. s , 9 LOCAL ITEMS. . : Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lar sen. In South La Grande, May 15, a ton. , Mr. and Mrs. -'Avery Harrison wont to Pleasant Valley Ia8t evening where evening Mrs. they will visit with friends C. D. Huffman and son Fred are home from McMlnnvUle where they attended the stato grange convention. Mrs. George Ball leaves tonight to visit her Sister for several weeks, who lives at Silverton in the Willamette valley. . Jesse Hlndn'i&n returned to his home In Elgin today after a tour of California this winter, for his health's sake. Everything points tn fine weather for the baseball game tomorrow. The schedule of games for tomorrow was announced in the Observer yesterday.' - Conductor J. E. Connors, while loading baggage at Imbler the other day sprained his left forearm very badly, and as a consequence must keep it in bandages for some time. : Conductor Coyckendall of Pendle ton, who owns a Truit farm in this valley, came over the hills thiB morn ing u transact ousiness and call on his friends here. Roy B. Currey and Cecil Bolton drove to Cove today, to Interest the young bloods at that place in a field and track meet to be held here by the Juveniles on May 29. y f. ..- Mrs. A. Leffel and family accom panied her husband to La Grande yesterday from Wallowa. Mr, Leffel will take treatments here before re turning. A. W. Leffel arrived yesterday from his homestead In Wallowa county. He is still suffering from the injuries re ceived a few' weeks .ago in a fall from a building which he was constructing on his ranch. " . ' ''. - w. o. iviggiuawunu, ma motner, .Mrs. A. G. Wiglesworth, and .Miss Vera Utter.'hls niece, left on the Elgin train this morning for Wallowa county where Mr. Wiggleworth has a home stead. .. . . " . . ' r J. J, Nunn the Mt. Emily fruit man returned home this morning from two weeks spent in Salt Lake (and other Utah points. He found that Colorado and Utah lost heavily by frosts darn age, to orchards. ' - A. V. Andrews and Will Church re turned home from Baker City last evening. They were not making path finder car time on the return, but did sei a good mark going, making the 54 nllaa n .... i. . I . ' uioi mo iiiuuiiuiius in iwo hours even. They will duplicate the trin tnmnrrnw nroln For 15 days to come, the oldest crew on the board will take out the new pasenger trains. Two crews will be needed on the west and one of the east Those in line" for the engineers' jobs are, Frank Jackson, Jack Carl-, ' son,and Pete Biever. The conduc tors have already been picked. Dur ing the 15 days the Jobs will be ad vertised. ,.. I Jack Chllds took his departure this morning for Skagway, Alaska, where he will remain an Indefinite length of time being connected .with a dred ging machine. He will locate claims for several La Grande men if he finds things at all suitable. .While he may return in six weeks, It is more prob able that he will not be home until late text fall. - " G. M. Mickelson was relected as one of the high school faculty at a meeting of the school board last even ing. A new teacher for the high school which was chosen at the same time is Miss Lucile Allen of Hum boldt; Iowa, a lady well known to Mr. Mickelson and Mr. N. J. Mansager. Grade teachers elected last evening are, Miss Ora Brown, Miss Mollie Snider of La Grande and Miss Blanch Clarke. , G. C. Osborne, former manager of the raclflc T. and T. company. In this city. Is spending the day here on personal business. Mr. Osborne is now district auditor of the company, with headquarters In Portland.' His territory embraces all of Oregon and In addition a part of Washington. Walter Bunker, who came down from Baker City yesterday morning, left this morning for Walla Walla, where he has accepted a position. SOCIETY. t : Almost every afternoon and even ing ot the week Just ending has been utilized . by La Grande societv ladW for some social affair.: On Thursday? M. K. Hall entertained the ten-couple card V " v WANTED A boy over 14 to care for lawn. Apply at 1S06, Second street. Dr. W. D. McMillan Painless Denistry La Grande National Dank Bid g. fa 5 i i'r Both Phones .; C 0 ... the "De Cenis, club. Wednesday afternoon, Mesdames J, E. Reynolds, Albert, Ed Wright and John Clark entertained in honor of Mrs. J.'M. Berry, who will leave fof Pprtlan4 to reside. Thursday ahernQu Mrs. 3, C. Gull ing Vas hostess at the regular meet ing of the Bridge club, where Mrs. M. B. Donohue carried away the hon ors of the high score. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. W. L. Brenholts gave an informal reception at her beautiful home In honor of Mrs, F. M. Byrfcit, her mother. , Last evening the Kaffee Klatch was entertained by Mrs. N. Molitor and Mrs. Charles Conkey at Mrs. Molitor's home on Fourth street. This afternoon another reception for Mrs. J. M. Berry was given. The hostesses were, Mrs. O E. Silver thorn and Mrs. A. L. Richardson. T'utt wk't ivMuvuies will end with an informal supper of the Bridge club at the home of Mrs. Bohnenkamp tonight- .Vr : :; : HAPPCRSETT i RETURNING C. E, Happersett, delegate to the Trainmen's. National Convention , at Columbus from the La Grande broth erhood is speeding back to Portland; where his father Is at death's door. He is expected there momentarily. Mr. Happersett had barely reached his destination as a dalegate from here, when he was apprised of his father's serious illness at Portland. Mrs. Happersett and family left La Grande two days ago to be at the bed side, and orders were transmitted to Mr. Happerseti to hurry! back. The Man Is Dying. C. G. Osbourne, who is in La Grande, was in communication with his wife at Portland, and was told by her that while the senior Happersett is still alive, it is but a matter of twq or three days until death will over take him. His recovery is not expec ted. '., y, This condition of affairs, leaves the local trainmen without a representa tive at the national convention, now in progress. ' THE SCENIC PANTAGES CIRCUIT. la Grande's Foremost Tacde vllle Theatre. Depot Street S. A. GARDINER, Manager. Week beginning May 10." The Llnolles, In; the comedy . sketch entitlled, "The Silent Partner" for three nights, and finishing the week with "The Adventuress." Sam Carlton, the Hebrew co ; median. ' .. ' .. ' .; ' , ; Master Charles Herman, sing Jng and dancing. - Matinee, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Adults, matinee: 10c; children, under 12 years, 5c. Evening nricea. 10 and 1K PPMIMG I : SUPPMES ;-y.;.;;:;,;;r:,.;:V.;:--;-.:.r,:. are headquarters for Union County' in this line. -High Grade Arsinate of Lead. The grade of lead is very important. HAND AND POWER SPRAY PUMPS. A large assortment to select from, and all standard makes. Best quality spraying hose, nozzles, etc. i I ML 1 ! 1 i M M. 0, GEORQE PALMER, President W. H. BRENHOLTS' A't Cashier F. X HOLMES. Vice PreskJer? C. S. WILUAMS, 2d Ais't Cashier F. L. MEYERS Cashier ' La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS?. $170,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS . M, Berry J. D. Matheson F. J. Holmes F. M. Brykit . . C C. Pennington F. L Mayers Geo. L. Cleaver W, L. Prenholts Oeorga Pliw , . - : Dii wm f . Koom lis PASTIME THEATRE HARRIS FRENCH. ( Proprietor n& JHanager. Program ' Three reels of latest moving pictures. J Marguerite, The Great, in won- r . derful feats of hand bal- ancing. J; Admission 6 and 10 cents. '? Change of program Monday, ? Wednesday, Friday and Satur- t. day. Matinee: Mosday, Wed- nesday and aSturday. Doors It open at 2:30 p. m. 'Evenings 4 performances at 7 p. m. , ' Change of program Sunday, Wednccday and, Friduy. Mati- nee: Monday, Wednesday and Saturdoy. Doors open at 2:30 p. m. Evening peiformunces at 7 p.,.m." n y- - -J . THE LARGEST ASSORTfENT AND BEST GOODS EVER SHOWN IN UN TON COUNTY. WE HAVE OTHERS BUT WILL ONLY MEN TION THESE IN THIS Al). $375.00 A beautiful Colonial set in Wax Goldon Oak,oti: sisting set.of six fine leather cliairs; GO inch round pedestal 10 foot extension tablo; GO inch buffet; serv ing table, and china closet. The swellest suit ever fnl m. (;r:l(l 1?nde vaJIey. See window display. '-W--f-;.;- " $120.00. Colonial dmmg rcv-.a buit. x Golden Oak4 Verv handsome; well Worth the nionev. Must be Seen to be appreciated. ' .: v $80.00. .' " ' V Leathered Oak' Dining Room Suit. Those who have visited the large cities recently will recognize this style, with the exception of the price which is much higher than ours. TVE CARRY THE STOCK; ALL GRADES. IP JxcPS?.0 ATTHING IN HOUSE FURNISH INGS CALLs, Henry & Carr House Furnishers o: 11 STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE EIGHT TRICMI'IIAT SEASO.Y. FIRST TIME IN LA GRANDE. "The Play Beaotlfol. . ' Message Mars Saturday, May 22nd The famous English comedy drama, with the record of 1000 nights Duke of York Theatre, London: 500 nights, Garrick Theatre New York and, which is now on its fifth successful consecutive tour of the United States and Canada. A NOTABLE SPECIAL COMPANY INCLUDING THE BRILLANT ENGLISH COMEDIAN, UKKESFOKD I.OVETT, (DIRECT FROM LON DON). AND MARGARET MJJiNE. ' : ' : PRICES: 11.00, ;75, .50... ;. ' . Stats on sale ThuiBday morniiij;. DRY CHAIR. WOOD DE1Y ForjBest quality ot'tDRY chain wood call on - v.;e.bean Biggest loads for least money' . PrtONE REDI741 ...... .... ; ..... .... - , ... ? IDAHO CAREY ACT LAND Mow Zl The Idaho Irrigation Co. Ltd. Offers 20,000 acres at $35 per acre, ad ioining the Twin Falls Tract, tasiest kind of terms. Land now open for entry. B - jSn wn u . .. fcn mum a jm4 ' . ealfy 'Company, i i)o You Ever Miss Getting Your Magazines? ( Try i VJ ' Si! I 13 U " J 1 "Where Nothing is i oo Much Trouble" E2EB2 rvi ViJM BUSINESS COLLEGE wMvniKiiTOlt ARB TKMTN STREET PORTLANa. ORSOON wniTF rnn cataiaa Th9 Behool that Flacs$ Ton in a Good Petition 1 heteiei.ee: Ask ar.y ci the 400 1 have fitltd. f ' 0. M. Ileacock, YJilh Red Cross Drug Store 2)