VOLUME VIII. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, ORE., SATURDAY, APRIL 17r 1909. NUMBER 153, EXTRA EICHTSOII MAIN STREETS t Ol K IHOIWSD ABE si'BSCRIBED IN SHORT TIME 4 uiufiiiTcIal club Holds BiiKlnesf Si's tdon at Mac O'Clnrk Tills Morning All Bntiluess Houses to be Deeo-j-atcd In Gula Attire For Two Weeks Considerable Money Subscribed For Irrigation Todujr Plan IHncus. tc4. President Collier and Publicity Man ager F. B. Currey, of the Commercial lub, got together this morning very arly-that ia to Bay, at 8 o'clock. With in a ' few minutes of their meeting -every merchant in the city was cal?ed over the phone and told very gently but firmly that his presence was re quired at the club rooms at 8:30 sljarp. They were there, 25 of them. Mr. Col lier made a short talk. When he Whs through, every one of these business men had guaranteed $10.00 toward de fraying the expense of iluminating tne streets during the sessions of the Oregon-Idaho development congress which will convene here on the 27th, and during the week of, the carnival. Walter Pierce, for the Grand Ronde Electric company, will furnish the juice free, and the only expense the merc hants will be called upon to bear will be that Incident to wiring and putting the globes in position. The il lumination will extend on Depot street from Jefferson avenue to the Elk's club, and on Adams from Chestnut to Kir. The stores on Adam avenue will he decorated and will remain so until .after the carnival. Other plans for the entertainment of the city's guests are rapidly taking shape, and will be com pleted in a few days. 1 (Continued on page 6.j oia i T U why for your spring or summer suit, when you can buy the newest garments from us for less money. Elegant Patterns, Faultless Tailoring Unequaled Values. A large array of patterns and styles to choose from. M - -V? I V trrt- EIGHT VICTIMS SA.N FRANCISCO. April 17. Ruins of the St George tenement house fire were searched today for John Burrl and Jerome O'Hara the only two In mates unaccounted for. This will makes a total dead of eight, as the result of yesterday's holocaust. IIARVARD-COI.IMBIA It At K. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., April 17. The two-mile race between he Harvard and Columbia crews on the Charles river basin Is on today. This race with Columbia will be followed in May by the annual race with Cor nell on Lake Cayuga. The new Lon don races come later In June. OKLAHOMA STARTS RACING. OKLAHOMA CITY, April 17.-Ok-lahoma has stepped Into the breach and a race meeting started at Law ton today and will continue to the 27th. When thiB ends meetings will folow in seven other cities. TAFT TO VISIT ,1 PUIS JUNKET NORTH IP HE COMES TO PACIFIC COAST WASHINGTON, April 17. Taft will visit Alaska If he comes to the Pacific coast this Summer, according to an nouncement made at the white house today. According to present plans he will leave Washington' about August 1. and tour the coast from AlasU to Southern California. He will spend June and July at his Summer "Capi tol" at Beaverly, Mass. The trip will proably cost an even $100,000 and it Is stated he may not take the trip if congress falls to pass an appropriation of $25,000. BmaO ALASKA HowDoes $15 Look to You for a suit that you must pay $25 for in many stores. Why not Save That Extra $W.0Q? We have spring suits from $10 to $25 ' but we are especially proud of that $15 suit. Come in and See . Them WE LA GRMIDE, HER SCARES SHIM BANKER NEAR NOON, LOSE MAX ATTEMPTS HOLD ROBBERY Pokes Gun at Teller's Face Later Ducks And Bullet WIiImo Vast Two Mea President of Bank Ifeurd Bullet Slug In Exrltemeat Robber Flees to Street Crowd Aud Makes Escape Many In Vicinity at The Time. SEATTLE. April 17. A robber en tered the American Savings & Trust bank, In the heart of the business dis trict at 11 this morning and poked a eun under the teller s nose. "Give me some money" he commanded. Instead of complying the teller, Arthur T. Drew, ducked under the counter. The robber then turned and fired at Sec retary Harry Welty, whose desk was nr. The bullet went wild, barely nhlssing James P. Gleason, the presi dent.