La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 05, 1909, Image 1

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volume vni.
lm A UK. W w
SEATTLE, May 5. The Seattle
l'ost Intelligencer this morning prints
a story charging Adjutant General
Otis Hamilton, of the Washington Na
tional Guard, with forgeries and ma
nipulation of the military funds of
the state, placing the amount of the
alleged embezzlement at S.'O.nnn.- Th
books of the military fund were ex
amined recently. The post says the
moJ'ey was stolen from the treasury
hy -neans of fraudulent vouchers and
forged accounts.
Hamilton was summoned to Olym
pia last night by . Attorney .General
Bell.. .
Hamilton is conferring with Govenor
Hay In the latters office. At the con
clusion of the conference he will be
taken into custody by the sheriff at
Thurston county who is waiting at ..c.
It is reported that Hamilton prelu
ded to buy cartridges for the National
Guard arsenal and instead spent the
money on Mrs.. Florence Moore, said
to be the widow of a wealthy Alaskan
miner, " . ; h '
."" ' , . .
3irs. Moore Anno'rire Names of
Those Wlio Will OilScijite Tonight. '
Society ladles will be in charge of
the ticket taking at the different car
nival shows tonight. A much larger
crowd will be out tonight than last
night owing to the warmer1' weather.
The names of those who take tickets
to night are: Mesdames, George Pal
mer, Fred Holmes, T. N. Murphy,'' A.
V. Andrews, Wood Berry, (V X. tioH
than, A. T. Hill, Jams Snodgr;iK.
Frank Lilly and Vincent Palmer.
Jlisses Irene Murph ' and Bonn;.'
Forrest will also serve.
M'aiklng up Xew England.
. BOSTOX. May 5. The "B. M. Spe
cial." first of a series of trains to
carry Boston merchants through Xew
England, awakening enthusiasm
among business men and sounding
the tocsin of hustle and co-operation,
started on Its journey today.
A special train of sleeping and din
ing cars left Boston at 8:1, a. ni. It
is due to return Friday, Slav 7,
( Railroad lSuildiiig I nr reading.
RICHMOND, Va.. May .1 Railroad
building In the South is Increasing
very rapidly. Since the first of the
year 34 railroad enterprises have been
organized or incorporated In the South
and Southwest, ten In Texas, four in
North Carolina, four in Missouri, three
in Arkansas, three in Tennesee, two
in Oklahoma, two in Louisiana and
one each in Alabama, Georgia, Ken
tucky. Maryland. Virginia and Wnt
Mrs. A. Thomas and children re
turned from a week's visit with Union
relatives this morning.
--aL:i r""i"".. '.. .
Autoists and the public in general
are to a los sto know where the
Thomas pathfinder car, sent out to
bhize the Guggenheim international
path, has hidden itself.' It Is overdue
in La Grande several days an dthough
Baker City, La Grande, Pendleton and
Walla Walla papers searched through
Idaho and Eastern Oregon, today, no
inkling of where the caria located,
could be ascertained. Baker City is
expecting thearnval of the pathfinder
momentarily. Less than a day after
its its appearanc there It will touch
La Grande in its tour.
ilea L
urua x
Two for the Price of One
25c Staple Tooth Brushes
15c . iX ' "
25c Boxes of Soap
25c Cream Lotion
25c Talcum Powders
25c Tooth Powders
50c and 75c Boxes Writing Paper
25c, 50c and $1.00 Staple Gombs
25c, 50c and $1.00 Hair Brushes '
25c to $1.00 Purses and Pocket Books
li WE TO
m lira
Aiomentuous action pertaining to
the Meadowbrook Irrigation project
will likely transpire tonight when if
possible, a board meeting of the .Yiead
owbrook directors " will be held, to
meet influential millionaires and Ir
rigation experts who are In hi city
David Eceles, .president of the
Amalgamated Sugar Company and one
of the early promoters of the Meadow
brook irrigation project, arrived in Lu
Grande this morning in company with
a competent engineer who h;is de
voted years of work wider government
employ, to irrigation. A partial pur
pose of the vlBit to La Grande at this
time is to gfiain expression fromtheen
Sunr)ors Laid OiY.
SUMMERVILLE, May 5. Special)
Charles Landers and W. B. Davis, the
engineers iu charge of the Central
railway survey through the valley
from Union, arrived In Summerville
tliis morning from Uniou. Whl)
these men are not talking in any way
about the object of the survey, yet
It is evident that something more than
& little branch Is projected. The
surveylng'crew has been laid off, Mes
srs Landers and; Davis say they have
no Idea wheu It will again be taken
out. The left their Instruments In
Union, and it Is thought that they in
tend to make a trip Into the hills be
tween here and Walla Walla.
