LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, ORE., ' TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1909. VOLUME VIII. NUMBER 143. NORMAL IS . BMKRW1 SALEM, April 6. People of Ash- land have withdrawn $1500 deposited In the Btate treasury for the main tenance of the Ashland normal school until the close of the year. Action was taken because the executive com mittee of the state board of normal school regents would not receive the money unless It was donated with the express consent that the donators CHAIR OF EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS VISITS THE CITY La Grande's schools will send cx Jiibita to the A. Y. P., at least km. I) Is the Indication today. Reuben V. -Conkltn, superintendent ot sohooli In Multoraah county and c'lnmnur. of schools in Multomah county and chair man of the Oregon educational dis play at Seattle, arrived last evening to confer with County Superintendent Bragg and City Superintendent Hoc kenberry, on this subject an dtlie out come was that some sort of exhibition vill be sent from here. Mr. Conkling went west on the morning train. to visit this at the time A. Y. P. EXHIBITS FROM LA GRANDE You Our Stock Is Complete j in every detail, and should you want any thing from a yard of calico to the newest tailor-made spring suit, -WE HAVE IT. will soon be here. Now is the time to get your new suit and hat. Just received a delayed shipment of hand tailored suits and skirls. COME IN AND SEE THEM. - ! : -WE FAIR shall not ask the legislvure in 19)1 to reimburse them. - This means the Inslai'lf r.vua dwtth of the school, while the Monmouth and Weston schools will finish the year. Teachers will go away unpaid and the students near graduation will not be awarded sheepskins. Reports from Ashland say the students are hopeful that rescue will come from some other source. . R A FEELS ARRIVES. Dave Raffels the ventriloquist, who was due to arirve last evening to fill his engagement, did not come until this morning. He Is now here with his feature attraction and will show tonight. The society , comedy sketch was a solid streak of laughter last I evening. It Is funny aud will draw many to the Scenic. . Lady cremated DES MOIXES MOTHERS FIGHT TAX DISS MOINES, Iowa, April 6. The City Union ot Des Moines Is much stirred up over the "stocking"' duty. Mrs. Maitland, president of the Logan Mothers' club, has given notice that she will call the attention of the City Union tonight to the subject and with others laldes will discuss It. Mrs. Maitland Is particularly Interested be cause she Is head of a club, twenty of whoBe thirty-one members were visited by the stork In one year. Attorney Hodgin has filed petition to probate the will of W. D. Shell, deceased. Mr. and Mis. George Mapes of Elgin are here this evening transacting busi ness and visiting friends. Are store at any time to inspect our rthtr von intend buvincr or not. MONTREAL Bl'8Y. , Great Amount of Ship Head That Way This Season. MONTREAL, April 6 There Is every prospect that the Bhlpplng sea son, now opening, will be very busy one. At least six new steamers will run here this season, representing an Increase of 62,905 tonnage. The new floating crane will be In use, and two new transjxirters will be extended to the Jacques Cartler pier for the con venience of vessels loading at that point. The White Star Dominion line will herald their arrival on the St. Lawrence by the Introduction of their two steamers, the triple-screw Law rentlc and the twin-screw Margartlc, each of 15.300 tons. The other lines will maintain their usual strength. CANADIAN HAS FORGOTTEN ' MS WHEREABOUTS COMPLETELY BELLINGHAM, April 6. Kenneth Mtitln a weatlhy hotel proprietor of Rossland, B. C. with his memory a complete blank from the time he left his home on a trip to Spokane and Vancouver, lies in a serious condtion at the hotel here. He was taken from a Great Northern train here Sunday. He finally recovered con sciousness, but insisted he Is still In his hotel home. He converses on all subjects rationally, except IiIb where abouts. His condition is supposed to be due toan affliction of his kidneys. TRAVELER HAS , STRANGE MANIA fed MWl f Hi 11 HI HE AltKAI;KD THIS JIOUMXU BUT HE WAIVED EXAJM.N.'.TIOXS kid Carlton nlio rohitvd Mure In Union Sunday Mglit, Today 1'Uiccd In County Jail to Ann it Jme Term of Court Tell Tale Blood Slum are Found. - Kid Carlton, the self !ied tetlred pugilist who robbed the Davis hard ware store in .1'nlon of gtiin, knives and i'j'.oheis Sundnv n'a it, v.s u fessed the crime, and rim u ij hut an accomplice. This Ln ain he wjf taken before Justice Stewart where he waived examination and was conduc ted by Constable Faulk to the county jail. He will come to trial when the Circuit Court convenes in June. The officers think that Carlton's story of an accomplice Is untrue be cause blood stains found in the case from which knives were taken are just such as would be made from the tuts on hts fingers, and his story Is at times Is self contradictory. After robbing the store Carlton, so his story runs, cut through the fields this side of Union and on the farm of Ed Miller, hid a shot gun and a rifle. He brought the rest of the stolen goods to La Grande, traded a cheap revolver to one of the Halsien stores for a suit case and a dollar to boot. Taking tife suit casi to a room rented from P.M. Bartmem be U.iew the knives Into it. Yesterday ! ha was taken back to the M'la-r luim '.vhere the cache contalniijjr the two guns was pointed out. Carlton Is the man who was sent from here to the county hospital some ten days ago. He remained In the hospital about a