! imiXG oBsrima u csisok akfco. sATmtAT, x.t ss, rc?. 1- One-Third of Your Life Swift's Premium ii. ri 3 II t 1 1 n 1 I- " ( 41 , ' if: i1 , i " . 41 ; . 4 Absolutely PURE The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Royal does not contain phosphatic acid (which is the product of bones digested in sulphuric acid) or alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid), unhealthful substances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness. u Grande fvenin4 Observer fnbUbd Every Fridai Mornlitg. GEORGE H. CUKRET. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. United Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Ball?, tingle copy... 6q 2ally, per month 65c Daily, six months in advance.... $3.50 Daily, one year in advance... ...$6.50 Weekly, six months in advance.. . 7c Weekly, one year in advance (1.00 Entered at the postofflee at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nora de flame. Signed articles will be re ceived subject to the discretion of the ditor. Please sign your articles and save disappointment. and Features" are decidely the befct run since the present management took hold of th Pastime. The song is a soldier's farewell ditty, "Goodnight, Moonlight FOR RENT OR SALE Four room ' house on one acre tract of land, bearing orchard. One block east of North Side school huose. Phone Black 1591. . - Advertising Kate. Display aid. rates furnished upon ap plication. Local reading notices 10c per line rst Insertion; 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. . , Resolution of condolence. 6c a line. Cards of thanks, 5c a line. , ONE MILLION YEARLY. An array of statements, only too true, is presented in a recent issue of the Spokesman-Review, i wherein the Inland Empire rates arf discuss ed. Paragraphs from this editorial, are appended: If the Inland Empire had terminal rates its freight bill on merchandise hipped from the eaBt would be cut down '$1,000,000 a year. In the last 20 . years the people of the Inland Empire have paid out, at. a conservative cal culation, $15,000,000 In excessive rates on shipments from the east alone. In the course of the Inst ten years hundreds of manufacturers who con templated the builcltug ot plants in the Pacific northwest have come, into the Inland Empire and found the field In viting, but when their investigation showed that freight rates were burd ensome, went to the Coast and lo cated there. - Railroad , discrimination, and noth ing else, has put two-thirds of th population of Washington state upon less than one-third of the state's nreu west of the Cascade mountains. Walla Walla,' Wenatchee, Pasco, Colfax. Pendleton, La Grande, Baker City and other interior towns lme nil had their jcrowth retarded by the in justice ot . excessive freight . rates. And this is also true of all the other Inland cities west of Denver. . At .last victory and justice gea.n near at hand. The interstate com merce commission has decided that freight rates to all Interior points are excessUe, and in the Spokane case decision laid down a pvincioH of rate revision for the "railroads to adopt. But the railroads, reluctant to give tip a part of their excessive earnings, have brought forward a scheme of revised rates that docs not square with the commission's dec.Blon, and they are using every arti'.lie to hoodwink the public, deceive ,h cim misslon and cheat the Interior. , Do not be a knocker. Do not be the first one to cry enough rain. You know you wanted It. It Is evident that quite a number of our people are planning to attend the Portland Rose show. ' - Portland Said It Was I'iumhiuUcI. "The Resurrection'," the Rrwt fut ure film at the Pastlmo. Is t.hi drama tization of Tolstoy's novel of that naniK. and In all the big cities is belni : cotmneuted on most tavertiMV 1 till the newspapers. ' V'.cs'mW .;he. films. " An riitfUU K1," hu'I 'Vi.cs - . T . . V Y V V V V - SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES. V ' FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL ; CHURCH. Corner M Avenue and Fourth street C. E. Deal, Pastor. Sunday 9:45 a. m. Bible School, Geo. II. Currey, superintendent. 11 a. m, Morning Worship; Subject, "Two Re tired Generals." 7 p. m. Epworth League service. Subject, "Profitable Hospitality." Mrs. E. W. Kammerer, loader, 8 p. m. Young People's serv ice. Installation of Epworth Leaguo officerg. Address by Prof. H. J. IIoc kenberry. "The 20th Century Kp worthian." Special music, and fare well words to Professor and Mrs. Hoc kenherry will make these services of especial interest to all. Bible class on Monday evening; and prayer meet ing on Thursday 8 p. in. A cordial welcome to all. