I PACE EIGHT. MrCfi: ; RSFRVER. I. A RSIE. ORrPOV THI RSDAT, MAT 29, 190. EIGIIT PAGES. illdilS T 'Xsl OME'OOLLAR It". J'f - ' lrjv.wted.ln a botr)l of thej.,w.hlcrtul, , harinU.s rat-reduciniE ub t II JUIS , . , , t , . - - - v . ( itiA In 3f days lou wi. be a norma!. w!!-f.rmcd Mi4uii again. Jwn't y superfluous :Ws,h. Ii n.:.i;' .' rj) ridiculous and 'what jr more 'im poctant.' lc v tfysfa u lt't.tM C0(J 4iiencM, sudden death irm fattj' do generation, hrart disca-..-. kidn.-v ale.f.apop'j(y,and riuscular rheumatfsm-aircme' fr'orn OVtR-FATVp-. : THE QUAUTYSTORE ; HE PUfi J.. - m B V - ..,11 .SHOES THAT HATE A " Tinv. ' REI'lTAr I AVE ALWAYS; DO MORE OR LESS CROWING AROi T OUR SHOES PRINCIPALLY VICI. AVE ARE READY NOW TO FURNISH A PAIR T O K "EXCELLENT ""8 PR I NO " SHOES TO'VKUYODY THAT N'iiEDS A PAIR. ; T i . . t '( AVB snow jusx'jjoAv'M'uarcip- 'FEilENuE THEflK IS v BETWE" . ' GOOD ' HHOES ANflVoOR SJIOK! t. iAXIii Hd)W jISAPrdlXTIKtf SOM v shoes; ARE. BUST MAKES. c fcsfcST' SHOES, mbd EST STOCK TO -SELECT, RKOLM VHO KNOWS HOAV. WE WOULD VNEEDS A' PAIROp'siTOlis'lNTRJ J v 'YVIEW U9.. AVE HAVE SOMETHING, INTERESTING TO TELL, 'MOV.-1 - ' 9 ' ' EVERT1IIG' FOR LADIES," MISSES! ASD CHILDREN. EX l ? I A"': X V, 3IEX WHO K.NOAt I'OME. HEBE FOIl CLOTHING. YOrn BE SURPRISED " IP " YOC ' KNEW THE NUMBER OF MEN WHO NOW "COME "HERE FOR. THEIR, CLOTHES, AVHO FORMERLY PA TRONIZED A TAILOR. ' " OlIR DETERMINATION TO EN- IN TJIE CLOTHING BUSINESS. OUR CONSTANT EFFORT TO ' fiY THE BEST LINE OF CLOTH- MADE HAS , PRODUCED A HINO BUSINESS THAT ANY 0?E MIGHT BE PROUD OF HITCH MORE VALUE. STYLE ' SATISFACTION TO "YOUR ' . AND c'ar V:; and! POL GET 1 LAR THAN YOU ARE ABLE TO elsewhere r .;. . 't "EFERYTHIXR VOW mvx vn rcL , r. fcJtl JIJ.Mi r UIl LAIHr.JS, inlSSES. II . . ' ' . ' f ASD' CHILDREN. ' ' 'II ! ? ! ' ' ' ' 4- v .v - . t -' . 1 : .': .-. 1 " i ' o :''Jk;rv-J west I M OTMity More - " ' : i r . , . . I1i iffohiers Ch Closing Out a it 5 Un&for $9.00 : Capets Rugs and I Matting $5,000 Stock To Select y ' t : HOUSE BARGAINS v- Chas. -v : -t ; -t ;. . 'til i':;'.'"f i England .'i--i lawn Mowers $5, $5.50, $9 $10 Second Hand Mowers $1.50 to 54.50 TENTS Large Assortment Second Hand Cook Stoves $7 to $10 A Ilcnrlntf Ou 0 st, rs. i Fifth. Banitaty precautions to be ob- - WASH I NGTOX; May 20. A hoHi iiiR j served with reference td oyster houa b.v Hie board of food ninl drug lnsiec- i eg, adopted to Insure freedom from (JonU ttf Deiiajtnient ofAgrU ulfire 'ontamInat!on of packages employed. 'i. 'Jlive.li jouay toiaixord the tanlt'Mto 'inaki! intll stitieniutits a ANSWER EILEI. O. 1L ;X. l ompany File. A."wer in . . i Gruybenl, Sull. ? - The O. It.' & N. , company ha tiled Its answer to f the ( omplalnt in the suit brought apalnst the railroad com- tttey deBtre regai'dlps regulations that eijiould be ndoplftt cuiH;ernln$ the prowln. haiKllinjt Bud shipping of oysters. Inforniation is requested es pecially roRimlliig the following points: ' ; . ' . ' 'First.1 nrecRutions to be adopted with respect to the freedom from con- Jpany by Anna Clraytxil. The answer tamlnatlwi of oyster beds. r ! admits that Mrs; Gray heal was a na- i Second, the practlc of "floating" isenger on a ceiialn train and that she oysters In brackish' waters prellmln- j alighted befoi-e the statlon 'for which ary to shucking. " .j "-' . ishe had bought a ticket, was reached: iThlrd. length of washing to which i but they say that the train was stop- , ostei-s . should be subjected before , Sipmeut. '!;', . . , t 'i ' i the brakenian upon reaching the sta tion, was immediately sent by the con ductor to meet Mrs. Graybeal, and that the brakeman did .So. The, usual de nial Af cause for damages is included In the answer. " --..'!.. 