La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 08, 1909, Image 1

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1. iXCIIABGlL 6l.JttAtHIE.
Advance Pathfinder Which Is Waxing
Trail for Transcontinental Race in
"June Passes' Through la Grande to-
day Keat Pathfinder Coming Soon
' Men' Arrested at Baler Cross
Blue Mountains lia 3Iear ham is
Plan Adopted Here.
Guggenheim's , advance pathfinder,
the advance blazer passed through Ia
Grande at noon today, en route to
Seattle via Meat-ham, Athena, Milton
and Walla Walla. This is nut the car
Intended to be classed as the pathfind
er, but as' the Thomas car was so
badly incapacitated ' in-Idaho that it
was impossible to go further, it lay
tip at Boise for repairs "and will be in
La Grande in about three days.
(lUggciilicliii's Driver Here.
The 70-horespower . AUeu-Kingston
car which is making the trip from
Boise to Seattle, was driven by Elfert
to' Walla' Walla. '
Kace In June.
Thej-ace arross the continent starts
at noon June lr and. the leading car
should reach here about June 17.
i That the advance , tar ,1s making
good time is attested by the fact that
the police department In -Baker-City
arrested the driver this morning tor
speeding In city limits. 5 Baker auto
ists agreed to pay the fine. '
The car Is-a novel one, built for
speeding and rough roads. They carry
a big supply of extra tires and such
The "actual ' 'hnthflnifo' -Ra ' Tiinm..
things, and stop nor for small bumps,
car, will be awaited iwth Interest.
Mercer, Penn., May 8. Abandoning
1 an attempt to convict Mrs. James ,H.
Boyle of kidnaping Billie Whitla.
the iirst count upon which she was
indicted, the prosecution today de
voted its time to secure a verdict on
Bellows and had had O.C. Jacopson the second count, charging compile
rs agent for the publicity data. Bel- Jty in the kidnaping,
lows is Guggenheim's private driver.! .This plan . finally carried . and a
The car-ia using-its outmost speed'. Judgment of guilty on the second
to reach Seattle that the data secured (count was found fE'j.J ' ,.,.'
by the Pathfinder may be given to the ..-- . ..''
printers. -
.. A Jass By Meaehani.
The trip over the .Blue mountains
vas made by Meacham, or Bingham
Springs,' the drivers being undeetilod
when they left here, just where they
-would cross the Umatilla. From the
I'matilla they go to Athena and thence
This morning the Van Duyn realty
company sent a dozen men ' out to
Joseph to work. on the new water eys
tern being put in that town. Mr. Va:
Duyn says he could have sent as
many more, if the men had been avail
able. .' "'
iii in mi
Atjhree o'clock the searchers had driving a single rig across the river
reached a point two miles below ; when the vehicle was upset by the
Island Tit), nsingr drair uets and ! terrifiic current. The Dressier boy
searching: carefully In every i.ossible ; was driving the horse and managed to
nook where the bodies might be shel- (get ashore with the team. Before he
tered. Great , numbers lire scattered could muster aid. his vouneer' mm.
alonpr the shores, awaiting with fever
ed anxiety, Hie finding of the boys, or
at least some trace.
Island City is in weeping mood this
afternoou over the sad drowning of
two young boys, just before noon to
day while they were attempting to
ford the Gruadc Kmule river just be
low the Island C-'y bridge. As a re
sult of that faiid attempt Berne D
Lapp, aged sevnn, and Marian Smith
aged five, soni of Mr. and Mis. pern
De Lapp and Mr, and Mrs. Willhur.
panions had gone under, never to
come up alive. It Is thought they
were killed being whipped against the
rocks by the mad flignt of the angry
Island City's population was quickly
mustered into service. Friends came
to the relief of the grief-stricken pa
rents. Mr. Smith, father of the youn
ger boy is in Baker City and Mrs.
