. 1 risa rets. i TWO AUTOMOBILES ! Swiff's Premium Hams mi For rent with an experienced driver V, "' '1 5? ! if I . v r, 'H ? f ; 1 a, ; $ i Makes delicious hot biscuit, e cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder t Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar griddl ii ' Crime; fveniof Otoveri FibUshet. Daily Except Snndty. GEORGE JJ. Cl'KKEY. ' EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. raited Press Telegraph Service. JHss Befall Leads. . . , j i itv uio uu carnival queen mis afternoon shows Miss Florence McCall to be i nthe lead with 200 votes. Miss to be in the lead with 200 votes. Miss Stoddard has 60 and Mrs. M. K. Hall 40.' SUBSCRI PTION RATS : Daily, single copy........ 5c Dally, per month..... 65c Dally, six months in advance.. ..f 3.50 Daily, one year in advance. V....J6.50 Weekly, six months in advance. , . 7?c Weekly, one year in advance. , . . .$1.00 Entered at the postofflce at La Grande as Becond-tlass matter. This paper will not publish any article appearing over a nora de plume. Signed articles will ' be re ceived subject to the discretion of the taitor. Please sign jour articles and save disappointment. Advertising lute. Display ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. Local reading notices 10c per line trst Insertion; 5c per line for each subsequent insertion. Resolution of condolence, 5c a line. Cards of thauks. Sc a line. . l util we van think clearly and with out confusion of only ouj ihliie; nt i time we can never be tha aiasler of om genius. We can only become tt the highest use by living fully In the present Doing this we deal only with the subject in hand, and, by com ing upon its i rinclple, we suddenly d'scover ourselves its easv. blaster. Fmergencies no longer crn'iiS3 on, we no longer rehiaiu in any doiun. and no dilemma appears in dcter ir.'nate. We l ok with ilea eyes uid li re reason for the principle and vt Lave at once the spiritual key to eery proposition. We ihwebv lc come ourselves, yet we los all sulit of the personal by rnergln? b?K iii'o tlie infnite. 11,1b clarity of vision ia always associated with hish i:toKvit.v and worthy irrrpose. Fright Was Unwarranted. J. E. Huff had a bad fright this morning when he missed three of his best horses out of the pasture where they have been running. Naturally thinking that some had stolen his stock, he notified the sheriff's office, but this afternoon he phoned in that the animals had been found. V . Electricity In Jail. Electricians were at work this af ternoon putting lights In some of the cells of the county jail. (Joed Tandy Cheap. McDonald's chocolate 40 cent candy on sale Saturday only 25 cents a box. At the Silverthorn's FarailyDrug Store. ' i Xot For Sale. The Simmons household furnlshines re mine, ami are not for sale, as announced by Mrs. A. C. Stewart. She or no one has the right to sell thein. O. D. Simmons. PRIVATE SALE. Tuesday, Friday and Saturday, all household. good3 including table, chairs, sideboard, beds, dressers, range, carpets, refrigerator, canned fruit, etc. Inquire at the home of O. M. Heacock opposite Court House. , THE SCENIC PANT AGES CIRCUIT. A La Grande's Foremost Vunde- ville Theatre. 1 Depot Street. ' S. .4. (JARUIER, Manager. Week beginning May 17. Mine Mabel Johnston, lady ven- triloiuIst. Amlck & Marez, singing, dan- a dug, talking and music. 1 I MA U Airt) the important things that called oillcials of the O. H. fc X. to the e:a:c!iie east end this was the proK)s:'!mi to ballast tracks of the O. R. ft X. between Huntington and Baker City. It is understood that ihe matter is settled In favor of ballastand an aptn'oprtatiou has been made tor the work. Just when it will betin has not bv.-n stated, but there is reason to believe that the good wetther this sumir.cr will be taken advantage of and when winter comes It will llnd many tulles of ballasted track. Matinee. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. . Adults, matinee: 10c; children, under 12 years, ;j 5c. Evening prices. 10 and 15c. t v BOY WANTS WORK ejeed 18; on farm city. Phone Red U 2. (5-18-23) Seating capacity is five passengers wilh one and three with the other. Service is the best and prices right Inquire of CHASE BOHNENKAMP HOME PHOftE I32J PAClNGbTATES BKAtK 24! RESIDENCE RED 481 lt.w......MM.... : ' .'i,:.t1 .'V-'v'i':s; 1 SUPERIOR ff0g: ! UNION I SUITS 1 SfTS- i--' I Give and Take 1 -a j j Kind thatmak- I M K;- 1 1 a es life worth I !jl I i-ivmg. li K Pi: aeon Hew Lot Jusf In n Bakery, City i Grocery and . PC-LACK, Prop Bell Pnone Main 75 Independent 241 s I . PUKU Y t IS A NECESSITY WHEN IT COMES TO DRUGS We Guarantee the Purity of all Drugs sold here : : : WE ARE SHOWING THE NEW EST THINGS IN CLOTHES, SHOES, HATS AND MEN'S FURNISHINGS riILL'5 DRUQJT0RE LA GRANDE, OREGON fcAtt A A A A A A .................. Gompiete equipment for resetting rubber buggy tires. repainrrg C. C. PENINGTON & CO. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry - i 3JS CARD i)V TH.KS. We wish to thank the peoplo of Ij Grande and Island City and surround ignvalloy for the sympathy and help (hey have given us In this, our ter rible bereavement. We would like to thank especially those who have so faithfully searched for the bodies of nur dear little boys and. also those who have aided the sen'-ch In u tinaucial way. Our only wish Is that we may yet h pernuited to perform the last sad j rites, and have the consolation -of ' X visltlnR their prsves. Apaln thank yon. ' (Slfrned) ; Mr.'ftnd Mrsi Perry He I;p. ; Mr. and Mrs. Will B. Smith. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. It.' M, NrJlmii. Merchants! Save 4. Ini907 the Merchants t Just Received Puffs, Switches, Rats ' Psyches and Rolls AIL COLORS E.n.WELLrM8N if CO.' ADAMS AVENV: SEASON OPENED AT 'S S ELDER f $i0,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their i t own company, the Oregon X t Merchants Mutual Fire As X i surance Association, of 1 Dayton, Oregon. In 1903 u-.. ...:n ..... r AAA t t mey win save fi3,vuv. t uunng jne same penoa their neighbors were hand ing over il,5V 0,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants t Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITY r run r izli nut cim ur r LOSSES 9 . IV. OLIVlR, Agent i DO IT NOW, GET AN Electric Iron' . Saves Time, Work and Money Only $4.50 Five Days Free Trial GRANDE RONDE ELECTRIC CO. ICEj;CREAM and SOFT DRINKS f t.jMMMlMMHl,J n. wwi, rres. r i - . Ulro P.. li w - . ' -v . n. c. LuuimnF a ret reh Wm. MILLER, "ODIN NEW ACCOUNTS w w w ..anuy aoaing new accounts ancT-- our business is increasing at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably you might- be glad -and join us. 4 ' The United States National Bank ! Of La Grande N.K.West E. P, Staples C. f. Bacon DIRECTORS Wir. Miller l E. Ccolidge J. I. Scroggin J. L. Cayines Ftank CoJfley : A. T.'tiill 1 1 i'i li i,Wlmi'iNinw.