1MEREST (iROWS, X '. ' t That th- canals whicli will carry the stored waters of Meadowbrook from the Grande P-onde river at Oro Dell east to the section east of La Grande- and north to water, the Sand ridge ajid adjatest territry,pnd 'the main laterals ifrom tetrej tyjo' rlji cipal'ditihes Aj be vun tsjjsboh EngineeJ Oi'iy ilias inn?!i thjfe jo cation of the dam, spill way and res ervoir? a,t JleadoyU.''uok, is Ve pracr tfc ally di fiite plfi of 'procedure out lmed fey: the diredtors. 2 5 'i i l,J Such I being ttie Jcasei jit J will be sometime in June wnen me exact lo cation of these laterals and canals) will be ascertained. Once this is done, rights of way, subscriptions for wa- ter. and a' score of other neceBsarr' I a i. 't',...' i,;,r ' un til they are, nothing can be done. H D S Fourth, manner of shipment of oy- ters. whether In tubs or Wrrels with .e In contact or In dry form In closed jiackages surrounded by lea. ped at a point not to exceed 20(10 feet from the station, and that Mrs. Gray beal was told by the brakenian not to alight, and that the station was far ther on. but she Insisted upon leaving ' the train. The answer also says that Friends of ("inull.liited Cemlnff to The Front With Yotes. -Those in charge of the voting con test have not counted today's vote at tbP time of going to press, but they will do so this evening, and the total vote up to date will be announced in the Star tomorrow morning. The In terest continues to grow, and although slow In starting, the friends of the various candidates will appear tow ard the close of the contest and will use all their spare change for votes. At the places where the boxen are placed the clerks reported some vot ing early In the forenoon, but Just how much was done is not known. The i audience that - assembled last evening to hear teh debate and pro gram given by the two organized clas ses of the Presbyterian and MethO' dist Sunday schools were most agree ably surprised and entertained. The boys had given their subject careful consideration and both sides were ably presented. The question, "Resolved that the Indain had suffered, more at the hands of the white man than the Negro. The 'affirmative was repre sented by the Lambda Phi Alpha boys, With AVayne PUk'ler as leader, sup ported by Russell Ralston and Harley Richardson, the Blue Mountain bays leader on the negative was Geo.il. ; Currev Jr., supported by Ray- AVill iams and Rqy B. Currey. The Judges we're attorney George C. Cochran, : Cashier AV- L. Brenholtas and Suepf-J Intendent E. E, Bragg, the decision be ing two in favof of the negative. Mil ton pleased all with his clever car toon sketches. Prof. Mansager's read ing of Othello from Shakespear was a tare treat. The vocal solo, by R-iy AA'illlams. the clarinet duet by David Stoddard and Ray SchoBeld and the cosing vloin boo by Marbe Green added to the peasure of the evening. , Word From Albany. j At 3 o'clock Jhls afternoon' the Ob server received a telegram from I. R. Snook, who is a delegate at the I, O. ty. F. convention In Albany, saying. VH. E, Coolidge was unanimously elected Grand Master. Addie Grout Vice-president of the Rebekah Assembly. ) fOR' RENT One ' six room modem 1 house, Mral Zuber. -t ") FOR RENT--Four room house, modi ern. Either furnlsh'ed or . unfur nished.' Mrs. ZubeK 1TOR RENT OR . SALE Four room ' house on one acre tract of land. - bearlng,'owhard..One.block1'ea8C of ( North ;Side Rclibol jAioae, x pjione; i Black l.'.Ot. LOST A black Cocker Spaniel an swering to the name of "Dick." One front tooth in the lower Jaw, missing. Reward If returned to 'tabet Uin tague. r First-Class , pairing r 'Re- ALL Ml WORK GUARANTEED. ' A Shoe TporIy repaired Is Morthletw, bat a properly re paired Shoe is ftKKl as new. B!y work pleases and satisfies. . . , R. Plant THE OLD PRESTON STAND. v " O y v -fit ;'uV- , . ' J f J I E- ri l t . . 