- Gleason says he heard the bul let whiz by. In the excitement the stranger ran out and disappeared in the street crowd. A marriage license has been Issued to Charles Tobln and Mabel MeGrath, both of Union. BLl'E ROCK' SHOOT. . The Eastern Oregon Blue Rock Association will hold their second shoot In Elgin some time during the early part of May. and already ar rangements are being made by local shooters for the. event. The event will be a handicap shoot, each shooter handling in his general average, end the distance will be from 16 to 19 yards, which will allow all shooters a fair show for the prizes. No entry charges will be made., And only 2 cents will be charged for birds, making it inexpensive event. tMVMt. Ot FM OREGON '. mm- m 0R0 CELL DAI Hl'FFETED ABOl'T HV WHIRLPOOLS TILL RESCUED Jtcpheu Hlutt a Hoy, Precipitated Ovet " DaaKeroiis Pain, But ETcntuall) Rescued Help Came When Boj Was Almost Exhausted From Strug ;! With The Eddies Below The Dam Had Been FNliluic When His Support (uve Way. Stephen Hiatt, aged 13 and the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Hiatt who live near the brick yard; was last evening carried over the Oro Dell dam and for nearly a half hour was buffeted about by the eddies and whirlpool be low the dam, his only life saver being a straw In the shape of a broken 2x1 scantling. How he managed to sur vive the mental and physical strain, until rescue came Is a mystery to him and to those who are acyualiited with the facts. Stepheu had" been Ashing on the crestj of the dam, gaining a very high ly coveted position over the dam by extending a light plank out from the pier. I From this perch he was sudden ly precipitated to the waler by ilie breaking of his support. that he is alive today Is credited to the fact that he fell so far over the crest of the dam that the. suction could not pull In front of the obstruc tion where death awaited the boy. To be rushed down the 20-foot incline to the whirlpools below was Instantan eous almost, and while the boy's com panion stood aghast at the spec tacle, Stephen wa struggling for his life. Carl Nelson's son was the witness and he quickly recovered his faculties and ran to the Nelson home for assis tance.,. This came In the shape of a mm. and Mr. Nelson who threw the lire line to then almost exhausted lad. Rescue was thus efftcted. The Hiatt family was first Informed that their ' son was drowned, but of course, their first shock was alleviated when actual facts were known. An other condition of Uiings that helped to weigh the boy down was the fact that he was dressed In heavy cloth ing and wore chaps that prevent self rescue. He is fully recovered today. KKEICER PLANT TD START SOON LARGE FORCE OF MEN DOING paELiMimm work today George Kreiger'B brickyard is to resume its summer run in the near future. The proprietor lias a large force of men at work cleaning out the yard and. making preliminary ar rangement for starting the plant at once. This industry is one of the Biibstanlal payroll sources of the city. .OYEL POLITICAL DINNER. Initiative, Referendum and Rerall Dinner In New York Today. XKW YORK, April 17. The third annual banquet of the Independence league will be held at the -Hotel Knickerbocker tonight. ' The banquet committee of the league has devised a ) this year for holdiug what t.uy call an initi- ; ative. refrffeiiduu: and recall dinner. for the sake of exemplifying these principles, which have been part of the political platform of the.league in Its various campaigns. All will not be serious and states manlike at the banquet, however, as there will be also lighter forme of HAS FAKE NOSE SAN FRANCISCO, Aprit 17. George 1 M .Kelly or this city has a new nose made from the middle finger of his left hand. He loet hie nose by acci dent. A hone of the middle finger of the left hand grafted to the spot where the nose should be, For weeks he lay with his hand bound to his face. BERKELEY FIELD E.XLARtiED. SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., April 17. In order to accommodate the record breaklng crowd expected at the. an nual Intercollegiate field day between Stand ford and the University of Cal ifornia today at Berkeley, extensive and long delayed Improvements have been Inaugurated by the student body management. An entire new set of bleachers was constructed on the west side of the oval commencing at the north, end of the track and extend ing as far south the famous 200 turn. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL CONNECTED WITH ATTEMPTED EXTOHTIOH BAKER CITY, April 17. The Demo crat relates.the following story: An attempt to extort $9,000 from .1. H. Grlswold, a -ptoneer merchant of Baker, last night, resulted In the arrest of Will Walters, cook at the Fackwood Hotel, upon the charge of blackmail, Lenora Kims, who says she is a high school girl, Walter's companion jtnd probable cat's paw in thecase. is under survlllance as a wltnei. iu.i Keimuth Chulw, a high school boy Is also connected in the case, although the police believe not criminally. The attempt to extort the money from Mr. Griswold was made upon a pretext that some canned goods sold by Mr. Griswold would not comply with the pure food law, and had caused tomaine poisoning in the Chute boy. The alleged black mailers are Bald to have threatened to bring the matter before the pure food commission unless Mr. Griswold "set tled" with them. The matter was first brought to the attentioii ot toe luercimm uy m letter which he claims was delivered by the young girl. The merchant was tohl that an In vestigation by the pure food experts would cost him In fines, etc., $25,000 and $0,000 was fixed as the price of silence. ' Mr. Griswold arranged a meeting with the alleged blackmailers and on Wednesday evening the man and girl came into the store and discussed the matter in the presenre of two officers it is alleged, but failed to reach on understanding. Mr. Griswold was given until last evening In which to "settle." Walters and the Elms girl she is only 17 and is In Baker from the Burnt river country going to school revisited Griswold lust evening. The man said he would "square It" for the tlrsi. figure. "I won't give you a cent," said the merchant: That was the signal and In a mo ment tiie parties were confronted by Chief Porter nnd Oilicer Anderson, who had ben waiting in the store and heard the conversation. Walters was put in Jail. The girl was Interro gated, the officers securing evidence which they consider valuable and she was then returned to her own room. She vowb she will kill herself. a:!tenu water m itly. PENDLETON. April 16 To sink an artesian well in hopes of getting a better supply for the city of Pen dleton Is the latest plan proposed. It ! proposition that, Is thus ar merely In the preliminary stage, but the idea seems to meet with favor. BAraSTWTS START PETIT1IS OH NEXT MONDAY FAl'LTLESS INSTRUCTIONS I HANDS OF THE KECOKDEB V Bond Bujerti Lay Down Law In Forn of Procedure For . Submitting Char ter to Letral Voters U Matter De manding Very ( lone Attention to Detail-Must Have Eight Per Out of The Legal Voting Strength of L Cira tide. Faultless Instructions from the at- . torneys of the bond buyers who are to take Beaver Creek water bonds, at to mode of procedure in detail, for the adoption of a perfect city charter,, were received by Recorder Cox this morning. The method of procedure outlined in these Instructions Is that of Initiative by the people. A petition signed by at least eight per cent of the legal voters of the city must be filed wlth the 'recorder. This petition Is then to be presented at a regular meeting of the council, to the mayor and council. The coun cil must then pass an ordinance adop ting the charter and directing the city recorder to publish notices calling special election on a date 60 days from the time the ordinance is passed.' At this Bpecial election the" "re vised and consolidated charter," which it is now called, instead of charter amendment aa before, will be submit ted to the legal voters of the city for their approval or rejection. The new- charter will be Identical In every respect with the present one except that In title It will differ. Th failure of the people to pasa this chap ter will not Invalidate the contract now existing between the city and th American Light & Water company. All expense In this connection will be borne by the bond ti)y&,s'. The petitions will ! be circulated! Monday morning, and further stepa required will follow In regular order with all possible diBpatch. HOTEL LEASED. NORTH POWDER, April 17. (Spec ial) The North Powder hotel ha been leased to L. M. Gardner of Baker City from Charles "Young. Mr. Gard ner will take possession next week. nuiTirc-ci av i mm iiu j oim ASIA MINOR MASSACRE CONTINUES WITHOUT ABATEMENT CONSTANTINOPLE, April 17. Twenty-five hundred . christians are" slnln In a Moslem massacre at Adana, and Merslns say reports received here. The niaHnacre Is spreading to other towim, and will likely spread all over Asia Minor. FanaticB are ap plying the torch everywhere. They dragged women to streets, killed then, and chopped their babies In two. It is reported that English and Ger man residents are among the victims. The names of the two American Mis sionaries, reported slain at Adana have not been learned. General Izett Kuad, assistant min ister of war under the new bureau of Chief Edheru Pnsha, was murdered last night acording to news today. It la supposed soldiers committed tho crime. i r.iimi kecokiv Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bllbert Whit' In this city April 4, a son. Bank Inereane Capital. JOLIET. III.. April 17. The Joliet National bank shareholders met today and voted to Increase .the capital stock from $100,000 to $150,000. 1 r.- '(