.mini Mm,ifrrtmt?iM-Hmimfm"' i v ill' i v I EIGHT PAGES. evkmxg (ibkeuye&la graxde, oukcox. sati riay, April io. im TXOK EIGHT. ' ; ! ; , i :! ; it : . I I taster s she Showing o: V I 'EL Fl IT I I Mlflll rr- -TT fc. j w.'i . s rvrvj mi itj ir r miii . la slt i ii it : i . . -m t i MIUM SlIipi'Cs " , liiMi MO" 1 1 I I jrfeyi MILLINERY, SUITS AND DRESSES Excellent Style ideas are represented in these departments, designed on graceful and correct lines. You will be unusually pleased at the variety of styles and splendid selection of new Spring goods, and as us ual, you will find here such moderate piices as will appeal io your .idea of true value. Sample Line of Spring Waist And House Dresses at a Saving Another triumph for our Ready to Wear Departmentone that will create a stir in trade circles and crowd the department with eager buy ers. Ponder the importance of the offer of new spring waists and ' house dresses at a fraction of their cost. No two alike, all new and fresh. New Line of Easter Neckwear Some of those charming assortments of neckwear that enable women of fastidious taste to find their ideal as to desigs and quality. No two alike. N. K. WEST THE QUALITY STORE ": ! You Need THE QUESTION A Well 'J - i A letter to me stating your location ar.d r.eeds X will bringyou all the in- j 1 formation rearrl'mc well t 2 t drilling necessary. J 1 ? 4 i R. A. WEST, The Well Driller First-Class Rc- J pairing AM. H dltK (iVA It WTKI :l. A Muni iiimrlj- ri,ilitil I-. nrtli1N, Inil a irnirrl.v r-- uilri- sIum- Is aooil ni'w. M J lwirli ami "ill I 1 R. Plant tuk oi.u i'ia:.srtx stand. - Sotici: ok nu. hiihii:m. Vi.it' is lu'it'Uy nix'H tli.it tli" miiliMhiKiu'il luis Mfil ltr final art-omit as tfdinmlutuiU i of tho - ji:a j ( 1) n-iV ! : in tllf t,'iiM;' in till- oi Orrgon for l'liion t oiuiiy, ami mild I'ouit lias t!-(l Titi-sil.iy, tin1 ltd Jay f May. l'.nr.t at tli Couit lltms In La Grand. I'liinii Cmnity. OrfX'Hi. hs tlie time and jdate for hcarius any td all cilijti tiiiiiM tliiM'cti) and tht lir.al Bi'ttloinciit of the hki. AFTON H. LKAKK. Adnilnlslrat i in of said estate. 4-2 4-C0 fWn Kir damp, or chronic rheumatism. In such cases no Internal treatment is required. The free application of Chamlierialn's I.lniment is all that is needed, an (lit is certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and see for LADJES AND GENTS of al! real estate investments the one that you can answer in but on way--"ls the title sound" Th? answer i-s; "An Abstract drawn by us" With that you have a complete, ac curate history of the parcel to the veriest detail thatmiht effect the title's soundness. Our work is guaranteed. Only complete and up-to-date set of j Abstracts in Union county. U GRANDE INVESTMENT CO, Fo t'v Hotel Block Glothing Gleaned, Pressed, Dyed and Repa'red. Your work faction guaranteed. ; Join our suit club ; Gall and talk it over. in. L. Winn In rear G G Pennington's : Store. Phone Black 851 ? BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE t T. J. CRY. Pr )p. Board by the week $5.00 and' up One block frcm depot. ONLY HOUSE IN THE CITY EMPLOYING WHITE t HELP ONLY ia.V. M ! fi...? i n . i s. I I. I U U ii u L (J I 0 k t f" I 11 ' U U ii '"It L (J I I 0 ii' in. CAN YOU? make a payment of S 1 000 on the best, newest, neat est 5-room cottage in the city? Plenty of ground, lots of fruit, and other irn provemar.ts. This place will appeal to you if you are looking for something first-class and close in. Let us show you over the property today. Tiie Van Dp Rerty (o. ... Depof Sfrecf Seiid us our line ciutains Kery iini' wlm sends is plrMseJ wi,h our wo! k. Why not yon? Cherry's new laundry. 4-1-tf Ii llPIIHMtlMtl. More than nine out of every ten rases of rheumatism are simply rhe utatism of the musvles. due to cold or shot is rori LAiL Christiansen Iiros. are experiencing a fciMd patrouase and eerybody goes away satisfied. Their harber shop is new and ttood service is promised. TAX TOTAL L'uion county taxpayers are espei 1 ally alive In the. matter of pronipt payments this year. With what mon ey that has come In to the rounty pfflcialB this week, the sheriff's ofTce will be able to turn over aneut sunt and one that will bring the total up to $205,000 or near there. Remark ably enough out of $257,000 that were ordered collected this year, $205,000 have been sent in, Of this amount there are to $57,000 rebatemoneywhlch of course is not now In the coffers of the county, but as the year Is only half spent, it leaves but a small mar gin to come later in the season. It is seldom that the county pays its taxes so promptly. To earn this rebate of $5100 tax payers sent In a totul of $175,000 be fore 15th of March. That leaves about $30,000 that came in to pay half the amount that was due. Figuring