MM tL s .it; 7.5.T, mi. ii win mIM 4 L NOTICE FOR Pt'T LICAT.-OX. , year proof, tc establish claim tc tbe f ' ! laid ebore described, before the i f Register and Receiver, IV 8. , Laiid I Office, at La Grande, Oregon, on the ! 21st day of June, 1909. Claimants names as witnesses: ! Nels Holverson, of Hilgard, Oregon. William Lowe, of Hilgard. Oregon. ' Earl Rugg, of Pendleton, Oregon. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande Or I , May S. 190. Svrft's Premium Notice is hereby Riven that NATHAN FAHRELL," of Hilgard, Oregon, who, on May 12, 1902, made Homestead Entry No. 11391-Sertal, No. 03641, for SEVi. Sec- tion 6, Township 3 South, Range 36 ' Link Lynd. East. Willamette Meridian, has filed ' notice of Intention to make final five of Pendleton, Orgeon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Hsms mi Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of -Tartar U Evening OUserver , I'bWi fcef TmXt Except Soad-y. ;;h;j6.h. ccbbey. . edit t nd proprietor. trite Fresa Telegrapk Service. . SUBSCRIPTION RATS Daily, single copy........... Daily, per month .......... Daily, six month in advance. Daily, one year In advance... Weekly, six month -. Weekly, one year in advance. , . . ,1.00 . . 5c .. 65c ..$3.50 ..$6.50 ODDfEW (01 HOME Catered at the postomce at La Grande as second-class matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing oyer a nom de lum5. Signed articles will be re ceived subject to the discretion of the ditor. Please sign your articles and aave disappointment. V Advertising Kates. . Display ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. , Local reading notices 10c per line Srst insertion ; 5c per line for each obsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence, 5c a line. Cards of thanks, 5c a line. It is to be hoped that the Portland Gateway will be maintained during the period of the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific exposition, thus giving the tour- Iste an opportunity to see the beauti ful scenery of the Columbia river, which is not excelled any where and acidentally see a portion of the great commonwealth of Oregon. ;, ; -i? . , This seems to be a misfit season all over the country, hot confined to the Pacific coast by any means, but from ocean to ocean. One of the oc casional coldbackward springs. A few warm days will make things grow so ; fast we will soon forget it. J. A. Arbuckle and George Ball, i - . - - . bany, returned this morning, a H. Dlystone and I. R. Snook, the other delegates, will not come until tomor row. H. E. Coolldge, the newly elec ted Grand Master, stopped a day in Portland with Grand Secretary Shar on, in order to become familiar with his duties. As Grand Master Mr. Cool idge has the appointment of five g.and officials, arid additional honor conies to Eastern Oregon by the appointment of R. H. Rohrig, as Grand Marshal. i TWO AUTOMOBILES j For rent with an experienced driver Seating capacity is five passengers with one and three with the other. Service is the best and prices right Inquire of CHASE B0HNENKAMP HOME PHOtVE 132 PACIFIC MATES BKACK 241 RESIDENCE RED 481 14 - How would you like FARMERS MEET TOMY. runners DNcnss Commniiicatlons From Ontlde That Are Secret. A large number of members of the La Grande local of the Farmers' Edu cational and Co-operative Union, met in the K of P. hall this afternoon and discussed various subjects. Communi cations from out of town were read and discussed though the nature of them is not for publication. Nothing of any great importance came up. This js the age of the horseless car riage, the wireless telegraph ni;d fenceless home. The hitter is grow ing In popularity in La' Grande more than the former. . ?- 1 ; . 1)1 s ARM litlrl Will Enlarge l'lunt. R. II. Jonas, editor of the Wallowa Sun came out this afternoou, en route to.Portland where he will buy equip ment to enlarge Ills plant at Wallowa. Fire last evening totally destroyed the Prof. Robert Wllkerson home north of I Grande, two trunks filled with wearing apparel being the only goods saved from the building. During the afternoon Mrs. Wilker aon had gone to the Anson home near by, to visit briefly, and It was during her absence, that somehow, the fire originated. When Pror. Wllkerson, who is a member or the high school faculty, returned from his day's work. It was to find his home in ashes. The home was execllently furnished and though there is a small insurance. It will not cover the Iosb by any means. The family had been packing their clothing preparatory for an' extended tour dulng vacation time, and these trunks it was that were saved. A new piano and several pieces of new furni ture are Included in the Iohhps. Their trip has necessarily been postponed and Mr. Wilkerson is to day homeless. Friends came to their rescue with aid and until some suit able arrangements can be made, they will make their home with friends. I ne. house and furnishing would easily reach $''00O. while tuo Insm-V-ncc is J1.0W. The l.yoss lucli.des all family relics and keepsakes.' THE SCENIC PANTAGES CIRCUIT. La Grande's Foremost Vaude ville Theatre. Depot Street. S. A. G A It DINER, Manner. AVeek beginning May 17. Miss Mabel Johnston, lady ven triloquist. Amick & Marez, singing, dan cing, talking and music. &?j'zzp savor s . T TIM t to have your preference of the world's neatest and new est fabrics made into a suit according to the fashion pre vailing in the big cities the moment the cloth is cut? THROUGH THE MEDIUM of our connection with Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, largest tailors in the world of GOOD made - to - order clothes you can secure the most satisfac tory clothes obtainable at remarliably reasonable prices. See us today. C. C. PENINGTON 6 CO. Hew Lot Just In " . City Grocery and Bakery, E.POLACK,Prop Cell Phone Main 75 Independent 24 Is PURITY ISA NECESSITY ' WHEN IT COMES TO DRU0 We Guarantee the Purity of all Drugs sold here : : ; HILL'S bRgq jTORE LA GRANDE, OREGON Gomplete equipment for rubber buggy tires. resetting and repairing LA GRANDE IRON . WORKS D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry MMItMt i Matinee. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Adults, matinee: 10c; children, under 12 years, r Cc. Evening prices, 10 and 15c. Just Received Puffs, Switches, Rats Psyches and Rolls ALL COLORS ADAMS AVENUE Merchants! Save $10,000 In 1907 the Merchants.! of Oregon saved over $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon $ Merchants Mutual Fire As- surance Association, of t Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 fney will save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITY PFCVPTSLmWtNT OF LOSSES J. W. OLIVER, Agent t SEASON OPENED AT QT-T T T? T ' 1 J . IJ I A. IGECREAM and SOFT DRINKS 1 DO IT NOW. GET AN Electric Iron V Saves Time, Work and Money; Only $450 Five Days Free Trial GRANDE RONDE ELECTRIC CO. 4HHfr,HM.4H,MHtHMM,4 V. K. WEST, Pres. Wm. MILLER, T. L SCRQGGIN rach lice Pres. H. E COOLIDCE, Asst. Cash ADDIN NEW ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts and our business is increasing at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably you might" be ' glad and join us. . .'7 -.,v ' The United States National Bank Of La Grande N: K. West . P. Staples C.T. Bacon DIRECTORS . Wr. Miller P.F. Ccclidg T. J. Scrcggin I. L Cavines . Frank Conley A, T. Hili t i. V,l