PAGE SIX. EIGHT PAGES. ETENIXd On.SERTER. LA GRANDE, CltEGOX. MOM) AT, APRIL 2ft, IM9.' OF ITPT CTAPFf ays teffi:!! Q A IF If l f - If you are in need of anything in the jewelery line such as clocks, silverware, cut glass, hand painted china, a nice chain and locket, ring or pin, call early and get it at less than wholesale price. For the next thirty days only you have got this chance and it will not pay you to lose it. 1 TJ'. 21 JLio La Grande's Leading Jeweler Opposite ihe United States Land Office DIRECTORY . or THE FRATERNAL. ORDERS LA GRANDE, ORE. BAfiD BOYS .' m. w. a. La Grande Camp No. 7703 ineeU aach Monday evening at I. 0. 0. F, All visiting neighbors are cor dially Invited to attend. - M. McMURIUY, C CAL JORDAN, Clerk. r. o. u. La Grande Aerie No. 259, F. 0. E., Meets every Friday night In Elk's hall at I p, m. Vlaiiiug brethren invited to attend. C. E. HACKMAN, W. P. GEO. ABEGG, W. S. 0. E. S. : Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. S., hold stated couimunicationB the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. visiting members cordially invited. RACHEL E. WORSTELL, W. M, MARY A WARNICK. Secretary. I. 0. 0. F. Encampment Star Encampment No. 31, I. 0. 0. F., meets every second and fourth Wednesday in the month In Odd Fel lows' hall. Visiting patriarchs always -welcome. II. E. COOLIDGE, C. P. W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. 11. of A. Meets every Thursday evening at I. O. O. F. ball. Visiting mnmbers al ways welcome. , ANGUS STEWART, President. C. J. VANUEKi'OifiL, Secretary. I. 0. 0. Fv Subordinate. La Grande Lodge No. 16, meets in their hall every. Saturday night Vis iting brothers cordially Invited to at tend. Cemetery plat may be seen at Model restaurant - HUGH McCALL, N. G OSCAR COOLIDGE, Secretary. W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. PRACTICE Foresters of America. s- Court Maid Marlon No. 22 meets each Wednesday night in K. of P. hull. Brothers are Invited to attend BEN HAISTEN, C. R. LEO HERRING, C. S. C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. S. A.F.&A.M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m," R. L. LINCOLN, W. M. . A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knights of Pythias. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets ev ery Monday evening in Castle Hall (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. & S. KE11EKA1IS. Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members are invited to attend. JENNIE N. SMITH, N. G. MARTHA E. SCOTT, Secretary. The baud boys- enjoyed a fine prac tlce yesterday afternoon. . Nearly all the players were present and Profess or Seelack, who has demonstrated bis ability to direct, put them through a comprehensive course of sprouts. The band as now constituted Is by far and away the best in this part of the state, and Is a credit to any city. No place could have. a better advertise ment than a live, up-to-date band, and when strangers within our gates hear the band on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, the business men who sub scribed as they could to the fund for uniforms and instruments will realize that the bread cast upon the waters has begun ,to return, and before many days. - Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 169, W. 0. Mr., meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening In K. of P. hall In ihe Corpe building. All visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES. X H. KEENEY. Consul Commander. Clerk. B. I. 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meeets each Thursday evening at o'clock In Elk's club, comer Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially Invited to attend. - II. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec HEAR BANKERS' COMPLAINTS AGAINST THE EXPRESS. CHICAGO. April 26. The Interstate Commerce Commission has decided to take up the complatnt of the Ameri can Bankers' Association against the express companies in Chicago today. The commission will take testimony which the bankers are going to fur nish in their efforts to show that the express companies 'are discriminating against them in the transportation of money. 1 The defendants are the following express companies: American, Adams, j wells jtargo, oouuiei'u, rnciiic tutu United States. John S. Miller and George Packard will represent the bankers. who so cordially responded on the program at our recent banquet our warmest thnnlcn anil Avni-eaainnn' nf I appreciation for their efforts that add ed so much to the pleasure of the eve ning. - C. H. JORDAN " . C. E. COX CHAS. DISQUA . Committee, HALVES I. 0. 