EIGHT PAGES. PACE TWO, tit EYES1G OBSERTER, LA GRAXPE, PRECOX. TIKSDAV. APKIL 13, tiKll). ED. PROPECK, The Second Hand Dealer Pit 811 H La Grande Professional Directory m i sin ass. J. 11. HUBBARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office in New Dahk Building. Rooms 10-21. 'Phones: Residence, Main ft'J; OHIce, Main 78. DR. A. L. RICHAriDSON. Physician and Surgeon. OlAee over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone l'!02. Residence Main N. MOL1TOK, M. D. PhysU dan and Surgeon. Corner Adams ave. and Depot St. Office Main 68." Residence Main CO. BACON A HAI.L. Physicians and Surgeons. Office in I.u Grande National Hank Building. 'Phone Main 19. 8. T. Bacon, Residem. Main IS. M. K. Hall. Residence, Main ."2. DR. F. K. MOORB dr. li. c. p. moo i a;. ' Otiteopahtic Physicians. Kirksville Graduates I'ndcr Founder. Ollice Somnicr Building. Phones: OMlre Main li;'.; Res. Main CI. C. II- I'PTON, PH. (?.. .M. I). Physician und Surgeon. Bpeclal attention k'vcii to Eye, Ear. Nose ami Throat. Ofllce In I.a (Irande National llanli. Building. Phones -Ollice, Mai" 2; Resld .ince, Main 32. vetiiun itv st i:i;i ons. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Sin -geo;i. OIT.ee at Hill's Drug Store. l.:i (liain' Resldenie Phone Red To I. Office Phone llhiek l.'if.l. Independent Phone " Both plumes ill residenc e. HR. V. 11. R1I.EY. Graduate Ohio Stale University. Vaccination. 1 ? it i.-.T .-.v and Suri: ! of nil kinds. Country culln promptly miBweied. Ollice lilt A turns avenue. Plumes: Pacillc libit k l'.'Ul. lii't'pi'ie!''iii , Hit. T. W. RIDnKl.L. M. I. ('. llniiluiiii' Veti riniif ian. Ollice Red t'rosn Drug Store. Phones: I'm it'ie. Main I. Home. 1M 1 Grande On-mm. l.l.l ( TIIICAI. 1M.IM I lis. L. A PICKt.ER. Clval, Mining. Irrigation Knii mid surveying Estimates, plans and co i!'e at ions Offlee In Rohnenki'.mp l-uildiiu:. La Grande titegor Fr Coiftipatii.!i. Mr. L. H. I'.'u iiliam, n prominent drnpglKt of Spirit Ijke. Iowa. Kays: "Chaii.iie;'!;:;:! rftouiiii '. a:..! .Uvr Tablets are certainly the t.est thinn ou the market for constipation. Give " tjtldets (i trial. You are certain ' " aKiecal.lt and pleasant In 2i tt'W- Sampl. - free. V'or . ' -i. Bend your MaM.c... , Cherry's Bw laundry and hr them aebed DEMISTS. c. n. cauthorn Dentist. Office over Hill s Drug Store. La Grande Oregon J. C. PRICK. D. M. I). Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Rank Building. Phone filac't I'ltf' TEA (111: Its OF Ml SIC. PROF. K. PORTER DAY, Principal La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant. School, 105 Greenwood ave., one door south of Adams ava. 'Phone Black ISM I. MISS STELLA OUVKR Teacher of Piano anil Harmony. Studio at residence of Turner Oliver corner Fourth and 0 aenue. MISS ROSE HOUSE Instructor in Piano, Harmony and Technic. 210.". North Spruce Street. I.a Grande Oregon AIM HIT EM'S. C. It. THORNTON. Anhlteit mnl Engineer. Sin Myitis. Civil and Stiuctural KukI tiecring. Twenty Years' Experience. KOHKRT Mi 1.1. Kit. Architect. 0;l!ce HOT Adams avenue. 'Phones Pai l(!c, Main 1. Homo Independent No. 8. attoui:s. rims. K. Cochrtin Geo T. Coi hi ui COCHRAN & COCHRAN. Attorneys'.. I.a Grande National 1'ank Building, l.a Grande Oregon. H. II. LLOYD. Attoi ncy nt Law. Pi-iii tires lii the Courts of On State and United Si.'.'. EL-in Oregon C. 11. Cl'.AV. fo:;d. A I H liey at UtW. I'i .h tic t s lu all the courts of the State and United States. Ollic In La Grande National Rank HulMing. I.a, Giar.de. Oregon. WILLIAM M. RAMSEY. AMoiney and Counsellor at Lnw. Rooms 1r. and It: Soinmer Rloi k La Grande . Oregon. ' I VI. MRS. GRACK McAI.lSTKR. Teacher and Manager. Telephone Fanners 1 DTC. l.efore laying them away for tl- sum mer. Y pny oust und hlgV.e't niarktt prKv for rMekens. JRANPrJ KONDE CASH COMPANY El Com.eto Cigars. 10c. 4-8-tf Ld!fr, the vrry latest tMnf It belttnj ted lae collars Jurt arrive t THE VAN DVTN CO NEAT M FOR PARK : s were i-I-m.' (! ! t l;4- !; I.;i! at t!.. c.p..'n:..w n." ti."