i: EIGHT PAGES. ETEMC f) BSEETEB, LA GBASDE. ORF.POV TI'KSDVT, MAT I. 109, 1 1 I-JT - ... .--.y I Great (Gaoiinral Sale i .- 1 In order to accomodate visitors to the Carnival I will continue my sale of the J R. Smith Bankrupt Stock. Call and get some bargains if you need anything in the clock, jewelery or silverware line. Iam selling most of this stock at considerable less than wholesale price. qJo JL iio F are La Grande's Leading Jeweler Opposite the United States land Office - 1111. iMmf'pj-mntilfSmt BPg3BSB niRFnTORY I 9 m ' ' ' OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS f LA GRANDE, ORE. uimii nrtr M. W. A. La Grande Camp No.' 7703 meets each Monday evening at I. O. O. F. ball. All visltlug neighbors are cor dially invited to attend. , M. McMURRAY, C CAL JORDAN. Clerk. V. 0. E. La Grande Aerie No. 259, P. O. B., .meets every Friday night In Elk's hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren invited .to attend. C. E. HACKMAN, W. P. GEO. ABEGG. W. S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8., hold -stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cordially invited. RACHEL E. WOlisTELL, W. M. , ' MARY A WARNJCK. Secretary. I. 0. 0. E. -Encampment. Star Encampment No. 31, L O. 0. F., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. " ; ' H. E. COOLIDGE,. C. P. V. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. it. of A. Meets every Thursday evenlug at I. O. O. F. hall, Visiting members al ways welcome. ANGUS STEWART, President. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 16!), W. O. V, meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening In K. of P. hall In the Corpe building. bers welcome. NERI ACKLES. J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commauder. Clerk. " - I. 0. 0. F. Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets lu their hall every Saturday night. Vis iting brothers cordially invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may So seen Rt Model restaurant. . HUGH McCALL. N. G- ' OSCAR COOLIDGE. Secretary. W. A. WORST ELL, Fin. Sec. ' fAST . Foresters of America. Court Maid Marlon No22 meets each Wednesday night in K. of P. hull. Brothers are luvltejd to attend. HEN HA13TEN, C. R. LEO HERRING, C. S. . C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. S. . A. F. k A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. '.' R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. A. CV WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knights of 1'jtbiat. Red Cross Lodge No. 27. meets ev-; ery Monday evening in Castle Hall J (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C. ' R. L Henry Heldenrlch has been selected as the seventh entry In the Walla Walla meet and thus. Beven' men will take their departure tomorrow morn ing for what Is always credited with being the peer of all lnterscholastlc meets of the Northwest. The prelim inary events will be run off on Thurs day, and on the day .following, the finals. With sevn men entered and a pos sibility of having Young during the meet, La Grande has a fair chance of making the best showing since it par ticipated In this' affair. Since Satur day the squad has been doing; light work, recuperating as best they can from the effects of the Union meet which will be detrimental to the. best results this week. Shaking of the coming meet, the Walla Union says among things. Both the low and the high hurdles are events which will be of interest. and which are being watched eagerly by the rooters. "Moose" Englehorn, of Spokane, is running these for the lourth year for his high school and KKBEK.VHS. LINCOLN, K. of R. & S. Ms making phenomenal time In them jthis year. It is expected by his ad ; mirers that he will set a new time for Crystal Lodge No.. GO meets every , Ugh stuool8 in i,oth events. Against Tuesday evening at the I. O. p. F. hall, j hjm wU be Dl.e88ei., 0f Walla Walla, All visiting members are invited to illrt ..... rtl hih hurdles Saturday in Fine Hosiery Arrives. Smith and Ureen have received new line up to date hosiery which includes many staples and new nov elties. FOR THE LADIES. Mrs. C. H. Whitney, the noted Face Goods Specialist, of Baker City, is In the City and will call upon the ladles for the purpose of Introducing her toilet preparations, which she manu fatures. Call at Mrs. Swarfs rooming house. 