I If t I ti b J; PaMiKhea DaHy Except GKGKGK H. tUEia:i. KWTOR AND PROPBIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION RATS : Daily, ingle copy.,. 5c uauy, per monta.. Cic Daily, urx month ia advance. .. .t3.0 Daily, one year ia advaace... ...$6.6 WtteWy, aix month- ia advance. . . tic Weekly, one year ia advaace. . ...ll.Ot ffuterea at Ch postofflca at La Graade as aecona-claai matter. Tbia paper will sot publiaa a ay article aapeariac over a ia de plume. Signed articles win be re reived aabjec-t ta tie dlscretioa of the dttor. Please siga your artidea aad are alBappototmeat ilm-titifei: Bait. . Biaplay ad. rates faradeaed a-wa a pllcaUoa. Lacal reading aoticea lac ar line atrat Insertion; ic per line for each subsequent iaeertioa. Keaolutloa a condoteace, ic a liae. Cards of thanks, So a liae. The present week two transactions la -orchard lands have been recorded at. values tnat win certainty biagger those who think tbe fruit business of Oregon is being overdone. The Lowns dale apple orchard in famous old Yam kill county, the largest commercial orchard in the world, so states the owner, consisting of 300 acres planted to orchard and 300 acres of similar land adjoining, sold for $27!i,00(h The orchard is twenty years of age. The price is equivalent: to $740 for the orchard land and $150 per acre for the unimproved tiat. Tuc-aday of this week Burt Van Horn of Hood River sold his 100 acre orchard, receiving $105,000,' over $1, 000 per acre.. This orchard is only eight, years old. LttBt year Mr. Van Horn sold 40 acres in orchard to DkkerBon & Peck,, of Minneapolis for $34,0(10, and ten acres to W. ft Rtar yett, of New York City for $i,)00. When J. D. McKennon pays $100 per , acre for a farm of 320 acres, it Is time for people to realize that first claws real estate in Grand Ronde valley has an intrinsic vajue. The new pur chaser is firmly of the opinion that he has the finest farua in the county, hut there are other farms that cannot by bought for any leBS per acre. Irriga tion will make much of our land no unsalable at $50 and $60 per acre im mediately Jump to the $100 and $125 per acre class. . ". ... . , .'- .. . . The Merchant's Protective Associ ation' of this city Ib rapidly gaining ..A reputation for making life a burden to those who abuse their credit. .Dur ing the pant few months one man hus been sent to the penitentiary for buy ing goods and leaving tbe state, and a couple of days ugO. backed by the association,- Sheriff Childers followed and arrested W. A. Stowell in Copper field. Other cases might be c ited, but tho safer plan 18 to pay your honest debts, especially to members of thiB association. ... The petition presented to the conn cil last evening to have the lot on Fourth street, the site of the. old city jouncil rooms, converted into a park, 'la a step in the right direction. It Is true it will be small but It will pro vide a little rest park, noticeable in many places and which are always appreciated. Then again tbe tempta tion to use it for a lumber yard would be removed. : ' . The Hill and Harrtman forces are . struggling desperately to beat each other In a fight for rights of way through the Clearwater valley into Idaho. VILt DEBATE On Wednesday evening May 19, there will be a debate at the Presby terian church. The subject is "Resol ved; that the Indiana have suffered more at the hands of the white man than the negro." . Three debaters will be chosen from the Blue Mountain boys, of the Methodist Sunday school, and an equal number from the Lambda Phi Alpha class of the Presbyterian Sunday school. In addition to the above a pleasing program will be pre sented. ' A small admission will be charged, which will be divided be tween the two classes for their athletic funds. This ia a commendable undertaking and the boys will un doubtedly be well patronized on this occasion.' More Sews From Walla Walla. Another wire from Nelson