taken soon. C D. Hoffman, R. F. D. I. La, Grande. FOR SALE Twenty b. p. five passen ger touring car for $450. Inquire ot Whlteman gkrage, opposite foundry. FOR SALE Seed potatoes, fancy hand selected. Large and smooth Quality A 1; seed strictly pure Burples extra early $2 per 100; late Rose 11.75; Netted Gems, late, S1.7C Burbank seedling $1.30. George Wagner, Island City. For Constipation. Mr. L. H. Farnham, a prominent lruggist of Spirit Lake. Iowa, says: "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thing in the market for constipation. Give :hese tablets a trial. You are certain o find them agreeable and pleasant i effect. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale oy All Good Dealers. 89c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Money 000 000000000 0 Your Wants e 444444444 0S FOR SALE A 240-egg incubator and brooder; cheap' if taken at once, 'Phone Black 1331. FOR SALE Good milk cow, fresh, half Jersey, half Durham. Three quarters Jersey heifer calf goes with cow., Inquire corner N and First street or phone Black 1862. (6-15-3) FOR SALE A second hand gasoline engine. Cheap If taken at once. L. C Smith. st ton SALu; Two u four acrea ot suburban property, well improved. PhoneBlack 1532, or - E. W. Kam merer, 2004 Adams avenue. FOR SALE 4 lots in Block 139, la Chaplin add; 2 blocks from round house for further partlcualrs apply to L. F. Dunn, City, or C. E. New som 2415 First ave, Seattle Wash. 4-12-tf FOR hAUhr Jflist . class furnuurj. For particulars call at Mrs. s residence. tf FOR SALE 8 acres improved, in al falfa and orchard, 350 chickens, with incubator, brooder, coops, cow, horse, Implements, furniture, growing crop. Quarter mile east of city, good houae and barn, $4,000 takes everything. Terms. W. W. Pollock. Home Ind. Phone. (J-14-J-14 WANTED. IRL WANTED To do general house work. Inquire of Mrs. T. J. Scrog gins. ' (tf). WANTED One ' or two furnished. or partly furnished rooms for fam ily of mother and two children. In quire of Fair store. WANTED Two or three furnish! housekeeping rooms, or small cot tage. Good reference given; write "t" lr" of Observer LOST AND FOUND. LOST Gold nugget pin finder will please return to Observer office and receive reward. FOUND On railroad track near depot, Yale lock key. Owner may ha-e same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. (tf) LOST Between Hot Lake and Union a hand grip containing toilet ar ticles and wearing apparel. Finder leave at this office and receive re ward. FOR SALE Single comb Rhode Island Reds, hatching eggs. None better in Grande Ronde Valley, , come and see. $1.50 per setting of 15. $3 for 45. All infertil eggs re placed free of charge. Incubator . cbikens $20 per 100. George Wag ner, Island City. .