-. post-leuten season last evea'n .nd that sum has beenadded to the cash on hand with the treas :-:. Tl.fr amount is Haltering as Hit- exense accounts were some liar 'ien ?. Another pleaslug feature ihnt hn .ncouraged the spirits of the pro moters Is that no effort waa mutli to sell tickets in lor to the ball and v. ;,. the exception of a very few dollars, all were collected at th loor. Tne promoters are elated nnd M3 t--iie's were highly pleased. The evening was marked by a crowd that was not too Immense for comfort yet large enough to give the occasion the color of a community affair. WALLA WALLA. April 12. Robert itritian stated this afternoon that he iiad rei cdved no wor d from Tai oma ecardins the lindiiiK of or any trad of his boy Cecil, who was lost ai Toll Gate neaily three years ago. He lead the dispatch regarding the mat r, hut beyond that said he had heard liothinc and he will do nothing till he gets more definite information. "It may he a hoax, as have been the ..ther duiis," he said this afternoon, "so I do not know what I will do. There is always a chance though that some trace of the lad has been found I hope that this works out favorably, tjiit I have not much hope." NOTH E TO CRKIHTOHS. In the District Court of the Ciiited States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Clare .1. Sciiber. bankrupt. Apiil" 12. I!ln!. To the creditors of the above named bankrupt: You are hereby notified that .1. F. Phy, Trustee here in, has filed his petition asking for an order of sale of all the real prop erty belonging to the anoveit nameu bankrupt i" Marlon county, Oregon, and that a heating will be had upon said petition on April 21. PinO, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the ollice of the under signed Referee in La Grand. Oregon. into c i in no t T Referee. BUSINESS COI WA0HINOTON AND TCNTM T. PORTLAND. OKISON WRITE FOR CATALOG TKi gekaoltkat PUu Tom m Ox4 PmUim XOTlt K OF It VMiRITTCY. In the District or the I'nited States for the District ol Oregon. lu the Mailer of .1. 11. Leisliniau. Ilanki iit. To the iredilora of .1. II. Leishmun. of Raker Cttj. in the Coiu.lv of l'.ukei mid Dlst.ii t a foresaid, a P.atikritptcy. Notice is Iieiibv ;ieii thitt OH the 2nd day of Apiil. Rii-H. the said J. H. I.eisliii.'in w as d: ly adjmli atod liiink rupt: and the lii'd mn'ting ot his creditors will b held nt my otlioe in liaker City. tiuon. on the H5i.li da of April. 1''!'. at 2 o'clock in the ufteruooii. :. iib time the said i-r'-il't'i' .-- ''' attend, prove their ilaims. j: :nint a trustee, examine tbo liunkif :.i.d t ..isaet rtich other bus iness i ..ay piopeily come before said u.i. ciins. N. G. PROWLEY Refe ee in Rankruptcy. Kl.GIN, DKl'tiOX, Real I'.-tnie. l'.'MNin.f!i'. 1 am her local b-i'ivosn men are co-opvratin? snd buying stump lands preparatory to setting commercial orchards. For par- tlculars regarding good orchard lands at very low prlcea call or ' wrlta The SLOUGH INVESTMENT CO. and OulkvUon. r 10 IME Of BRill BO! ml LLEOEI r LEVY'S OREGON GRAPE Guaranteed under the National Pure Food, and Drug Act NATURES REMEDY The Greatest Restorative and Vitalizer for all Diseases of the . SKIN AND BLOOD as well as diseases aris from an inactive condit ion of the Kidneys and Liver NOTE- This is a medicine com primising the curative roperties of the Oregon Grape, which grow wild on our hills, combined with qther valuable in gredients and the finished product is without a doubt the most excellent prepar ation we know of for the treatment of Blood Dis eases as well as for ton- ing up of the Kidneys and Liver. A Trial wil! Convince You of its Merits Sold and Guar anteed by all leading drug- $1.00 per Bottle 6 for $5.00 All Druggists COHPOUND We Want i? 9 Our Want Your want is p'aced before & thousand or more want-eeeken every day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want au wne:e results are the keynotes? . FOR RKNT. K() li SALE A 240-cgg Incubator and brooder; cheap If taken at once. Phone. Blue 1331. - : r POK RENT Nicely furnished room, suitable for lady or gent. Electric light, bath and fire. Inquire at 1612 Adams avenue or 'phone Red 131. I'OR HE N'T A 6-room house In good condition; large clothes closet and pantry; garden, chicken park; good cellar; convenient to shops. 'Phone ' Red 1921 or call at 1316 Jackson Ave., North La Grarde. 3-3tf FOR RENT Nice, cheerful, sunny room for rent to gentleman, facing east on Fourth street; close In; mod ern conveniences. Call at Observer offlee. FOR RENT Five-room house, hot and cold water, good lawn. Corner Madison and Fir. 'Phone Black 1231 4-16-22 'OR KENT Furnished room for rent, with both, with or without board. 