KIGIIT PAGES' ''VACETOUE.'. r.Yl.MNO o n.SKRTlt,' U fiB IXDE, OBEfiOY 3!0&AY, AI'RIL 19.1903. i I i A- U dunli t venini ODserver published Daily Except Sunduj. CiKOlUJK II. (UKUET. ' EDITOR AND PltOPUIKTOH.- ' I lilted Press Telegraph Service. SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Dull)-, single copy.. ............. fe Dully, per month. , , . ; . . .. ...... ii: Daily, six mouths in advance. '.. . $;J..'0 Dally, one 'year U advance?.. T.'';?S.G0 V'wklyiM umntus ia edvawe. .,. ;7rc Weekly, one year in advance,,... HMO PEACH ( OP ill Jdntered at the poelullli-e ut La. Grande as second-class mailer. Tula paper will nut: publish any article appearing over a noin , de plume. Slewed articles will be re ceived subject to the discretion of the dltor. Please sign your articles and ave disappointment : Advertising' Kate. :'" tieplay ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. . ' Local reading notices 10c per Line first insertion; 6c per line for each subsequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence, 5c a line. " -Cards of thanks, 5 a. line. This week-posslbly means more to La Grande than any one single week In our history. it Is the Intention of the Commercial club If possible to close up the subscription for the Ir rigation project. It has been a short tut strenuous campaign for the oortY niittee, but the public have, responded nobly. It Is no small undertaking to secure stock subscriptions in a small community to the amount of 1100,000. It Is also quite uncommon for any community to have such a worthy pro pel to present we have at present : . The time Is now at hand when thi subscriptions books be closed and the working of organizing for the actual commencement of the undertaking. .. a The report of the graud Jury , of I'matllla county is looked forward to with much Interest. It is known that no small' time of the Jury has been with wufh Interest. It is known that. .. no snrafl time of the jury has been taken up In the considering violations of the local option law. A detective or two has been working In the coun ty for several weeks and the report only will tell what 1b to happen. ;.' ..i,'' - ' The city council, of Pendleton ',h considering sinking a well in the hopes 'of securing an artesian flow. It Is to be hoped that Its efforts may prove successful. One of the factors In the growth of any community Is a wholesome water supply. " Weston has pot given up hope by ao,y roemiB.vt coHl?V!g tB .Normal school amKH Is quite possible th.U enterprising' community will be suc. . ressful, .'''.. WALLA WALLA, April , I X. That lhn peach crop of thU suction will L aiiiiusi totai failure and t!ie a(tjIe only aboit half. Is the assertion J. L, Du mas of Dayton, who Is In Walla Wallii. Mr. Dumas bases his belief on the ob servations 'which he has made in his own orchard and that of J. I).,Taggard in the Touehet valley neaV Waits burg, and from reports which he has received from other fruit men. Failure of the peach crop Is due to the fact that fruit raisers neglected ! to Irrigate at the proper time, and to 1 their neglect to sufficiently thin their orchards. "I have not seen a single live bud this spring In the peach or chards," said Mr. Dumas. "Of course It may be possible that on some of the upland orchards the crop will be good, but In the Irrigated districts the crops would seem at this time to be a total failure' . : The crop of apples will be only half this year from appearances. Reason for this shortage Is ascribed to the heavy crops of the past two years and the failure of orchtu (lists to thin their trees sufficiently, - FREE TO Y01MIT SISTER r&Wm!ZS?'. 1 an a woman. . 