. n . -,s- - " (.. ( " EIGHT TAGES. KYEMNU OBSERYER, LA (SHASDE, OBECPy. FRIDAY, AriULJIO; J909. TAGE EIGHT. T 4 THE SATISFACTION OF SHOPPING DRY CHAIN WOOD DRY j 10 ALKEL m Li S For Best quality ol DRY chain wood call on v. L BEAN Biggest loads for least money PrtOME RED 1741 UK vv , IS ENHANCED BY A KNOWLEDGE OF EXCLUIVENESS IN THE MEJiOHANDISE OFFERED, AND THE ASSURANCE OF REAL VAL UES AT THE PRICES ASKED. SPRING EXPOSITION OF DF.ESS GOODS The newest Spring wash goods ore here for your choosing, person ally selected' by us for the best trade. A superb collection! A collection that every woman should see. A collection that will put her on tiptoe with delight at the lovely dresses, the smart waists' she can fashion for this Spring and Sum mer wearing., SMART SUITS FOR LADIES We wish that we could picture the charms of these new tailored suits for Ladies the smart simpli city of cut that gives just the dash and style Ladies need ;the distin guished beauty of the materials; the thorough tailoring that leads such a high class air. DRESSY CLOTHING FOR MEN. Every man owes it to himself and his friends to be well dressed. Yes . a man's friends have a claim on him; they many think highly-of his character and ability and yet wish that he would look "more present able." There may be differences of opinion as to what is meant by well dressed, but there is no ex cuse for any La Grande man not to be spie and span when there is West's to come to. MEN'S HATS We are showing a number of new blocks in soft and stiff hats. We guarantee" every hat to give satisfaction, and the fact that we very rarely are asked to mak6 good under that guarantee, shows that the.Gordon hats in style, wear and price do give satisfaction. Just received by express some Millinery Models of the Hour from the east. Something very new and striking. uality hp u 1 Store Central railway of Oregon surveyors who started at Hunt siding about week axo are now near Alicel and working toward Summervllle. There are a good many people who like to know Just wno si back of this work and Just what the alms of the backer! are. Thus far. no effort has been made to rim the survey to La Grande, the crew going .directly to the end of the Hunt grade. STATEMENTS ARE ISSUED Read the two excellent financial sworn statements of our two national banks published in this Issue. They reflect the splendid financial condition of this city and county in a manner that comes from an authentic source that means something, and certainly Inspires confidence in business circles. Will IR ock Springs Coal Carload just in. A pleasure to us to sell this high gcade coal, and -it will . oe a pleasure for you to usa it. Grande Ronde Gash Compart) TWO AUTOMOBILES I For rent with an experienced driver Seating capacity is five passengers with one and three with the other. Service is the best and prices right, Inquire of CHASE BOIINENKAMP PACIFIC MATES BKACK 241 RESIDENCE RED 481 Oregon, has funds on hand with which to pay all county warrants that were endorsed by the treasurer prior to the first day of April. 1907. No Interest allowed on the above warrants after March 22. 1909. 3-22-tf JOHN FRAWLET, Treasurer of Union County, Oregon. NOTICE Or' BANKRUPTCY. In the District of the United States for the District of Oregon. , In the Matter of J. H. Leishman, Bankrupt. To the creditors of J. II. Lelsliman, of Baker City, in the County of Baker and District aforesaid, a Bankruptcy. Notice is hereby given that on the ?nd day of April, 1009, the said J. H. Leishman was duly adjudicated bank rupt; and the first meeting of his creditors wilt be iieut at my oiiice iu Baker City, Oregon, on the 16th day of April, 1!09, at 2 oYloek in the afternoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrpt and transact such other bus iness as may properly come before said meeting. N. G. DROWLEY Referee in Bankruptcy. LOCATE HERE Modern Brotherhood of America Inst night held their regular monthly banquet in the I. O. O. F. hall. A class of eight were initiated Into the mysteries of. the order, and a drill team of 24 members was organized and given a preliminary drill by Dis trict Manager, C. B. Mills. Nexi Sfit urady night the drill team will go to Cove, where they will put on lloor work and initiate a large claas. Mr. Mills has concluded to make La Grande his permanent home, and his family will arrive 'from the east in the near future. CALL FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that bids for one hundred ' forty (HO) cords red fir aud yellow pine wood, three feet "eight Inches in length, to be piled In the basement of the court house at La Grande, will be received by the county court of Union county at the office of the clerk of said county. Bids uiubt be submitted on or berore Wed nesday, the fifth day of May, 1909. The court reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 4A if ' ED. WRIGHT. County Clerk. ! HOME PH0E 132 t ) it . AYOOO NOTICE. Koike Is iirev givu that th District School Board of School D' Vict No. One of Union County. Ore 'on, will receive until 4 o'cli-k P. M. of April 30th, 1909. he.ili-.t bids for furnishing said School llmi:ct with 140 cords of four-foot split yel low pine and red fir wood, said wood to- be -cut while green and not later than June 15. IV9. fio.i fio.n large knots und ccpuOU M si.il School Board. Said W.-d t. tw de livered, 130 r- Mgh school ' i l ' : ; 'i building, 5 cords at white school and r cords at 4th ward school. All to ! , be coTitar"' i;v vltkcly and Keat'.y , where directed by Board. Fifty cords j HCSSEY'S HACK LINE. Best of service, Day and Night Hacks furnished for funerals and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and Night and Sundays. Stand at Paul's Cigut Store, Phone Red 241. Night 'Phone Main 25. E. L BUSSEX. Chamberlain on Committee. WASHINGTON. April 30. Senator Chamberlain of Oregon was today elected to a seat in the committee on Indian affairs, succeeding Bankhead of Alabama. to be delivered by July before Ausnst 20. 1909. left with School Clerk. Board re serves the right to reject any or all bids. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, 4-17-30 School Clerk. 10, and all 44,4.44444 Bids to be ; . FANCY SEED TOTATOES. A new fancy seed potatoes from Maine and Colorado the price Is from 2 1-S cts and 7 cts per pound. At "A Oliver's warehouse. !3.30 NEILL ft BECKl.EY. W.m- W MBllfa liwuirn vau iw " " ' r -- Notice Is hereby given that the un- MfcAlH'n nut '''l dersigned treasurer of Unlo. county. THAT MADE 1A GRANDE FAJIOIS. CITATION In the County Court, for the County of Union, State of Oregon. In the matter of the State of Oregon, Thomas Kelley, deceased. To Minnie Nebergall, Katherine AVell er, Anna Nebergall, Patrick Kelley and Daniel Kelley, heirs at law of Thomas Kelley, deceased, greeting: In the matter of the State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the county Court of the State of Oregon, for the county cf Union, at the Court Room, thereof, at La Grande, in the county of Union, on Wednesday, the 12 day of May, 1909 at 10 o'colck, In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause. if any there be. why the petition of Maggie Shearer, administratrix of said estate, praying for ifti order of this Court authorizing her to sell the following: described real estate, to- wlt: Lots No. 1, 2 and 3 of Block No. 134 in Chaplin's Addition to La Grande. Oregon. And that piece or parcel of land described as follows: Beginning at the section corner be tween sections 28 ,29. 