VOLUME VIII. LA GRANDE, UNION XJOUNTY, ORE., MONDAY, APRIL 19, 1909. NUMBER 154. SM'SPAHE IS SI M'OUC Ot CHRISTIANS SLAUGHTERED AT MARASH lining Turks Will Demand Abdication .of Sultan This Afternoon Huve . j ... n." I u ir.tnnil Knrclirners to 1 ro- """l'" I tect Them Constuultuople ts be filtered by Conquering Troops Fresh Outbreaks In Asiatic Turkey Today. LONDON, April 19. Young Turk M ill march on Ylldiz Kiosk, the Sul tan's palace, and demand the surren der and abdication of the Suttan to day. according to a message received here from Constantinople. The mes sage explains the advance guard will be thrown around Pera and GaleU, suburbs of Constantinople to protect lives of foreign presidents there be fore the main body of the army mar ches against the palace. Twenty chifBtians were killed by Mohammedians at Marash, 8 miles .north today. The Mohammedans .started a fresh outbreak. Marash is in a state, or terror, with Bceues of horrible cruelty. Ono-Slded Bull' (Jump. NORTH POWDER, April 19. (Spec The Union team snowed the North Powder team under here yes tiM tlav to the tune of 39 to 3. WRECK ON NORTH BANK. Passenger Train No. 2 Bitched by Sand Bunk Neur Hirer. VANCOUVER, Wash., April 19. The North Bank train, No. 2, east bound, was wrecked early today near Ply mouth. 1U miles eabt of Vancouver by s.tm! piling on the tr;.K due to a hirh wind. None . were seriously injured. TMe west bound trains to Portland are l"luyed several hours. jrsHGur,DEU 1 Were You There?-. Where? At the COME and FIND OUT SALE of course SATURDAY'S SPECIAL WAS fill Jap and China Wash Silks at 33c per yard Something startling Monday, You will not bs told until Tuesday, so you had better COME AND FIHD OUT what it is for your self. : A Mew Special Each Bav AN01 II LU WINDOW BROKEN. i Smith k Greene's Window Broken by Apparest Hoodlum. It la evident that some of the city's hoodlum's take delight in breakiiifl 1 plate glass windows. Last Friday ! night, some time after 0:00 o'clock, 'some mlscreunt either threw a mls j Bile through the window of Smith &. Greene's shoe store, or punched i hole In the glass with some sort o) a buck or cane, ui course it is pos alble that the damaee was -done ac- cidentally. bupt It la hardly probable, ad the fact that Geddes Bros, suffer- oft mm tlia nmn V nrt of fl.tr rk n few nights ago is almost evidence that the deed was malicious. . BOYS ARE ACTIVE. Five or six of the high school boys who are engineering the special sale this week at the C. C. Penlugton & Co. store, missed their calling when they did not take up Publicity work. There are industrious and to all appearances will realize a fat sum from this source. TWO SEATTLE TEAMS ESTABLISH ' NEW 1 TO 0 RECORD . SEATTLE, April 19. Twenty-one innings is the record length of a game played by two amateur baseball teams here yesterday. The battle was be tween soldiers of Fort Casey and Web sters of Seattle. In the 2tst Inning a double and two singles drove home one run, this being the only tally of the long game. The soldiers were victors. Each plUher allowed eight iU,.T.:l each struck out 21 men. The batteries were Agnew, MrManus. for the Web sters. and Hyrd, Clark, for the Caseys. 1R Aim Kit Lfi GRMIDE, OREGON auiiis sursvtYOKS to KILLED BY MOB S1ARTATBHCE UCCSER STOCKMEN ABE STRUNG TO BARN RAFTERS Oklahoma CaUlcmeu of Great Wealth lloast of Vending Freedom, But art Siruiur to Rafter In a Barn Jail Wrecked by Mob In Effort to Seine The Prisoners Oillrers Found The Pour ItodioN Rnngllnjr From Boof SHAWNEE, Ckla., April 19. Four men, reputed to be millionaire cattle ranchers were taken from the Jail at Ada at 3 this morning by a mob of 100 and hanged in a barn, near the prison. The prisoners' accused of murdering U. S. Marshall A. Abbott on February 17. The deputy of the jail was overpowered and the building partially wrecked to get prisoners. They hanged the lour together. Vic tims J. B. Miller, E. E. Brown, Jessie and Joseph Allen. The prepartlons in the barn were made in advance, ropes being tied to rafters, and there the officers found the bodies this morning. It is understood the prisoners boasted they would not be convicted, intimating their money would free them. BACK TO LA GRANDE. Samuel .Cochran .Return .to Stamping Grounds Aita'n. Samuel Cochran, lately of Hood River, but at one time a resident of this county, has purchased the II. O. Gray cottage on First su-et and w'll make his future homo there. The pile- paid