4-29-5-4 ',0 , s .NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Recorder's office, city of La Grande for the grad ing of the court house ground and one half of L avenue from 5 th to th street. Plat and specifications on file at Recorder's office and may be seen on application. Bids must be In by 4 o'clock P. M. May 5th, 1909. GEORGE KREIGER, Chairman Ways & Means committee (A-27-M-4) LOW THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY I RETAIL DEPARTMENT 1 : t We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, j Chain Wood ! We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. ! THINK THIS OVER! attend. 17 flat, nnd Shaw of Lewiston, who JENNIE N". SMITH, N. G. ho,(,g goff, m,01.d8 j 1,0th hurdles. MARTHA E, SCOTT, Secretary. Englenoru wu also meet Dresser in ' ! It P O F (" etshot putting contest, and as both La -Grande Lodge No. 4H3, meeets i m-n are tossing the sphere close to each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in I - nt be Elk's club, corner Depot street and All visiting mem- L Washington aveuue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. H. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rev. Sec. f GREAT tuFTS'TOMBER PRICES - WeLreclosihg our our retail lumber yard in ! a. .'irandft... DiRcount on roucrh. sized, ' matched and finish lumber 20 per cent. 75 and 10 per cent off on doors and sash, universal list. Regu lar moulding and mill' work same as lumber. Job lots at any old price. Delivery at yard. Stock taken in present shape and in quanlties amounting to $20. or more. No reduction on small lots and on stuff gotten out to special order. Stoddard Lumber Co. . o 4 Defenuunts IMsniNsed. John Doe and Richard Doe, the Sumiiterville defendants in the tres passing case heard before.TusticeSi aid last night, were 'dlsniss?d by the pre8idinJudJMr-TfTn,? conclusion of he--rin reduction or tesumony. . AII SOi'lKTY. The Ladies Aid Society of the Pres byterian church will meet tomorrow arternoon ut the'home of Mis. Anson: This i the remilnr business meeting of the soriety and a good attendance is urgently vetpisted. : . ' 1 z F1K JOB I'KIXTIXG. 1 RATES TO OREGON DAILY DURINC MARCH and APRIL from all parts of the East Vid UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT 1 IIME THE OREGON RAILROASTAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC 333 from Chicago $30.50 fom St. Louis $25. from Omaha $25. from Kansas City CoiresDondtnRiy low from all other points. To the Public If you believe in your town why not make it worth while to do busi ness here? : : : : I ASK TOR LA GRANDE SUGAR 1 An Weal Cough Medicine. ' "As an Ideal cough medicine I re g&rd Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In . class by Itself." says Drr. R.'A. WHt- f r.t pleasure In testifying to the re " ' ult of , Chamberlain's Cough medi cine. In fact. I know of no other preparation thut meets so fully the expectations of the most exacting In cases of croup and coughs of children. it TOi'tniii no .tninm. rhirfori safe, pleasant and' efficacious reme-ly for the Ills it U Intended." ' For tale h, all good dealers.' e T In the east and tell them about these Write letters to everybody you know low colonist rates. ' Send them literal ' tare about Oregon, or send their ad- Th Observer lob nrtutinit de- 1 dresses to u. and we will do it. In . 'iHi wav you can be a great help In nartiuent Is better prepared' . .. , than ever to turn out high You Can Prepay Fares grade commercial work. Our recently Installed equipment makes It posible for us to turn ont a class of Work that here tofore had to be sent out of the city. , . Call us up if in need of any thing In the printed line and we will call immediately. Work. ; dellTercd wbe- promised. e e e Accuracy the Key Note When you are installing a new plumbinig system or making the minutest repair. , We do this at the time you want it and at prices you can afford to pay. - e BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DtPO't. STREE1 illDS WASTED. proved by the Board of Trustees of Sealed bids will be received by the ; the Joseph Slethodlst Episcopal Board of Tustees of the .loseph Metho- church. The right to reject any and dist Episcopal Church, of Joseph, : & i,i(js reserved. Plans and specl- Oregou, up to Wednesday, April 2?, . . ,. 1909, at 6.00 p. m. for the construction of a brick or stone church at the City v.-uu0 of Joseph. Said brick or stone church '; Dated Joseph Ore.. April 12, 1909. W. U MULKEY, Sec. Building Com. for any one from any place If you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local agent and he will tele graph ticket promptly. " Inquire of Agents or write to WMi McMUBRAT General Tassenger Agent The.Oregi?nMtpaflVAYjMAlP0to be completed on or before Friday, ; Southern Pacific Co. (Lines In Oregon) j October 1st. 1909. Bidders to furnish j Portland. Oregon . l a good and sufficient bond to be an-i