Oil J tf I SJ' A. I. k.i.-t l 1 ...... ! I' EIGHT PAGES. FfKMHG OBSEBTEB, LA GKAKDE, OREGOX. WftMUT. Xki. n. PAGE SIX "i uotgag-wiUBjIUWIIHIIWMW.I TV' 'IHtti o i J. My 1 tarty IJays if OF ANKRUPT STOCK SALE 1 1 - . 4 eftlllll 1 ! . J i' h 1m 't '. : .- : '' . If you are in need of anything in the jewelery line such as clocks, silverware, cut glass, hand painted china, a nice chain and locket, ring or pin, call early and get it at less than wholesale pride. For the next thirty days only you have got this chance and it will not pay you to lose it. Ho .Peare la Grande's Leading Jeweler Opposite the United States Land Office ii mil " mimi nnwniii iniini i in misEmBmimwtmmM DIRECTORY OF THE FRATERNAL ORDERS lA GRANDE, ORE. MR m AT 31. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets each Monday evening at I. O. O. F. ball. "All visiting neighbors are cor dially invited to attend. M. McMUKJRAY, C CAL JORDAN, Clerk. " F. 0. K. La Grande Aerie No. 259. F. O. E., meets every Friday night In Elk's hall st 8 p. m. Viaiiiug brethren Invitoil tc attend. C. E. I1ACKMAN, W. P. GEO. ADEUG, W. S. 0. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 13. O. E. S., hold stated coniinuuW atloim the second and fourth Wednesdays of eui'h munth. Visiting members cordially iiivitod. RACHEL IS. WOKSTELL, W. M. MAHY A WARNICK, Secretary. 1. 0. 0. V. Encampment. Star Encampment No. 31, 1. O. O. F., meets every second and fourth Wednesday in the month in Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. II. E. COOLIDGH, C. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. It. of A. Meets every Thursday evening at I. 0. O. F. hall. Visiting members al ways welcome. ANUUS STEWART. President. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. I. 0. 0. l Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. 10, meets In their hull every Saturday night. 'Vis iting brothers cordially lnvi(.ed to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant. HI.'GII AU'CALL, N. G OSCAR COOLIDGE. Secretary. W. A. WORSTELL. Fin. Sec. mm A J 01 Fon'htcru of Ainciica. Court Maid Marion No. 22 meets each Wednesday night in K. of P. hull. Brothers are invited to attend. BEN HAISTEN. C. R. LEO 11 ERRING, C. S. C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. S. A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. in. R. L. LINCOLN. W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary. Knk'lits of Pjtliias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets ev ery Monday evening in Castle Hall (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. & S. laiiiiv AJIS, Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every Tiii'Hday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting memlijTB are invited to atfriid. 4ISAXIK .V &Mi'i'H. N. U. MARTHA E. SCOTT. Secretary. The stories published In Eastern Oregon, Saturday and Sunday morn ing about a man being found dead at Starkey prairie, were rather prema ture. Late Saturday evening Deputy Sheriff Blakely and Coroner Folsom, both of Pendleton, phoned to officials at Pendleton that the mau supposedly murdered, had simply been sleeping. The man was surprised to learn that he had been murdered by his companion and that they had 'had a quarrel. They' were happy and con tented and wished the ollli ers a fond adieu when they started on their trail home. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. Itiit, W. O. W., meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening in' K. of P. hull in lino in FOR OIL Fine Hosiery Arrives. Smith and Green have received a new line up to date hosiery which includes many staples and new novelties. FOR THE LADIES. Mrs. C. H. Whitney, the noted Face Goods Specialist, of Baker City, Is In the City and will call upon the ladies for the purpose of introducing her toilet preparations, which she manu fatures. Call at Mrs. Swarfs rooming house. 