. . if '1 5i : ' t t ' . i 1 5 r . J : .:;': u i wanSe tvenin Observe. PnbliiJied .Every I VI da j Morning. GEORGE H. TUKKEY. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Called Pre8 Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Call, single copy, 6c BJLfly, per month. . . , . . ; . . . . . . w 65c Daily, six months in advance.... 13.50 Daily, one year in advance. J6.50 Weekly, six months in advance. . . 7c Weekly, one year in advance. . .. .$1.00 Catered at the postofflce at La Grande 1 'as second-claM matter. This paper will set puMlsh any article appearing ' aver a sob de atone. , Signed articles will be re vived subject ta the discretiaa af Ue (liter. Please sign yeur articles aad ara disappointment. Advertising Bates. Display ad. rates furnished uvea ap plication. Local reading notices. lc per Mae ftrat Insertion; Sc per line far each -lubsgqsent insertion. BescfJatioa of caodalence, Sc a Hie. Cards af thaifcs, Sc a llae. . ; Chicago Aad The Text Book. . Chicago has seriously and systema tically taken up the question of cost la school text books, and seems ready to decide, to IsBue its own text books ,-in ihe, form of leaflets. According to t -the telegrams received, the average eost per. pupil for books each term 1b S3 u Wider the proposed leaflet system which the board itself will issue the ost would be $1.25. ", ' ' Every Beetion of ihe country feels the heavy drain upon ft for' school books. It is not alone their first cost, which is entirely too great, but that so many books that are little used, some t " them scarcely at all, ; must be Jwaght to comply , with the school regulations, and their cost is suffi ciently great to be felt. We Bhould not be surprised if the outcome would he something like that proposed in -Chicago,, pither that or the prices will be so reduced for the text books as' to Bring theiri within reasonable limits, "lileantimV It might not' be a ad plan'" for the city superintendent to carefully lnvesttgate to discover if therej are not a number of books '-uinjBrated iu the official" lists' which' ; are scarcely used at all, which might he eliminated, and thus save parents seme of the weight of expenditure that fulls heavily upon them with the In reaajne; jgost'pf living. Portland Tel- egram. - WHT NOT TRT j.. Popbaui's :'''' ASTlrtlA REMEDY? Gives prompt and positive relief awry case. 8old by druggists, Prlc $1.00. Trial package by mall 10 eents. ' ' WUttam Mfg. Co., Props. ClevetanJ ior sale by . T. HILL. TroM 4 KI 8TRINGILM, f AUCTIONEER. . Sale cried on short notice. 4 ' Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 No extra charge for distance. 4 LA ORANDB ... OREGON -ert-r ..:, ..v.. fi te No. 1 'Pbohe No. Hixi 44444444444444 far rvBHtlpaUen. Mr. L. fT. Farnhaaa, a prominent druggist of Spkrit Lake. Iowa, says: Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are certainly the best thin; On the market tor constipation. Qiv 4hese tableta atrUJ. Yon are certalr o find them agreeable and pleasant in effect. Prke, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Alt Good Dealers. Settee. Te whom it may vonceraed Notice is hereby given that the artnershla uof Black B ram well has k4s day May 31, been dissolved b tttnalcgnsent, C. J.Black continuing trie rent estate business' and F. 8 ScanxwelLxetlring. Al) bills due., said arm are jjayabe either to said C. J Black or F S. Bramwen, anl both said parties hold thetnst-lves reepon alble. for al bills outstanding. , -s. .Those Jkpuwlng themselves inrtlfi'ij to bald tirm or tnatviuuius must ninK . immediate settlement. at .C. Jv BLACK ATE-E:iPrTiro(r vomuh to d " general honewt-rk: " ' Mr$.x HV'-ps , Lewis, phone red 1141. (C -S-M) 1 t 1 1 1 11 1 . 