OtofcfcYtft, t G'kliSVt, ORKtHLV TI ESDAY, MAY 11. im. fust l-au. ElGUi PA (.IS. La Grande Directory JUYSHIANS. J. H. HL'EBARD, M. D. Phyeician and Surgeon. CiEce In New Bank Building. RoomB 20-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main 89; Office, Main 78. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone 1362. Residence Main 55 N. MOL1TOR, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave. and Depot st. Office Main 68. Residence Main 69. PACON r HT T, Physicians and Surgeons. Office In La Grande National Bank Building. 'Phone Main 19. B. T. Bacon, Residence, Main 18. M. K. Hall, Residence, Main 52. DR. F. E. MOORE DR. H. C. P. MOORE. Osteopahtic Physicians. Klrksville Graduates Under Founder. Office ."oriuner Building. Phones: Office Main 63; Res. Main 04. C. II. UPTON, I'll. .. M. D. piysi'-ia:i and Snip-on. Special attention given to tv;, luir Nose and Throat. Office in La Grande National Bank. l!i!illln(.r. Phones 0!1l t', Mam 2; Resident . Main 22. KTF.lil A HY SI K;rO S. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La GianJa. Residence Rhone Red 701. OfflrMi liu u l.uii lndppemieiit Phone M. Both, ihoncR at re&UWnce. l)It. AV. 11. 1ULKY. Graduate Ohio State University. Vaccination, DntiKtry and Suri'.e-y Of all kinds.. Country calls promptly l&ewered. Oil'u e 1 .1-1 Adams avenue. ; iones: I'ucitic Mack li''l. Independent. S7S. DR. T. W. R1DDELL. M. 1 . C. Graduate Veterinarian. Office lied Cross Drug Store. P!:or.es: JVo-iflc, Maiu 4. -hir, 121. La Grande Oregon. EM-CTKICAL KMUM L'RS. L. A. IMCKLNR DItb, Mining, Irrigation Engineering and survey in p. Estimates, plans and spc( itl nitons. Office in RohBenkhiiip l'.nilding. La Grande Oregor. THE EDISON LINE Yes. we will have anything you wish in the Ed ison line and everything ycu can find in the latest catalogue. March th" March records are row . on sale. We have the Double Disc Records for the small sun of 65 cents each. Read what . J. Paderewski, the world's best Pianoist, has to'say in theMusic Trades Review for the Weber Piano. When he says it is best it must be so. WE SELL WEBER AKD ALL0ThER GCOP PIANOS Bramwell Music Company PHONE BLACK 1077. KlieomutUm. More than nine out of ?vry tn canes of --heumatiHin are ;mr;ly r.'-e !v't "' 'h T"nc' -ie tr iv1 ' I damp, or chronic riie.. ir.uism. In j uch cases to intertill treatment is required. The free application of' CMnr'betLi'n' Llc'Ui-ct i that ' Professional C. B. CAUTKORN Dentiht. Office over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande Oregon J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Denti3t. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Building. Phone Black 19'JC TEACHERS OF Ml SIC. PROF.E. PORTER DAY, Principal La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant. School, 105 Greenwood ave., one door soutn f Adams ave. 'Phone Black 183... MISS STELLA OLIVER Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio at residence of Turner Oliver corner Fourth and O avenue. MISS ROSE HOUSE Instructor in Piano, Harmony and Technic. 2105 North Spruce Street. La Grand Oregon ARCHITECTS. C. R. THORNTON. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and .Structural Knai neerinjr. Twenty Years' Experience. UOREkT .MILLER. Architect. O.'Ilce 1107 Adams avenue. 'Phones Pa ific, Main J. Home Independent No. S. 4 TTOR.VEVS. Ceaa. E. Cochran Geo T. Cochran COCHRAN & COCHRAN. Attorneys. La Orunde Nto.lonaV Bank Building. La Grande Oregon. II. 11. LLOYD. AUOi'Uey fl L.'.W. I'rartlcf'H in ;t!l the Courts of tin? Stat and United Std.:-a. IClpin Oregon C. 11. CRAWFORD. Attorney at Law. Practices In all the courts of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Rank Iluilding. La Grande, Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Rooms Ij and It! Summer Mock La Grande Oregon VIA VI. M KS. GRACE McALlSTKR. Teacher ;md Manager. Telephone Farmers 1976. ADAMS AVENUE needed, an dit i certain to give u.ui k, relief Give it a trial and see for you silk. A four-room cottage with two evtrp. vijiun iimo, ueeuuiije iocmion, rsori:i stae. m:i sen cheap on account oft going away. FREP. C TAYLiH MS I 10 END SOON By the middle of the week, the traik team will resume strenuous trainimr in preparation for the coming nien. chief among which is the Eastern Oiegon meet, where every possible ef oiit will be set forth to outdo all other teams of Eastern Oregon. The f'orvallis trip may yet fall through, and may yet materialize, but in the event that the former rule prevails, the team will nepd hard work for the Pendleton meet. Sore and stiff muscles have beet given a thorough rest and tomorro.v evening light work will be inai.v.n- rated, to be followed by heavier woik j later in the week. ! MlflAttK PILL L.l of mm Every d-'parture of I'nion fi.un'.v farming, should and will l i-ciin'.s.'liti'd at tin' meeting I'.i.'U' ill this city next Saturday morning u i afternoon. Organizer Cox is hiirrv ing over the county in an el't'oht. to :: t in-ople Interested, and he reports that where ever he goes he meets tic s:'iii" feeling, that the red letter day lor the farm.