PAGE EIGHT. EVENING O BSEBTEB, LA GBA5DE, OREGON MONDAY, JUE 11, EIGHT PAGES. j t f4 A L LIST Have the Time of Your Life. Celebrate with La Grande July 5th - - n duacatoir .noes Nature forms the child's foot so that each toe lies Hat and straight, thus providing the human foot with power to balance the body and the spring to make walking easy. Unfortunately few children reach maturity without cramped, pinched and mis- ' 4 shapen feet, which Is usually caused by shoes sold by unscientific I shoemen to unthinking parents. . Could parents be brought to realize the importance of starting the child's foot right there would be little or no suffering in later years from so many blem ishes that so many men and women are heir to. The Human Foot Should be Allowed to Grow Naturally To shape the foot to changing fashion, is to force the sofi, pliable, growing bones, cords and muscles into deformed shapes. The foot thus pinched from its natural shape is bound to be a source of suffering in later life. EDUCATOR SHOES Sold Exclusively By N. K. West The Quality Store Of PRIZES The prizes awarded in the horse show Saturday too late for that is sue of the Observer are as follows: Oradc Clydesdale Mare. W. Couch, 1st; Willard Moss. 2nd; Austin Hermann, 3rd. ' Colts. Willard Moss, 1st; V. Couch, 2nd; N. K. West. 3rd. 2 year Old Standard It red. Earl Jones, 1st; Joe Trlppeer. 2nd. 3 year Old Standard Bred. Walter Swackhanier, 1st; H. C. My? ers, 3rd. Draft Team Ccldinir. C. Kennedy, 1st. Draft Team Maren. John Sparkhurst, 1st. ' Yenrllne Stiillions. N. N. Mason, 1st. Special Premiums, Lady's Drivers. Misa Ruth Gaskell, lst; Miss Myra Glenn, 2nd. Gi'mtruieiTn iVmcrs. ".'alter Swackhamer, 1st; Guy Byrkit, 2nd. Ladles Saddle Horses. Ruth Gaskell and Mary Penlngton. KdtS Will EXTEND ROAD 1 a DRY CHAIN WOOD DRY For Eest qua'ity'oljDRY chain wood call on V. t. BEAN B'-gevJ oads for least money VIOLIN. and p:no Instruction 1 1 .' hi ! - v : s'.lli ;,'ii,.- . (''. 'v'V V , v,,.i',i.. ' '.il ' "!d r; I. us. ,11 p.iU'ti. .. v 0;iM! t:il"(! an,) k.son I'.iii'ii ' ' in f mii Pull line oi i-m- . " J Kl) KTHIMillAM. AUCTIONEER. Sale cried on short notice, Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge tor distance. LA GRANDE . - OREGON 4 Ro te No. t 'Phone No. 1JxS Notice (o (iiiilnutois. Sf', c is hoivl.y ; v.'ii. that i! I'l l.-, will i... reioiu'd ,-it the oi'm ot ri... ! Kim : !n' ii; t. T (. lo U ii. t-'t h'i.i , !,... r.f ; i f ? i'!ii t inii. i f 3 s (!,!( i''t i.M 'l . i t : ! t K!iH W.;lli ill. Illc I'll.!!'! i il K 'ti in1 uv'ii' .) 'i i . , i in? : t i.' rl i: s a ir.l aj-i i:u i. ; i,- ! v 'i ni: 1: . ii ;'. at t!u i o: !.! 'niUi-.v A wii'.lhl ('iK i j ' '" 1" '."r i'tt of fh. uni'.Mi! ; :ss jl"':'.': .,l. 'l 1 !l t'l. I'ih1 I 'O M.'' 1 : f 1 ' i '-. i piV ( i ej.. ; :.;, :.;!.: ., ii w , ..!!,! :r.- ,. , I iM'hiinV. MMM HlMinY.' '5.'.-. i- 'iupt iMtJ i'si;,i r; :!''f i -- tv ini.o. S.-ii.l by rr'.iKu'.siM. Vrlc H U 0 . TiiiU ;uck: ;, byji.Ki; I) ft nt. S lltlki'U Mfjj. i l"ini. Notice. To whom it may concerned Notice is hereby given that the partnership ofnhuk Dram well has this day, May 31, hoen dissolved tiy mitiial ronsent. C. J. Clack eonl Inning the reiil estate husiness and F. s. P.ramw 11 retiring. Ml bills due said liim are payabc cither to said C. J. Black or F S. I"! nun well, an-1 lmtli said parth's hold tluins'lves resion iiihle rir all hills outstumllng. Thosi- liu in;' IhoitiHclves liulehled in nai.l linn or i i: i : viih: la s niussi make ''lunotik.fe sotlleiiie-it. F. S. V.nAMWICf.L 'f C. J. HLACK 'V YNTrjv -V.s'.,. -i 1; wniinm to di. rt-v.W hi.Mi -.v.:-U. " y.rn. Pres ' ' "; li'n.Mi- ! III!. i r - S - T i David Eecles, the railroad and su ;ar magnate, passed through the city rii!s morning en route to Baker City where he will hold a conference with i;'ominent citizens of Baker and Grant vounties about the extension of the umpter Valley into Prarle City, Mr' :cles says that Grant county has ;iVered a bonus $or. the construction )l' the line from Austin to Prarie, a Ustance of 22 miles, and that in all : obability it will be- built, but It is wry unlikely that the road will ever '. extended farther. The construc ; n of the proposed Central Oregon .'