EIGHT PAGES. r V iiuimmer Rate: East During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ' " - from . ; .' Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma,' Wal la Walla ,and all points on The O. R- & N. line . To OMAHA and Return... $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return: . .$60.00; To ST. LOUIS and Return $67.50 To CHICAGO and Return, .... , .$72.50 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final Tetura limit October 31. '':..,....' '..',',,. ' On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11,12. ; To Denver and Return. . . . ....... $55.00 On Sale May 17; July l; August li. of Btopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pass engers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be Uad at a slight advance over the rates quoted. ' , ' 'Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets 'will be furnished by any O. It. & N. leal agent, or , WM. McMCBRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. A GOOD RcCORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grandefor many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain' . the mystery. .. . A. B. C. Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 Jioe You get at our store are made to fit and wear. Style is combined with comfort. We . guarantee satisfaction in all our shoes. Just received two good numbers in tan hose. Repairing Neatly Done Smith & DEPOT STREET Greene DEVELOP THE BUST HID Eld Ml : UNION". May 2i, (Social) Cove met its first defeat here yesterday when Cnion defeated the leaders ( to 3. The game was interesting but void of features. The batteries: Cove. Meyers and Gibsou; Union, McMillan and Mutvehill. 1 Elgin Easy Winners. BAKER CITY. May 24. (Special) Elgin trimmed Baker City yesterday In a decidely "bum" game, the score being 8 to 4. Elgin played fairly good ball, but the exhibition' put up by Baker City was distasteful. Elgin's easy victory was due to first basemai. Tunecliff's failures, principally. it josfpn Fred B. Currey, representing tht, commercial Interest; Engineer Gard ner for the local order of engineers; Frank Mytenger for the conductor.; Cliattum for the trainmen, and Farnuir for the firemen, are in Joseph this af ternoon to consult with the commer cial club of that city tor the train men's excursion to Wallowa lake They will attempt to arrange plans foi a barbeque and a ball game aB spe cial attractions at Joseph on the day that the excursion is held. The train men representatives, excepting - Mr. Gardner, are members ot the train crew on the Joseph run today. 0 Aft SHE'S A QUEEN! SUE'S A SlUEX! Is an expression that Is always heard at sight of a well deve jd woman. If you are flat-cheated, with Bt undeveloped, a srawny neck, thin, lead arm remark will never be applied , to you. "SIP . wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch ing. They DEVELOP THE BUST in a week from I to- inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make thu arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be pleased and .grateful, "SI REN" wafers are .absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and convenient to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim . or MOXET BACK. Price 11.00 per . bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or send DI RECT TO US. . - ; ' FREE. During the next 80 days' only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of packing and postage if you mention that you saw the advertisement In this paper. The sample alone may be sufficient tf the defects are trifling. . ' , DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO.. SI W. 125th ST., NEW YORK. Daily Observer, 65c per Month t 100 SMALL Mrs. E. E Shepard, who had charm ed the ladles of the W. C. T. U. and all others whom she came in contact during he stay in La Grande, spoke to a large congregation at the Pres byterian church last night, many be ing turned away. He subject, as an nounced in the Observer, was "Peaks and Valleys," and dealt with the his tory and aims of the - prohibition movement. In the history of the prohibition movement the speaker described the progress of public sentiment, in figurative language, likening the principle of the church, the trend of education, the verdict of science and the attitude of the commercial world toward liquor as high mountain peaks, leading the workers to strug gle onward and upward toward the top. .'. By those who have heard Frances Willard, Lady Henry Somerset and other noted woman orators, Mrs Shepard is said to be even more elo quent than were they. ' TILL ROBBED Somerfne broke the back window of Grant Lincoln's pool room and near- beer place Saturday Saturday night, after the place was closed and stole over . 