'Phone Black 822. Mrs. Edna Swart. 3-19tf FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Inquire of Mrs. S. C. Zuber 3-25tf 'OR RENT Six room house on North Fourth st. not far from saw mill. Inquire 1020 Benton ave. North end of Ash St. 3-30 4-1 FOR RENT Furnished room close in. Phone RED 711. 3:30-4-6 rOR RENT Furnished four-room cottage. Modern. Mrs. Zuber.4-l3-tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 1114 Wash. Ave. and depot a black lace collar; medalllor, stick pin nnd a turquoise brooch Finder please return same to 1114 Wash. Ave. and receive reward. LOST A Binall black purse with sil ver and Jcwilry, In this city laa' night. Finder leave t this office. FOUND On Valley . Ave., ottwbp.i Alliance mill and McAlist- r farm, j pair of spectacles lr leather case Owner can have same by calling this offlee nnd paying cbargcx. 2-i 'i Got your Plaster cards now at "Ferguson's.'' DOVT DO IT. Don't Ihiuk you ca' not own this 2 acres with good 3 rcjni house, wood hoose, cellar,-small barn, new wind 'mill, V-acre in' strawberries to bear this year, Vi acre now planted to po taloes, pood land, because you can if you will try. For full particulars see Ii Grande Investment Co. ;i::;0 il Fine Hndery Arrive. Smith and Green ha" rcelvnd a new line up to date hosiery which includes many staples and new nov elties. sDIAMOINiD inm lor Pann Nartbwmt Ball ml CM :-. " n tlUi'lar at all tnt dr!ra. t tor Cat Wfu If antoaia la your nlchhoitKHnl. r t, m. ii.lkt iafr ot your flrnlcr. ao .!! nai a parkt ol fir. nr a.i ftr tr-r oor ;r:.n: 4JIC.ll.ftruM Siiim atatmixi IIU TREASURER'S CALL FOR fOl'NTY W.IKKASTS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on a.nd to pay all warrant which were- endorsed p!oi to December 1. 1907. No Interest al lowed en the above warrants after April 10. 1?09. JOHN FRAWLET. , . County Trasjsjrer Your Wants IN Ad Column FOR SALE. KOR SALE Two to four acre of suburban property, well Impmvedk Thorn-Black 1532. or r- E. W. Ku in merer, 2004 Adams avenue. Land for Sale. 40 cres of fruit, garden or alfalfa, land for sale cheap If taken soon. C O. Huffman, R. F. D. t. La Grande. FOR SALE Twenty h. p. Reo, In ' good condition. Inquire at Lilly. Foster hardware store. 3-23t FOR SALE OR TRADE A young Clydesdale stallion. 3. E. Reynolds, 'phone Black 602, or Farmers, 11. 8-15tf-d&w FOR SALE Portable sawmill with 26 h. p. boiler and 20 h. p. engine. In good running trim. Inquire at cor ner North street and V avenue. IL A. Bishop. 3-19-2t FOR SALE Single comb Rhode . Island Reds, hatching eggs. None better In Grande Ronde Valley, come and see. $150 per setting of 15. $3 for 45. All infertil eggs re- , placed free of ' charge. Incubator chlkens $20 per 100. George Wag ner. Island C'ty. FOR SALE Seed potatoes, fancy hand selected. Large and smooth. Quality A 1; seed Btrlctly pure. Burples extra early $2 per 100; late Rose $1.75; Netted Gems, late, $1.75 Burbank seedling $1.30. George Wagner, Island City. FOR SALE 8 room house with 1 lot, or block of ground, will rent or trade for land, cattle or horses. Mar-. tin Larson, 904 3rd St. 3-31-4-8 FOR SALE 12 inch plow good shape, and almost new. Price $10.00. .1. J. Beldin, 2403 N Depot St. 4-8-11 FOR SALE Household furniture; and 4 room cottage for rent. lOOfi "tit street. Phone Red 1811. " 4-10-17 FOK SALE 4 lots in Block M9, in Chaplin add; 2 bIocl:s from round house for further partlcuolrs apply to L. F. Dunn. City, or C. E. New som 2115 First ave, Seattle Wash. " - 4-12-tf WANTIJlh WANTED Horses for pasture, $3 per month. Hay feed and run to sfnw. Inquire of J. E. Reynolds. WANTED Experienced man wants position as gardner. Spading, seed ing gardens and repairing lmvn3 a specialty. Address "A,' 'Observer. 3-G0-4-5 WANTED AT ONCE A Strong boy to learn the bailors trade, Royal LaUery. 3-31-if WANTED Vmpi'tent aspistant wo man cock al snw mill. 11 miles fr-m Norh Pov.lr, ro rb;ot!on to chil dren, ad'rs. Mrs. T. Beaumont, No! th PowW: , WANTED-A flrstclass man to take care of a stallion for 3 months, i. E. Reynolds. La Grande, Orego'i. Phone Black 602. 4-5-4-12 WANTED Ladies shoes to shine. Jolly & Dessib't's barber shop, shoe shine stand la equipped to shine or polish ladies' shoes. Shoes left here will b promptly attended to. Fifteen cents per pair if left at the shop. 4-8-2V,