Sunimeiville citizens believe they
have reason to feel elated over the
proBpect of advent of a main line
through this section.- '
glneer on this project,' and to be iu
position to state from a casual a::d
superficial view of the projet, tte cn
! glneerj was taken over the valley this
; afternoon. With him, were Measors,
David Eccles, George St oddard and
: Fred O. Taylor. Mr. Stoddard was also
j instrumental In bringing the engineer
. here.
Iu addition to irrigation matters 'ir.
Ecdes will look after the sugar com
' pany8 interests while he Is here, Tre
auto took the visitor over a large kc
' tion of the company's holdings, v here
,' sprtng work la progressing rapidly.
! C. W. Nibley who Is pres'dent it
, the Utah construction company and
heads the Portland cement concern.
Is also here with Mr, Eceles.
The' TiIhVijV nnnnnl ronkranio r.
eluding Eastern Oregon and Southern
Idaho, meets at Blackfoot, Idaho, Au
gust 11. Bishop C. W. Smith or Port
land is president. .
Yesterday the auditing coraniifco
the transportation committee, and
many of the tag girls met and per
fected all the arangemeuts to make
the "Tag Day" a success and net. tin
park a sum which will be used for
improvements, something e-ery one
wiil enjoy.
T,he taggers wiil visit eac h it id
every home in the city and only o tug
on the door knob will secure Immun
ity. Tags will be 10 cents and the. wore
! you Wear the beter it will please the
Sirls who are doing the work,
i Mr. Van Duyn has kindly oll'er?d
; his ollice next to the Spokane res
taurant on Depot street to be iMed us
' headquarters by the various com
mutes.. Here tags will be obtaim.d by
the taggers and chairs provided where
all may rest and exchange exp
eriences.' . From the arrival o t'the G : 1" train
.until the tags are all gone 'the .'nil
will be fast and furious.
Come out and see the fun.
Red C
TO TOTAL 75000
A truly novel sight, of seeing two
men pushing a wheelbarroy ao-os
a continent, will fall to the lot of La
Grande this week Some time. Edwin
Anderson and August Lower, who ire
walking Seattle to New York, push
ing a hand-made wheel barrow, ar
rived in .Pendleton late today and
Bliould reach La Grande either Thurs
day or Friday. One of men rides while
the other pushes, alternating turns' at
the easier task. The yseel postal
cards to defray expenses.
Last seen they we're leaving KHid
bound for fendleto-.i, but encountered
great quantities of sand and were de
layed a day in reaching the wheat
town. It is their purpose to rt'iicii
New York in seven months from from
April l.'S or forfeit $.i"t.
' iji i s ,.JL'Jl-.
NEW , YORK. May 5.Throuphoi-.t
the UnltedKtates there lire at thepres
ent time about 2."i0 factories engagedln
i ic uufticturing automobiles I'colmbly
1-0 ot these are concerns of national
a;n! 'Ket national reputation. The re
maining 150 are Binaller companies
and Individuals doing, for a great part,
purely loi al business.
'Acco- lii.M' ).iMieet:l ;Manuser. .A!,-,
fred Beeves of the Atiieiiian Motor
Car Maiuifactuiers' Association, there
will be ' appro.xiuiatciy 7.1,000 motor
cars turned out in American factor
ies during the present citliuidnr year !
and the total valuation will be not far
from lliTi.dOu.Diiu, ' . ' "
Of the 2.1!! factorli'B iu this couutiy
there ai-e at leusi H)o cotiirenis turn
ing out i his that are widl known and
factors in the market. So necessary
has the automobile became that last
year there was Utile orno falling off
In the trade, while this year it Is bet
ter than ever, despite the fact that all
other lines are doing a considerably
smaller percentage or business than
at any time during the last six years.
While there is a coutinually In
creasing demand for commercial ve
hicles, there is no Indication of any
slackening in the call for pleasure
cars. This not only applies to the big
luxurious cars of great power, but also
to what is known as the moderate
priced car selling nt from $."i00 to $2.
(Kio. A con slderable proportion of the
cars this year will : be of the buggy
type, which farmers are purchasing
and using in Increasing numbers.