-! is set for next Satunhiy. The frttitmen are wanted at this meeting for there will be matteis if importance in their line. Grain bags and priecs on swim- WEKOM will bo two Important mutters to helund from No. &107 To No. S2f, in- iliscussed at the Saturday metU.is. Mr. Cox has several proposition to!1'8 Grande, Oregon, Vay 5, 1909. put forth that will menu better hum-j kets for the hogs and lower prices for main bags Therefore, it behuons .'ill to attend. The hay raiser is another element that should be present in large mua hers for nraetlces followed in other 1 districts where the Fanners I'mon has exorcised desirable inlluence, will he proposed and adopted in this eou i ty. The meeting U not for union mem bers alone, but any farmer who is progressive enough to know tha.t flick is benefit in unity, is invited. OTli'E. Thost wishing gravei cared for 'l4 he Masonic cemetery at reasonable j rates should apply to the Sexton, Val entine Kratmer, or to Henry & Carr, nd notice is hereby given to those in sm li will cease until said arrears are paid. (May 1-9) lie. 1. IV. Will In msou's Letter. Rev. I. W. Williamson. Hunting ton, W. Va.. writes: "This to certify that 1 used Foley's Kidney Remedy fo-r nervous exhaustion ami Kidney tumble and am free to say that it will do all that you claim fob it." Foley's Kidney Remedy lias restored health and strength to thousands of weak and run doMi people. Contains tio harm ful drugs ami is pleasant to take. A. T. HILL. V lleuling Salve for Hurus, Chapped Hands and Sore Mpples. As a healing salve for burns, sores, sore nipples and chapped hands Chamberlain's Salve Is most excell ent. It alliys the pain of .1 lmra in most instantly, and unless the in without leaving a Bear. Prioe, 16 cents. For sale by AH Good Dealer, yourself how auirkly It relives the pain and soreness. The medicines isualy given internally for rheuma ism are poiosnous or very strong medicines. They are worse than use less in cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For sale by All Good i Druggists. i:i srmNGHAM. AUCTIONEER. Sale cried on short notice Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra charge for distance. i 1 LA GRANDE ... OREGON I Route No. 2 'Phone No. 4 UNION NURSERY J. B.IWFAVER, Pror. ! ! i i i F ruit, shade and or namental trees. Sherbs and Roses. Strawberry vines and other small fruit SEND FOR PRICE LIST UNION, ORE. -NOTICE TO CREDITORS. I ESTATE OF WM. D. SHELL, DE ! CEASED. Notice is hereby given by j the undersigned executor of the estate I of Win, D. Shell, deceased, to the I creditors of, and to all persons having claims against, the said deceased, to present them with the necessary : vouchers within six months from this 'lie 19th day of April, 1'ioy, -the date ; of the first publication of this notice, I to the said executor at the La ' Grande National Rank in La Grande, I i I'nion county, Oregon. ! Dated this the Huh day of April, ' i :h9. GEO. L. CLEAVER. , Executor of Estate of Win. D. Shell, : De-ceased. 4-19-2C-3-PM7 ( AI L FOR WAR A MS. Notice is hereby given that there j are funds in the treasury to pay all ! warrants issued against Water Fund j of La Grande City, up to and includ ing No. S27C endorsed April 2G, 1900. Interest on all warrants on "Water Husive, ceases from date of this call. J. K. WRIGHT, lm-5-10) -;,y Treasurer. NOTHL TO (t TRACTORS. Bids are invited up to fi o'clock, p. competition of a two story business building to be erected on Main street in the City ot Joseph, Wallowa county. Oregon. Plans and specifications can be seer at residence of the owner. Mrs. E. E Jennings, Joseph, Ore., and at th? office of Roberet Miller, archiect, La Grande, Ore. The owner reserves the right to let contract either in whole or in part She also reserves the right to accept ! iniv nr. rpiert nil bids A Ratisfnetnrv bond wil be required of the success ful bidder. (A-29-M-10) Ty Before the liar. N. II. brown, an atorney of Pitts field, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. Kingg's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medi For Chills. Constipation, Billiousness or Sick Headache they work won ter. Z:c. Newliu O-uu Co You Need? a. A Well A letter to me stating your location and needs I will bringyou all the in- formation regarding well drilling necessary. t ; R. A. WEST,: The Well Driller We Want Your Wants Our Want Ad Column o Your war.t :s placed before a thousand or more want- seekers every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your war.t au wr.ere results are the keynotes? FOR RENT. FOR SALE A 240-egg Incubator and brooder; cheap if taken at once. "Phone Black 1331. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, suitable for lady or gent. Electric light, bath and fire. Inquire at 1612 Adams avenue or 'phone Red 11. FOR RENT A 6-room house in good condition; large clothes closet and pantry; garden, chicken park; good cellar; convenient to shops. 'Phone Red 2S21 or call at 13J5 Jackson Ave., North La Grande. 3-3tf FOR RENT Nice, cheerful, sunny room for rent to gentleman, facing east on Fourth street; close in; mod ern conveniences. Call at Observer office. . FOR RENT Furnished room for rent, with bath, with or without board. 'Phone Black 822. Mrs. Edna Swart. 3-1 9tf FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. S. C. Zuber 3-2".tf FOR RENT Furnished room close in. Phone RED 711. 3:'i!0-4-6 FOR. RENT Furnished four-room cottage. Modern. Mrs. Zuber.4-l3-tf FOR RENT Barn, inquire of 1609 Fifth street. A-1629 FOR RENT House and good one acre garden. L. C. Smith. 4-19 tf FOR RENT Five room cottage. Fur niture for same for sale. Inquire at this office. . FOR RENT Furniture for a five room cottage. Will also rent the c6ttage. . Inquire at this office. LOST AXt FOUND. LOST Between 1114 Wash. Ave. and depot a black lace collar; medallior stick pin and a turquoise brooch Finder please return same to 1114 Wash. Ave. and receive reward. LOST Gold mounted hat pin. Reward if returned to this office. 4-19-tf LOST A small black purse with s:. vcr'and jewelry, in this city la night. Findr leave at this office. LOST On road between Hot Lake and Cove, a brown fir. Finder will re ceive reward by sending or notifying Mrs. De Groot of Cove. A-16-18 Li I I BUSINESS COI LLEOE I 1 WASHINGTON AMOTCNTMrr. I 1 poirrvAMD, oniaOM iI WRITE FOR CATALOG DO YOU KNOW FOR CERTAIN? that your title is gocd? An abstract will tell you all about it and it may be tc your advantage to have one made. You cannot afford to take chances. I 0 1 li ).R. OLIVER: La Crsnde National Bank Building 1 FOR SALE. i-'Ofi SALE Two to four acres of suburban property, well Improved 'PhoneB'.ack 1532, or E. W,- Kammerer. 2004 Adams avenue. Land for Sale. 40 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa land for sale cheap if taken soon. C D. Huffman, R. F, D. 2. La Grande. FOR SALE Twenty h. p. Reo, in good condition. Inquire at Lilly Foster hardware store. 3-23U FOR SALE OR TRADE A young ( IVflPsilnlP fcfnIHnn T V i.r.ni.i. . u - - .'phone Black 602, or Farmers, 11. 3-15tf-d&w FOR SALE Single comb Rhnrt Island Reds, hatching eggs. None better In Gfande Ronde Valley, come and Bee. $1.50 per setting ol 15. ?3 for 45. All infertil eggs re placed free of charge. Incubatoi X chikens $20 per 100. George Wa fter. Island City. FOR SALE Seed potatoes, fancy hand selected. Large and smooth. Quality A 1; seed strictly pure, burpies extra early $2 per 100; lata Rose $1.75; Netted Gems, late, $1.75 Burbank seedling $1.30. George Wagner, Island City. FOR SALE 4 lots in Block 139, in Chaplin add; 2 blocks from round house' for further particualrs apply to L. F. Dunn, City, or C. E. New som 2415 First ave, Seattle Wash. 4-12-tf FOR SALE Piano in excellent con dition. Easy terms, a snap, "'nauira at this office. (5-1-tf) FOR SALE Five room cottage. Fur niture for same for rent. Inqiie at this office. DRILLING There are several kinds of drilling but the kind the kind that makes the farm pay is the drilling which'makes water avail able. There is no need of a dry farm. The tas is not so great as you may think. I have had years of experience and understand the well busi ness thoroughly. iD.M. HUNT ; LA GBANDE. OREGON I First-Class Re- pairing 4 X ALL wORK GUARANTEED. A Shoe poorly repaired Is T worthless but a properly re j Palid Shoe Is good aa new. My work pleas and satisfies. ! R. Plant THE OLD PRESTON STAND. Htt4H.tt,n,t,Hl,lH.tttt44, ITS SOLD. That 3 acre home we advertlncd. so don't be too late on this one. 75 ft. x430 ft., with 4S fine annle tres ind water for Irrigating, it's the making : of an elegant city home, onl a small o j amount of cash to handle It. t .j (--) VAN DUYN REALTY CO. 1