4-29-5-4 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the Recorder's office, city of La Grande for the grad ing of the court house ground and one half of L avenue from "th to fith street. Plat and specifications on tile at Recorder's office and may be seen on application. Bids must be in by 4 o'clock P. M. May 5th, 1909. GEORGE KREIGKR, Chairman Ways & Means committee (A-27-M-4) L OW each Thursday evening at S o'clock in Elk's club, curlier Depot street ami j the Corpe. building. All visiting mem- Washington avenue. Visitlns brothers bers welcome. NERl ACKLES. are cordially invited to attend. J. H. KEENEY, Consul Commander. II. E. COOL1 DGE. Exalted Ruler. Clerk. .' HI GH McCALL, Rec. Sec. GREAT CUT IN LUMBER PRICES D. M. Hunt has taken to drilling for oil. He has closed a contract with H. V. O. E. . t)(, Ka (,,,. oil & Gas Co.. of St. La . Grande Lodge No. 433. meeets I ,lm8i Oregon, to Sink a 14-inch well a distance of 2000 feet 'and possibly 3,- j OtMi feet, near Yale. The work will cmomence in !Mi days. He will have . new machinery built especially for this clasB of work. Mr. Hunt will not neglect his work In this valley, either contracted or prospective, and in order to meet or ders promptly, Ikis ordered the con struction of a new and improved ro tary drill at the La Grande Iron works. It will be ready in 30 days. e x We are closing our our retail 'umber yard in La Jrande. Discount on rough,' sized, matched and finish lumber 20 per cent. 75 and 10 per cent off on doors and sash, universal list. Regu lar moulding and mill work same as. lumber. Job lots at any old price. Delivery at yard. Stock taken in present shape and in quanities amounting to $20. or more. No reduction on small lots and on Stuff gotten out to special order. Stoddard Lumber Co. 4 I r : The Observer Job printing de-' pitrtnient is better prepared 4 I I K jok mcim im:. An Ideal Cough Medicine. than ever to turn out high grade commercial work. Our recently Installed equipment makes it posilde for us to turn out a class of work that here- tofore had to be sent out of the ity. J Call us up if in need of any- thing in the printed line and 4 .. .xVA iaU !vi;r.. i:.v "rrk- r!vlif lt d wh.'n promised. RATES TO OREGON DAILY DURIC MARCH and APRIL from all parts of the East lid , UNION PACIFIC 0RLG0 SHORT I lE THE OREGON RAILR0A &. NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33. Irom Chicago $30 50 f-om St. Louis $25. from Omaha $25. fro;ii Kansas City rVnrfpondlnKly low from all other points. To the Public in the east ami tell them about these Write letters to everybody you kno v low colonist rati-s. Send Uuth litera "ire about Oregon, or semi their nd-iln-ssei? to us and we will do It In ; J.is way you can be a great help in lie growth anil progress of your state. You Can Prepay Fares t4444444 THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for I Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood deliver material We are prepared to furnish and promptly. I Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. I THINK THIS OVER! 5 If you believe in your town why not make it worth while to do busi ness here? : : : : ASK FOR LA GRANDE SUGAR 1 ............ , Accuracy the Key Note j preparation tnat nuns so fully h . 4 . expectations of the nrd Chamberlain'. Cough Remedy In! croup ana c. I Class by lfelf." .ay. Trr. R. A. Wilt- ! ... I .vnaitarinii it fh. miwf v.'tlnff In A an Ideal cough medicine i re-i " usns 01 ennaren. mm - ii.. t a .. T . .. 1. ah Ire, or uwynnevmc. mu. ( great pleaaura In U.tifyinf to the ro-!fe. pleasant ana irii-ciou remeny rons. inr rmmrui ... t ...it. of Chamberlaln-a Cough medt-! for the 111 It U intended." For wile by Hoise, la In the rity. Pr rhtor. 'i.-ir uiu - i n. In fact, I know of no other: all good dealer. . V K srFd Al.lSl'. Ciwrpe K. Thonie. v.iwsf nln-j Pr. tpociaft cf , Pons will arrive Sunday night. t5-l) 4i,or any ont from any place If you 4 I want to. Deposit the necc-ssary amount rtith our local agent and he will tele graph ticket promptly. Inquire of Agents or write lo WM. McSll'RRAT fSeneral Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co Southern Pacific Co. (Lines In Oregon) Tort land, Oregon When you -are installing a new plumbinig system or making the minutest repair. We do this at the time you want'it and at pricps you can afford to pay. ! BAY & ZWEIFEL 2ii DtPOl STREE1 BIDS VAMK1. Seult-il biO will If received by the Coard of Tustees of the .loseph Metho dist Episcopal Church, of Joseph. Oregon, up to Wednesday, April 2S, 1909, at 6.00 p. m. for the construction of a brick or stone church' at the City of Joseph. Said brick or atone church to be completed on or before Friday, October 1st. 1909. Bidders to furnlah a good and aufflclent bond to be ap-: proved by the Hoard of .Trustees of f:;e Jusr;-h Methodist Episcopal church. The ri;:ht to reject any and all bids reserved. Plans and specl cationa can be eeen at the office of "The Observer" La Grande Oregon. Dated Joseph Ore.. April 12, 1905. W. L. Ml'LKEY. Sec. Building Com. 4-16-17 19 2d J i rr i i