PAGE TWO. ZTKXf XG.O BSEBYTB, LA GRAXDE, OREGOX. FRIDAY, JUTE 11, 1303. w WW WWW WW DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS l '; LA GRANDE, ORE. .f V r 3U TT. A La Grand Camp No. 770J rbeeU jack Monday evening at I. 0. 0. F. ball AH visiting neighbors are cor 4Jally invited to attend. : ' i ' M. McMURRAT, C CAL JORDAN, aerk. F.O.K. - . "" La Grande Aerie No. 251, F. 0. E., eeta every Fridajr night In Elk's ball it I 9 m. Visiting brethren Invited ft attest . C. E. HACKMAN. W. P. 0B0. ADE00, W. & 0. E, 8. ,. . Hope Chapter No. 13, 0. EL S.. hold itated communication! the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Visiting members cordially Invited. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, W. M. , ', MARY A WARNICK. Secretary. I. 0. 0. F. Encampment. Star Encampment No. 21, I. 0. O. - . , .M ,. w ... y . Miiuua UIU iOUI'lU .Wednesday in the mouth in Odd Fel lows' hall. . Visiting patriarchs always welcome. ' H. E. COOLIDGE, C. P. V A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. B. of A. Meets every Thursday evehlng ai I. O.O. F. hall. Visiting memberB al ways welcome. ? ANGUS STEWART, President. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 1G9,V W. , 0. 17., meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening in K. of P. hall In the Corpe building. AH visiting mem bers welcome. NER ACKLES. J. H, KEENEY. Connul Commander. ;:..v. Cicrk. : Quick Transfer For Rapid Delivery Seivce Call Up WILLCOCK BROS . W are in position to do any Kind of transferring. Give Ma a trial order. Calls answered day or sight, 'Phonos:, v; ' -- , Day, Red 71. Night. Black 1171.' B'mm o Suits THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND BEST GOODS EVER SHOWN IN UNION COUNTY. WE HAVE OTHERS BUT WELL ONLY MEN TION THESE IN THIS AD. $375.00 -.V-V'S--;. A beautiful Colonial set in Wax Golden Oak, con sisting set of six fine leather chairs;. 60 inch round pedestal 10 foot extension table; 60 inch bullet; serv ing table, and china closet. ; The swellest suit ever shown in Grand Ronde valley. See window display. $120.00. ' Colonial dining room suit, Wax Golden Oak. Very handsome; well worth the money. Must be seen to be appreciated. ' .' ' ."i-1 r " ':":'f ' 1 $80.00. :; ' ' . Leathered Oak Dining Room Suit. Those who have visited the large cities recently will recognize this style, with the exception of the price , which is much higher than ours. WE CARRY THE STOCK; ALL GRADES. IF IN NEED OP ANYTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH-' INGS CALL , . y " WW WWVW WW WW WW WW WW WWWW i L 0. 0. F. Subordinate. . La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every Saturday night. Vis fUng brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant HUGH McCALL. N. G OSCAR COOLIDGB. Secretary. . W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. Fvretteri ef America. Court Maid Marlon No. 22 meets each Wednesday night in K. of P. h&lL Brothers are invited to attend. BEN "HAISTEN, C. R. LEO HERRING, C S. C. J. VANDERPOEL. F. S. A. F. k A. JK. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. , A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meetsev- ery Monday evening In Caatle Hall (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER. C. C, R. L. LINCOLN. K.'of R. & s! UtllLiiAIIS. ; ? Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every Tuesday evening at the I. 0. O. F. hall All visiting members are invited to attend, v 1 JENNIE N. SMITH. N. G MARTHA E. SCOTT. Secretary. n. i o. k. . s i ; La Grande Lodge .No. 433. nieeete each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner Depot street; and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend; ; H. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. ; HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. iisualy given internally for rheuma '.lsin are polosnous or, very Btrong medicines. They are worse than use less in cases of chronic and muscular rheumattsm. For sale by All Good Druggists. v i Oram tar VmcM Kortlwrt SaU mi CUmMt Hn as UDlr M M bfi taltn. Ank for Cat liiui i lfMionwiali lour DxlKiibarlMMHt, nrn m tv(i a,m f oar dralvr, n4 will hi ra frkt t flower MMNtrrM fnr mmt tmnh). oom v KM REWARD. A reward of five dollars will be paid for to the finder of an Elks em blem watch fob, if returned' to this offlce. On the under side' of the fob is the number, 287. (6-10-tf) W. H. Getchell of La Grande, Is In the city on the transaction of busi ness. Pendleton E. O. r . 