VIGE Ol E. y:VKlV. o ftSKRYlit, IA vRAXDE, OREGON., AfRlL 17, M9. SIGHT PACES. ! FREE TO YOU MY SISTER t fz i .!:- -, -i J The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Makes the finest, most delicious bis cuit, cake and pastry; conveys to food the most healthful of fruit properties. Free to You and Every 8 Fa tor But erlng from Woman's Allmonts. I am woman. ' 1 know woman's lutTarlngi. I have found the our. w.'il rr?1 ',ny t . y ! Mil with full uiatruoUouatoany anfferer f ruin woman 'ailment. I want to tell al women about thla curv-fM, my naalor, lor yonraelf, your daughter, yuur mother, or your abler. I want to Ml you now to cure yournulrai at home with out the help of a doctor. Men .ami undoratand worawn's luffetiiiKi. What wewoiucn know ton isirlaata, w know better than any doctor. 1 1 kuow that my'home treatnieut In aaf and aura euro for Iwcoitlwu ar Wbituk diKhir,a, Wctnlloa. Oil- ' IicmmdI at taUiai l IIm ttoah. Prafaia. at fanM ! hrkrta, Uttilaa M 0tlM TuMrt, ar Smlrit; alia aaiaa M Z kaad, back n4 kcvili, kari im hallift, MfWMMia, ' Z crna iif Mini a tin , Mluclwl?, tulre to kal Z flnritt, wmiImm, kMotr. tliMtr trotiblat thtra tartctf ' a W rMisfittl ptciiiai to our n. j 1 Hiuit to aeud you coaoliti Hi itft tratfmal ; tdlkti frt to prove to you that you can cure ' yourtelf at noma, eailly. q u le k I y and j nrlV- Remeniher. thMt. i mM m.I mm MlhUa M I m . . Tr"""" irlre h tnatnieiit a oomplitetilal; and If you a to eontlnaa. It Will 00t Tnnnnir aHnnt liwnbiwmlr OP Iimh than two iwnla Hn It s !' jour worn or oociiaion. JW Mfn (M aural!, eii nie Dow you iilf r If you. vtlin, and I will (mid you tlie treatinmit fi.r youron-".. c.itlrel fre,ln jilaln wrap- . """"; '"" , i "'ill ai wind mm rrMOtcdil. my IxhiIc "WOlKtll'l OWI MFOICU iBVISU'' wllh I Sugar Cured !l Hams Hiilnnatory IlIUHtrudoiu hho lni whv women nurfcr, end how they panenally onretheniMelrea nt home, fcv. ry wnnmitxhouid have 1(. and h arn to think foi ktmrf. 'f hen when thedooror xuu mum nvo an oiierntiim, yoi tii .innelvea wltb My hnmereinwl. If .iii.i all ill u..m 1m M.k ml fl I 1 ..l f V c i i' ' "v"1''1' 'hlch Kixwdliy BiiileHi.-um!!vouri U-uoorrUiH a, tlreen Hlckmonand U Cfinde Evening oaserver fabllMhetl Daily Kxcept .Sundaj. GEOUOE II. i XKREY. BD1T0R AND PROPRIETOR. I'aitcd rroim Telrgraib Scrvlm 8L'DSCRIPTI0 RATS: Pkily, slugle copy 5c I)atly, per month ;r.c Daily, six uiontba in advance $.1.50 Daily, one year in advance $6.50 Weokly, aix moutlia iu advance. 7:'c Weokly, one year In advance $1.00 Bntered nt the poutollk-e at La Grande as second -c I fi mutter. This paper will not pulilish any THtlcie appearing over a iiom lu plume. SlBued articles will be re ceived subject to the dincretion of the ditor. Please sign jour articles and ave tlisnppointuient. AdurliHiiiif Krtto. Display ad, rates furnlBhud ujion ap plicatlon. Local reading notices 10c per line tlrst insertion; 5c per line for eucli ubsequent insertion. Resolution of condolenct, 5c a line. Cards of thanks, 5c a line. ling your name. The club is doing heroic work give. it your assistance financially and otherwise. We must reach the 10,000 mark within the next three years and j now Is the opportunity to lay the foundation that will bring this to pass. t We all know what a single family can accomplish working toward a common end. This city is now work lug loyally without dlsseution of any kind, keep the good work going and we will surprise ourselves what the future has In store for us. There Is a proper time for everything, and this Is the time to Inaugurate a forward movement. . The oldest hotel in the Willamette valley and which was in its day the grandest enterprise of the kind in the stnte, known for many years as the Clientt-keta, and of late years as the Willamette hotel, Is verbally reported sold to a 'syndicate of Salem capi talists for $:i7.000. The O. n. & S. has purchased a new depot site at Uaker City and will erect a depot building. The company puid $16,1100 for the ground. Tho new pas senger depot will he a little north of the present station. ou muni no an t.-i ntin," you enn U Ule for yourxif. TbotiHaiKla of women liareotired niiirul or irregular Metutriuitloii ia youutf ttmlh-j, I'liuiipnoMa and health always reaulta from herT. r yon lire I ran rofcr you to liullM of yonr own locality who know and will gladly ton any mtni n-r t hat tlili Hum Tnalimlreully curat ull wonien'iidlM-Bsin. and mak women well, i-troiiff, plumu and ruhiiht. Juil Mnf a, rsar adtlmi. and the free teudny -treat mentuiyonrs.alBO if book. Write to-dny. as you inav not . ti:U offer aaraln. Addr.m Vss. m. summers, Box h - Notrt) Dame, Ind.a U.S.A. Nineteen hundred and nine has ev ery promise of the beginning of a new ra for La Grande. Fellow reader, did you consider the struggle every city makes-to secure her first eight or ten thousand population? We are In the midst of tl)l struggle, at this present time, Few realize what a trnsltion would take place could we Increasu . cur present population 20(10. There n1s every reason to bellve that we will have 2000 more within the next three W". Pyirything polios (o it. W'15 iVe striking oil one nroject at this time which if successful and success Js -written upon every move, that will .