-uld destroy any object in a further extension of the Sumpter road. That l i re is a ureal field for railroad : willing in Central Oregon Mr. Kceh's .s well aware, lie passed through anyoii City In SS. and has watched no development of the country -Io5ily ii 'KiiL'ii pinny years, lie also made a triu through tin- Cii'iuiile Ponde in An IiKviI ( oiiitli M. dl.'l 'M, "s Nil !,!'.:: e,.. j;;:. in.Nli. iii,' 1 i". '.!) i,.u..'.-i ..; 'U;:a , ' 'i, " !-s I:' v.;4 ,r: R. A. iil. '- "f ,:" vf-:!.-. In;. -I !.,;. ' i "' ;-i 's.;M -'-nr t.. ; 1 ' ' '' t'l'f -ri-'.v.-H i .tiu n.. ,: " 'n .;ri, i k.;,.u -.f ir.tuti v .;t i- t.i- ., n:.iy th. P"'. '!! '.f OW l..l"t ( " J-1; I ' . O- :-i"i iviu, ii -',!"..l,-e:: :- :' I- -mi:,,i - ,- ', :vi:t r ri.MiS n,i ni r, i.l mi I Let i.l (.. ... i,i':',I are Mu v ,tleolihl - if.i"tiu r. IV, ,-.s-. an.! :tae been dttl; For m1- by . iii'omicl a. si. h of ;,; ( state by A. 'I. HTt.Ifc t.-ur,.it. i'lie t'n',:r.ty Court of Pit ion Count,' i Oa-sou. All person havint; t lain'..' For Constipation. huaiust said estate are required to 'present the same with pioper vouchers Mr. L. H. Farnluiiu. a prominent ' t(1' proof and allowatue to either o! Irtiggist of Spirit Lake. Iowa, says: i said Executors, or to C. 11. Finn, at ChaniUerlain'a Stonuuh and Liver i his law o!he in La Grande, Oregon .Tablets Are certainlv the best thine for them. - m the market for constipation. Give Dated June 7, 1009. Odd IVIiims Meet. :-'T, PAl'li. .Minn., .lui.e i l.--.M iiire' nil, Odd Fell.. -us ar; gat'if : in b.-rc .'day r'oi the annual session of the " "'i i ':e :nl thi u !: : ; i .ii1;! i s ,! th- r,!-r, m liii !; v, ct he.- o dr,iiiR tlie u eek. !M..-T TI T Oi-' V ( is! ! 9 EE D S Field Garden Lawn IN BULK I AM SHOWING THE LARGEST VARIETY AND BEST' SELECTED STOCK OF SEEDS EVER EXHIBIT ED IN UNION COUNTY, AND I KNOW THESE ARE THE PRODUCT OF REPUTABLE SEED GROWERS; AND I ALSO KNOW MY PRICES ARE AS LOW AS T IS CONSIST ENT TO SELL FRESH, RELIABLE STOCK. Alfalfa, Red and Alsikc Clover, Timothy and all Kinds of Garden Seed and Lawn Grasses A. V. OLIVER I CT WASTE YOUR TIME and money planting poor seeds. CEDDES BROS, have those that grow. All kinds of gar den vegatables, potatoes five varieties Flowei seeds of all kinds and varieties. Win tne prize . this year by planting our Aster seeds If you need anything in the grocery line, we carry the best. IGEDDES BROS. PHONE -MAIN 4o i n iiv Obscivcr- 65c per Aonth '-::-:. . ;- . ft pi 8 v Ti:e ' i t .-, 1y. I ), ':!' : ' '! ii.. i.: -,!1 - v le-V i i- a lr- in-, a -i ur,. l i : i:'! i"l if'-! ;' I ' fill ,1 C: f.v, r- d"! : : t -, t; t.,w :,. . ., ........ i et.ti, . ii; ! i ':;' ' f... ''ul.-'.tlt it cr i;1 v ' ;.r : ' -;s '. '' v ..-..i.i . : i.u i 1 1 1 .y ' a 'i,, -. .. i ;( I j : (, . .-;;:-'S i-r C... 1, e-'-v ' ' "! ft fe.T..-'--. . T;,.o i '--:"V, .) im t ic r-r. ".'!.'! '1''-' liieiis h;:a t-vcr t;:.h,; t,-. t.iy oei't ." will traverse, f! e ).!!;.. ii. i ni'io :s "ii ttie iUi!J.:r.! of :-li"v In these tablets a trial. You are certain to And them agreeable and pleasant a off -rt 1 .-, 25 cents. Samplei ..-e tor a' oy All Good Dealers. Leopold Rosenthal. D. Sommer, Elgin Oregon.. Executois of the estate of Bertha Soaimer, Deceased. pu n (o.mim;. "ill Appoar In VandiAille - Hacked l The Srnday ti euonian states that ' ,,'' , Krt is " :m re! th vn't !' ville stage for an engagement of 22 vlis on the ' Pantaire ircuit. with own sketch. "Sold." Associated with her will be Mrs. AValter Reed. Mrs. Reed is well known In musical ecital here in the opera house a few pcital herein the opera house a few years ago. As the Scenic is on this ircuit Mrs. Reed will appear hi La Graude In the near future. .41' . S I ) $ 4. .. 4. 4. . .j. .j. .j. j. . 4. 4, , w, . j. 4 .j. 4. i;3 1-? "ejjJ Xate,1' 01 r-lew " Ready for business but too busy to write ad vert isei?ients. Keep your eye on this space. M 0. i a . 4 4 4 4 i v-7