33 and 32 in Township 2 S R. 38 E. W. M. run ning thence north 8.70 chains, thence south 55 deg. west 15.45 chains, thence east 12.51 th&ins to the place t? be ginning and containing 5.44 acres of land, situated in the S.EVi of Sec. 29. Twp. 2 S. R. 38 E.W.M. In Union Coun ty, Oregon, should not be granted. WITNESS, the Hon. J. C. HENRY. Judge of the County Court of the State tf Oregon, for the county of Union, with the seal of said Court affixed this 10th day of April, 1909. ATTEST ED. WRIGHT, CLERK. SEAL. E. Special Sale of Millinery WIT WEEK TLUIdN & CO. 1 I .ADAMS AVENUE 1 ' . miimm i mm M mm0. pi p II I The Houic of Kuppenhomet Chicigo That easy swing and grace so important in this season's clothes-styles--you will find to perfect- ion in our line of- standard made clothes. THE VERY BEST OF MEN'S SHOES, HATS AND FURNISHINGS C. C. PENINGTON & CO. FREE TO YOU MY SISTER Free to You nd Every Sister Suf" erlng from Woman' Aliment. I am woman. '' I know woman's offerings. I bave found the oars. 1 will mall, fr of any charge, nrlw tr Mill with full Instructions to any sufferer from woman' ailment. 1 want to tell U women about thla care ten, my reader, for yourself, jour daughter, your mother, or your rtr. I want to tell you bow to cure yourselves at home with out the help of a doctor. Men ulMtt understand women's sufferings. What we women knowlna hh'nhic, wa know better than any doctor, i kuow that my 'borne treatment is safe and sure cure for ItwarrtiMl tt WsMiik tacMrpi, UlctnliM. Wf lieiswil ar Filling (I Hit Womb, tnln: tcantr 1 tim ftid, UttriM M Onrin Twmtt, w tiowlkii ilM " (!, kick tH kowils, ktirisg ton faatiags, swhmsm Cfi flin H tlx MiM, ntlincMy, itiirt h) T, M flashes, (iiiimii, kiastt. sna kliMtr Irwklti iksit wsssi kf atikNittt atcslisr to our stx. 1 want to lend you conplttt It lr nsiiasn .111 II .1, ,IW W IIIVT. WW J " li . I " J " " ' " , yourA-lf at borne, easily, quickly ana ... 1 CMHKn.V U II I .1 m. MlMf to r .111.171 uiuriiiuci, .,M., 11 win vw.i w m 11 " 1 1 1 ele the treatment a complete trial . and y Wbh to continue, it will cost yononlr ahouk lzcentsa week or less than two cnts ailay. wm not Interfere with your work or occupation. Just tins' mi tout ntm tnt ss'lrsit, tell me how yon auff.T if you wish, and I will s-nd ymi the treatment for ynurraw. tmttrelv fr-.tn plnln wrap per, by return mail I will also s.'nd youfrMoieMl, inv lxxk-"tfklr 0WI ktfOICU kOilSEk" wi" explanatory lMuHtrntlons Mhovin whr women snnVr. and bow thcT can'asilycurethenul", ttt home. Every woman ahrmld have ft. and It-am to ttttek for fctrtslf. th. 11 win 11 the dortor ssts Tou must have an operation," you can decide for vonr-elf . Thousands rtf women have'ur themielvoa with my home remedy. It enrea Mels si ismi, T ktoHwrt s( 0jurhtr, I will eiplaliia pimple home treatment which sikhhIIiv and efteetually cures It-ucorrhiH a, limn Hickneai Painful or Irregular Menstruation In young Ladkw, PluiupueM and h. alt h always results from its use. - - 11 . - . ... - . ... . 1 ,11 TI 'T .. anrwr yon nTc, i rnn t"t"t von to indies or vour own inenn'T wno unnwumi"'" s f tWl any snfferer tlmt thLs Horns Trsthnst really cunt all women's dinn", and makes women weu. i-lrong. plump and robiwt. Jstt wns sm mur Wjrttt, and tho free tendav'i treatment toyours.atao Write to-oav. as voll tilHV not Se tlii nfTer Aanin. ailrlrMM Notre Dame, Ind., o. S.A. .tie book. Write to-dnT. tu vim uikv not tlii off KS. M. SUMMERS, EoiH Mv Glasses Fit Reference: Ask any of 'J&$?J0f fSfv the 400 1 have fitted. Ctj4; 0. M. Heacock, With Red Cross Drug Store 41 Daily Observer, 65c per Month ' I