week, and was noticed loafing around the Davis store for several days prior to the robbery, The articles stolen were enumerated ir the Observer last evening. SHY OF LAW Sl'ITS. Water I'ners of Ludd Creek Think Law Suits CoMtlj. Realizing tha litigation Is expen sive business, water users living about and below the mouth of Ladd Creek met this afternoon In the Commercial dub rooms and discussed through their attorneys measures for compro mising the numerous cases that prom ise to arise in that vicinity over water rights. The stenographer'8 fees alone in the case of Cavines vs City of La Grande et al, are said to be about $2500. ROOSEVELT AT JIESSIXA. .MESSINA. April 6. Roosevelt and Miiter Griscom arrived here at 2:20 this afternoon.. King Emanuel and Queen Helena met the party at I lie wharf. SLIT HUES MILLIONS WILL BE SAVED IN THE PURCHASE Of CIGARS KAN FRANCISCO. M::1 G.-The liist phase of public j;H.nbli,,!S here t.l disappear whei the orduni't abolishing slot uiah:"fn ot nil ls b'romes effective, Jul I i--u Iu n tl&ans and visitors will thf.r. tec lo pa the annual toll oi JiMOO.ttc tc take a chance on ge'.i'u tip::. The n.;hlnet number 3200 n:i I ni Valued t $45,000. ST VAMOOSE LONG BEACH YOTIXU. Loral Option Spread lo Retort 1'lnre Election Is on. HEMPSTEAD. L. I., April 6. As the necessary number of signatures to Insure on the local option question, that question will be submitted at the election today. The Long Beach and Garden City hotels are deeply Inters ested, and will roll up a big vote for liquor selling. TO HOLD 0 CLOSED HACKS. NEW YORK, April 6. The Jamaica Bay Racing association holds its an nual election of officers today. It is announced that no closed races will be held, but all yachts of the clubs will be free to enter. ICED INVALID MEETS GRUESOV.E DEITH 11 BURHIKg HOUSE ONTARIO, April 6. M.S. R. A." Lockett, an aged and Infirm lady of this, city was cremated In her home last night by a fire which destroyed her home. She was an Invalid and unable to get out of the burning struc ture. Mrs. Lockett was the wife of Mal heur's county's first representative and was a pioneer of the earliest type. lyoSioFi LONG BICE AT ARLINGTON DFRTROYED OVER FIVE HUNDERED PASSANGERS HELD AT THE GULCH WHILE AID ARRIVES rmruicu I IIILIVILIl iiuiDic Tn UllMULL IU DLATU iiunuii ARLINGTON, Ogn., April 6. A link was cut out of the main line the O R. & N. road this morning by the burning of a bridge spanning a deop Eulch below the depot here. Th Cheyenne train, due in Portland 7:20 this morning, and the Spokane flyer are botli delayed. The flyer was clone to the bridge, and ilui other iru'u just behind it. All told, 500 passen gers of both trains were gazing at the wreck. RE L The Olmerver Is late In delivery tonight and a trifle short of readiiif, matter on acount of contlued refusals on the part of the new linotype to do its part of the work according lo the plans laid down for it by th IX)S ANGKLKS, April 6. W!.m threatens to be one of the most li's- ;wferima llrs in the hwtory of t'lo- city broke out this afternoon on tl"J third floor of the wholesale papei i IX ILL1X0IS. MARION. Ills., April 6. Reports of cyclone sweeping this part of the state today indicate several are dead and not less than 100 homes ruined. News from Pittsburg, six miles dis FROM 111 FIRE THREATENS LDS ANGELES HOMES TRUSTS WILL 8E lUTIOII'S CRIEF UOVERXEST'S SUIT ATTRACTS MICH GENERAL ATTENTION Standard's Attorneys File Brief That Say Site of Concern Is no Monopoly Contends That Exclusive Control Is Mot Contrary to Constitution. - ST. LOUIS,. April 6. "It combina tions like Standard OH Co. are per uiltted to continue unchecked, In time. American citizens will be excluded from engaging In any enterprise, all your children will bo wage earners, and mere employes of corporation controlled by a few," declared Trust Buster Kellogg today in resuming hi argument In the government's di so lution suit agalnBt the Standard Kei logg analyzed the Sherman act. say ing It prohibited formation of such companies as the Standard. Standard attorneys today filed brief outlining the contentions of the de fense. The brief declares size does opt constitute monopoly, even if It in-, , volves exclusive control unless sutn, control is the result ot a conspiracy or combination In restraint of trade. OKLAHOMA CITY SHORT. OKLAHOMA' CITY. " Aprl.1 6. A special election Is being called for today for the Issuance of $35,000 in bonds to fill up the treasury, which is depleted because o fthe heavy court coBts. Warrants dated a month back have to await the raising of funds, so the action Is Imperatively required- BY CON DIIDUIUr. UUIIIIIMU CTRIIPTIIBt U I II VU I UIIL Some supports are still burning,' which Is due to the fact that tin gravity water system of the volunteer fire department is not sufficient. Saii'l was hurled at the flames. The fire was caused by a hobo In the box car. While volunteers are fighting flame word was sent to head off two ap proaching trains. J. B. Eddy, wh was on the train, took charge of Af fairs. He has sent In all directions for new supports.. builder. Occasional delays are al ways to be' expected for two or thro weeks after a new machine is in stalled. I'nless the unforseen ehoi.H cccur toniorerow, the paper will b issued at regular hours. warehouse of A. Zcllerbach and Sons. All houses I nthe vicinity are threaten-.. Ci.iii.th1 by. thf ., In email saved their 'lives by cratHit down a ven pipe. tant, say that the town Is partially di stroyed. Father Wyte took his departure this morning for Wallowa where be con ducted funeral services today. DELAYS i : . , f ' I A i r - J