8TATEMEM OF 5EW AMSTERDAM CASUALTY C0MPAJIY. -' SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE New Amster dam Casualty "Company of New York in the State of New York, on the 31st day of December. 1908. made to the Insurance Commissioner of the StaVi of Oregon, pursuant to law: ; CayltaL Amount of capital paid up $314400 00 1 Iacone. Premiums retelved during the year. . 754,51 00 Interest, dividends and rents- received during the year ........ 86,486.15 Income from other sources rcelved during the year ............ 113.17 1 Total Income .' $781,118.3: Disbursements. ' Losses paid during the year, includ ing adjustment expenses, etc...... J2,591.78 Dividends paid during the year on capital stock 12,576.00 Commissions and nnlirl rM rti,i 'the year ; . , ... . . .'. . , 313,883.25 Taxes, licenses anjl d"ees paid during the year ................. 16,553.71 Amount of all other expenditures.. .....i. ...... .......... 65.926.12 Total expenditures ..$781,535.89 Assets. Value of stocks and bonds owned,.. $852,862.50 LoaiiB on mortgages and collateral, etc. 35.000.0C Cash In bank and on hanu 72,024.81 Premiums in course of collection, and In transmission J . 122,094.84 Accrued interest .......... 7,554.98 Total admitted arsets . .$1,089,537.1C Liabilities. Qross claims "or lueses unpaid ,. $113,131.64 .mount of uncarnel premiums on all outstanding risks 350,209.25 Due for commJspion and brokerage.". ......;..v.;...;. 33.4ii.27 All other liabilities including contin gent fund of $50,000.00..'. 65.449.90 Total liabilities i..'... $562,202:06 Total premiums in force December 31. 1908 .............. $692,971.98 Business In Oregon For The Year. Grcss premiums received during the year ... . . A ............ .' $15,297.07 Premium b returned during the year 2462.85 Losses paid during the year ........ '10.109.24 Losses Incurred during he year..... ................... 10.109,24 Total amount of prei UStand ing In Oregon Dec : 1908. ..'v. 1,090.21 CASUALTY NEW AMSTERDAM . COMPANY, by GEO. E TAYLOR, , Secretary, Statutory resident general agent and attprney In fact: . C. S. MALCOLM, PorUand, . t. A Healing Salve for Burns, Chapped - Hands and Sore tipples. As a healing salve for burns, sores, lore nipples . and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salve is most excell ent It allays the pain bf a bura al most instantly, and unless the in without leaving a scar. Price, 5 cents. For sale by All Good Dealers, yourself how aulckly it relives the pain and soreness. The medicines .. ELGIN, OREGON, Where local business men are 4 co-operating and buying stump 4 lands preparatory to setting commercial orchards. For par- 4 tlculars regarding good orchard 4 land? at very low prices call or write The : , 4 4 SLOUGH INVESTMENT ' CO. ' Real Estate. Investments, Loans 4 and Collections. - s 4444'4444444 : j 'otice, . To whom It may concerned ' Notice is hereby given' that t the partnership of Black . Bramwell bas this day. May . 31, been dissolved by mutual consent, C. J.Black continuing the real estate business and F. 8 Bramwell retiring. All bills due said I firm are pay n be either to said C. J. i Black or F S. Bramwell, and both ' said parties hold themselves respon sible for aU bills outstanding. , ' Those knowing themselves Indebted to said firm or Indlvldulas must make fmmeUlate settlement , , 1 F. S. BRAMWELL tf ! C. J. BLACK Tipping U IIlegaL OLYMPlA. Wash.; .June 10.- -After today tipping will be iUegal In the 8tate of Washington, under a new law which applies to employes' of publIo service corporations botete and res Uurants. With visitors In Washing ton from all "over the world to attend the Seattle exitos'ltfoiC it is thought that the measure lmpossiblft of enforcement An 4attempt will. be made to have the law declared 'un constitutional, on the allegation that It is an abrogation of personal privi lege. ; ' ' : t Under the provisions of the new statue, the receivers of tips-will be guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $250, or by Imprisonment in a county Jail for not more than ninety days. It is further provided that the givers of tips shall be subject to the same penalties. Hake Cigars In Elgin. J. H. Wills of this city will open, a cigar factory in Elgin as soon as all necessary, arrangements have been completed. He will probably open up for business the first of next week. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE No. 49. A cottage 6 rooms, 1 closet, cellar woodhouse, dish cup boards, and flour bins built In kit chen; 2 corner lots,, west and north fronts ; location good. -. i ice it iWft.tH). No. 48. Cottage of 4 rows outside cellar, woodshed, hen bouse, barn, good lawn, garden; 2 lots east front. size 80x104; well and city water; good walk. 7 rice if 1500.00. ; . No. 47. 2 acre fc.o.? land and 1 room house; close in. Can be made a nice home; not a bad buy. Price $1200.00. No. 46. A cottage of 4 rooms wlthf bath; plastered. 2 lots set to fruit 20 trees; vith lots of berry bushes. Ilonhou8e, woodshed; size of two lots 80x125. Can make good terms. Price No. 43. A cottage on tbe hill; has 6 rooms, bath, toilet, pantry, cellar, woodhouse. Good lot, 60x110; city- water. Price $2200.00. ' No. 41. Almost l1 acres good land ; ' 4 ' room "house, .woodhouse ; 2 shares water . Price $1250.00. ; No. 40. On 3rd st in Old Town, 5 room bouse, woodshed, well, i good lots; a splendid place for little money Price $850.00 No.' 45. Something new, 6 rooms and bath. City water; good location on bill. One lot size 60x110. Be sure and see it . Price $2100.00. . No. 44. Fine new cottage. 5 rooms and bath, Everything modern and up-to-date. 1 lot, size 50x110; a very fine home for someone at the price of $3150.00. '- '.' V;'-r No. 24. 4 acres land, 4 shares tra ter; 5 room house ; woodhouse.; will soon be worth more. Price $2000.00. : No. 23. 1 acre best , garden land, set to best of berries and fruit trees, with one share of beat water. 6 loom house in fine condition, and tbe location cau not be any better. Price $1050.00. No. 38. - A home cottage, 5 rooms; plastered, good woodhouse, well; 2,0 young trees; 2 good lots, corner East & South, fronts.' Size of two lots 80 x 104. Price $1600.00. No. 22. Lots 3. 4. 6. Block fO !n Home Investment Add. to La Grande, has set 80 fruit trees. 1 year old, fen ced. Price $450.00. No. 37. Lots 4, 5, 6, Block 12, Romlg Add., good location, price what will make you sure buy. Price $500.00. No. 50. Two lots, east frontage, cprner; size 80x104, has good lawn;' 23 fruit trees, 4 years old, berry bush- es and all such as makes a home. The bouse has 6 rooms, good cellar, wood house, nennouse; location sucn as would be desirable. Price $2000.00. - No. 10. Lots, why say the price too high, or the lots too small, or any other, If until you have seen the desir able ones that we can sbow you. No. 43. 3 large lots, each lot size 71x110; these are on tbe hill, and a most desirable place; the house bar 8 large rooms, S closets, batht a fine brick and cement cellar outside; fine woodhouse, fair barn. This must be seen, to do yourself Justice. Price $3250.00. , Don't forget that anything in farm, fruit or garden lands, we can inter est you. The above is a partial list of real estate we have for sale. Let us know your wants and we will try and supply your nepfW ' ' Li V;. SDK IXTESTMESl (0. teley Block. : WE Some of the season' s very newest things in men's togs MEN'S SUITS Made up in the very newest models " - ' ". . . . . STRAW HATS FLORSHIEM SHOES C C. PENNI6T0N 6 CO. im GEORGE PALMER f M iximm coivipamy 1 JET AIL DEPARTMENT 1 - Wc Solicit Ycur Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, I V Chain Wood I We are prepared to furnish and deliver material I nrnmntlv f X r J :(-.--. .. A -,. .... ,- V .: .... -.. ; . ; 4- Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. asMtssMf iTHINK THIS OVER! illSlBBBMSBSI MsflMMMHHMBSMMBjnMBMMHSBMHMaU J. '-r '? 'i : ''y -.'v - v, i' ' If you believe in your ? f ' " -' ; ; ,tovn why rot make it : : . ' ' ' .;' ' : . 'worth while to do busi- ; '- v - . ' ness here? : , : ;: t e t : ASK FOR LA GRANDE SUGAR : Accuracy the Key Note i When you are installing a new plumbinig system or making the minutest repair. .We -' - do this at the time you want it and at prices you can afford to pay. ' 1 BAY & ZWEIFEL i ; :'r-:: .21? depo) . streei If ri, AM ,--. v It II Tb Hook oTKupmbaBa ' Chicagor. -. . ' ; . ; -. .. . s 7 e