Smith was making her home with her
brother, Mr. De Lapp. Both jadics
are suffering with nervous nrostra-
Smlth, respectively, are uead. Ue- tloiv j'ols ae,vnc o!i.
cause the river is high an i rushes un
der the bridg like a cataract, prompt
recovery of the bodies was impossllile.
Searching pai t! s start? i ,n pura;it
but die current if, fast ind furious
Third i'urtj Smed. ;
The two boys who lost their lives,
The Dressier boy is yet too shaken
with grief to be able to tell a coher
ent story, i Few saw the scene which
was enacted so quickly that scarcely
any know the details.
The audience was wild.' Down and
closer to the finish," the wen plowed,
but at the finish, Fanchard had that
required ounce of strength, and threw
himself Into the tape, less than a halN
foot ahead of Peare. "
" Jay Miilering .stayed?, in thhlgh
jump until the bar was at & feet four
inches. . ,f 1 1 .r-. v.-. i
The boys wer entertained at Bil
lings hall, aud all day yesterday were
spurred on with compliments for their
showing In the preliminaries 'and in
lb (ln1t '"T' I. :.-.;-r .
wiih the best of flue teams in tLe Pa-;
ciflc-KorthweBt. an enviable honor.
On to Pendleton Is the slogan now.
Miss Annie Relsland left this nioni-
tnd Herman Dressier aged U,' were Ing to spend the day in Baker City.
Max m
' ...
Two for the Price of One
n 25c Staple Tooth Brushes """"
;i5.c h ';; "
25c Boxes. of Soap - .
25c"Gream Lotion, .
-)25q. Talcum Powders
,25c Tooth Powders -50c
and 75c Boxes Writin? Paper. -
25c, 50c and $1.00 Staple Combs . . r
25c, 50cand $1.00 Hair Brushes .
25c to $1.00 Purses and Pocket Books
a "rnnS nieir goju, silver anu
I bronze adornments with grace and
prioe, coming witiv the success on the
cinders and field at the tri-state meet
at Walla Walla yesterday, whe'v 2.Viof
the best brawn and brains of the
northwest were assembled to vie with
each other, the La Grande octet will
return tonight on the 8:30 train from
the Garden City. That they are jus
tified. In their elation at placing La
Grande up among the topnotchers of
liorthwest teams', Is indisputable. To
the fan who stays at home 12 noints
seem small but he who knows. Is
aware of the ardent labor required to
capture that many points . from a
4 I group or z.o contestants.
linn- U II ii miiiiMnl
the finals yesterday, ia Grande
j was one of the popular teams. Its lit-
j tie but doughty lads behaved ,like
gentlemen and ran, or jumped, und
J , hurdled with a show of grit ami en-
durance that;and stands, ap
i plause. Carpy and Williamson were
outdone in the sprints. In the low
; hurdles, the same was true, due to
J other factors. Fortune was anything.
J but-kind to La Grande yesterday. The
da; before. Williamson "fell at the tape
jln the preliminary low hurdles alter
i In tli
was on
Red C
Jibe lead his heat by six yards without
2 serious effort. He recovered himself.
j but. too late. His nearest competitor
I was timed at 27:01. a mark 2-5 faster
..than the final beat went at. His
fall was loudly rein em . I l amud-
i?i . , ,s 3..,. . , - i, iv : -i ,i i
.mi'i XT A.' .rB"Tr.
Miss Mctali Holds Record at Neoa
For Most 8neeessfnl Tapper Be.
lleved That final Campaign This
Evening Will Swell Receipts to Ulgb
Murk Workers Ont Early And:
Spend Entire Day Securing Money
Few Tnrudowns Anywhere.
"Get tagged today?"
"Gee, you've got a mean , disposl-
; tlon." -v.--
Up to noon today over C000 ta?
had been given out, and the greater
part of them will have been sold be
fore night. There are not many who
escaped the bands of girls who lay
in wait on every corner, and, between
corners, for any one who was with
out the red tag made them immune
that is, they were immune, if they
were sufficiently determined to buy
but one tag. Drayman : Wilcox, who
had already bought a number of tags,
thought to 'stump one little girl by
telling to put one on his mule's ear.
