La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, April 07, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Voir pages.-
:tSiS o n.M:uTLii, la ch ixrfc, ori:gox. wiTsrsrw v, ai kil ;. vm.
J. W. Oliver left for Hot Lako to
lako.a course of treatmeut. , - .
Charles Clements ia In North I"ow
der today on buslneRs.
"Engine No. 210 given t$ maid
en run this 'afternoon.
T. n. Johnson has leased tfto Blue
, Mountain hotel to Mrs. S. Geles.
Judith iodicr8 J oft lubt eveuins
hi i,' points l;i C:dif'iri.i'.irhcr .Bh'e
will unit reJaUVfg. . .
O. K." &. S officials .inspected, the
Elgin branch In sperln kar this
morning. . -;
Miss Alyrtle Galloway wo lias bwn
e guest of Jo . Smith . returned to
Union thin morning.
. The high. k:1iou1 program fr the
benefit -of fte -athletic fund. for. the
coming FrMay evening, has bn post
poned. Notice of dissolution of the Ann
X,Illy-Fster, hardware, arrears ele
where4n this laue. ; Mr. Foster Mil
remain In thelty IndeflMtely.
Oto E. Dialon, formerly linotype
-operator on 'the Observer, returned
last night -from a business 4 rip to
Idaho points and todi&y left r Pen-J
'dleton. i
Mrs. -Lfdla A. Pe and Tier son.
f Knice Borders, left this aflrnoon oi
the delayed west, bound train ftr
Sacramento. Calif., where they will
resldo In the futare.
' Mrs. Eleanor .rd, of A'epnl, IHnh,
arrived In La Crande -fMs morrlng,
and will visit during the sunnier
with her daughter, Mrs. N. W. .3cho-
field. - ; :
' Claude Gah.1i, the tank. exniiner,
passed throu&h on K. 1 thit after-
: noon en route to his liome 1, Salem.
after., a professional trip through
niirthern I'tah. .'-..
Young AVsiieer Oiilloway, who ha
been In Union for some Irme on'si
visit to nis motner, retumeu iouy
to the home 'of 'tils grandparents. J!r.
and Mis. Thomas Budge, so that lie
may attend 'his 'classes in '.
C. Bellas and T-. SolorcR of Porthj-id
have leased the room south of Ihe
Van Duyne Kenny Company and will
open a fli-st clnss con feitlonary more
soon. A modern soda Tounlalu ia to
follow soon a'fter.
The Ladies of tire Presyteriau
church will hold a cake sale Bntur
lay April lOtli, in the Bohnikamp &
Cos llardwai store. Do not do your
own baking for Easter before mlng
cakes the Ja4ies will" have ot dis
play. Perry Olinvr has been aeleesvd as
one of, the expert ruceountants'to go
over, city books and accounts Sn the
municipality of Baker City. Te and
J. H. MimnaTiBh experted the t-ounty
books and now the capital -iff. that
county wants 3VTr. Oliw.r.
That gonial business manner of
(the Pacific Mor.ilily, Fred Lockley, who
is a product T Eawtern Oregon and
now holds a high rung In the'-tedder
of journalistic wires. Is in Grande
viv on huoirtJMtn -msrr.tnre. and 'inci
dentally meetinR -many of his friends.
Mr. J. K. Marlin and J. C. Groves
n-nj, ihoir families, .-arrived "in La
Grande from Michigan last night, and
today-preceded to Joseph. Mr. Graves
is brother of W. M. Graces, the cream
.Tosenh. and Mr. MafliD
is a brother-in-law of ithese gentle
men. A rare treat Is In stwre for tlwise
who attend ihe services at the Central
Churc h of Christ next Sunday evenhig.
An entire musical program will be
renflered by the large choir. The pro
gram will be composed o( anthems,
duets and solos. All lovers of music
should avail themselves of the oppor
tunity and attend. Watch the paper
for the ful printed program.
Alf T. Currey, justice of the peace
from Baker, came down from the
Bairer county metropolis this morn
ing and spent the day here on legal
business. Mr. Currey saya that this
city is going ah ad. very encouraging
ly this year, and that with thf s!?
valley railroad and .the .'one
irrleatlon nroiectr r- , fc
kinds of busi: ' est
ot prospects
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Denislry
La Grand National Bank Bldg
Doth Phones
BAKER CITY. April 7. iiakcr City
will endeavor strenuously to havw
Pdesideut 1'aft iiiend a few hourB
there when he tours th west. They
have written to him and Oi-rgbn'B
drli-KTition at VaHinj;n tn glBg bu h
a h.0).
men ixass siov,
M'ord to Freeia the Son I.
"Your son has Consumption. . IHs
rase is huprl .'' Theso a;i-;Ullrg
words were Bpoken to Goo. 13. Blevons,
i a lending merchant of Strlnni',l, N.
