EVENING OBSERVE Rt LA ORADE, OREGON. MONDAY. AIK1L 12, lfl09L EIOIIT PAGES. ... FAGE TWO. I .' t- hi: SIM H LEVY'S LAUD MISS FELECE LINE We Want Your Wants ED. PROPECK, The Second Hand Dealer La Grande Directory I'JIYMMAKS. . J. II. IICBEAKD, M. I). Physician and Surgeon. Office In New Hank lluilding. Rooms 20-21. 'Phones: Resident e, Main SO; Olhte, Mala 78. Dlt. A. Ii. RICHARDSON. Physician mill Surgeon. Office over Hill's Drug Store. Office 'Phone. VVVS. Residence Main 55 N. MOUTOlt, M. D. Fhyslclun mid Surgeon. Corner Adanm ave. and De;iot at. Otlico Main (iS. Residence Main Hit. 1IACON H HALL. Phynit latis and Surgeons. Office lu l.a Grande National Dank lUilldlng. " 'Phone Main, 19. 8. T. Raton, tNsldeneo, Main IS. M. K. Hall, Residence. Main W. DR. R E. MOORE D ft. II. C. P. MOORE. Osteopathic Physicians. KIrksvllle Graduates I'nder Founder. OiTl e Summer PulMlng. Phones: OllU-e Mala Oil; Res. Main CI. C. H. I'PTON, I'll. (!.. M. I. Physician and Surgeon. Special attention given to Eye. Kar. Nose and Throat. Office, in l.a Grande Naiional Pan!;. Hiiililliig. Phones Ollire, Main 'i; Resilience, J Main 32. vftVkin utv si m;ros. DR. P. A. CHARLTON. Veterinary Surgeon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, La Giande. Hesidoiu e Phone lied T I . Office Phone Mark 13'I. Independent Phono Doth phones at residence. DR. V. 11. R1LKY. Graduate Ohio Statu I'nlverslty. Vaccinal Ion, Dentist ry and Surre y of all kinds. Country calls promptly answered. Oilice 111 Adams avenue. Phones: Pat I tic H!i" k I'.nil. Independent, 37-i. DR. T. W. KIHDELI... M. I C. Graduate Veterinarian. Oilice Red Cross Dint; Sloro. Phones: Pacific. Main t. Home, ui. La Grande Oic-mui. EM ( IRK I. IM.IM 11!. L. A. PICKLER. ; Clval, Mining. I nidation Kiit;iue'i i;n; j and surveying. Et liriBt.es, jilans ;m, It;, ;! Iii!. j Office In Itolnii nkiiip.p Dii l ht i; i La Grande. ():rc,u- j Ker Cimvtipittio'i. Mr. L. H. Faridiam. a prominent druggist of Spirit Lake. Iow:i. says: "Chamberlain's S'.i:ua h and I.Uer Tablets are certainly the hest tliinp rri tb" :.rkf fr.r r.i r; rr " 'C r-' iese tablets a tiial You an; certain v " hem Heref-alde an I pleasi ' . ? ' "-loo. 2."i -etits. S .UeS fi. Vo' ".' ' .Uers. Send your W.u-s ,j to Cherry's Aev laundry al have them washed ( Professional IK MISTS. C. It. CAI'TIIORN Dentist. OHlce over Hill's Drug Store. I .a Grande Oregon J. C. PRICE, I). M. D. Dentist. Room 2.'!. La Grande National Rank IlulldiiiK. Plume !ihi .I'l'ji Th.U lUillS 01' Ml'SIC. PROF. E. PORTER DAY, Principal La Grande School of Music. Mrs. Day, assistant. School, n." .Greenwood five., one door south of Adams ave. Tliune Rlack ISIil. MISS STELLA OLIVER Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Studio at rcnideui.e of Turner Olivei corner Fourth and O avenue. M.IS3 ROSli HOI'SIC Instructor in Piano, Harmony and Technic. 21 05 North Spruce Street. La Grandrt Oregon ARCHITECTS. C. 11. THORNTON'. Architect and Engineer. Surveying, Civil and Structural Engi neering. Twenty Years' Experience. ROIJERT MILLER. ...Architect. Office 11t)7 Adams avenue. 'Phones Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent No. H. ATTORN EYS. Chan. 10. Cochran Geo T. Cotl.rin COC1IP.AN & COCHRAN. Attorneys. La Grande Naiional Hank lluilding. La Grande Oregon. II. H. LLOYD. Attorney at Law. Prat tices in all the Courts of the Slate and lnited St.!' 