- . .. 1 .1, ... .1,1 n,t, kHJ IUU tU...h..W.. .u. u...... )wo thotiBund and that is the Irrigation project. Our people are aroiiBed 1o the posibililles, our business men and Jantf owners are working enthusias tically to secure It. It has been a cnnniaign of educaiion for several years and in view of the fact of tin great success Unit has followed Bimilat tindfrtuklngs Ui a dozen or more coin Biunitit'S. II is no longer an experi ment, but a necessity and with such unnnilty of spirit and purpose we will succeed. Nothing succevdg like suc cess and the success of this Irriga tion project will pave Hie way foi liiitny improvements that will ininn'ili atcly follow. The moment tli; ton tract Is h-t for the ronstrui tion of the big dam. our people- will lime no occasion to sock other fields for Investment. Town lots will increase In value. business bouses will command great- er rents, farm lands all over the val- ley will be in demand St prices far ' In advance of what they are now, and property along the line of the canals will be cut up and new houses will .spring up lik- tiiRpl: and v ( ciepled V progressive' '...lople who will add wealth and t'.nlft to this com munity. Asldn from this one great enterprise this year is full of rromlse. Crop con litions are all that could bo asked for at this time. Everything that is ' produced la OfttM'd' jtoud valley ts ured fancy tirires Thlnps could not be n-.orn hop-jful from any view point, j T 1 Idaho sheep men are shipping their clips to a Chicago storage warehouse. Eastern buyers are paying as hlfrh. as 20 cents for some small lots of wool. Reports from Sali. Lake indicate that llarlman will build a cut olf be tween Twin Falls, Ida., and Wells. Nev., this summer. ? Steps have been taken In Klamath Falls to have the voters decide upon a $95,00 bond Issue to build a sew erage system. - 1 ' Wholesale flour In Portland is now $fi.05 per barrel, higher than before for many years. a. - The Albany Commercial club held i THE EDISON LINE Yes, we will have anything you wish in the Ed ison .'ine and everything you can find in the latest catalogue, March 1 It'-, "Mai ch records are noV on sale. We hav the.-DoublegL" isc Records for the small sun of 65 cents eac -Read what . J. Paderewski, the world's best Pianoist, has to say in the Music Trades Review for the Weber Piano. When he says it is best it must be so. WE SELL WEBER .A'D ALL OTHER CCOD PIANOS Irani well Music Cosupany I PHOttE l-LACK 1071. ADAMS AVENUE 2 Just recieved a new lot of .Swift's Pre- i nuum Hams and Bacon See Our Easter Window bis play City Grocery and E. PCLACK.Prop Bakery, Bell P.ione Main 75 Independent 241 MtMtlMttlMtMIIlIMaitiiMMI PURITY IS A NECESSITY WHENfT C0MESTO DRUGS i its annual the lith. meeting and banquet on i 1 WALL PAPER All the newest things in wa paper. Pa per your rooms wiih some of MAXWELL'S exclusive designs. Paints, Oils, Varnish Japalac and Liquid Veneer Mood River strawherry growers ex pect to market fiO.OOO boxes this year. . Harney county men to the number of 15 have been Indicted for gambling. j W H. B0HNENKAMP CO WeGuaranteefJhe Purity of all Drugs sold here : IHLL'5 DRUQ JT0RE LA GRANDE, OREGON .aaM. -iHii4i4,4.4ia! Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. resetting and repairing LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry The Little Shop 000 Main St. Stamping of all kinds, Includ ing shirt waists & Center pieces, dune, embroidery lessons given. Unlet taken and lessons given In stenciling. Full line nf em broidery matei htls. First-Class ' Re-1 pairing 5 Just one admonition, and that la. uile the opportunity is tipe and en- thuslEsm ts at nigt tw. ju i a ranks. Put your shnuldr to th mbwl . and help. If you r not already a J member of the CommercUJ club do rot 7 let another we pass without tnrU- j AUi WOKK Gt'AR.JTEFD. A Slioe pirf.rty rt(mlred ia--ortlikHP, but a procrly r rMilred Si toe Is ffoort aa new. Iy work pica and MtbifUn. r 0s I e Ten Room House, S.' Foundation, Sj.ic Cellar, Two Bhcks from Depot, turrished Tbrovcltovt " $2,m.oo One half cash, balance jon two yeatsjitve at 7 per cent interest Loaan-Sherwood n 9 eany tompany V i t t SEASON OPENED AT i n in1 wo ICE CREAM and SOFT DRINKS t t I N.K.WEST, Pres. f. j. SCRCCCIN, Cash t I Wm.MILLER, Vice Pres. H. E. C0CLID6E, Asst. Cash J R. Plant THB OLD PRESTON STAND. BUSINESS COLLEGE wasnmoTON AND TENTH W :CCT "ORTUNO, OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG : Th School that Placet You in a Good Portion ADDING NEW ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts and our'business is increasing at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably ycu rright beglad ard join us. The United States .a Bank Of N. K'fV- c. r. i I XTORS Jm'miltt W.f. Ccclidge T. J. Scrcggin . LICavines FrarVCcnley A. T. Hill - a 4 r 4 -ri