O i,r. AVUArt ,lfutni-a .ltlA , llilt?
speclaliat. Then was shoAii ti e non- 1 1 Jr
derful power or Dr. Klng'a New DIs- iM
covety. "After three , weeks r use," ; "
writes Mr. Bleveus, "he was as well
as ever. I would not take all the
money In the world for what it did
for my boy." lnfalliable for-Coughs
and Colds .Its the safest, surest cure
or desperate Lung diseases o ncaith.
5oc and $1.00. Guarantee aatlsf action.
Trihl boule fiee. NeiKlin Dru& Co.
I'jislUe )Ims IrlNtH la Ullly Sunhurii
and l)nclnif. Ti aiiin.
!1IU Sanborn dref applunso n ev
M-y turn "last evilng whilr he was
Vresentfag hie xtremely funt. 'm
personaJ.lons. ;We Is good ni anyth'ag
he tatIes and 'earns ih npphuse he
getB. In addition to thU ore-ii.nn
dancurs that are on par wltkrthe
Davclng RWiards. Nw ftlin. Iirand
new In fael', will shown for tVi Prbt
tKoe toni&L The liouse praai i
KMs iesue gives th list.
A' Fine EntertalwT.
It !fi certainly a treat 'to hear e
vandelle roau at the Scenic iake
wod talk. He entertained a large
crrwi last nrght, all x;laiinln; that
he Ai splendid. The comedy, team
will put something entirely new
A Healing Sal'C for Burns Chnppea
Ihii4s uuI Sere Mpple.
As a healing salve for burns, sores,
ore nipples and chapped hauda
Chamlmrlaln's 8lve is most excell
ent. It allajB he pain of .1 Uii 1 1
niost InstantLv, and unless . tae In
wlthout leaving a Bear. . Pnwe, 15
ceuts. For ale by All Good Dolors.
. Rhe umatlxm.
More than nine out of every ten
cases of rheumatism are simply rhe
natism of the muscles, lua to cold or
damp, or chronic rheuttvatlsm. In
Buch cases no Internal treatment la
reqiifcred. The free . apiSlcation . of
Clmroberlaln'B Liniment is all that ia
aetrted, an dit Is certain; give quick
relief. Give it a trial and see for
yourself how quickly 'It relives thej
ipain and soreness. The medicines,
-i8ualy given internally for rheuma-:
flight and he film will beiew too. tism are nolosnoim or very strong
medicines. They are "Worse man iise-
Brsi sessvex m Err. ;
Member of the Merehats- Protet
Ive asscwiiatlon Biet last "evening 'tn
n-egular ieetlng and dlsmssed vavi
dus . systems fMrtalnlng to cre'BtB.
The meeting was an en.u8iatic vne
and Reeral B'od plaiw were r?iro-mulga4id.
Anti" Party Jlere.
W. A. Maxwell and ttarty of 1'nion
tourist the west end 'f the vAJiey in
an astso today.
Count-n Meetliw TonlKht,
. .Srevral nmtters f deep lmjrtance
wU3 fouie up at the council fleeting
less in cases of chronic, and muscular
rheumatism. For sale by All Good
DrugglsU. .
Ther never was -ft circus thatvery
memhor ot every family enjoy and
rcpeaLn&e cnjoyraJt aa of Ibey
.Tetble Syrup
Yon wot! it every .day and every
tneal evury day. it it 1he ayrup with
the rich
-Maple Flavor
Prepared by our origUal exclusive
ptweess by blrndintrSuRarCaneSyrun.
lrn ayrup, xioney ana maple syrup.
.. Alr win miwr l.nur 4 mI WIM
jlAninals free. They please tie children.
Mapl Syrup C. W
A large number of Union and Uma
tilla county farmers and Investors
who bought Canadian "Pacific wheat,
lands in the Calgury, Alberta disj
trlct last fall hRve enjoyed a iiani;
some -proSt as 2l the land in the
western auction of the 3.000,000 acre
tract east of Calgary has recently rul-j
vanced ? per wore.
The central sw;tion has just befu
placed cm the market where Immense
qupantitiies of ,ood wheat land can
now be bought on the main line of
the Canadian Jw.lfic and on the Ca
nadian .NortbRira at $10 per acre on
10 year's time.
Jonathan Johrstou the Canadian Pa
cilic canonization agent will leave
I PendJtuttai on April 5 with a Hrge
party ia look Kt'thls new land. A
rate of hut $ir.-!r. 'from Pendleton tc
Caljary lias jiiat been made by lha
Onadiai.Pacific 4-2
Two large lots cf second hanxi house furnishing
cods, consisting of two . Home Comfort ; Rangs, 3
heaters, 5 carpets, 5 Bad' Springs and Mattresses
Window Shades, Lace curtains, 16 chairs,' ' 5 Rcckcr,
chiffonier. 4 Dressers, 6 commodes, 3 safes, 4 Kitchen
Treasurers, lats of cooking utensils, crockery and glass
dishes, Linoleum, couch, bed covers and in fact 2 Com
plete' Housekeeping Outfits, which I will offer at a bar
gjin to move them and make room for-a car of Spring furniture to arrive
cieved a large shipmentof trunks and traveling bags.
i in
HMjjv fir. ; ,:iiiar ' I I
W :
.Just' re-
d;: hmsten
t La flrande's Foremotit Vaiule-
Sniterlntfoaent And His Sob
Have Asf-omei Ownemhii.
