ETCMSG OBSEBTEK, LA GRINDE, OBEGOS. MTlItDAT. Jl NE 1, 190. to tsb '.-DRIVES OUT RHEVM&riSMl: Rheumatlim la due to an excess of uric acid, an irrttttiaj, inflammatory . . nTlni enta Intfx tha 1 - . i . .... J Sstipatioa, indigestion, and other physical irregularities which are usuaU :sideredof no importance. Nothing applied extcmcil- can ever reach L seat of this trouble; the most such treatment can do is soothe the pains .iri'vi while Dotasn and other mineral meriin-ia iditv of the blood, and this fluid therefore continually grows more acrid fend viw-lcu " : ::;uscic3 una joints. - tvft)ini? thc:n in ft normally supplo and elastic condition, it pradually harder.3 2S,d stiffens ta?m Dy arying up inc natural oils and fluids. Rheumatism can Tr t , ..nrf tha hlnod ia nnrifimi sac u. ... . ever - r 7 , .-v.. umuumy cieaases ana enorate3 the circulation by neutralizing the acids and driving the caus rom tao system. It strengthens and invigorates the blood so that insteac" if a sour, wstts " uopwoinuB otrju una painiui corrosive matter t: 2t muscics. juiuu """ii uuuiTOos iuo enure Doay with pur9, ric. 'ood ana per:uuouuj wuwa nuoumausm. b. d. a. contains no potash, ikali or other harmful mineral, but is made entirely of roots, herbs an. ..1, n irrat nurifvina and tonic Drorjertiea. 'Rnnir (J.fiJ w ' " . ... .uuMiii3iu aau ay medical advice free to all who write. lius. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. LWWH'''MtHi Merchanfs Save j $10,000 In 1907 fhe Merchanfs $ of Oregon saved over $ I j )i0,000 by carrying a part vl own company, the Oregon i ft Merchants Mutual Fire As- surance Association, of $ In 1QO hey w7 save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $i,500,000 in profits to outside companies UNION NURSERY J. B. WEAVER. Prop. In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES PR0MP 1SEUIEMENT OF LOSSES l.y. OLIVER, Agent : Fruit, shade and op namental trees. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vines and other small fruit SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES. 4 , ' St. IVter's Church. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Service 11 a. m. Evening Service -. .8 p. m. UPTON H. GIBBS, Rector. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. V. II. Gibson, Pastor. 9:45, Sunday school, Dr. J. E. Stev enson, superintendent; 11, morning worship, echoes from the Grande Ronde Association by delegates. 3 p. m. preaching at Iowa school house, by Elder Jacob Devlne. 3 p. m. preach ing at the Woodell ' Reunion near Alicel by Pastor W. H. 'Gibson. 7 p. m., B. Y. P. U. service, theme, "The Hill of Difficulty," leader Miss Bernlce Ellsworth. 8 p. m. "Christ the Son of God," as seen by John the beloved desclple. Cordial welcome to all. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. j stroy all noxious weeds abutttlng and on property, and to remove all gar Notice is hereby given that D. Som- ; bage and filth from streets, alleys and uier and Leopold Rosenthal are . the executors under the will of Bertha Sommer, Deceased, and have been duly appointed as such of her estate by tha County Court of Union County, Oregon. All persons having cjalins against said estate are required to present the same with proper vouchers for proof and allowance to either of said Exe-.utors, or to C H. Finn, at his, law office in La Grande, Oregon, for them. Dated June 7, 1909. I-ac-vOld Rosenthal. D. Sommer, Elgin Oregon Executors of the estate of Dertha Sommer, Deceased. premises and thus Improve tho sani tary conditions of the city. J. A. MATOT, (J-16-70 Street Sup't FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. EPISCOPAL Up Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an atorney of Pitts field, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. Klngg'B New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medl For Chills. Constipation, Billlousness or Sick Headache they work won- Wo have Just received a complete line of Columbia double disc records, tio. Newlln Book & Stationery Co. " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore. May 24. 1909. Notice is hereby given that JOHN KOROLL. of La Grande, Oregon, who, on Sep tember 29, 1903 made Homestead En try No. 13261, Serial No. 04028, for SE4 NEtt. NEK SE Sec. 7, NW4, section 8, Cownshlp 2 south, range 38 east, Willimelte M., has fll3d notics of Intention to make final 5 year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before th register and receiver,. U. S. Lnnl Offlce, I -a Grande, Oregon, on the 12th day of July, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses Francis H. Owsly, Johi. Stroeber, George Gibson, John Morg.ull of La Grande, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. SEND FOR PRICE LIST IINIOM, ORE.. Cui-uer ii ana fourth Streets. C. E. Deal, Puhlor. Sunday 9:45 a. m. Bible school, Geo.. II. Currey, superintendent. 11 a. m. Morning .worship; Bubject: "Jesus In the Home." 12 m. Class meeting. 7 p. ni., Ep worth League meeting; sub ject: "Rjected Opportunities." S p. m. Evening worship; subject: "A Message From The Trees." Special music by the choir and a cordial welcome to all. Prayer meeting on Thursday ev ening at 8 o'clock. A wreck in store for every disciple of Jesus Christ found or the excursion train next Sabbath. , Reward Offered. Lost, heavy silver watch, open face. Rturn to this office and receive re ward. (8-16-3t) e BCSSEJTS HACK LINE. Bst of service. Day and Night Hacks furnished for funerals and private parties. ' Baggage transferred Day and Night and Sunday. ' Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. 