EIGHT PAGES. TATT TOm. OTEMXCI OBSEItTER, LA CRAXPE, OREGON. TliriiSDAT, MRU IS, lOOP." a AA.aaaallftil9ttllllkttl9ttl9l9iftk If u Grande Evening ODsciv I'obtMied PmIIj i:it--t Kiiiidiiyv 010 KM: )l. M KKIV. KWTOIt AND I'KOl'WBTOK. I'nltid 1Tk T-l'(ffHli Senile. SlUSCMI'TlOX HATS: Dully, single copy... . c lUill, per mouth i'v Vuily, nix month In advance... .Jit.io fiaily. but r In advance i; no Wal. luuiitiu !n .' Weekly, one year in advance J I. GO Entered at the noHtofllce at La firumlu a iei onil- limit matter. Thin paper will not pul)lln!i ny article j.eariiiK ovtr a hum de plume. .Signed articles will be re ceived subject to the dUue.tioa of the editor. I'leasa slan your ai tides and ave disappointment The ( nialilla. county grand jury Is expected to Investigate reported vlo- 1 latloim of the local ontlon law. I , i. ... Portland school children will par ticipate In the roHe festival parsde. . . STUDENTS 10 GIVE HUM FREE TO YOU MY SISTER I am a iouu, 1 kuotr woman' (uffarlnf. 1 bar found th ear. I will mail, free of any eharf a, syr Um tmt Mtwlth full liuitruolioii lo an (offerer from woman' allrooiiW. Iwaot to bill at women about thi our-ti. my reader, for youraelf, your daughter, your mother, or your auter. I want to Ml you how to our yoanialv at horn with out the help of a dootor. Meu jimt nnderlnd women's differing. What wwoiun know traa upartMct, w know better than any doctor, I kuuw tliat niy'hom treatment I aaf and tnr our for lwctkM tt Whitli Jltctorrtt, VictriMb. Di rlKMMnt tt rtHwi Mw Wtmi, . Umtl tt rtfttdt Nfiati, HttflM W O.tnM Twawt, tt frwtkti (IM ailn M ltd, kKk tnt kamlt, Nartaf oi tMitett, MmMMM. ttmt tataf t , attMcMy. ttin tt f, M Iuihi. ntiiMiv k4nt. u4 Vtttu uMt tu smk W MNMUH Kllll tO OUT . 1 want to una you a uwrwi nt nrt nnn Adcrtllnf Kate. Display ad. rates furnished upon ap plication. Local reading notices 10c per 'line first insertion; Oc per line for each 4absequent Insertion. Resolution of condolence, Sc a line. .' Curds of thanks, 5c a line.. THE ( OX VERSION TABLE. In view of the Interest In irriga tion In this valley at the present time we think well to print a conversion table, prepared by Mr. E. H. Hedden, project engineer of the reclamation service. Air. Hedden Is Just now en gaged In Idaho, in connection with the peer fat reservoir. One miners Inch equal l-;0 cubic foot per second. Fifty miners hit lies equal 1 cubic foot per second. . One miners inch continuous flow for 24 hours equal .01 acre feet. One cubic foot iter second for 21 Lours equals 2 acre feet (approxi mate). One miners Inch per acre for days equals '1.2 acre-feet per acre One miners Inch per acre for 4' days equals 1.8 acre-feet per acre. One miners Inch per acre for tin days equals 2.4 acre-feet per acre. One mlneis Inch per acre for " days equals 3 acre-feet per aevo. One miners inch per acre for !l" days equals 3.G acre-feet per acu. One miners Inch per acre for .0'. days equals 4.2 acre-feet per acre. Oue miners Inch per acre for !2H days equuls 4.S acre-feet pcv acre One acre-foot Is enough 'vi.ter to coer one acre foot deep or is lie equivalent of 12 inches of rln. : Athletically fine indications as well as otherwise, La Grande will be on the may thlss prlng. lt Wish school baseball team shows evidence of win ning everything it assumes to com bat with, and the track and field team is no les bright in advance bril liancy. . A Portland teacher- siarned '.h school hoard of thnt city by uskt-m for apparatus with which to pioduce cyclones, blizzards, etc. It wi ex plained to them, however, ih.ii she wanted merely a small air cosn:rcssoi Hhe will get it. In theiistrlct around Atlcn:i und "Weston u fine rain fell Ins; Silui iny. Am a consequence, savs the Athena corespondent f the '- f aoniiin, tlio ivheat rais.M'8 are nire.niy figuring how much of the loi.n s'v n hey will biivs next full. Grant county saioonmeii n'.io wie temporarily forced ont of buii.ss by , the election In June, have . .p ned but 11 ret organized to uphul I ;!io law as to' allowing minors in s:ilo-ms i rd selling to habitual drunkard. The students of the high school are going to give a program at the high school building tomorrow night. The admission Is only IS cents and the proceeds are to go into the high school athletic treasury. The following is the program: Selection High School orchestra. "Outlook for '09 Track Team" Joe Ingle. Vocal Duet Greta Jackson, Henry Hiedenrlch. , First Part of High School Paper Chas. Reynolds. Violin Solo Marble Green. Recitation Roy Rice. Selection High School Quartet. Essay Joe Willamson. Piano Duett Hilda Anderson Roena Dacon. Pantomime Marjorle Sllverthome. Vocal Duet Ray Will lams, Sanford Robinson. Recitation Ruth Grover. Piano Solo Lillian Haker. Selection High School Quartet. Oration Ivy Williams. Cornet Solo Frank RalHton. Second Part of High School Paper Harry Zurbreck. Clarinet Solo David Stoddard. Selection High School Orchestra. Sumi ! ' ' ' ! H Cured Hrtlff frtt to prove to you thai you cn cur ' m noma, viiiiy, uiubit vjiu KcmfinlH-r, thnt.rt HI tttt fM setttlaf to yuormilf ul ia1r Rtti - I . aI.mh Iuia m daw 1 wllln.t inU.rf.