19 & PAGE KIOIIT. kvi:mx rnsERVEn. ui giunpe. onKoov. sATinnAv.iAnnisifto EKJHT PACKS. HENDERSON CORSETS--For over SO years the Fav orite Corset of America's most Fastidious Women A Model for every Normal Figure. v;.:N;-,:;k-,.:--west;: Showing New Gloves, New Neckwear, New Veilings, New Waists, New Ribbons, New Hosiery, New Belts, New Wash Goods, etc. Informal Showing Millinery and Women's SMART ATTIRE Don't miss seeing our window display of Women's Suits and Millinery. A glimpse of these authorative fashions will be a revelation concerning this Spring's Style Tendencies. Twill only whet your appetite for what's to come and a visit to the Suit and Millinery De partments will make you enthusiastic concerning this Spring's fashions and the little'it cost to follow them, if you make this store your source of supply. We pride ourselves on the superb assortment we are showing of ex clusive models, andwill find-lower prices here for good quality and perfection in style than an other store, in La Grande. By all mean come in and see the very r ewest and most correct things for women to wear. The Quality Store W-Vf V..';, . " ,,.-- New Exclusive Shoe Store . .... Everything new. This year's creation. Selected by men of experience and thor ough knowledge of the wants of this com munity. SPECIAL ATTENTION to care ful and correct fitting. Thoughtful par ents will appreciate this. We- carry the stock to meet alldemands as to price and . quality. ivs&-tiBs&3&3Buu ':v SMITH GREEN, jliDepotf Street BUIBU THE : fiftiS i mm hi U lMt DR. KING'S' ft U U L3 FOR AND ALL TsTOOAI DISEASES . .... peiumm mn m m mmA m . PREVENTS - "Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs and to completely prostrated me that I wai unable to work and scarcely able to stand. I then was kdvised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and after using one bottle I weat back to wotk, as well as I ever was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Tena.- PRICE 500 AND $1.00 2k. SOLD AND GUARANTEED BYC t liaiiKt' AkuIii Sunday The Hemic will have five vaude ville people tomorrow night when Le Cotret and Itego will put on a brand new change for the one evening, and "The Dog Catcher" will again be pre sented. ' The show tonight will be similar to the prize winner last eve ning. Next week the Scenic will in troduce Palmer & Robins, two clever people, and Weaver A Williams, two talking and sinking artists'. Williams can do the feminine Impersonation to a turn, it la. said. . It EXDLESS CHAIN l'lUVKK. Oft Condemned Letter Prayer Makes Appearance Once More. La Grande has again been visited by the oft condemned endless prayer let tor. Notwithstanding the ministerial associations df high power have at temnted to stamp it out, tho letter continues to make it appearance. reads like this: An Ancient Prayer. Oh, Lord Jesus, I Implore thee to bless all mankind. Keep us from alt evil and take us to dwell in eternity. It is said In Jerusalem that he who will write this prayer for nine days, commencing with the day received, will experience some great Joy on the ninth day. He will also be delivered from all calamities. But he who will not write will meet with misfortune. Make a wish while writing and be sure to write nine days to nine friends. Sincerely, Card of Thanks. We wish to thank the out-of-town patrons and all others who so gener ously donated eatables for the lunches and dinners given over the M. & M. store during the Sunday school . con vention. Without their assistance we could not have entertained the conven tion. ' . . ISLAND CITY SUNDAY SCHOOL. STILL MORE HEW:"-HANES The ludies of the Park association are keeping faithfully at work. There Is now a total of $608 in tho treasury, and the fund Is gradually growing. Little Flavla Ultter has lately glv-n a whole dollar's worth of pennies. Many other II!'.;.' people are saving so that they too, may help to gather the mile of pennies that will aid so much to provide the park. . Below are the names of 28 new members, whose dollars have been re ceived by the treasurer since the list was' last printed: ' W. V.. Hesse, Mrs. S. C. Zuber, J. W. Hilts, Charles Gore, Walter Nledner, A I WnfiHInu .T A Rnell f M Uiehey, W. J. Snodgrass, J. K. Wright. W. B. Sargent, Mrs. C. C. Bull, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fitzgerald, D. C. Brlchoux, Mrs. B. W. Grandy. Mrs. L. Christian sen, H. S. Massee, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bush, It. E. Bartholomew, Laura Green, F. H. Green, Lena McReynolds, Lulu Gulling, Joe Jones, Tom Peach, Mrs. E. D. Selder, Mrs. Hattle MoDon- ald, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ritter. -- , Certificate of Taxes Paid. March 27, 1909. This certifies that H. J. Hocken- berry has paid taxes for the years 1906, 1907 and 1908, in the city of La Jranile, Oregon, as follows: For the year 1906 .$13.80 For the year 1907 13. 3S For the year 190S 20.67 F- P- CHILUERS, Sheriff. By O. P. NEWLIX, Deputy. $20. Meadow Brook Water Will Raise as Much as Others at $60. or More A Free Perpetual Right will Raise as 5 Forty Acre Tracts in the Gove District, the best of orchard land, at $100.00 per acre, with perpetual water right Free is a proposition you can't afford to overlook. The weather is fine, why not look it over. : Terms can be arranged. '.7".- WHEAT LAND 400 acres of Wheatland with 320 acres in crop is a farm you. can step onto without losing a year. It yields about 30 bushels to the acre, and the . ' price is $55. per acre. There is plenty of water on the place, ar.dis improved. See this at once. The VAN DUYN REALTY Co. DEPOT STREET Daily Observer, 65c per Month f-g- r i A GOOD RcGORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must be a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. r t A. B G . PHONE MAIM 7 Laundry NEWL1N DRUG COMPANY r.anlaiiiwelKhl Adiletl to (liampiiHis. Philadelphia, March 27. Several in quiries have been received from ban tainweiKhta as to whether tho 105 pound championship could be added to file Middle Athletic association of the A. A. V. boxing championships to be held at the Athletic Club of Philadel phia tonight Captain,, Burke of the Athletic club, took the matter up with the A. A. U. officers and they agreed It would be advisable . to add this evont to the program. This gives the club and school youngsters Interested n ft-Jr." .ouv.rrS?.".s.'.t;-" exemplify ability tonight. DRY CHAIN WOOD DRY For Best quality ol CRY chain wood call on V. E. BEAM Biggest loads for least money FiiGSc itcu i74i GEORGE PALMER. President W. H. BRENHOLTS" Ass't Cashier F. J. HOLMES, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ass't Cashier ? . F. L. MEYERS Cashier Notice to Water Consumers. Notice is hereby given that those In arrears for water rent, to the La Grande water works, must pay up by the first of April or the water will be shut off according to section ZS of ordinance regulating the use of wa ter. By order of -It-ll WATER COMMITTEE. La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $170,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS J. M Berry J. D. Mathescn . F. J. Holmes ' F. M. Brykit C. C. Fenmrgton F. L. Meyers Geo. L. Cleaver W. L. Brenholts George Palmr mm BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH TRECT PORTLAND. OREGON lr write for catalog CTh$ School that Flacet Yon in a Good Petition