'Phone Red 241. 4 Night 'Phone Ms-.n 11. , E. L. BUSfeET. Rev. 1. W. VHlUrnson8 Letter. Rev. I. W. Williamson, Hunting ton, W. Va.. writes: "This to certlfr that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that It will do all that you claim fob It." Foley'i Kidney Remedy has restored health and strength to thousands of weak and run down people. Contains no harm ful drugs and is pleasant to take.- A. T. KILL. FIRST FRESBYTERJAX CHURCH. SHE'S A QUEEN! SHE'S A SlRENl (s an expres "on that Is always heard at sight of a well deve jd woman. If you are flat-chested, vlth Bl' undeveloped) a srawny neck, thin, lead arm ' remark will never be applied to you. "SIP , wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch ing They DEVELOP THE BUST in a week from I to 6 inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make th arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and grateful. "SI- 4 REN'" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient 2 to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim ! or MONET BACK. . . .. 4 Price J1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send Dl- RECT TO US. ' ' FREE. During the next 80 days only we will send you a sam- 4 Pie bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of j Packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement in this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient if the defects are 4 trifllnar. i DESK 4. ESTracnC CHEMICAL CO.. 31 W. 125th STH NEW YORK. Washlngtton Ave. & 6th street. Rev. S. IV. Seeniiinii, D. D. Minister. Morning subject: "The Practice of the Presence." Evening subject: "The Gospel as Interpreted at the Exposition." Special music by the choir. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Mr. W. L. Brenholts, superintendent. Mid-week prayer service, Thursday, 8:00 p. m. C. E. service, Sunday, 7:00 p. m., Leader, Mrs. H. R. Hanna. A Pleasant Iliysle. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. The yare mild and gentle In their action and always pro duce a pleasant cathartic rffct. Cull I t jOu .( ! o, t .li. "fnipiti. CLEANUP NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to property owners, agents and occupants, to de- An Ideal Cough Medicine. "A I an Ideal cough medicine I re card Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In l class by Itself," says Drr. R. A. Wilt shire, of G wynne vllle, Ind. "I take Cteat pleasure in testifying to the re wits of Chamberlain's Cough medl tne. In fart, I know of no other preparation that meets so fully the txpectatlons of the moat exacting in "ases of croup ana coughs of children. U 'vnitiiii no .intum. fhtr.-.nrfr 1 afe. pleasant and efficacious remedy for the ills it U intended." For Bale by til good dealers. PIWEHI EC Tha $1.00. bottle contains ' 2J times as much as the 60 cent 6ize. . FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO "" A dose at bed time uso Lr ally relieves the most severe case before morning. BACKACHE JOHN W. KENNEDY CO. CHICAGO. U. 3. A. Chrlstlun Church. Sunday morning, subject: "God's School;" Sunday morning at 1 1 o'clock by Rev. Ford Ellis at Central church. Sunday evening, "Across Th Rok ies;" Sunday evening at 8 o'clock, by Rev. Ford Ellis at Central cttu v h. ELGIN, OREGON, Where local business men are 4 co-operating and buying stump 4 lands preparatory to setting 4 commercial orchards. For par-. 4 tlculars regarding good orchard 4 land? at very low prices call or ' write The 4 SLOUGH INVESTMENT CO. Real Estate, Investments, Loans 4 and Collections. v There arc dentists and dentists. As a rule the per son having dental work done, extracting if you 4 please, would like to have a man to do the work who ' is careful, sure of his own ability and can do the work. The same along other lines of dental 'work. If excavating for a filling you want the man who can do it thoroughly with the minimum amount of pain Some of these things come with years of experience only; and sometimes not then. These are things which you already know hut I bring them to your at tention that you may think them over. It is not "ethical" for one dentist to say that he has these qualifications above his fellows, hence I shall have to leave it for you to decide for yourself. Resp. J. E. STEVENSON. mm44444444t444444444444 the Heating nd VentUatina Problem Solved 4 .-..v- 'Cv .;'; r . "r.-.,, the erbury System For Schools, Churches, Lodge Rooms,and Public Buildings ' Does away with window ventilation, which is almost as great an evil as impure air. Maintains a uniform temperature all over the room. Eliminates the cold floor problem and the "dreaded hot stove," Adds 25 per cent to the seating capacity by removing the plant to the corner. , Great saving in fuel bill. . Requires no basement. Always under direct supervision. No expense to install. Will burn either wood or coal. ' Every plant guaranteed to meet the most exacting requirements. No Experiment, Plant in scucessful opera;icn in Public School of La Grande. Invented by J. L. Waterbury who for many years taughtin the public schools, after carefully studying the problem and iong experimenting devised and patented the system. Those seated in the farther corner of tne room will be just as warm as those sitting near the plant. Gan be attached to any flue. Every school district should investigate this system. I SNIDER, Rent, LaGrande, Ore. 1 Have taught in the various schools of the county for the past fourteen years aii the knowledge of the impropet heating and ventilating conditions caused me to ti this agency. i. s pi. t4 : rr. ' 1 ; ' III Mi s - i