EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, OREGON. SAlMtD.IT. April 10, 1909. r,ci: SLVi:r EIGHT IMGES. f DIRECTORY t . ' "of the : .,'.- FRATERNAL ORDERS LA GRANDE,. ORE. 1 M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meets each Monday evening at I. O. O. F. hull. All visiting neighbors are cor dially Invited to attend. M. .McMi nHAY. C CAL JORDAN. Clerk. F. 0. E. La Grande Aerie No. 2.19, F. 0. E., meets every Friday night In Elk'B hall at 8 p. m. Visiting brethren Invited to attend. C. E. HACKMAN, W. P. GEO. ABEGG, W. 8. 0. E. 8. , . Hope Chapter No. 13, O. E. 8.. hold stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cordially Invited. RACHEL E. WORSTELL. V. M. MARY A WARNICK, Secretary. I. O. 0. F. Encampment. Star Encampment No. 31, I. 0. O. F., meets every second and fourth Wednesday In the month in Odd Fel lows hall. Visiting patriarchs always welcome. H. E. COOL1DGE, C. P. , W. A. WORSTELL, Scribe. M. It. of A. . Meets every Thursday evening at I. O. O. F. hall. Vlsltlug members al ways welcome. ANGUS STEWART, President. C. J. VANDERPOEL, Secretary. Woodmen of the World. La Grande Lodge No. 160,. W. O. W., meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening In K. of P. hall lu the Corpe building. All visiting mem bars welcome. NERI ACKLES. J. H KEENEY, Consul Commander. Clerk. j THINK THIS OVER If you believe in your town why mt mike it worth while to do busi ness here? : : : : j ASK FOR LA GRANDE SUGAR j THE GEORGE PALMER LUMBER COMPANY RETAIL DEPARTMENT We Solicit Your Orders for Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Mouldings, Chain Wood '-. arr rrcpared to furnish and deliver material ..ipUy. Call up Pctail Department Phone Main 8. An Ideal Cough Medicine. "As an Ideal cough medicine I re tard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in a class by Itself," says Drr. I. A. Wilt shire, of Gwynnevllle. Ind. " "I take great pleasure In testifying to the re sults of Chamberlain's Cough medi cine. In fact, I know of no other preparation that meets so fully- the xpeotatlons of the most exacting in cases of croup and coughs of children. : ,t-:ti I- "!". nrrr is. wruxao mum I. 0. 0. F. Subordinate. ' La Grande Lodge No, 16, meets lu their hull every Saturday night. VU liljig brothers cordialfy Invited to at tend. Cfcuu'lery plat may be ser. at Mndrl p'Btaurant. . . HCCH .MeCALL, N. G OSCAR COOLIDGE, Secretary. W. A. WORSTELL, Fin. Sec. Foresters of America. Court Maid Marlon No. 22 meets each Wednesday night lu K. of P. hall.' Brothers are Invited to attend. - BEN HA1STEN, C. R. LEO HERRING, C. S. C. J. VANDERPOEL, F. S. A. F. A. M. La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. & A. M., holds regular meetings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. R. L. LINCOLN. W. M. A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. Knight of l'j thins. Red Cross Lodge No. 27, meets ev ery Monday evening In Castle Hall (old Elk's hall). A Pythian welcome to all visiting knights. J. F. BAKER, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, K. of R. & S. KEBEKA1IS. Crystal Lodge No. 50 meets every Tuesday evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting members sre Invited to attend. .- JENNIE N. SMITH, N.' G. MARTHA E. SCOTT, Secretary. B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433, meeets eaCh Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Elk's club, corner Depot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially invited to attend. TI. E. COOLIDGE, Exalted Ruler. HUGH McCALL, Rec. Sec. safe, pleasant and efficacious remedy for the ills It U intended." For sale by all good dealers. rp Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an atorney ot PltU- field. Vt. writes: "We have used Dr. Klngg's New Life Pills for yean and find them inch a. good family medi- cine we wouldn't be without them." For Chills. Constipation, Bllllonsnesa f.r c;rfc T'H3rM thT Work wop- 0n, Vc fffTua umg vn MEETS Will . (Ofifiia Unless the roanngenient of the au nual lnterscholnstle meet at Corvall's changes tentative dates for the 1909 meet, La Grande will have to choose between that and Pendleton's Eastern Oregon conference, as both meets are set for the same days, nameyl May 21 and 22 It is presumed that If the dates are not changed. La Grande will be represented at Pendleton only. Pressure will be brought to bear from allEastern Oregon towns to make a change In the Corvallls dates. The past week has been fairly well availed by members of the local snuad who during the pleasant weat her, did regular training. Of f ICE HOURS ANNOUNCED Publicity Manager F. B. Carrey who Is also clerk of the. Merchants Pro tective Association, has establiahed regular ofllc.e hours when he can be seen by members of the association. At such hours he will be at the dis posal of both organizations, but mer chants especially have been given these stated periods. The hours' art 9 to 10 A. M. and 1 to 2 and 4 