1 r if 1 rvi mm C-rca Ildnoy end Clz dcr C'ssQsoa la livery Fcrranicny Pcop!a E2avo CUdnoy Trccbfa end Do Hot llnuxy It KOW TO HMD CUT. It k the faactio of the Udnarc to Ctss aad purify the blood which Is ooastaatt oaaslnf through thsa. Whea the kldners ara out of ord tha other organs ara affectad Imfflodiatol and 70a may havo smiDtona of hoait traablo, stomach and livor troable, and aar allmenu, which are all owing to the kidneys being weak and out of otdor. If Ton ara tick Fnlftv'a KMnai Cur will strengthsa and -buOd op the WOrn Out tisane 6f f H wu act properly and the tjmptona of weakness, heart, stomach and 11m trouble will disappear and ytm win be restored to perfect hsalth. Mew hi Tl If Tea Nave Kldatf Trtsble. You can easily determine If your kid eys are ont of order by setting aside for U hours a bottle of ,tb,e nrlno passed apoa arising. If upon examination it h cloudy or milky or has a briok-dust sed iment or small particles float about la it, four kidneys are diseased and FoIoVa mm a . . . . 1 siianay uura snouia be Ukcn at once. Foley' Kidney Cure is pleasant to take and acts directly upon the parts affected and you begin to feel better at once. It corrects slight disorders in a few days and it has cured many obstinate uea after other treatment had failed, ectort laid Ht Would Not live. Peter Prev. of Woodruff. Pa vuvr aocionng lor two years with the host physicians in Waynesburr. and still Fitting worse, the doctors advised me if had any business to attend to I had h. tor attend to it at once, as I could not OOSSlblV live anothar month ea cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cora was recommended to me by a friend, and I Immediately sent my son to tbo store tOf It and after tikinv t hm. hnMk. I k gma to get better and continued to im cwto nm 1 was entirely well." t we tlaee, 60s and IfM UL3 AH RECOMyEEDED BT ta mu t If You Own Any Farm land, or know anybody who does, you ought to get in touch with the steps farmers in al parts of the country are taking to protect themselves from some of the commission men who have been robbing them almost ever since they were boys. If yen don't own any, butivant tht best short storits printed this tntntby get tht JUNE EVERYBODY'S Xetlce to Contractor!. g bIf)Z . tfKP tiWl Sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to fi a'tloik p. m. oa Wednesday, June, 2nd. 1909, for the construction of 4652 square feet of cement sidewalk at the Court House. All works to be done accord ing to the plans and specifications which may been seen at the City Recorder's office. A certified check for 10 per cent, of the amount must accompany each bid. Tbe committee reserves (lie right to reject any and all bids.' . La Grande, Oregon,' May 24th. 190b. QBOtRGE KRElGErt, Chairman ways and means ?ouicpittee. The Little Shop Main St. 4 Sttiiupmg of all kinds, intluil Ing shirt waists & Center pieties. dou. embroidery lessons given. X . Orders taken and lessons giveu in senctiing. i Full line tl eair " brolderv materials" ' l' . i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Department of the Interior? J U. S. Land Office at La Grande. Or., May 3. 1909. . ' ' Notice is hereby given that KYLE CHARLTON, - ' of Kamela, Oregon,- who, on June 24, 1903, made Homestead Entry No. U067-Serial. No.' 03975. for W SWVi, NE; SW4, NW4 SE, Section 33. Township 1- South, Range - 36 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final five year proof,' to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon on the 22nd day of June, 19097 ' Claimants names as wltaesses: Ozro Hunt i -' ' . II. K. Charlton. ' . , John S. Graybeal. James L." Walker, ail of Kaaieia, Ore" goa V. C. BRAMWELL, ' Register. NOTICES FOR PUrUCATION. Department of the Interior, '. tf, p. Land Office at La Grande Or., May 3.; 1909. NATHAN FARRELL, of Hilgard,' Oregon, who, on May 12, 1902, made Homestead Entry No. 11391-Serlai, No. ,03641, for SE4. Sec tion , Township 3 South, Range 36 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final five year proofs to establish claim tc the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, IL' S. Land Office, at La