that the other $30,000 will be paid by the first Monday In October. Union coun ty will receive penalties amounting to $2200, and such Interest as may ac cumulate on the $22,000 not accounted for. The last turnover will e made early next week. Lynton Ivanhoe has been employed as temporary stenographer at the land ollice. RAINBOWS OR STREAMS Adoplh Newlin's success with, rod and line the other day h-.ts fired the ambition of all the llshei lucn who saw his catch. Many parties are planning to spend tomorrow on one of the numerous streams that are within hereabout. Replies to the numerous aplicatiotia that have been placed in Heaver, Jordan, Spring, Meadowbiook. The Grand Ronde, the Minnni i:nd ' Looking Glass, many thousands of young fry. Rainbow trout wil be planted in Heaver, the Looking Glass, lower Grande Ronde, Meadow Rrook and fr'ive Point creek. Brook trout are promise dfor the Miiiam, Jordan and Spring creek. MENTIS IN 1 MONEY TO LOAN Have yqu money to loan on first-class security? For particulars call up Black 61. 3-30-6t PENDLETON. April. It). The East Oregonian said last night: Illicit dealers in intoxicating bev erages are to be haled before the bar of justice next week as the result of evidence collected during the last few days, if numerous reports and rumors which have been frequent for some time are to be given credence. The evidence against the operators of blind pigs is believed to have been gathered by members of the law en forcement league in llie various towns as individuals and not under the direction of the county organiza tion or the state anti-saloon league. It is known that a man has been here in the role of a dett-ctive within the past ten days, but the anti-saloon people deny having had any ni neitiou with him while the sheriff's oitire and district attorney also deny knowledge of his operations, though Sheiiff Taylor was aware of his pres- it is alsj tuViul k:jurt lie' thai liquor has been sold at various points in the county in violation of the pro hibition law. It is also a certainty that the names of the dispensers of the intoxicating beverages are known in not a few instances. In view of these facts the drawing of the grand jury Monday and the subsequent ac tion of that body ts being looked for ward to with a great deal of iiiter-est. Keeps Frost Oil: Windows- Don't you dislike to leave the warm living room and undress in a cold bedroom where the frost is thick on the windows? No ceed to any longer a PEPJSOTN Oil Hester (Equipped wllh Siiiokekss Drvkr) makes any cold room cheerful and cozy in a trice and keeps it so. It has a smokeless device that means no smoke no smell no bother jtiit direct intense heat. Finished in japan and nickel. Brass font holds 4 quarts, burns 9 hours. Easily car red about. Every S kr- rtrt 11. tail a w a luinvui fepfe Lamp f steady li?ht, simple construction and absolute safety. Equipped with the best central draft burner. Made of brass, nickel plated. Every lamp warranted. If your dealer does not handle the Rayo Lamp or Perfection Oil Heater write our nearest ajency for desenptn'e circular. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) "t V ' ,1 JO THE 0HLY UEMEBY FOR BL0QB P0IS0H S. S. S. is the one and only reliable and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poison. This claim is not based on the treatment of a few cases o the disease, here and there, but its success extends over a period of inort than forty years, during which time thousands upon thousands have found t cure by the use of this great vegetable remedy. S. S. S. is first of all, auabso lutely perfect blood purifier, able to po down into the blood and remove ever) particle o the virus of Contagious Biood Poison. J t cleanses and purifies th circulation, and in this way removes the cause of the trouble. Then nature assisted by a rich, healthy blood supply, quickly renovates and renews thi system, while the symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, skin eruptions discolored splotches, falling hair, seres p.r.d ulcers, etc., disappear, leaving the body entirely free from the effects of this insidious poison. When S. S. S. has thoroughly cleansed and puriiied the cli "u!-.tion there is no danger of any future outbreak the blood i;! pure and the came of the disease entirely removed. Home Treatment Bock contain j-.-.z- ir.v.-.v valuable and helpful suggestions for those who are curing themselves w:t!i S. S. S., and any medical advice desired scut free to all who wr!:?. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Look for Millinery -j New Back Combs - j Barretts and Hand- j some White Belts i ADAMS AVENl'K ! A FEW TOGS For EASTER SHIRTS, TIES, . CooyrKt 1909 The Hoos of Kuppewheimtt HATS ?'' FIT FABRIC Call at STYLE C C Pennington Go.