was $:t,f0i. Mr. Grwly the iv-.rr.ic-r owner, will move his fnmily to Pendleton about May 1st. Mr. . ano Mrs. Cochran are now here and will nrrunv their new home soon. : II ( EXTRA L RULWAY ORDERS NEW EXTENSION IS RUMOR .'od Authority N.iy That Road Will ' Lcnie Snrcy For Extension to Lu Grande Will Commence at Hunt' Mdlntr And Run Across Valley W III Rdny Steel With Himler -Material It Is Sald-Enitlaud Denies The Re port Today. Extensive repairs and improvements to the Central Hallway of Oregon and running of preliminary survey from Hunt's siding across the valley to La Grande will commence tomorrow morning, according to authorative news coming from unofficial sources at Union today. . A crew of men is in Union ready to go out with the sur veying .party tomorrow. Where the railroud leaves the Hunt Siding, and goes to Cove, the survey Is scheduled to commence, meaning that if this survey Is adopted, the line across the valley will junction at that siding. ' With these aunouncemnts are sev eral that point to the extension across the mountains, eventually touching Walla Walla. It is not known how true these rumors are, but unless the order Is recinded tonight, the prelim inary survey or a line to La Grande will be commenced tomorrow morning. The present steel will be replaced in many places by heavy rails it is said. In the face of those reports, coin ing as they do from authorative places and facts actually existing in I mon todav. Superintendent England at Union emphatically denied such pro posed work this afternoon. Local businessmen who are acquain with some of the facts in this connection " affirm that, the company Hud intended to do this preliminary work very quietly. At any rate, a c-cw of men was employed at I nion yesterday to go to work tomorrow morning, being ordered to report with the surveying crew at Hunt's siding. F rrnr,im run'roilD bLMIIfM LIIII LHUll FACE BLACKENS AS .11 DEATH DURING STRANGULATION 'VIENNA, April 19. Kmperor Will iam of Germany narrowly escaped strangling to death after swallowing a fishbone, aciording to a stock ex (hunge message fiom Corfu, Greece where he la spending his vacation. He turned black in the fa e. but physic ians took the hone out after hard work. MAY RELAY MEET. Professors Frost of Union and Conk 1 iii of Cove iff adverse tl holding ill' Union coinstv track. meet next ivitui- lluy. As i!!V ether date un il'i.i" mid dle of .M.iv void be imposil!J frm a Grande standpoint, it is thought that perhaps these two men can be persuaded U)Kn to hold the meet as scheduled. They affirm that their teams are not in training at this early date. EIRE IN BOX CAR. - A tr coiit3t!!iug acids whs limited In the yards last night and for a time complete destruction of the con tents and car was threatened, but the flames were eventually extinguished The loss was somewhat heavy. Com bustion was created by the bumping IS11E CHOKES of the car about the yards. TWO BLOSSOMS HEBE. . Scenic has a series of Attractions That Are Sure to Please. Good things come to he who waits Is the adage and so it Is at the Scenic this week. The Blossoms Reece and Hose-'have toured tho coast playing at Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles, and now they, are in La Grande ready to entertain the people here with clean stuff. In addition. there are the musical comedians The Kingsburys and what they can do for ntertalnment Isn't worth doing. Man ager Gardiuer follows a mediocre week with a show that Is high class from start to finish. The manager Is anxiously awaiting the two teams' Ilrst performance that he may be able to see for himself if the splendid press eports about both teams are overdone. They open tonight with snappy attrac tions. , S. R. Thompson and J. M. McCor mlck of Pendleton are business vlsl tors in La Grande today. ONE-SIXTH OE POPULATION CON VERTED BY ONE MAN VANCOUVER, Wash., April 10. Having converted 1000, one-sixth of the population of this city, Evangelist Dan Shannon leaves at noon for Hood hiver nriion. in hold meetings. He closed his meetings here 'yesterday when he was presented with a thank ,.,v,i,,cr i,r ron. This amount will wi v nig v - probably be raised to $1500 at a meet ing of all the converts tonight. SPECIALIST HERE. Dr. J. P. Goruy, of Portland, speci alist on the eye, ear, nose and throat is a guest at the Foley. The doctor (on be consulted every day this week at the ofllces of Drs. Bacon & Hall. 4-19-5-3 MONEY CETTERS IQ IU IIILIIIUI ULIU IF PLANS MATURE CLUB WILL SEND DELEGATES TO PORTLAND Pursuant to a rush call by President Collier, the board of managers' of the Commercial dub met tlTIs afternoon, and discussed plans, the carying 'out of which will mean much to the quick success of the Meadowbrook project. A committee of either three or five influential business men will be appointed to call upon Portland financiers In order to interest them In the project. It is believed, or known, that capital to complete the $100,000 stock subscription can be secured in this way. HORSE SHOW SPLENDID. Great Army of HorscllesU to lie Seen At Portland. PORTLAND, April 19. One of the fanciest collections of blooded horses ever Inside the same enclosure at the same time will be seen here when the annual Spring Combination Breeder's sale opens on next Monday. Stock valued at $100,000 Is at the country' .vaii'S Df il..CUlg:imep.t f''f!'n the East are arriving. MORNING TRAIN DELAYED. The morning west bound train did not arrive until 3:30 this afternoon. It was loaded heavily with homeseek-ers. wmiiis AT VANCOUVER EVIDENCE OF A CHEAT HFLUX N I'M E ROUS LETTERS SAT MANY COMING TO LOCATE lliiohlcrs Out After Money Today la Automobiles Wisconsin aid Sue. kane People Anxious to Coiue t La Graude to Locate Many More Names Added to List of Speakers For Bctelopiueut Congress Money Before Breakfast. There Ib going to bo a great in flux to La Grande this summer, ac- " cording to assertions coming from afar, a few samples of which are pro- uuceu below. Those who are keeping cIobo watch of development lay it all to reports of the proposed irrigation. From Osceola, Wis.. Mr. A. K. Roese writes that a party of homestead seek ers will leave there for this county about June 1st. and they wish, to know more particularly about our re sources, climate, chance for timber or homestead entries etc., before start- " ing. Hr. Roese says "we would be very pleased to know what Is golnc on in that great country of yours." L, C. Hughey, Huntsvlile, 11a., asks for information about the Grand Ronde, saying that he thinks ot changing his location. A Spokane business man wishes to locate la La Grande If there is a fav orable opening. A. Dutcher and family,, who used to reside here, but for the past seven years have been living in Oakland, Calif., have returned to La Grande to stay. . ' . ' . v After Money In Auto. J. I). McKennon, W. J. Church, J. R, Oliver, J.E. Reynolds and F. J. Holmes boarded Mr. Oliver's auto this morn-lug- and'wtnt out into- the valley to round up some more wealthy fanner for subscriptions to the Meadowbrook project. Mr. Church got a bunch ot money tills morning before breakfast Walter Pierce sometimes prefers to hunt alone, and before the others had finished their morning repast he had stolen away by himself, and intends to come back with a fine addition to the list. . Three 'of the finest orators in the state, C. K. Wood, Willis S. Dunnl way and C. N. MeArtbur will be on the program, of the Oregon-Idaho de- , , ..... ...... ito rfi Ilofer, president of the organization to Publicity Manager F. B. Currey ot the Commercial club. The Transpor tation Committee of the Portland Chamber of Commerce will also send a speaker, who will discuss the rail road situation from the standpoint of the business Interests. Headquarters Here. State officials are commencing to realise that La Grande is the most desirable city to locate headquarters for various departments and William A. Dal.iel has been sent to this city to ac t as deputy iunor coimiiimuin-i and factory inspector. He has all ot Kaatern Oregon from The Dalles Kant and will live here. The (Ira nil Ronde Electric company has ordered the extra material to ba ,..,1 in wiring fr the illumination of the streets during the carnival. COVE PIONEER REAR. ltr, Itlevens Passe. Away at Age of 68 Years of Heart Disease. Dr. John Blevens. aged 66 year, died at his home in Cove last night -at 2 o'clock of heart disease. Funeral arrangements have not been definitely decided upon, but It will likely b Tuesday withMiitennent at Union. Dr. Blevens, a pioneer of the first type, has, lived rn Union county for many on,) I. i-i vi has etilored the respect of his large circle of friend. He Is survived by a widow, and thes children: Mrs. Ethel Martin, of Eagl Valley; Mrs. Ronald Gardner, of Illi nois; Leo A. Blevens. Cove; Curtis Ttlevens, Cove; Eiutle Bleveps, also ot Cove. "1 - J.-"' ' r. r f C' f ?