La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 07, 1909, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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vkuy: FOUR.
iroo. ,
owing o
Excellent Style ideas are represented in these departments, designed
on graceful and correct lines. You will be unusually pleased at the
variety of styles and splendid selection of new Spring goods, and as us
ual you will find here such moderate pi ices as will appeal lo your idea
of true value.
Sample Line of Spring Waist
And House Dresses at a Saving
Another triumph for our Ready to Wear Department one that 'will
' create a stir in trade circles and crowd the department with eager, buy
ers Ponder the importance of the offer of new spring waists and
house dresses at a fraction of their cost. No two alike, all new and fresh.
New Line of Easter Neckwear
Some of those charming assortments of neckwear that enable women
of fastidious taste to find their ideal as to desigs and quality. No two
; alike.
fill the newest things in wait paper. Pa
per your rooms with some of MAXWELL'S
exclusive designs. '
Paints, Oils, Varnish
Japalac and Liquid Veneer
Look for Millinery
New Back Combs
Barretts and Hand
some White Belts
ILH.TCLinffi if CO.
The Little Shop I
90C Main St. j
Embroidery lessonsgiv-
en. Stamping done in 4
eylet. French, Wallach-
lan, Hedebo, and Cut
Work. Orders taken
and lessons given in
Stenciling. Shirt waist, J
Genter Pieces etc
Stamped. Emoroidery
Materials. 4
Easter Cards '
t o r
Ten Room House, Stone Foundatian, Stone Cellar, Two Blocks
from Depot, Furnished Throughout
One half cash, balance on two years time at 7 per cent interest
Realiy Company
The originality of the play, the vivid
liortiayal of ils cfutral role, the even
ex elletu e of the rast anil the tiiste
ful ln-aiiiy of the production, are con
t rilitit in? factors In the happy wmilt
which Floivncf Roberta, under John
Cort's aide munngoment. has reached
in her presentation of "The House of
Hondas:.'." Those who have had the
plensncr of seeing the piny declare
thnt .Miss RniMMts is peciiliavly suited,
that her company la by far the stron
gest she has ever had. and that Mr.
fort has mounted the play with r-.mi-ercsily
and judgment.
"Th House of Honduge." whiih
ciiieg here on April ft. is the work ot
Seyinour Oberiuer end. while it deals
with Finland's selet t. it hits a sub
ject that is Interesting to as high a
derive on this side of the Atlantic as
the other. It joints not only a moral.
.h -( ee.l..l.j't. JiieiJj. i'ct .U. f. i.M 4.
sei moil.
PENDLETON, April 7. The East
Oregonlan related last 'evening:
Foiled In his atttempt to secure $1,200
from hlB uncle on a fake kidnaping
scheme which he had worked up with
himself as the alleged victim, L. A.
Raup, aged 20 years and a member of
one of Milton's most highly respected
families, is now held In the county
jail. The uncle whom he sought to
blackmail is S. A. Miller, president
of the Milton nursery company and
former mayor of Milton.
Kaup failed to get the money as
planned simply because he lost his
nerve, as the uncle was about to com
ply with the demands of the myster
ious letter he had received. It Is not
believed however, that the young man
would have been able to make his es
cape with the money, even though he
had secured it.
Threats In Lettter.
The letter received by Mr. Miller
was not signed, but declared a mys
terious "we" had captured his neph
ew and was holding him for a ran
som of $12000. He was commanded
to take this sum of money at 11
o'clock last night, out along the rail
road track east from Milton to a
point where, he would find a dim j
light. Here he was to deposit the
money and after turning the light ar
ound, return home , where he was
commanded to wait until his nephew
appeared before reporting the inci
dent. Failure to comply with the de
mands of the alleged kidnaper was
to be followed by the burning to death
of the nephew and also the killing ot
.Mr. Miller's little daughter.
Lonpn 11 In .V-rie.
Yesterday's wind and dust slorm,
however, was evidently too much for
the self-kidnaper for he lost his nerve
and appeared at his uncle's home
about 8:15 last evening, after having
been hid out in a deserted house, the
property of his grand-father, Sunday
night and all of yesterday. To those
at the house he declared he had been
seized bv two men and taken to a
straw slack Sunday night an dthat he
had . escaped from his captors while
they were drinking and playing cards.
His story' of the kidnaping was to
the effect that he had left his board
ing house to go down town to pur
chase some tobacco and that he was
onWPii ty thf nllpireri kidnapers-, while
on the road. He said his captors were
Freewater men.
Kapp said he had no Intention of
carrying out the threats contained in
the letter, saying It was his original
intention to skip the country, if his
attempt to get the money was a fail
ure. Tills morning he declared that
he sought his uncle for the purpose of
making a clean breast of the whole
affair and that he fixed up the other
story after he reached the house and
found his uncle was not at home. He
uys he would not have told the story
of the kidnaping, had his uncle been
home. but lie would have told him
the truth.
Prpsbytorliiii ('iiiifrregatloiial Jleetinsr
Slnl d for Tills livening.
The annual congregational meeting
of the Presbyterian clum h w ill be
li-ld this evening at 8 p. m. in the
room formerly occupied by the East
ern Oregon Trust and Savings bank.
All the members of the congregation
are expected to. be present and alll
friends are cordially invited to attend.
Reports of the past year will be
made, the work for the coming year
considered, light refreshments will
be served, and a pood so ial time will
Fine Hosiery Arrhf.
Smith and Green have received a
pew line up to date hosiery which
Includes many staples and new novelties.
I For ( on-lipalion.