Grande. Oregon, on' the 21st day' of June, 1909. . '. V Claimants names as witnesses: Ncls Holverson, of Hilgard, Oregon. William Lowe, of Hilgard, Oregon. -Earl Rugg, of Pendleton, Oregon. ' Milk Lynd. of Pendleton, Orgeon. . F. C. BRAMWELL, , Register. Oa aseount of the Rose Festival the O. R. & N. makes a rate round trip of $12.16, 1a Grande to Portland. Dates of sale June 7th and 9th. Time limit, June Mth. Extra coach and standard sleeper on train No. 6, June 7th. Those wishing sleeper space please 'phone llckef or freight office. - a oeeoeeveo o e Needlos, Shuitlos and Bobbin for use in All Makes of Sewing Machines, i Hardware and e e Furniture W. H. BOHNENICAMP Co. h;o;use KEEPERS ATTENTION!! Do You Know Thot the ELEGTR1G IRON Furnishes the GHEAPEST andJBEST .Method of Doing Domestic Ironing ? The Heat is Where You Need It Vou Owe it to ' YOURS EiFE Five Days Free Trial. GRANDE RONDE a , SALtii PiOPJLE 1VAXTED.. . Twenty-five experienced sales peo ple wanted at the Fair store Wednes day morning. , , . LOST Brown leather coin purse, con Ing small amount of silver. Finder please call phone Red 1022. (6-9-2t) WANTED TO RENT Modjern bouse about 6 rooms... Phone. Elack, 1211. (J-911) 1000 TELEFUOSES. As we are about to Ibsuo a new tele phone directory we would like to re ceive, the. names of any parties 'who. are contemplating Installing a tele phone. 'This' directory -will contain the names of over ONE THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERST AND WITT NOT VOURST C' I - Heme Iaiepesdent Telephone Com pany. X A Pleasant Pbystc. When you want a pleasant physio give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. The yaro mild and gentle In their action and always pro uce a pleasant catbartlc effect Oil l 'Mt .sK a wmpa ' Bev L W. wmiamsoaVi Letter. X Rev. I. : W. WUllainaosu. BBaUa ton. W. Va., writes: "This to certify that I used Foley's Kidney Remedy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that it will do all that you claim fob it" Foley's Kidney Remedy has restored ' health and strength to thousands of weak and run down people. Contains no harm ful drugs' and is pleasant to take. A. T. KILL. ; : '.' '. '' '.. PASTIME THEATRE I J0113S0N & BIICC1. f . Proprietors. I . WEEK OF. JUNl 7. TATLOB STOCK CO. ! Saturday night, ; "A Family Affair." Sunday night, "East Lynne." ' . I ooooeeeooeo'Voeeeao' e Machine Supplies 1 nu. ii -oa. oco. o It threads any needle itself even In tbe dark. s Most valuable Of all ntfcushraents. f Ho tvtsuog, oiwog ov euHioH urn, a Sewing Needle Threader f f ELECTRIC CO. iff o 0 'awansm UNDER THE Preferred Stock Label r; 35c Per Can If you Like-Pineapple, try this. You have seen it - adTertised. City Grocery : zpclack.piop v : : : Bell Prtonc Main 75 Independent 241 , v ALL THE NEW STYLES. :We have a large line of new hand bags' that we are going to sell at one-half price and less. We have displayed this line of hairs on the bfc taMe'in y our store, and have marked them "Your Choice tov - .Two Dollars." .Whether or not youvlieed cne at t v present, you cannot attord $2.0. HILL'5 D R LA GRANDE, OREGON oeeeooeaooo...., e e ' 1 r a Gomplete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE D. FITZGERALD. l'FW$x '.Machtae; e .. SEASON OPENED. AT Q TT T T 'T-T XD .J JL-J JJ iS JJ11 .1 ICECREAM and SOFT iDRINKS 'lH4Mta '1 1 1 a ii i it'll it . . . . .1 w HfiTro . T. J. SCR0GGIN, Cash Wm. M1LUR, Vce Pres. W. . C00LWGE, Asst. Cash ADDING NEW R We are constantly adding new accounts "and our business is increasing at a yery satisfact-, ory rate. Probably you might be glad and " join us,' .';, .. . 1 :". . ' . ', - The " ' X United States National Bank Of La Grande DIRECTORS. " Wm. Miller W. f. Ccolidge T. J. Scrcggin N.K.West K'P : Staples' C. T. Eacon i .1- ::. and Bakery, $2.00 to miss this sale. Twenty f $2.00. UQ JTORE I i ; . e resetting and repairing IRON WORKS Shops aad Foundry W 1 i A I. Cavities Frank Conley A T. Hill