1 J. i 1 3 n i mrmm .... ... moun;n4B ;iPr ,y r- a little tablet out of Vcsetablfi mm. i a a at a b m it - - . Thousands of TestinidnialfrbmGfate :;':,;t;:;1; jtulPcbple. Prove This ; -.....'YOUR MONEY BACK IF IT fAILS ' Uuclng fat. It Is made in the form ter and is easy and pleasant to take. It I3 endorsed by every reputable h) sician aoo college 01 Medicine.. Ask l our doctor. , ANTT-CORPU Is absolutely 'harmless. vtii formula used In making thk I reparation Is on fila In the Bureau 'of .Chemistry' In. Washington.' which proof that It Is PURE and HARMXES3. ; ' ' ; AXTI-CORPXJ reduces FAT 3 to 6 pOunds a week. ; It reduces doubii chin, fat hips and flabby cheeks. . No Wrinkles.' result from this reduttioi, or t makes the skin close-fittlns and smooth : v AXTI-CORPC strengthens weak heart, ernes' ; alpitatlons, short breath, and acts like magic. In' muscular rheumatism and gout. ' PRICE $1.00 per bottle. Mcney back if It don't do all we claim. 11 your druggist does not keep it. show him this cdvertisement and make hia get it for you, or you can send for it DIRECT to us. Vo pay postage and send In plain wrapper. , . .'. "...' ' 30 DAYS' TREATMENT IX EVKRV BOTTLE. . I remedy on receipt of ten cer.ti to pay for postage anil rREE packing. ,- The sair.pl Itself may be sufficient to reduce th desired weight Mention this paper. Desk 4. ESTHETIC CHEMICAL CS. V.WEST 125th STREET NEW YORK .,NX' I X SUPERf LOUS HAIR IS i0VV CURABl c ';'. , 1 Are you afflicted with this diseasa ., THEIf YOU Certainly Are you still u sing- a i-"r - 5 Wavei.lot Used Are ycu still using a tvrVe! . '(''"' ' IM-A-J-I Dr. Alexander Crcssmar., the Eminen Scaln SDeciklist has. a.ft.p.r 'If? vmts and experimenting, discovered an absolute remedy for this unsightly. disfigurement, :; Hair and !of research Guaranteed to Destroy the Coarsest . Gro th ; or Your aioxja; t . Guaranteed to , v non-mjurious to the most " delist 1 T.,T- X m.mwri ND WE GAl s 1 4 1 iiPROVE 'yS IT O O il Iff'" . 1 ' f " ?; . r Tyk fT1 .'""Ti ' i Ixi ' 'V't ' The above ls not th result'of magtc; but of this Wonderful' discov ery named MAJI. This protograph Is ONE of he thousands of cases MAJI has cured. MAJI Is endorsed? and .recommended by the most reputable physicians as the only remedy for PERMANENT removal and destruction of superfluous hair . Th action nf V,l. wnvncucTT? . " yiiijnf Jkl compound commences Immediately on its application Jto .thearts. afflicted. MAJI does not burn the hair, thus making It ' ret-urn more coarse and bristly than ever. MAJI goes to the root of 'the evil it dstrOys the 'cause of .the growth. It ,desroysthe factors lavpranieiio its g?owtK i JBaJl cures bf des'tfolng the troauctlve coridi GURES QU.CKLY ';' coridi-l 'ana t-jifM ain a ic Ly . .... - . tions that cause this disease. If you want to be CUKED. If you want to diSnnu with .h fm razor, if you -a-atit to discard the heavy veil yoU' 'are compelled ta wear to conceal this humiliating, unsightly blemish, get a bottle cf MAJT now at once. If your druggi3t does not keep Jt send SI to us direct and w-alii mail-It to you, postage prepaid! itt plain . irrapperr. Tiirkish Remedy: Co! r 31 West 125 Street, New York, N. Y. : Address Desk 4. Freej-iValuable Booklet fThe Key to toe Problem,1 t ' .,. .". ., . ".SENT ON REQUEST. : ,.'....' . ' " E-M'-SA THE 0LY LAWFUL PILE ITKE. -Because It does not contain narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drugs. Because E-KU-SA enreg piles. U, S. Dispensatory recommends every ingredient of E-RU-SA.' Drug laws make "raUe or misleading statements" a crime. Therefore the sale of all old or nar cotic pile medicines ta illegal because they effect the brain and spinal marrow; produce constipation and never cure. ' Only druggists of highest standing sell and endorse E-RT-SA. . ' SILTERTHOIWS FAMILY DRTJ STORE. V - IV. ,