's. KIkJii Oregon V. H. CUA'ATOUn. Attorney at law. Prac-lici-s in all the emi ts of the State and I Hi ted States. Office in l.a (Jraiide National Hank 'n'.liliiig. l.a Grande, Oiegon. WILLIAM M. RAMSKY. A'toiney and Coimsellor 'it La. Rooms l"j and It', Smuttier Iilock l.a Gi and" Oregon. mi:s. gkaC!: mcali:-;ti-:k. Teat her end Manaacr. Tel phone Farmers l?7r. before laying them away for the sum mer. t'lilt ken Wanletl. 'e pay arh snd hlKhe t market I IH.'.NDE KOXDK CASH COMrAXi FJ Comj-eto Cigars. 10c. 4-S tf Lad'e, the Try latet thing Id h!!inj and lace collars Just arrived St THE VAN DUTN CO. J.T. KMHHANTKAXSL.ITLS COM . EMS TO THE ENGLISH I'uriiicr l.a (irande t.'lrl Srnrliiir lie marknlile Succens In Sjmlii Pujhts Spenk In StrotiK Tt rms uf HtT Skill I ritnsliitioiis Head Siiiontlil). liecat'.EK It Is i' local color from two iew points, tie Ohhiover pnbl;s.i'K the appended excerpts from a Spanish the appenedd excerpts from a Spanish paper of recent date. The clippings reflect and tell In strong terms of tho hIkuiiI success attainod In Europe by Miss Felece Lyne who once lived In La Grande and has many friends here now. In addition to that the extracts were perfectly and smoothly trans lated from the Spanish by Attorney George T. Cochran who is a lintiuist of some note. The translation as made by ltlm read: Extract from ' A Xoz de Guipu.coa" of March 3, P.(0!t. San Sebastian,! Spain. A most select audience were i prest nt at" the artistic concert of yes- j terday in the Gi and Casino, in order I to listen to the beautiful American ar tist, Madam Lyne. who left well estab lished the reputation which she enjoys In other countries. j Her beautiful voice of light soprano flexible, of great range and fine tlm- l.,.i on.! tmr f:ieilitv of pvecillion.'l united with on exitulstite art, caused true pleasure among the numerous de votees who heard her and who pre dicted to the young artist unbounded succes In the new role to which she intends to devcte her talents, as Madam Lyne will appear in the operas. Kxtrnct from same paper of Mart h X, IfiOIL Farewell Concert in Madam Lyne. This enchanting artist gave yester day her farewell concert in the beauti ful Festival Hall of the Grand Casino, captivating the numerous and distin guished auditors willi that exquisite art which distinguishes her and with the delicious timbre of her voice which causes indeed a most grateful feidin;.', Hearing her In such pieces as the Melodia from Tost!, l'l'ltlma Can.ona., and in the tremulous notes ot tue Aria de Phelino from Mlgnon and in l'Kle from Chaminade, it 13 umier- stood that the audience applauded with clamorous enthusiasm on account of Elicit most remarkable singing. which will surely bring her many tri umphs in her career. Madam Lyne is very young, almost diild, an in the short time whith site has given to the study ot vocal music so great has been the progress which site has mndo that her teacher, Madam Marchesse, does not hesitate to call her the "coming star of the . . . .... . i. . it opera, which, coming iroin tut? mis of so illustrious a leather, is very flattering. To the ociforous applause of the audience, this elegant artist responded Willi a icp'UO" ot me sciiuineiiiai uiiii splrilal Mclodia front Tostl. which will surely be one of the most appreciated In the repertoire of all dilleianli. An Indian taking a black face part is a novelty that will be seen at the Pastime tonight, Tuesday and Wed nesday. NOTICE OF HANklU PTCV. In the District of the Tinted States for the Disti it t of Oregon. In l!ie Matter of .1. 