f m .1 EJGHT riGZS. ETHIHWg ( BSEBTER. LI CRAXPR. OKEG05. 1 BUAV. MAY 21, 1909. PAGE TRESS. i ...... , .. i -- . . ., - - - J5- ' . . ; : : ' ' , li ....... - . Summer Rates hast During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. o . OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD . from . Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Valla and all points on The O. R. & N. line To OMAHA and Return $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return . . . $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return. ..... .$67.50 To CHICAGO and Return $72.50 Going transit limit 10 days from date of Bale, final return limit October 31. , On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12. . To Denver and Return . . . . ; . .$55.00 On Sale May 17; July 1; August 11. These tickets present some very attractive features In the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pass- engers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a alight advance over the rates quoted. Pull particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any O. R. & N. leal agent, or WM. McMUBRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. A GOOD RfXORD We have conducted a laundry business in t La Grandefor many years. There must a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. j A. B. C. Laundry 1 PHONE MAIN 7 J e You get at our store are made to fit and wear. Style is combined with comfort. We guarantee satisfaction in all our shoes. Just received two good numbers in tan hose. . Repairing Neatly Done m M tf mm ureene, DEPOT STREET EDITOR OH V1EV TOUR George M. Cornwall, publisher of the Timberman, at Portland, which is one of the lcauing ueriodlcals of its kind of the Pacific coast, passed through La Grande thin morning en route to Wallowa county where he will make a hurried tour of inspection. He has not been In Wallowa county and is anxloiiH tr lnarn hv first nisrht whnt ; is being done to develope the resour ' ces of that fertile district He will return in time to attend the meeting of the White Pine Manu facturer's Association at Baker City next Tuesday. Several La Grande and Uniou couuty lumbermen will also be present at that meeting. Will Write up Timber. While in Wallowa county he will procure data with which to give an exhaustive writeup of Wallowa coun ty's timber in a nearby edition of The 'ijlN Tr.-j Gase of the State vs Stevenson for "Practicing Dentistry j 'A' .-.; out Fi s: Having Obtained a License Therefor," R. L Lincoln private pros cutor, and which was carried to the Supreme Court of the State of Oregon by the District Attorney in the hopes cf getting a conviction, has recently been dismissed by the Supreme Court and as a consequence I am a free man. While I regret very .much that tnis prosecution has cost Union County something over $125.00, 1 am nat urally gratified to find that 1 was not guilty. a iutuci umu. One or two days more only remain for the local athletes to prepare them selves for the Eastern Oregon track and field meet at Pendleton. That they have a chance and a chance onty to win the meet. Is considered to be a fact, but by a peculiar, though desir able, condition of affairs, it wiil be a close finish. Baker City has its eight men, and Pendleton and Cove Its sprinters. Pendleton has hurdlers too, but its main strength is in the sprints. Ontario is strong in the vaulia. AH these teams mentioned, are enreniolv profficlent-in the branches mentioned, and not strong in others. ' The proposition that fa-;fl l a On the evening of April 26 last, while I was in the east, my office was burglarized and my record book stolen. For information which will lead to the arrest ani conviction of the person or persons implicated I will pay a reward of $100.00 or any other sum necessary. Hereaf ter I shall be pleased to give any information regarding my prices etc. to anyone who may be sufficiently interested to call at my office while I. am present. ; . ' ;' ' Respectfully, J. E. Stevenson, D. D. S. Grande Is to compete with the stars from the various schools and wrest vtotory 1rrm tfc StT2. If !h tuu do It, it will nielli that they ha e to defeat the stars in every event in which they enter. La Oiwiuie has to stars, but the greatest riKgretgution of strlvers for small favors that er wore a high school penn.mt. 4 ' BASD CONCERT FINE. Good Music, Cold Winds Aud Appre dative Crowd Intermingle. Unfortunately for all concerned, told winds blew and attendance at the open-air concert by the La Grande band last evening was unpleasant. But the band played with a spirit that cold