Street Superintendent H. C. Gil
man and hiB son Bert P. Gilman have
purchased the Spokane cafe from T.
B. Johnson and will assume the man
agement thle evening. Bert Gilman
will be directly connected with the
management He ia a popular young
railroader, but has taken to the res
taurant business for a change. The
Obserrer bei peaks . success for both
In iheir new vocation.
of all real estate investments
tuie one that you can answer
i but on way "Is the title
sound' The answer is: "An
Abstract drawn by us" With
that you have a complete, ac
curate history of the parcel
to the veriest detail thatmifeht
effect the title's soundness.
Our. work, is guaranteed. Only
complete and up-to-date set of
Abstracts in Union county.
fofey Hotel BiocK
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has Jiled her final ac
count as administratrix of the es
tate of H. D. Irake, Deceased, in
the County Court of the State of
Oregon for lniou (County, and said
Court kas fid Tulay, the 4th day
of May. 1909 at tbetCourt House in
La. GranjJe, Union County, Oregon, as
tie time and place, for hearing any
&d al! objections thereto and the
Iftial settJwient of tbersarae.
Admintetratrfx of Bald estate.
illle Theatre.
Depot Street.
J. A. uaranenr, ji a miner.
Week beginning April 5. ; J?J
Dave Rafel the great ventrilo-
quist introducing walking, talk
ing Miechanlcal figures.
Runy ARichards, society comedy-sketch.
latest moving pictures.
Matinee. Tuesday. Thursday
and Saturday. Adults, matinee:
10c; children, under 12 years,
Kc. livening prices, 10 and l'c.
. Clothing Gleaned,
Pressed, Dyed and
Repaired. Your work
Solicited and satis
faction guaranteed.
Join ,our suit club
Gall and talk it over.
H. L. Winn, I
In rear G G Pennington's
Store. !
Phone Black 851-
Fi'oprif tor and MiimiKcr.
Bordeaux and Ii Janeuse,
artistif. dancers.
Hilly SiUiuoru, hih i-hwB im
pwjjtniutor. Moving Pictures:
Cry troni the Wilderness.
1'Vench" Training Ship.
itrui'ii b .siKiiunuio.
- Cltajise of .program Sunday,
Wednesday and Friday. Mat!-
nee: Jrionday, Arednesday and
Saturday. Doors open at 2:30
p. m. Evening performances
at 7 p. m.
My Glasses Fit'
Reference: Ask any of
the 400 1 have fitted.'
0. M. Heacock,
With Red Cross Drug Store
p.'-V XJ- V ''''Jr. fiJ'
' .' A i-k U a - V At
my ..- v
Copyrighl 1909
The House of K.uppenheuner
ot Tinnro
Oi 111V i L7.
1 ICsO,
t t a nrc
Send u your lace curtains. Every
one who sends Is pleased with our
work. Why not youT
Cherry's new laundry. 4-IHf
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership hpretofore existing be
tween P. L. Lb'ly and E. H. Foster,
under the name of the Lilly-Foster
Hardware company, Ia Grande, Ore.,
is this day dissolved by mutual con
Bent. K. H. Fosfe retires from the
firm and F. L. Lilly will continue
the business of the fliin under his
own iMJiiK and collect all notes and
accounts owing the firm, and will
pay all dbts of the firm.
Dated 'this seventh day of April.
FoHter, F. L.
J!09. Signed, E. H.
Object to Strong Medicine.
Many people object to taking the
strong medicines usually prescribed
by physicians for rheumatism. There
is no need of internal treatment in any
case of muscular or chronic rheuma
tism, and more than nine out of every
ten cases of the disease are of one
or the other of these varieties. When
there ia no fever and little( if any)
swelling, you may know that If Is only
necessary to apply Chamberlain 1 1 Lin
iment freely to get quick relief. Try
it For sals by All Good Druggists.
When selecting a suit, a few things to consider ,
Call at
C C Pennington Co.
Like to see a Chink or Dago come
dian T Billy Basbora at the Paatime
GEORGE PALMER, President W. H. BRENHOLTS Ass't Cashier
F. .1. HOLMES, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS, 2d As't Cashier
F. L. MEYERS Cashier
La Crande Mation"" ft
Of U Grande. '
i. t'. r .theson F. J. Helmet F. M. BryVt
l- F. L. Meyers Geo. L Cleaver
1. L.!te George Palmer