I Mr. 1.. 11. Farnham. a prominent
di'ii:clst of Spirit T.aVe. Tows says:
i - t hauibeii.iin'4 - SijnKi. h and'-
j Tablets are certainly the best thing
on the market for constipation. Give
I these tablets trial. You are certain
to Pnd them agreeable and pleasant
in effect, rrice. 2." cents. Samples
free. For sale by All Good Dealers.
"It's easier to reform a woman than
a man" that what the picture says
at the rastlme .
CliU Wens Wanted.
We pay carfc and hlghert market
price for chtens.
' I am woman.
1 know woman'a lolTerlng.
1 bar fonod th oare.
1 will mall, fro of any eharga, my
Ml with (all tiutruotioiutoaiir ufferwi from
woman'a ailiceuta. I want to Ml l women abont
thla onra-fia, my reaUr, for rouiael,
daughter, your mother, or your uuUr. I wantta
tll you bow to oar yonmelraa at bom with
out the hdp of a doctor. Vau awl understand
woidm ufforlnga. What we women knowlM
iaiK, we know better than any doctor I
know that my'bome treatment la aafe and anra
l jr , t , i
I 4 -
V t
Hmtt, HImIm Btarlat Tmnk, m (raatati dw atlat a
MM, Met m MM, Mtnef waa TttHnri Minamut,
crtMtaf hittai M atluM. ttun tt uytmti
flmlMt, iwiMa, tiaMi. m4 MMm hwbhi wtmi tttut ?
I want o aend yoo alt ha tVi tnttmt
MHratf fin to rrora to yoo that you can cur.
youmelf at noma, aaally. qnlekly and
nrelr. Remember, that.rt am (ait ytt a)Atln(to
riT the treatment a complete trial : and If vrm
wrlnh to onnttnua, It will oat yon only about Uoenta a week or leas than two cent a day. II
wlii not Interfere with your work or oooupatlon. Jnt Mai bm ar aae Mf , ". tell me how you
ufte.r M yoa wish, and I will nd you the treatment for yournan, "ntlrely free.ln plain wrap,
per. by return mall I will also aond you nMttewt, my book "W0MU1I ONI FDICH UmiP with
einlanatory llluiitratlona Knowing whr women eoffer, and bow the; oan eaally pure IhemaelrHi
at home. Erery woman nhould have it, and learn to ftM MrifH. Then when the dwtoraaya
"You must hiiVB an operation," you con decide for yotunelf. 1 hounanfU of women hT cured
themteWtie w ith my home remedy. It ourea ill H m mn(, To HotMrt f Bauitltn, I will eiplaln a
simple home treatment which HiK-edlly and effectually enrea Iueorrhoea, Ureen Blcknemand
Painful or Irregular Menstruation in young Ladloa, Pluuipneea and health alwaya redulta f rum
"wherever yftu Hto. I can ref or yon to ladlea of your own locality who know and will gladly
telt any nunrcr that this Hon Tnalmnt really cam all women'edUeiwe, and makea women well,
atronB. plump and i-M.iwt. Jnt mm m m iiMntt, ami the free ten day a treatment la yours, alio
he book. Write to-day, a you may not aee tUU offnr again. Addrese
..s. M. summers, BoxH - Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A.
I -
I Sgg I
' - ' " "" I ,
Keeps Frost
Off Windows
Don't you dislike to leave the
warm living room and undress in
a cold bedroom where the frost is
thick on the windows? No need
to any longer a
il Healer
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
makes any cold room cheerful
and cozy in a trice and keeps it so.
It has a smokeless device that
means no smoke no smeU-yno
bother just direct intense heat.
Finished in japan and nickel.
Brass font holds 4 quarts, bums
9 hours. Easily car
ried about. Every
heater warranted.
TheJ?& Lamp f
v ton-: wri.uatt,
steady light, simple construction end ataolvic
safety. Equipped with the best central dralt
burner. Made; cf brass, nickel plated. Every
lamp varrar.ted. If your dealer does not har.dia
the Rayo Lamp or Perfection Oil I !eer write
our nearest agency for descriptive cicular.
R S S thr rTIK ar nrlTr rUnWi nnrl r-prai'n nir fr Crtnf nriniu
Elood Poison. This claim is not based on the treatment of a few cases o
the disease, here and there, but its success extends over a period of mon
than forty years, during which time thousands upon thousands have found t
cure by the use of this great vegetable remedy. S. S. S. is first of all, an abso
lutely perfect blood purifier, able to go down into the blood and remove ever
particle oi the virus of Contagious Blood Poison. 1 1 cleanses and purines th
circulation, and iu this way removes the cause of the trouble. Then nature
assisted by a rich, healthy blood supply, quickly renovates nnd renews tht
system, while the symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, skin eruptions
discolored ppiotehes, falling hair, cores and ulcers, etc., disappear, leavin;
the bodv entirely free from the effects of this insidious noison. When S. S. S.
has thoroughly cleansed and purified the circulation there is no danger of
any future outbreak the blood is pure and the cause of the disease entirely
removed. Home Treatment Book containing many valuable and helpful
suggestions for those whoarecuring themselves with S. S. S., aud any medical
advice desired sent free to all who write.
Yes, we will have anything you wish in the Ed-
ison !ine and everything you can find in the latest
catalogue, March 1 1th. March records are now
on sale. We have the Double Disc Records for the
small sum of 65 cents each.
Read what . J. Paderewski, the world's best
Pianoist, has to say in the Music Trades Review
" "for the Webr Piino." When he says it is best it
must be so.
BramWeH Music Company