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Corner Sixth and Spring st. 9:45, Sunday school, Dr. J. E. Stev enson, superintendent; 11, 'Morning' Worship; Sermon, "Grounding Experi ences In Christian Life and Service.' 7 p. m., Young People's Hour, con quest missionary meeting, theme "The Sunday School as a Home Mission Agency." 8, Evening Worship. Serm on, "The Manyslded Man of Nazarth, from "a Business man's view point." "" Cordial welcome, conic. W. H. GIBSON. . " , Pastor. liUST PUESHVTERIA CHURCH. Washington Avenue and Sixth st. Rev. S. W. ScFiuunn, I. IK, Minister. Morning 'subject," "Tho King to be Crowned;" Evening subject. "The Miracles;" Special music at each serv ice. Sunday school. 9:43 a. ni Mr. W. L. Brenholts, superintendent. C. E. service, 7:00 p. m.. Mrs., A. T. Hill, Leader. Prayer meeting Thursday, K:00 p. in..' Brotherhood meeting, Wednesday, 8:00 p. m. at the home, of Mr. 11. R. Ilanna. Is spent in bed What did you pay for the mattress? I In bed we laugh, in bed we cry; J And born in bed, in bed we die; I The near approach a bed may show I Of human bliss or hun an woe. Do you recognize the importance of the mattress? Do you select it with the same care you do the other comf orts of home? Have you ever stopped to consider that in this age of advancement it has recieved little attention little improvement was made until the re nowned Sealy Mattress was invented? This marked the entry of a new era in mattress making. ' The Sealy-Mattress is different! Features that stand out in bold contrast: First successful and only Noia-Tuffed Mattress; First mattress made along tcientific lines, Constructed of one single bat of long staple cotton, Without Tuft or Binding. See this won derful mattress, now on PVhihitinn at our elnro TV. success of the century. Let us explain its merits. W. H. BOHMEIMKAMP Co. HARDWARE7 and FURNITURE Hsms'.md Bscori New Lot Just In CfyJI Grocery and Bakery, L P CLACK, Prop ; v j Bell Piione Main 75 Independent 241) PURITY A 7 I IS A How would you like ST. PETER'S CHURCH. Whitsunday. Holy Communion 8 a. ra. Sunday School 10 a. m Morning Service 11 a. m. Evening Service ....8 p. m. UPTON H. GIBBS, Rector END CONTEST AT MIDNIGHT to have your preference ol the world's neatest and new est fabrics made into a suit according to the fashion pre vailing in the big cities the moment the cloth is cut? THROUGH THE MEDIUM of our connection with Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, largest tailors in the world of GOOD made -to -order clothes, you can secure the most satisfac tory clothes obtainable at 0 remarkably reasonable prices. See us today. C. C. PENINGTON & CO. 1 '--"'mN?. ' 1 J J J Ij f j t i t t NECESSITY WHEN IT COMES TO DRUGS We Guarantee the Purity of a Drugs sold here : : : HILL'5 b R UQ JTO R E i LA GRANDE, OREGON Gomplete equipment for rubber buggy tires. resetting and repairing LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Gomplete Machine Shops and Foundry WHtWMWMMWMtWfWtW J. WM"! ItM U. nm A OA. i Just Received Puffs, Switches, Rats . Psyches and Rolls ALL COLORS . .C.n.WCLLTUIN5rCO. ADAMS AVENFK The last day of the carnival queen contest has been an Interesting one ami votes will continue to come in up till a late hour this-evening. At 10 o'clock tonight the boxes will be col lected and sealed and at 12 o'clock, opened at the Commercial club and th results announced. At the count taken ihia uftemnou the following re ( subs '-ve foumi: MU' uayouui t2 I rai l v iV .. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION 11 Do You Know Thot the ELEGTRIG IRON Furnishes the CHEAPEST and BEST Method of Doing Domestic Ironing ? The Heat is Where You Need It Vou Owe it to YOUR S ELFE Five Days Free Trial. GRANDE RONDE ,U&,;'-EliECTRIC'.cd t SEASON OPENED AT ?S SELDER ICEjCREAM and SOFT DRINKS 4.4.4. , -4,4,4HM.4Hi TTTTT TTT"' tlt,ttfftl)ttt,fiMi;tif4i N. K. WEST, Pres. r. SCR0CCIN, Cash Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres. H. E. COOLIDGE, Asst. Cash ADDM NEW ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts ; and ' our business is increasing at a very satisfact- Probably you might" be glad and ory rate, join us. The United States Nationa I Bank Of La Grande N. K. IVesf E. P. Staples C. T. Bacon DIRECTORS Vir. Miller H, F. Ccclidge T. J. Scroggin L L Cavities Frank Conk) A, J. Hill i J'' .""' V'.