11. Leishman. Kaukrupt. 'I'u the creditors of J. II. Leishman. or.llal;er City, in the County of tinker ami Hiso lit arotesaid. a Ilaitkrnptc.v. Notice is hereby given that on the 2nd day of April. the said .1. II. Leiwhinun was duly adjudii ated bank rupt; and the first meeting of his creditors will be hi Id at my oflire in Faker City, Oicgon. on the n th day of April, !'. ". nt 2 ti'ilock in the interne!,::, .-' which time the said en I i :.! attend, prove their ilai".;s, ; i'oirt a trustee, examine the 1 u i ' i V . , ' i transact such other bus iiK as may properly come before aaid meet ins. X. G. DROWLEY Referee in Bankruptcy. ! KI.GIX, OKEGOX. i lU'al F.Mate, Inveftiiiciils, Loan i Where local business n-.en are ; co-"prHtlnt n1 b'lytr-fj pturrp j iusds" prt ;;rt.;ry to "eti:.tf j commercial orchards. For par- ! Uculars regarding good orchard 4 4 lands at very low prices call or ' j write The '. FLOFOH INVESTM EXT CO. 4 and CtUerUoim. v GRAPE Guaranteed under the National Pure Food - and Drug Act NATURES REMEDY The Greatest Restorative and Vitalizer lor all Diseases of the SKIN AND BLOOD as well as diseases aris from an inactive condit ion of the Kidneys ojid Liver NOTE- This is a medicine com primising the curative properties of the Oregon Grape, which grow wild on our hills, combined with other valuable in gredients and the finished product is without a doubt the most excellent prepar ?.tion v"4 knv cf for the treatment of Blood Dis eases as well as for ton in? up of the Kidneys and Xiver. A Trial will Convince You of its Merits Sold and Guar anteed by all leading dru- $1.00 per Bottle G for $5.00 All Druggists COMPOUND Our Want Ycur want i p'aced before a thousand or more want-eeker every day Can you afford to spend one cent por word of your went ao whe;e result are the keynotes? VOn UEXT. FOR SALU A 240-egg tncubttor and brooder: chean If taken at once "Fhone B1hc 1 .131. . FOR RENT Nicely furnished room suitable for lady or gnt. Electric light, bath and tiro. Inquire at 1612 Adams avenue or "phone Red 131 FOR KENT A 6-room house iu good condition; large clothes closet and pantry; garden, chicken pirk; good cellar: convenient to shops. 'Phone Red 1921 cr call at 1315 Jackson Ave.. North La Orarie. 3-3tf FOR RENT Nice, cheerful, sunny room for rent to gentleman, facing east on Fourth street; close In; mod ern conveniences. Call at Observer office. " FOR RENT Five-room house, hot and cold water, good lawn. Corner Madison and Fir. 'Phone Black 1231. 4-16-22 FOR RENT Furnished room for rent, with bath, with or without board. "I'liono Black 822. Mrs Edna Swart. 3-19tf FOR RENT Three for hmii-ekoeplng. f?. C, Zither furnished rooms Inquire of Mrs. 3-25tf KOU ItKNT Six room house on North Fourth st. not far from saw mill. Inquire 101:0 Denton ave. North end of Ash St. . 3-30 4-1 FOR RENT Furnished room close in. Phone RED 711. 3:30-4-6 LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 1114 Wash. Ave. and depot a black lace collar; medalllor. stick pin and a turquoise brooclt Finder please return same to 11H Wash. Ave. and receive reward. r.OST A small black purse with s;. ver and jewelry, in tills city las1 night. Finder leavu at this office. FOUND On Valley Ave., oetwe-et Alliance mill and McAUst r farm, pair of spectacles Ir leather case Owner can have same by calllajr i this office and. paying charges. 