She put'lt oyairtght-indgttt the dim.
Miss Marjorle McCall is the banner
j tagger of the day. At 1 o'clock she
I had turned in live money for over 200
J tags, and had taken out the third nun
: died. Several girls who have to work
Mill day In the offices called for tags
! miuediateiy alter having ' lunch at
" ; 1 1 (the .Mitsonic hall 'and sold from so to
SiireeWul leur EmN With Excellent ' ?M in half an hour. ' As a'guess. w
would say that 1500 Will be realized
from the saie of tags and the reclpts
from the dinner at the Masonic hall.
OLYMPIA, Wash., Slay 8. As a re
sult of exposures of irregularities by
officials a campaign investigation has
Ifeen Btarted, and ; It is expected to
include almost every state official at
the capitol and some of the former
officials. Present plans of legislature
Vonimtttee it Ib alleged, includes with
in the ' sc ope v of the ' InveKtlga'tloni
Former Govenor Mead and Former
State Treasurer George Mills, son-in-law
of Judge Gordon, of Spokane and
C. W. Clausisen, the piesent State
rroxrnm Last Lu iiinv.
j stand and officials alike. That he j abend. I'sing his- how', vell. he pf"8-
would have won yesterday, was very , scd man after man, in in all. until he
j was neck and n-ck with Fancher at
two inches. Reynolds who was picked
by everyone as the likeliest man in the '
quarter, drew the outside position and j
to win from that place on Ankeny
track would stand for enacting the al- I
most physically impossible. This too,
was distinctly hard luck.
Frank Milleiing was an easy wln
nei in the pole vault while Young aad
.lay Miilering tied for third. The pos- j
sessor.of the bronze decoration wilf J
be determined in a contest at home !
Carpy was not at his best, and was j
second in the broad jump In a class I
whre first was within his teach. :
Heidein ith lost a place in the discus j
by thru inches, ami ran a splendid I
race In the final high hurdle raeei !
He pulled fifth place. N
Columns c ould be usedfin praising I
the work done.. Compared with the
20 eittlrioB from Spokane. 15 front
Lewlston, 10 from various othei
schools! La Grande's squad looked
suml'i in number and smaller In statuej
It was the iieiiacity, and determlnaj
tlon displayed by the La Grande men,
that won applause from the 'thousands,
present. In . the half mile, "Peare
Peare! Come oil!", was the united
scream that went up from thousands
of thronfs. The Invincible Fancher of
Spokane pulled the "pole" while
Peare was the extreme outside, a dec!-
(I,d handicap. In. - he first lap or
quarter; Peare trailed far In the rear,
but the second lai, saw him forge
The Valeria school closed last even '
lug with a very successful and highly j
enjoyed program, that wound up he j
work for the year. The teucher, Miss
Haworth has conducted a year's work
that has been pleasant to all, and like
the entertainment, was a genuine'suc-
. Wallace Died Yesterday. ,
Lee Wallace, the driver of the team
that was run over at Baker City, by
! No. 1 yesterday morning, died before
I noon.
j probable.
Twice , things went bad. Twenty the beginning of the last 220. A sharp
j minutes after taking a 5-inch second curve at that point forced him to run
r In th most spectacular half mile ever farther and faster than his opponent.
i run on the Ankeny course, Peare went : lu; at the finish. Fai hid thai
- J 'Into the high hu'rclios ni l losi thlid For 50 yards, the two, far ahead of
! place' from the undisputed peers of the field, struggled on. It was aae
I three states, by the margin of (,nd strength against youth and gilt.
Trim footwear is the key to good
dressing. Our Oxfords are unex-"
celled in both style and quality
Tn:?L& ors and alls
We have tnem in all "col
ors and all sizes. ; They ae
snappy and' at-
n tractive.. .
the mm