1 know wihoiui's aoffaringa. I bava found tha cur. I will mull. fra of any eharfa, i Umt fcf Mat with full iiutrooUoiia to any affarvr f rm woman'! alliiiatila, I waut to tU a wumen abtnil (hla core rta, my readHT, fur yoaraelf, your daughter, yourniother.oryouralrter. I want to at.ll you now to oora younolvaa at horn with out tl help of a doctor, tiru jaaaH MHluratand wotutm'a aufforluK. What wawuiuen knowfcaa itatrtoaa, we know bettor than any doctor. I kuuw tliat roy'homa trmtmrat ia aafa and aura eura for ltacnM WkltM Jttekarfaj, Vkanlna. lia elKMMir) ar futl a! flw Kuak, frlM, ttMly - rant a! hrMdi, VttftM ar Onnta Taaatt, m SraiHit; ala attaa It Iwai tact aai kanlt, af 4 HtHli, aarnataN. trtht CnHn a It tliat, awtaackahi, awln tt iff, M nuau. auiiMU, tM. aaa MaMaf ItmMm tkart MMlf I- "X " ':-r.. ' J if RltoUM fOlHH VQ OUT KJ. aaHrwj m to prora to 70a tnat you can cure younwlf at horna, fiaally. qnlfklyand nrttly. Bomnmbar, that, it wW cart km atHiiaf to oi m fh tMtmint a eomulota trial : and if Ton Wlh to oonttnna. It will eoat yon only about lfTotrntaa wek or Ima than two cwita a day. It will not lntorfora with your work or oocuimtlon. Jurl urt mt raar mat aat aMrtu, tell ma how yon anffiT If you with, ami I will aeud you th treatmnnt for your cum. v iitlrnjy f rnn.ln iilnln wrar per, by roturn mail I will abioannd you frai (lent my book "WOMUt ONI SfOICU tOtlStl with Miilanatory Ulii'traticutovvinrf wh wonion aulror.' and how ther emnraaily euro thumaalvca at homo, fcvory womnnahould hTe ft, and lrn to ItM fw Iwrtttf. "ThMn ihn t ha doctor anya ' Jfou muot h an oimratlon," you oan ditd for yountalf. 'f hounHndii of women haeoured thomsclvaa with my home r.-mly. It cnrwi ill la 1 m( T lUllwra if Daiftltr, I will axpUln a Biiiipla home tntiriHr,t which aptiedliy ami i fl.-rtiialU cnn Iucorrhm-aiOreen Slckntwand WW or Irregular Memttruatloa ia young LdlM, PluiupntMi and hlth alwaya rutultafrom Whomrer yoo llr. t can ifer you to tadlaa of your own locality who kntiw and will gladly . 'H any anffxrvr tliat tlila imw Tmlntal really cam all wotnxn'a diiimt, and nmkea women well, atrong, plunin and robuxt. Jt ut4 a rw uttnn, and the free tendayii treatment la your,alo thnhook. WriU to-(br, aa you may not mv tnU offer in. Addreea 1S. M. summers. Bosh '- - Notre Dame, Ind., U. S.A. 1. ' V A- J '1 ' Carrier on TacaUon. ' Carrier, Dave .toddard begins his annual vacation of two weeks to morrow. 11., C , nail, the other car- ' yier went to work- again last Thurs day. -Mr. Stoddard ''has sold his home place lu the 'first ward and has pur chased the Abegg plaee In East La Grande, so that his first day s pleas ure will be that Incident to taklug down and putting up stove pipe. Mr. Btxddard says he. moves first thing so --that he may all the onue appreciate the remainder of hie vacntlou. s put up ! May be - MnnEan Tile Remedy . a tube with Tnoitle attached. , tpplled directly to the affected parts. Guaranteed. Price 50c. Sold at Wl verthorn's Family drug store Words to Frcee the Houl. "Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These juit.lHrg Words were spoken to Oeo. B F.levous. rt leading merchant of SprinnjM. N. C by two expert doctors one it ..pevlallst. Then was shown the won rter(1 oower nt Dr. Kins Ntw DIs .very. "After three weeks use. writes Mr. Clowns, "he was a- well a. ever. I would not take all th money In the world for what It did for my boy." lnfalllable for Coughs Hnd Colds .Its the safest, surest curt . ... T.nnir diseases o neartn f,0r sn It M- Trim lrT f!ursate satlsfsctlon X0T1CE TO WATER CONSUMERS. Water consumers not on meters will please come. to the City Recontet s of fice and fill out application before us ing the water for Iriigalinj' p'. uma. .) . ' U. C. (IILMAN. 