0. F. HAS HOME. HAINES, Ore!, April 26. At 10 o'clock this morning the new temple of Brlstow Lodge, No. 112, I. O. O. F was dedicated. . Sam White, of Baker City, delivered the principal address Quite a number of lodge memters from the county scat -were present, and all enjoyed the sumptuous dinner prepared by their local brethren. Ladles, the very latest thing in belting and lace collars Just arrived at THE VAN DUYN CO. LOW RATES TO OREGON :.; a 4 4 GREAT CUT IN LUMBER PRICES La 3 We are closihg our our retail lumber yard in rande. Discount on rough, sizad, matched and finish lumber 20 per cent. 75 and 10 per cent off on doors and sash, universal list. Regu lar moulding and mill work same as lumber. Job . lots at any old price. Delivery at yard. Stock taken in present shape and in quanities amounting to $20. or more. No reduction on small lots and on stuff gotten out to special order. Stoddard Lumber Co. FINE JOB PRINTING. The Observer Job printing de partment is better prepared than ever to turn out high grade commercial work. Our recently Installed equipment makes it posible for us to turn out a class of work' that here- re had to be sent out of the t tofor Call us up if in need of any- thing In the printed line ana, we will call immediately. Work delivered when promised. DAILY DURINC MARCH and APRIL from all part3 of the East . Via UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT 1 INE THE OREGON RAILROA & NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33. from Chicago $30.50 f-om St. Louis $25. from Omaha 525. from Kansas City CorresoondlnKly low from all other . points. THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ftlouldlngs, Chain Wood v We are prepared to furnish and deliver material promptly. Call up Retail Department Phone Main 8. I ! j i i j Sixty li--- 4 1 MANY NEW METERS. Added This Spring Making A ToUl of 300. The city Is rapidly placlug all water i consumers on the meter system. About ' . ....... i &a Ideal Cough Medicine. "As an Ideal cough medicine I re tard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy In A class by Itself say Dir. R. A. Wilt ablr, of G wynne vllle. Ind. "I take gmt pleasure In testifying to the re T.1U of Chamberlain's Cough medl tjtae. In fact. I know of no other preparation that meets so fully the expectations of the most exacting In sasea of croup and coughs of children. ' It ojtins no anionv chloroform VMM m rtsiBU SEAka mur afe. pleasant and efficacious remedy for the tils It ts Intended." For sale by all food dealer. sixty have been Installed this spring and JS J:orK KSHMIV. U sunV mer. It is the intention to place'met ers on all connections as soon as they can be Installed, and about 300 are already in use. This la the system adopted by all cities. CARD OF THANKS. On behalf of the Modern Woodmen of America, we wish to extend to all To the Public In the east and tell them about these Write letters to everybody you know low colonist rates. Send them litera ture about Oregon, or send their ad dresses to us and we will do It In way you can be a great help in the growth and progress of your state. You Can Prepay Fares for any one from any place tf you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our. local agent and he will tele graph ticket promptly. " Inquire of Agents or write to ' WM. McMTJRRAT General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad A Narlgatton Co Southern Pacific Co. (tines In Oregon) Portland. Oregoa If you believe in your town why rot make it worth while to do busi ness here? : : : : J. ' 4 : ASK FOR LA GRANDE SUGAR i Accuracy the Key Note When you are installing a new plumbinig system or making the minutest repair." We do this a.t the time you want it and at prices you can afford to pay. BAY & ZWEIFEL j . 211 DEPO) STREE1 ; BIDS WAN TED. . proved by the Board of Trustees of Sealed bids will be received by the j the Joseph . Methodist " Enlsconnl Board di Tuatees or the Joseph Metho dist Episcopal Church, of Joseph, Oregon, up to Wednesday, April 28, 1909. at 6.00 p. m. for the construction of a brick or stone church at the City of Joseph. Said brick or stone church to be completed on or before Friday, October 1st. 1909. Bidders to furnish a food and sufficient bond to be ap- church. The right to reject any and all bids reserved. Plans and apecl cations can be seen at the office of "The Observer" La Grande Oregon."'' Dated JoseDh Ore.. AnHi u mno W. lu MULKET. sec Banding Com - I : $ : . i ISC- . . , Jr