-re with your work or occupation. Jmt u m rour Mm n ow ya nlt. r tr you wlnh, and I will m.nd vou thu treBtne.nt fr yourc-e. 'iitjrvly f ree.in nln wrap . r, I.t roturn mJI I vJll alrtoa-udroufrMcfMit. my book-"W0Mlt1 0WI llfOICtt IDVISH" wllh t JiiiaiiaMirr iiiHHiiminni-l( m win women xuner, ana nw mr. . .v. at home. Every woiuhii Hhonttl l.nve ft. and leam to tKink fo ktftttl. Then when the doctor aaya You in ait hrtvn thwinwlrii wi'h tnr bomr rem ii oMmtlou," you cn divide f'ir yourself. ThinwmtHor wonien naTeourm lertr. Jt rnriw ill t'i tt mint, ' "'"'"c'-" - imllvi ui,..iu h,.tnM iisMi,n..n, .i-ki.., ,un:- ,.it.m.i null u n rim I iiriirrlKM-a. Ureen Htoknneiana Painful or irnulur Momitruntion in rounu LiuIUk, Phinipuuw and h 1U nse. W hererer Ton llae. f nan rfnr on to Indie of Tour own locality who know and will gladly tell any enffen-r thnt thi Nnm TilwilrtllT carat all womn'ndi.ieuei, and make women well, Kironff, phi imi and rol.unt. Jl w4 mt rf tit'M. ami the free ten day treatment 1 you ri, also "nbook. Write to-day, a you mar not thw offer aimln. Aildrww vhs. m. summR3, Box h - Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A. THE QUESTION of all real estate investments the one that you can answer in but on way--"Is the title sound" The arTswer is: "An Abstract drawn by us" With that you have a complete, ac curate history of the parcel to the veriest detail thatmifeht effect the title's soundness. Our work is guaranteed. Only complete and up-to-date set of Abstracts in Union county. U GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. ro ey Hotel Block THE EDISON LINE Yes, we will have anything you vrh in the Ed ison !ine and everything you can find in the latest catalogue, March lt. March records are now on sale. We have theDoublejCisc Records for the I small sun of 65 cents eac Read what . . Paderews, (the world's best Pianoist, has to say in the Music Trades Review for the Weber Piano. When he says it is best it must be so. WE SELL WEBER AHD ALL OTHER CCOD PIANOS Bramwef! IVSusic Company PHONE BLACK 1077. ADAMS AVENUE ams Pre-ll lust receved a new lot of Swift's mium Hams and Bacon See Ouf Easter Window Ds-: play City Grocery and Bakery, l E. P CLACK, Prop Bell Piione Main 75 Independent 241 PURITY IS A NECESSITY WHEN, IT COMESVJO DRUGS WeGuaranteeJ the Purity of all Drugs sold here : : : WALL PAPER All the nev.est things in wzll paper. Pa per your rooms wilh some of MAXWELL'S exclusive designs. Paints, Oil?, Varnish HILL'5 DRUQ JTOKE LA GRANDE, OREGON ..4 4.4MiH4HeHS. Gomplete equipment for rubber buggy tires. resetting and repairing LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor Complete Machine Shops and Foundry UUIUIUO rtrrrl tinu I ! rS rl lllUIU I t lilttl W 11. BOiiPNKAMP CO . "! 1 m a t X o r e I VOU fJCCd l!renffoom Ho,,se' Stone Foimdatisn, Sfone Cellar, Two Blocks In v.,.- iniiiiv rcucoii 1'edletoii a. gravity water system. The i.r-em WHter synteui la not udenuaie .in I the quullty of water furiiixbci n.t tbe bent obtiiinable. Kast Oreptn Elgin will have a wool aal-. one ot the regular le fixed by the tate Wool Growers' association, on .lune J4. ! A Well ; t i $2M0.03 J! One half cash, b3hn:elon tolyars time at 7 per cent interest A letter to me stating lloqan-Sherwood your lecatien and re-'. will fcnrgycu all ire in i Realty Company Sine the county hns fin;"' dry when w do hanpen lo get a Kroner be geU lonesome he will not st:v ie Jail If lie. tan et away. ' ' ;. Another uy day tomo-o. b will moke the tuilioud lio and -ie other happy. formation regarding well drilling necessary. ! ! ; fruit f r.iit ood In Kaplo - 'o n article to tne i'nic .acrr.t. R. A. WEST, The Well Driller SEASON OPENED AT- I SELDER'S t ' I ICE CREAM and ! SOFT DRINKS t N.:K. WEST, Pres. T. J. SCROCGIN, Cash I Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres. H. E. COOLIDCE, Asst. Cssh BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TCNTH STREETS PORTLAND, OREGON WRITE FOR CATALOG Ths Bclool gat Tlacet Ton in a Good Potiium ADDING NEW ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts and our business is increasing at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably ycu might te glad and join us. ' ' ' The United States National Bank Of Lai Grande N. KWest L P. Staples C. T. Bacon DIRECTORS Wm Miller WF. Ccclic$? T.J. Scroggin I! jnley f. Hill 9 9 X f . 4 t t A V