reads: Peare won bis heat in one hundred won second place in the high hurdle. Millering boys and Young qualified in the pole vault ; S EE DS field Garden Lawn IN BU LK I AM SHOWING THE LARGEST VARIETT AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF SEEDS EVER EXHIBIT ED IN UNION COUNTY, AND I KNOW THESE ARB THB PRODUCT OF REPUTABLE SEED GROWERS; AND I ALSO KNOW MT PRICES ARE AS LOW AS IT IS CONSIST ENT TO SELL FRESH. RELIABLE STOCK. Experiment with Observer want ads. Trains are still snowbound in Colo rado. But the Denver papers will go on bragging unblushlngly about their mild Italian clinsate!---Spoke8man-Review. ' Senator Borah, of Idaho, .is said to have received a great ovation when ho closed his speech on the income tax In the Senate last Tuesday. v,' Eight r"' of surveyors will soon oe at work ou the Malheur Irrigation project. Headquarters will be estab lished at Ontario. . $-. . is urging the ap- as 1 DR. C. D. PONS, WE WELL KNOWN EYE AND NERVE SPECIALIST OF SALT LAKE CITY AT TUB SOMA Git HOTEL ALL THIS WHfc'K. Consulting' hours. J A. M. to 1 P. M. asd from 3:3 P.M. to 7:"0 P. M. Alfalfa, Red and Alsike Clover, Timothy and all Kinds of Garden Seed and Lawn Grasses A. V. OLIVER IK ALL EXAMINATIONS FREE Doc tor Pons has brought many new things with him this time. Two new instruments of the latest invention for examination of difficult cases, and all the latest machinery for duplicating any kind of lenses, in short order. Everything ia the up-to-date nose glasses and mountings, the same as is worn by the up-to-date people in New York, i Ten thousand dollars worth of op tical goods are carried by Doctor Pons so if you want a choice from a large Btock of wp-to-date things in styles, and have a specialist who has had It years experience, to examine your eyeB. Try this eastern spec ialist. Here this week only. : Radishes - v Hot House Lettuce -Home Lettuce per lb. Green Peas 2 lbs . Rhubarb 21bs Gabbage per lb - -' Fresh Tomatoes per lb Asparagus per Id Spinach per lb . - STRAWBERRIES City Grocery and Bakery, L P0LA CK, Prop BcH Pnone Main 75 Independent, 241 ; 5c 5c bunch 12c 25c ' 1 5c - : 7c 15c 15c 5c PURITY ED. PROPECK, The Second Hand Dealer I DRILLING I Senator Bourne pointment of lr. Coe. of Portland There are several kinds of drilling but the kind the kind that makes the farm pay is the drilling which'makes'water avail able. There is no need of. a dry farm.SLThe task is not so great as you may think. 1 have had years of experience and understand the well busi ness thoroughly. minister to Mexico. ' .' i , ,-$- Pit you find it? Want ads find things. I D. M. HUNT - I LA GBANDE. OREGON r ! , :gBHf.mjBj?.Ttm AT FERGUSONS A number of the Circulating Library books will be sold at a low price. The money will be ; used to put new books in the Library. Have you joined yet?, "Where Nothing is Too Much Trouble" NECESSITY WHEN IT COMES TO DRUGS Welfiuarantee the Purity of all ' Drugs sold here ; ; : I I1ILL'5 DRUQ JT0RE LA GRANDE, OREGON t t ---, Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD. Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry SEASON OPENED AT t S ELDER'S i ICE CREAM and j . SOFT DRINKS t .it . u le nicer n ii . . i IDAHO CAREY ACT LAND Mow y The Idaho Irrigation Co. Ltd. Offers 20.000 acres at $35 ner acre. ad. joining the Twin Falls Tract. Easiest kind or terms. Lana now open tor entry. Logan-Sherwood Realty Company t ... rf":11 . scroggin, cash viii. miiLLK, Vict Pits. H. E. C00LIDGE. Asst. Cah i ADDING WElrV ACCOUNTS 1 We are constantly adding ne accounts! and our businessXiricreasingf at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably you might be glad.'and join us. . J The United States National Bank :i Of la Grande DIRECTORS, Wm. Miller H. E. Coolidge T. i. Scroggin I N. K. WesI E. P. Staples :: C.T. Bacon i.L. Cavines Frank'Ccnley A. T. Hill 1 1 11 " r ; i, : ' )' V i If 1 V i -X 'd ;rV"W':' li'', J "