2-4 Oct tittl 'Ferguson's.' i.uoicl vaiua uurt tti WVT DO IT. D.jn't think you ca not own this 2 acre 3 with good 3 it, jiu house, wood MoiiRfi, ct liar, small barn, new wind mill, 'iaere in strawberries to hrar this year, 'i acre now planted to po ti'toes, pood land, bctai:30 you can, if you will try. For full particulars ee La Ci'finde Investment Co. 3:30 II Vine Hosiery Arrhe. Stiiiih and flivn have received a new line up to date hosiery which includes many staples and new nov elties. Hnva lot Pr-lfW Worth mil ftatl ud I'llnu Ai oa dlaTilmy t alt tiaat 4lrB. AkfrirCMfA ir artMuitii Tnr n-Ghmct,o.. I, r.u ir.i iifcii. f yuur lrMt(r. und w v.lt b.:. Cm p. krl wf flo wr isl, fi for jrur irrr.n. TREASURER'S CALL FOR COUNTY WARRANTS, .Noi.ce is Hereby gives -that th; an- derstgned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on and to pay all warrants which were endorsed pT!oi to December 1. 1907. No Interest al lowed on the above wairiiiU after April 10, 1909. JOHN FRAWLET. ; . j Ceuniy Trearer Ad Column : '.--.' FOR SALft. FO.'V SALE Two to fo'ut acre nuburbin property, well Improved phoneRlack 1582, or E. W. Kainmerer, 2004 Adams avenue. Ijflnd for Ealo. 40 acrei of fruit, garden or alfalfa land for sale cheap If taken soon. C D. Huffman, R. F. D. 2. La Grande. FOR SALE Twenty h. p. Reo, In good condition. Inquire at Lilly. Foster hardware store, 3-2 3t FOR BALE OR TRADE A young Clydesdale stallion. J. E. Reynolds, 'phone Black 602, or Farmers, 11. 3-15tf-d&w FOR SALE Portable sawmill with h. p. boiler and 20 h. p. engine. Ia good running trim. Inquire at cor ner toorth street and V avenue. II. A. Bishop. . 3-19-2t FOR SALE Single comb Rhode Island Reds, hatching eggs. None. . better in Grande Ronde Vnlley, come and see. $150 per Betting of 15. $3 for 45. All Infertil eggs re placed free of charge. Incubator chikens $20 per 100. George Wag ner, Island City. FOR SALE Send potatoes, fancy hand selected. Large and smooth. Quality A 1 ; seed strictly pure. Rurples extra early $2 per 100; lute Rose $1.75; Netted Gems, late, $1.75 Durbank seedling $1.30. Georgo Wagner, Island City.' FOR SALE 8 room house with 1 lot, or block of ground, will rent or trade for land, cattle or horses. Mar tin Larson, 904 3rd st. 3-31-4-8 FOR SALE 12 Inch plow good shape, and almost new. Price $10.00. J. J. Deldin, 2403 N Depot st. 4-8-1 1 FOR SALE Household furniture; an 4 room cottage for rent. 1 GOG 7th street. Phone Red 181 1. 4-10 17 WANTED. WANTED Horses tor pasture, 13 per month. Hay feed and run to st'aw. Inquire of J. E. Reynolds. WANTED Experienced man wants position as gardner. . Spading, seed ing gardens and repairing lawns a . specialty. Address "A, 'Observer. 3-30-1-5 WANTED AT ONCE A strong boy to learn the bakers trade, Royal Pakery. 3-31-if WANTED Com potent assistant wo man cook at saw mill, 11 miles from North Powder, no objection to chil dren, address Mrs. T. Beaumont, North Powder. WANTED A firstclass man to take care of a stulllon for 3 months. J. , E. Reynolds. La Grande. Oregoi. Phone Black 002. 4-5-4-12 WANTED -Ladies shoes to shine. .Telly Desrllet's barber shop, shoe shine Htmid is equipped to shine or polish ladies' shoes. Shoes left here will be promptly attended to. Fifteen cents per pair if left at the shop. 4-8-33 T 1 - ' 1 - The Cough Syrnp that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP Bee b the origins ,i--Hve Cf-.i; coo tains no opiates gu.-, bowel, carryiiif the cold ott Uu.- -atural chaaoeii, Gnaranteed ta aaitiactioa or boimt rwfnadad. i I 1 !