20 from the cash register Luckily Lincoln had followed his usual habit and left the register un locked. Otherwise the thief might have smashed the macttlne, which is quite a costly one.' No arrests have yet been made. , EInglnes Sent Back. So great is the demand, for engines on the Union Pacific that six new O R. N. engines, sent to Albina lately, were sent back east yesterday. ienson for 'Practicing rv, USII tistry IN The Case of the Sine v. I Without Fi si Having Cb'.a'noda License Therefor "R, L. . Lincoln private pros tutor, and which was carried to the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon by the District Attorney in the hopes of getting a conviction, has recently been dismissed by the Supreme Court and as a consequence I am a free man. While I regret . very much- that tni3 prosecution has cost Union Gounty something over $125.00, 1 am nat urally gratified to find that I was not guilty. ; .'".' On the evening of April 26 last, -while I was in the east, my office was burglarized and my record book stolen. , For information which will lead to tha arrest ani conviction of the person or persons implicated I will pay a reward of $ 100.00 or any other sum necessary. - Hereaf ter 1 shall be pleased to give any information regarding my. prices etc. to anyone who may be sufficiently interested to call at my office while I am present. . -; A- ,'.- ' . . Respectfully, . - j. E. Stevenson, D. D. S. Comina Soon. 5 'ir'-x ' . . ". - ' - A Ml I. KEATING Expert Eye Spscidist of Salt lake, WILL BE AT Hotel Sommer Don't fall to see him about your ij-es or glasses, If you are having rouble with them. Did you zver have your eyes fitted right? o; OLD -S ORES If an old sors existed Blmply because the flesh, was diseased at that particular spot, It would be an easy matter to apply some remedy directly tv i,u9 ptace mat wouia kui tae germs; or the diseased nesa might b3 removed by a surgical operation and a cure effected. But the very fact that old sores resist every form, of local or external treatment, and even return after being cut away, shows that back of them la a morbid caug which must be removed before a cure can result. Just as long as th; pollution continues In the blood, the ulcer remains an open cesspool for th ucpwmui iiiijjuiiii- wuita mo circulation inrowsorr, , o.ss. s. cures uia bon by purifying the blood. . It removes every trace of impurity and taint fron. the circulation,, and thus completely does away with the cause. Whs:: S. S. S. has cleansed the blood, the sore , begins to heal, and it is not e surface cure, but the healing process begins at tha bottom; soon the dis- cnarge ceases, tne innammauon leaves, and tr.e place fills ia -with firm, healthy flesh. Under the purifying and tonic effects of S.S. S. the system is built up. and those whose hoalth has been impaired by the drain and! worry of an old sore will be doubly benefited by Us use. Book on Sores wad Ulcers and any medical advice frse to all who wrlta. ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CA, I I Coal Fire Go Out ft.' 2L I want your diftlcult and stubborn cases. I don't care how many have failed to fit your case; I tell you my, system is successful on these cases. I I have devoted my life work to this I one study I do nothing else that's why I succeed where others fail ; so if you have head afhes, weak eyes, etc., and want glasses that are easy and comfortable, call and see me at once. Don't wait; do it now. Dr. W. II. Keating is not a stranger in La Grande. Can furnish you many references. Let the .....-. . . . At the first sug gestion of summer weather let tha range fire die out, set a New Perfection W:k Blue FIara Oil Cook-iiove i.j a corner of tho k:t:;hufl. and at once tlio fanily boilm;', fryin't 1 :ik ing n:ay lie d.v .with comfort, b v a u s c the "New I'ivf.cno!." de livers the heat tinker the kettle . and nut a'ntut the room. A mthtr convenience of the - NEW P3S8KCH8M Wick Blue Flame Gil Cooli-Stove . it its CABINET TOP t feature found in no other oil stove. t .1. - -.--1 . t: t L i j: i ICSC1U3 me aLiLci(iuii.c ui a icci intc I luc IUI liuiuuig ga. dishes for keeping meals hot after they are cooked for warming plates and for keeping towels handy. Made ia JLa three sizes with or without Cabinet Top as desired. At your dealer's or write our nearest agency. 7 . pa u Rivet a most agree able light tor read ine, sewme or imdv mellow, ttrone. continuous. No better !mp U made for every household ue. If not at your dealer s, write our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY Uacorporcted) IfWrTT Hi BlKlv SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. W. W. Knowlton, I'lalntiff vs. LaurV W. Knowlton, defendant. To Laura W. Knowlton, defendant above named: . ... In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ISled against you in the above entltiad court and suit on or before June 28th, 1909, and If you fail to answer, for want thereof, ! the plaintiff will take judgement and j decree of said court against you for i J the relief prayed for In the complaint, I namely, his absolute divorce from you , for wilful desertion more than one ' year last past; and that the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant : be to; ever dissolved and for general rciu f. This summons is publhcd by or-j der of Hon. J. W. Kni; vls, Judge of the above entltlled Court, made May 13th, 1909, . fixing J six consecutive weeks therefor, and In the La Grande Evening Observer, the first publlca- a , 1 t L . , . F t r n 9 lien H'.TCOi ueiug .uuy i i. ivv. 9 . . .. ..'- C. H.FINN. ' ' " " ' ' . Attorney for Plaintiff, f j J ' ED. PROPECK, The Second Hand Dealer I'll