weather could not dampen, and strangers in the city were heard to say that "it was fine music." Not alone was the music excellent, com prised as it was of high class rendi tions, but the new uniforms too, made a decided hit with the music lovers The suits are neat and attractive. It is hoped that the band will again favor the public with a series of se lections. o BAD BLOOD Bad blood Is responsible for most of oux ailments, and when from an cause it becomes Infected with Impurities, humors or poiaona, trouble in soma form la sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc.. i uuuviou wua unneauny numors which have changed It from a pure, fresh . stream to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out its. Impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evi dence of bad blood is sores and ulcers, whlci break out on. the flesh, often from a very insignificant bruise, or even scratch or abrasion. If the blood was healthy the place would heal at once; but being infected with Impurities which are discharged into the wound, Irritation and inflammation are set up, the fibres and tissues are broken, and the sore continues until the blood is yurini of the cause, S. S. S. la Nature's blood-purifier and tonic, made entirely from roots, herbs and barks. It goes down into the circula tion and removes every particle of inpurity, humor or poigon, restores losnl vitality, ana sieaauy tones up me enure system. 8, S. S. neutralizes any excess of acid in the blood, mnking it pure, fresh and healthy, and perma nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Boils, and all other Bkla eruption or aisease. book on tne Moot and an? medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CP,, ATLANTA, GA. QjREf DEVELOP THE BUST SHE'S A QCKEN! SUE'S A SIREN 1 1st an expreson that is always heard at sight'of a well deve jj woman. If you are flni-chested, with BT undeveloped, a srawny neck,, thin, lead arm . remark will never be applied to you. "SIP . wnfers will make you beautiful, bewitch inj,. They DEVELOP THE BUST in a week from 8 to 6 inches and produce a fine, firm, voluptuous boBom. They fill out the hollow platvs, make th . arms handsome and well modeled and the neck and uhoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send tor a bottle today and you'll be pleased end graterui. "SI REN" wafers are absolutely harmless, pleasant to take, and copvenlent to carry around. They are sold under guarantee to do all we claim or MONET BACK. Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores or Bend DI RECT TO US. FREE. During the next 3' "Isvsonly we will nend you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on receipt of 10c to pay cost of packing and postage If you mention that you saw the advertisement in this paper. ' The sample alone may be sufficient if the defects are trifling. DESK 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CO., 31 W. 125th ST., NEW YORK. 8? it Collegian represents the highest type of ready to wear apparel America produces. The fabric, the linings, the tailoring and the fitting . qualities are best appreciated when critically compared with the clothes of any other maker. . The man who is painstaking in the selection of his clothes who recognizes the real worth of a well made garment with which is combined the best features of present day fashion is the man whose attention we seek. Collegian clothes for Spring are now being shown by fl let the At the first sug gestion of summer weather let the ran.;2 fire die out, set a New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook -t-' rove i i a corner of ti e I:':tc!-.en, a::J at orsce f,:,.iiiy , ; boilin f'y'p ;..' !-a! ing tr.r.7 bs ,! . .. v.lih comfoi;, l)v.M.as.w the New r-if-c" livers' the J.eat u.ider the keule ;niJ not ahout th room. Anoitur convenience of the Goal Fire Go Out . Q iiililiiliiilliiiiti Iff v." ' i j i, ie- - i s II If s 'ERFEGfHI Emmets. mm Oil Coak-SSove ff i is its CABINET TOP-a feature found in no other oil stove, .Fresfntsthear.:earance of a steel range. Hue for holding dishes tor kvVp.inu meals hot after they are cooked for warming plates and fur keeping towels handv.' Made in l",vc v rn or wuriout Cabinet J op as desired. At your dealer's or write our nearest agency. 1 ,1C -f'wL'y tlJUIJiP a,(e iRht for , ad- ? 'i-sj.-jr , . lnB. sowing or fi ... , . sriwy mellow, stroni, continunus. f .. . .,,.lvJt uuusvnoiu Uj8. It not at juui ucaici , nnrcoiii nearest atenry. oJ ANOARD OIL COMPANY (lucorpuraled) - irf VI ED. PROPECK, The Second Hand Dealer Hi BLACK The Outfitters Dailv Observer, 65c per Month