-.it, m. . V etcf? ranis. JHeKI5.BtBTFB, LA CRATDE. 0 REG 03. Tr;r?BAT,'7CXB tun. La Grande Professional Directory PHTSlCIAJiS. t m wrr.-RARD. M. D. a A. ' ' Physician and Surgeon. . Cffloe in New Bank Building. Rooms 10-21. 'Phones; Residence, Main 19; Office. Main 78. DR. A. L.tRICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. ' Office over Hill's Drug Store. , ' Office 'Phone 1362. Residence Main 55 La N. MOL1TOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave.' and Depot st fllc Main 68. Residence Main 69. BACON & HALL. Phvuirlaci, and Surgeons. IBce in La Grande National Bank Building- ('Phone Main 19. ..T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Han, Residence, Main 52. ML F. E. MtiORB DR. H. C. P. MOORE. Oaiefpahtic Physicians. -Klrksville Graduates Under Founder. Office Sommer Building. Pkones: Office Main C3; Res. Main 64, C. H. UPTON. PH. G.. M. D. iysician and Surgeon, fneclai attention given to Eye, Ear, . Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank: Building. , . rnones Omce, Main 2; Residence, Main 32. VETERINARY SURGEONS. drTpT . chXrlton. . . , . Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store. La Giande Residence Phone Red 701. CflW VQve la' k 1361 Independent Phone 53. Both phones at residence. ; DR. W. H. RILEY. Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery ef all kinds. Country calls promptly answered. SIT'. P 1 -14 Adams avenue. J- ; iones: Pacific Black 1901. Independent, 873. DR. T. W. R1DDELL. M. D. C. Graduate Veterinarian. Office Red Cross Drug Store, .'.ores: Pacific, Main 4. Home. 121. Ls Grande , Orgon. " ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS. L. A. PICKLER JSYal, Mining. Irrigation Engineering and surveying. Estimates, plans and specifications. Office in Bohnenkamp Building. La Grande ' Oregor i The J. T. Scott Music ' ."'.' Successors to I Bramucll Music Go. Have a full and complete stock of Edison Goods. Pianos, Organs and all small in stilments in line at reasonable prices and terms. The J. T, Scott Music Co. Bheomatlsm. More than nine out of every ten cases of -butnim are lm:ly rhe mTtm h rii ti tr ismp. or chronic rhcumaUsiQ. In ucit i.he ' iui:f'u ,;rnuijii ra sid. Tu H-! , s,;ii.uio- the DEMISTS. C. B. CAUTHpRN Dentist. Office over Hill's Drug Store. has, Grande . . Oregon J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building". Phone Blac'-i 1S9X TEACHERS OF MUSIC. PROF. E. PORTER DAY Principal La Grande School of Music. w rv. . assistant. School. 105 Greenwood ave., one door south of Adams ave. 'Phone Black 1831. MISS STELLA OLIVER . Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio at residence of Turner Oliver corner Fourth and O avenue. , , MISS ROSE HOUSE inatmrtnr In Piano. Harmony and Technic. 2105 North Spruce Street. La Grande Oregon ARCllITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi- neerlng. Twenty Years' Experience. ROBERT MILLER. Architect. O.Tlce 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phones Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. 8. " ATTORNEYS. Chaa. E. Cochran Geo T. Cocnran COCHRAN & COCHRAN. Attorneys. , La Grende National Bank Building. La Grande Oregon. H. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Practices in all the Courts of the State j and United States. F.lzin 1 Oregon C. H. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the courtB of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande. Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms 15 and 16 Sommer Block La Grande Oregon. VI AVI. MRS. GRACE McALISTER. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Farmers 197C. Co. nooilail an flit la rprtntn tn elva oiilrk relief. Gire it a trial and Bee They Got Rewards. Star pianos received the highest pward for ton cniistrucunn. at the VyorliVs ('oluniiiian' Exuosl;.n, nl U 't lniHlinn Pnvchtttie tliositiuu. cur ulc at iSt .sliu' Ucok & StatUih I LEADS MM ! A letter has been received from secertary of the Lincoln Memorial association by ' Mrs. Fred , Schilke, chairman of the local committee, say ing that If the other towns of the west would have reached the total sub scription for the farm that La Grande there would be money enough on hand right now to complete the project. La Grande will receive fa vorable mention as1 being one o? the smaller cities to respond liberal to the appeal for financial help. Mrs. Schilke reports that there are still some unused blanks In the hands of her committee which muBt be turn ed in at once, as they are cash assets to her. In that she must return un used blanks. The members will con fer a favor on her by returning them promptly. - Commencing at 6 o'clock tonight, the Boston Bloomer glrte' will cross bats with the local team at the Lin coln grounds for what is the first in ter-sex game in several years in this city. That the team can play baa , some is attested by the fact that they Ui.immori T'ninn vesterdav 6 to 1. a i score that means considerable for Un ion is some team. , . The team is making a successful tour of the Northwest this year, and !t is very, likely that a large crowd will be attracted ta the contest this .evening. It will be a seven-inning affair, due to the lateness of starting. DRAWS NEAR Twenty two days from this date, La Grande will vote on the Beaver creek project by adopting a charter which is exactly the same as the pres ent one, changed in title only. As is well known the special election to be held June 22 is a formal pro cedure only and brings no expense to the city. However, the ordinance must be passed and voters should bear the date in mind. Stock Company Draws Crowd. The Taylor Stock company opened their engagement last night at tha Pastime with "The Gambler and the Girl," and to say they made a hit 1 would be expressing it mildly. The 'standing room only" sign was :U the ticket office at 8:10 and the pack ed house was treated to a perform ance which was said by theater goers I to have been the best put on a stock company in La Grande. The Bame bill will be. run tonight with a matinee tomorrow. Tomorrow niBht the laiiEhable comedy "The Prince of Liars" will be presented. All! DAUB'' 111 PLAT ELE Bid RUSH fOR WORK Business which would naturally have been transacted at the land of- flea VPSterdaV. together With What lor came in this morning on the eavly train, gave the clerks a very strenu ous forenoon. Although the enterl?s were nwr.i?ro'.i9, iu'jtad of bfini? fnn 'nM prir.fir.ally to one locality, is l. usuol when there Is a rush at th l?n:? n'lrp. the hnsincRs cnnie in from all over the district. - mules! The '$1.00 tott!e contains 2 J times 'as much as the , 60 cent size. . . ...... FOR ALL KIDNEY BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM AND LUMBAGO i A dose at bed time usu-L,-V ally relieves the most severe case before morning. BACKACHE JOHN W. KENNEDY t CO. CHICAGO. U. S. A. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given, that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 5" o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, June 2nd, 1909, for the construction of 1653 square feet of cement sidewalk at the Court House. All works to be done accord ing to the plans and specifications which may been seen at the City Recorder's office. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount must each bid. The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ; La Grande, Oregon, May 24th. 1909. ' GEORGE KREIGElt, Chairman ways and means lutaHttee. First-Class Re pairing - T i ALL WORK GUARANTEED. A Shoe poorly repaired is worthless, but a properly re paired Shoe is good as new. My work pleases and satisfies. t. R. Plant ; THE OLD PRESTON STAND. H4"fr'i"i"M""t"H""fr I UNION IMI1R55FRY J. B. WEAVER, Prop. Fruit, shade and or namental t re e s. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vines.' and other small fruit SEN!) f OR PRICE LIST UNION, ORiE. You Need A Well A letter to me stating your location and needs will bring you all the in formation regarding well drilling necessary. 1 , ... ' j R. A. WEST, tu, ' ' I rx 1 1 n . ;ii We Want Your Wants IN Our Want Ad Column Your want is p'aced before a thousand or more wantr seekers every day Cas you afford to spend one cent per word of your ' want au where results are the keynotes?. rOR EJECT. FOR SALE A 240-egg .ncubator and brooder; cheap If taken at once. Phone Blac 1331. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room. . suitable for lady or gent. Electric light, bath and Xire. Inquire at 1112 Adams avenue or 'phone Red 131. , pnR rent a 6 -room house In good condition; large clothes closet ana pantry; garden, chicken park; good cellar: convenient to shops. "Phone Red 1J21 or call at 1315 Jackson Ave., North La Granie.. , 3-stt FOR RENT Nice, cheerful, sunny wnm fnr rent to gentleman, facing east on Fourth street; close In; mod em conveniences. . Call at Observer office. ..' FOR RENT Earn, "inquire of 160U Fifth Rtreet. A-1629 N. D. C. Pile relief, none so good. Newlin Drug Co. FOR RENT House and good one acre cror.len L C. Smith. 4-19 tf . STORE FOR REXT. Store room on Elm St., now occu pied by the L. C. Smith garage will be for rent, on or before June 1st. In quire of A. C. Huntington, phone Red ii.c ;ALt. Two to toui acre 'suburban cmperty. well Improved Katnr.wr.r, 204 Adams. avemi WANTED. WANTED A boy over 14 to care for lawn. Apply at 1806, Second street. "Waitresses Wanted. Wanted-At once, waitresses at Model Restaurant. Appucauon must be made in person. wavtrh nirl for eeneral house work apply to Mrs F. L. Meyers, Rftfi Main avenue. (M-27-30) LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 1114 Wash. Ave. ana depot a black lace collar; medallion stick pin and a turquoise brooch Finder please return sarne to 1114 Wash. Ave. and receive reward FOUND A pair of glasses in case. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. T.03T In La Grande Sunday after noon a plain gold cuff button. Find er ', will please leave at this office and receive reward.,. ' 4-2.j-tf LOST A black Cocker Spaniel an swering to the name of "Dick." One front tooth in the lower jaw missing. Reward If returned to Mabel Mon- tague. . io-l-uj DO YOU KNOW: FOR CERTAIN? that your title is gocd? j An abstract will tell you I all about it and it may be I tc your advantage to have I one made. You cannot I afford to take ' chances ,; j . f o Li v-b r I -ta Gtanse Nahonol . Bank FOR BAXB. FOR SALE! Gentle mare, harness and. buggy; suitable for women and chllren. F. D. Haisten. tt Land for Bale. 40 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa- land for sale cheap If taken soon. C D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2. La Grande. FOR SALE Twenty h. p. Reo, in good condition. Inquire at Lilly Foster hardware store. 8-23tf FOR SALE OR TRADE A young: Clydesdale stallion. J. E. Reynolds, ' Pinctt ftS. or Frmm. 11. S-15tf-d&w . FOR SALE Single comb . Rhode- Island Reds,' hatching eggs. None better in Grande Ronde Valley, comjB and see. $1.50 per setting of 15. $3 for 45. All infertil eggs re- placed free of charge. Incubator chikens $20 per 100. George War ner. Island City. FOR SALE Seed potatoes, fancy hand selected. Large and smooth.' Quality A 1; seed strictly pure. Burpies extra early $2 per 100; late Rose $1.75; Netted Gems, late, $1.75 Burbank seedling $1.30. Georgr Wagner, Island City. FOR SALE-7-4 lots in Block 139, In Chaplin add;, 2 blocks from round house for further particualrs apply tn T. V. Dunn. Citv. or C. E. New- Bom 2415 First ave, Seattle Wash. 4-12-tr F0RgALE-A sewing machine at m4 gecond. street. tt FOR SALE Gray mare 9 years old weight 1000 lbs. First class family animal. G. K. Klappenstein, 1S0J Cove avenue (M-27-J-2) iR SALEgee(1 gtock potatoes $L ; w., per sack at Ramsey-Oldenberjt ware house. G. L. CLEAVER. (5-21-20) 9 FOR SALE OR TRADE Columbia chainless bicycle in good condition. Phone Black 481, C. R.f Buckley. (May 20-25) '--'' ''-'lVf FOR RENT OR SALE Four rooffl house on one acre . tract of land, bearing orchard; One block east of North' Side school huose. Phone Black 1591. ,! on SALE First . class furnituri For particulars call at Mrs. Zuberi Pinesaive AC"BEEvg,0TI ............" iDRlLUNOj t There are several kinds J of drilling but the kind; the kind tn at makes the j farm pay is the drilling j which makes water avail- j. able.; There is no need 'I nf a Hrv farm. The tasi is not so great as may think. 1 have years of experience you had ! and Si understand the well busi ness thoroughly. j D.m.HUNT ness thoroughly. I it.