to 5:2f P. M. . New members are joining the asso elation almost daily and it is rapidl becoming a potent power for good in La Grande. To not belong is a near sight that should be corrected. . An Inch of snow at' Covo. stormy climatic condtions in La Grande, con spired against the local high base ball nine this morning. The Cove management notified Manager Meyers this morning at an early hour that the game must needs be cancelled and as a result, the boys have been roaming about the city todaywearing discouraged . countenances. l fu-Jiedule is a long one and as track meets will take up at least two Sat urday's, the team is alarmed at th.s congestions there will be at the end of the season. UM0X NEWS. (From Scout And Ilcpubllran.) C. W. Jones pet deer was taken with that restless feeling that comes with spring in this salubrious climate ant1 meandered away Wednesday. U is expected though that he will cmno home again as his deershlp has been off on jaunts before. Superintendent Alex Slater of :he county farm went to La Grand'? Wed nesday, on some business before the county court which is, in session this week. Recorder James England has pl.trcd his resignation In the lian W of the City Council it. is thought tli.it his successor will be named at the next meeting of that body. TRACK WORK AT PENDLETON. High school athletic Interest Is now being centered on the track team and the several coming meets In whlh the local representatives will partici pate, says the Pendleton, Kast Ore gonian. A large squad Is out everv evening and the new men are rap'd'y being whipped Into shape for the ap proaching contests. C.J. Black left this morning for Anthony, Idaho, where he expects to remain for several days trying to In duce several families to move to this valley. We already have a number of families from this section and they are so well pleased with oar valley t!wt ttey make It easy to ccm'e pcncffloTwu COVE GUI (MEED Off Not h o lo tiilckcn Owner. Not leu U hereby given to thod; own (lut; chickens within (ho llmlu ur thy city, must pu them up Imnvdlmely anl keep them, up In accordance with ordinance No. 4, seiliY 184. i,. raypuun,, S tGtf -Chief of Tollce. A Healing Suhe for Hums, ( happed Hands and Sure Nipple. j As a nettling salve for bums, sines, j sore nipples and chapped hand's i Cliuinbe) lulu's Salve Is most exccll- j ent. It allays the pain of .1 1 1- 1 most instantly, and unions the In- : without leaviug a. star. . I'rire, lb cents. For sale by All Good Dmltfra. yourself how. ouickly It relives the pain and soreness. , The ' medicines usualy given Internally for rheuma tism are polosuous or very strong medicines. They are worse than use less In cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For stile by All Oood Druggists. TREASURER'S CALL FOR .COUNT! WARRANTS. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon, has funds on and to pay all warrants which were endorsed prior to December 1, 1907. No interest til lowed on the above warrants after Aprtl 10, 1909. . JOHN FRAWLI3Y. County Treasurer Ordinance No. Series 1909 An Ordinance amending Section 6 of Ordinance No. 50, Series 1887, "en titled an Ordinance to license and regulate certain callings and employ ments." THE CITY OF LA GRANDE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That Section 6 of Or diance No. 50 Series 1887, he, and the same hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section. That any person wishing to open up or keep a bowling alley, shooting gallery, billiard room or pool room shall pay a license according to the number of alleys, galleries, billi ard or pool tables belonging to or used in the building or place to be licensed, ns follows: for one alley, gallery, billiard or pool table, the ap plicant shall pay a half yearly license jf Fifteen Dollars, and a half yearly license of Ten Dollars, for each addi tional nlley, gallery, billard or pool table to be used in same building or place. Every place where balls are thrown, targets shot at, or billiards or pool ure played, open to the public, with or without, price, shall be deemed a bowling alley, or shooting gallery, or billiard or poolroom as the case may be under this section. It tshull be unlawful for any owner proprietor of any bowling alley, :hoot!ng gallery, billiard room or pool 00m to allow any person under the age of 18 years, to be or remain Iti v,.' 'jguI his place of buaiuiss, at any time. Section 2. This Ordinance shall bu published in one Issue of the La approval by the Mayor, it shall be in orce an deiTect on and after'the 10th day of May, 1909. Passed the Council on the 7th day of April, 1909 by seven members vot ing therefor. Approved this 8th day of April. 1909. Attest: J. E. COX. Recorder. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice Is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing be tween F. L, Lilly and E..II. Foster, under the name of the Lilly-Foster Hardware company, La Grande, Ore., is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. R. II. Fosts retires from the firm and F. L. Lilly will continue the business of the firm mider, his own name and collect all notes and accounts owing the ' firm, and will pay all debts of the firm. Dated this seventh day of April, 1909. Signed, E. H. Foster. F. L. Lilly. 4-7,8,9, w-9 Object to Strong .Medicines. Many people object to taking the strong medicines usually prescribed by physicians for rheumatism. There s no need of Internal treatment In pny rase of miiS'-tilur or rlmm! rheuma tism. nd mor than nine o'it of every ten ras'-B of the disease art; of or.; or the other of these varieties. V" there is no fr. ai;.-l lip.iei' swelling, you may know t' necessary 1-? apply O. imeni freely to gtt . : 1 it. For sale by All Good Dr :.- Like to see a Chink or Do ; dlan? Billy Sanborn at the tonight tX Cootwrso Ofan 1 1 tSa 4-t-tl SUPERFLOUS HAIR IS NOW CURAB! E Are you afflicted with tltld Are you Mill using a f-r Are y u Mill lining a t.vce. Dr. Alexander Grossmar, the Eminent- Hair and Scaly Specialist has, after 15 years, of research , and experimenting, discovered an absolute . remedy for this unsightly disfigurement. ' fiiinrnntecd to Destroy the Cuanest (iron tli or Your m:i Txin-n. Guaranteed to be absolutely. non-Injurious to the most delicate. The abovo It nU the result of magic, but of this wonderful discov ery named MAJI. This protognph is ONE of the thousands of cases MAJI has cured. MAJI Is endorsed and recommended by ths most reputable physicians as the only remedy for PERMANENT removal and destruction of superfluous hair. " The action of this WONDERFUL! compound commences immediately Its application to the parts afflicted MAJI does not burn the hair, making It return . more coarse bristly than ever. ' MAJI goes to the root of the evil It dstroys the cause( of the growth. It destroys the factory favorablo to Its growth. Majl cures hv dPHtrovlnsr ihe productive condi tions that cause this disease. . if vou want to be CURED, If you razor, If you want to discard the heavy veil you are compelled to wear to conceal this humiliating, unsightly blemish, get a bottle of MAJI naw at once. It your druggist does not keep it send II to us direct and we will mall It to you, postage prepaid; in plain wrapperr. Turkish Remedy Co. 31 West 125 Street, New Yoih, IV. Y. Address IHk.4. Free Valuable ItooUct "Tlie Key lo the Problem," SENT FAT FOLKS ONE DOLLAR Invested In a bottle of those won durful, harmless fat-reducing tablet! and In 30 days you will be a normal, well-formed person agsiln. Don't carrs around your ugly bulk, your ungainly superfluous ;;vsh. It makes you mis. era'jlo ridiculous and what IS moro Im portant. it subjects you to fUal conse. (luences, sudden death f-om fatty do generation, heart disease, kidney trou ble, apoplexy and muscular rheumail sm all come from OVE11-FATNE8& - "ANTICORPU R M O V E S FAT Thousands of Testimonials from Grate ful People Prove This YOUR IMONtY BACK IF IT FAILS ANTT-COKPU Is absolutely the greatest discovery In medicine -or - duclng fat. It Is made In the form ui a Ilttlo tablet out of Vegetable mat ter and Is easy and pleasant to take. 1 1 la endorsed by every reputable phy slclan and College of Medicine. Ask y ANTI-CORFU Is absolutely harml (reparation It on file In the Bureau of proof that it Is PURE and HARMLESS. AXTI-C'Oltl'U reduces FAT 3 to 5 chin, fat hips and flabby cheeks. No wrinkles result from this reduction, or It makes the skin close-fitting and smooth. AN'TI-COKPU strengthens w jak heart, cures ; ulpUatlons, short breath, and acts llko ,maglc In muscular rheumutlsm and gout. I'RIC'K 91.0U per bottle. 'Mcney bacV ' It don't do all we claim. II your druggist does not keep It, show !tm m i -rt'Htnent and make him. ret It for you, or you can send f JD-. o pny postage and tend In plain wrapper. 80 D.V' ' .NT 1 .fit KOTTI.K. FR you asamplo cf this wondeiful fat-reduclnj .ecelpt of ten cents to pay for postage and The sample Its-elf may be sufficient to reduce th .velght, Mention this paper. Desk 4. -:TIC CHEMICAL CO. 125th STREET NEW YORK N Y. . to Freeie the Set!. - son has Consumption. His a hopeless."' These ain-nllfrs - Js were spoken to Geo. E. I'.Ievens, a leading merchant of Sprinfi;1.!, N. C. by two expert doctors ne a lung tatsl ptnrer of Vt. Ztat N Dl- THEN 'C'J Certainly Have .)ot Used M l-J-l AMD WE CAN. PROVE on thus and GURES QUICKLY and PERMANATELy want to dispense with tho fine ON REQUEST. our doctor. . ess. The formula used In making thhs Chemistry In Washington, which pounds a week. It reduces double. covery. "After three weeks use,"" writes Mr. Elevens, ' he was as well as ever. I would not take all t he money in the world for what It did for my boy.". Infalllable for Cougha and Colds ,lts the safest, surest cure of desperate Lung diseases o neartlu rfe rr- f ' fo. nara .f satisfaction. 'TYlal botllt fin KnrUa Vtvg Cc dlte.isi .DID I VV I, 1 L r r I i ? if I. . t 1