The Union county bar association,
through J. W. Knowles, has preferej
charges against Charles E. Norton tha
Baker' City attorney who is charged
in the supreme court at at Pendleton,
yesterday with falsifying the records
of Baker county, ami qV tr v,.
diobarmnt. ..'' ' - '
In the matter before1h Bar As
sociation the story is this: Norton
tiled a suit in a case of Cherry vs.,
Erlckson, et al.. asking foreclosure
on some land in Union county; coi
sequently It was brought before Jude;9
Knowles. . ,
Later an answer to a complaint
purporting to b filed by Charles P. .
Murphy, was received by the courty
clerk, together with filing fees. Tha .
paper was gotten up in one of Mur
phy's printed covers, was forward 4
with a letter, on his stationery and
purported to be sworn to by the de
fendants, h' :-f
The Union county clerk' acknovtU
edged to Mr. Murphy the rcelpt of
same, and the attorney opened an
Invstigation. He fouud that the fig
nature was a forgery toada by '.hj
use of carbon paper.' Norton was ac
cused by Mr. Murphy, who that oay
moved from the oCRces he had occu
pied with Norton, and immedUte
took up investigations, with Ihe final
rsult of the inquiry demanded It,
Judge Knowles. The answer nll:-g1 ,
io Hve been ToigecJ ambuut'-l tir- ir, '
acknnw'edo.ment that tht shtiement
wt , 'hwJlie,,(OjywJ ' coiiiiiliiin:,
Vfie t!ie facts in ,h; v&.v: . Tn" de
ftiuliirifa, it eeciuedon V.v. ,Murpliy'
I'tve.' 'gallon, li;ii nut evf-. Iiyen in
Iiia (ottntry nt J lie fine tha answer
inid been drawn or ' pur)ioj,t"d to hiive
becu. Laker City Dcmociat.
.VANCOUVER. Wash., May .". Fire ' Kaster thought there would b i
man H Kasteii of the North Barn wrek. and jumped with the' intention
railroad was killed this morning by ; of Biivlng his life, but the top of his
jumping from his cat) near here. When head was torn otf. He world be alive
he saw a watchman fag his train be- j now if he had remit':;-..; on the trivin.
cause a rock had" rolled on the track, which wns only stli-July damacd.
SAN FRANCISCO, May ,. Captain
It. C. Burleson, ordinance department,
relieved from duty at Watervilet Ar,
sennl. .V Y., sailed on a transport to
day for the 'Philippines.
Fake Kills CtrculatiiiL'.
If you have any bills jubout you
I it might b' wine to scan Jliem cure-,
hilly to see if they have not- been
rnlHed from one dollar bills. Great
oaks from little acorns grow, but $2fJ
curri'iiey made out of $1 paper rnoiivy
is the work of cunning counterfeiters
who are said to have been operating
fin c.-ssi'i Hy .In Oregon. Eugene Keg-ister.
PENDLETON, May 4. (Special) At
a late hour this afternoon no action
had been taken in the Roesch vs Un
ion county arguments, testing the va
lidity of the local option law In Union
county because of the failure an part
of the sheriff to post election notices
as prescribed by law. The appeal iu
the Russell vs O. R. & N., was argued
before the supreme court today, the
conclusion coining late in the after
noon. While not ollictully announced
it is believed the Union local option
case will be commenced tonight, and
if not, certainly tomorrow morning.
oltiui (ue Nesting.
The sensational charges egalust at
torney Norton of linker City were not
stirred up today, the matter beiin;
held in nllegaiMH. The report that
(lie affidavits were drawn on order
of Circuit .Judge Knowles of Lit
Grande are fabrications. He Is hear
ing a case in the Circuit Court and
has no connection with the Supreme
Court fracas. ;
HarrlniHii to Kuilil Road From Kutte
to Lupital Junction.
BUTTE, May S.-i-Construction of a
railroad from Buttee to Lapwal Junc
tion, Idaho, will be started Immedi
ately, according to announcement to
day when articles of incorporation
of the Montana-Idaho , and Pacific
Railway were tiled. It will be li.'.O
miles long, and is backed by 1 land
man. It will connect with the O. Ft.
& N. and Oregon Short line at Laywsl,
known to, the natives as
Tumbo meaning, "portly muster,"
which is a mark of great respect. He
was given the title after he killed two
lions yesterday.
"Colonel Roosevelt' no longer ex-
Roosevelt is Ists for the natives of darkest AfricH,
Bwanna j for ne was christened the portly mai-
te by 200 natives who are iiaHlstin-j
him In depopulating the jungles. Af-t
ricans have a great respect for Roose-
velt's markmanship. .
? ' ''
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