4-19 5-1 ; ' ' ...Water Supl: CAIN YOU ; SAY 1 own a home, my living ex penses are almost nothing, I have fruit, raiao my garden? . IF NOT It's a pleasure that pays try it. We have City property that can be bought on cash payments down from $50. to $-'000. balance easy terms'. It only cost you an hour of your time to look over some of thoBe. NEXT MONTH you will pay more and have a poorer list to select from. BUY NOW. OXE OF THE GOOD ONKS. 'o. 14. A 5-roorh cottage nice ly finished Inside, good location, a dandy orchard (mpre fruit than you can use) ONLY $3000. one-third cash. This is close In and will not be lorg on" the market. : Owner Jttust tfWre Oregon. s Xo. 8. Is selling at a loss to him a four-room house, 3 lots, barn, furlt, close In. See us for nrfre. -',:.-. $5.V.0O BUYS. " No. 22. One of the best square C-ioom houbes lu the city strictly up to date In every re spect, South side , closely in. Terms. The Van Dp Reclty Co. Depot Streit THE EDISON LINE Yes, v, e will I ave anything you wish in the Ed- : . ison line and every tl:irg jou can find in the latent catalogue, March lit'. March records are ' now , on sale. ' ... We have the DoubleDi3c Records for the JJsmall .sun of 65 cer ts each. :'; - : Read what 1. Paderewski, thi worlds best .; Pianoist, has to say in the Mario Trad-is Review for the Webr Pixhr. When he says it is best it must be p. , , " ;.. '.,.. -.'; .' WE SELL VJtEIR AKD.ALL OTHER CC CD riAfiOS 'Bramwe PHONE ELACKJCn. ADAMS AVENUE' ! WALL PAPER The Little Shop 906 Main St. Stamping of all kluds. Includ ing shirt waists & Center pieces, done, embroidery lessons gtvt-n. Orders taken and lessons given In stenciling. Full line of em broidery materials. First-Class Re-: All Ike newest things in wall psper. Pa per your rooms with some of MAXWELL'S exclusive designs. , r f , -: " ". Paints, Oils, Varnish Janalac and Liauid Vcnccr W H. : BOil RJEil SC AiVl P CO "' l a KlfiOOIIIIMIf F o Mams m Jusl recieved a new lot of Svvf's Pre- mium Hams arid Bacon See Our Easter Window Ds-: "::';v; play I City Grocery and Bakery, E. PCLACK, Prop ' . I Bell Pitone Main 75 Independent 241 J ' " PURITY IS A .1 ' mil NECESSITY ' WHEN IT COMES TO DRUGS IVelGuarantee the Purity of alla Drugs sold here : : : '5 DRUQ JT0KE LA GRANDE, OREGON s . : r - - - - ' ' " " - - ' t Gomplete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS - , ; D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor , Complete Machine Shops and Foundry . -'''" Ten Room Housz, Stone Fcuvdatian, Sijne Cellar, Two Blocks from Depot, Furnished Ihroutt.eit ; 52,400.00 One half cash, balance on two years time at 7 per cent interest mn-Sherw Realty Company Lot odd 4 - , .: SEASON OPENED AT I ICE CREAM ami SOFT DRINKS l u Before the Bar. ' N H Brown, an atoroey ot Pitta field. VU writes: "We h. used Dr. Kins?'- New Ufa Pill, tor ywrs and rlne we wouldn't U without them, cine cniinniiiaa pairing AIX WORK C.rAUANTKKD. ncrf A Fhoo x)riy rralred w-ortlikita, but a proKTly tvnlm) Shoe U good m new. work pleases and satisfies. I My R. Plant BUSINESS f tLEOE WAS M 1 NOTO Ti A ..TM STRCCTS , : PO''' OREGON ', ' WRIT CATALOG I I N. K.WEST, Pres. T. J. SCRCCCIN, Cash Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres. H. E. CCCLICCE, Asst. Cash ADDING NEW ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts and . xour business is increasing at a very satisfact- ' ory rate. Probably ycu might te glad and iH it . " . ' ' The United States National Bank Of La Grande DIRECTORS Wm. Miller H. f. Coolidqt J.I. Scroggin N.K.West E. P. Staples C. T. Bacon . J. L FtanklCcnley ;-; A.T.wii p- : t pftp CbUX. Constipauon. cr Slrk Headsche tbr wor wop- H Th Echool tat IWv. I ; a Good Potitum IHUIHIMIttillilMHIIIIIUtllllllltHMMItMItt - THE OU PrtK8TOM STAND.