La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 26, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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. V
j M. Berry Is home rrora a visit to
Senator Turner Oliver was a busl-
In Alll-fl tiwlllt'
Jl.M Vlto"
0eorge i i leaver iran-ncieu uusi-
Vom In Imbler today.
Kev. V. P. Barlow, or the isaptist
thurch at Elgin, is In the city today,
making final proof on his homestead.
Rev. W. II. Gibson returned to El-
firin this morning- to resume work In
ie revlvnl mjetlng Wing conducted
their by the Baptist church.
O. M. Ileacock has moved hU re
pairing establishment to the Red Cross
drug store. Thla will be hia perma
nent location.
Harris French, of the" Pastime the
ater, went to Raker City thla morning
to look after business matters per
taining to his playhouse. - .
F. S. Bramwell. who Is recuperating
Mh health at Hot Lake, spent last
Bight In La Grande with his family.
He returned to the lake this morning.
IT, R. Wilson, the electrician, reach
ed here this morning from a hurried
business visit to Portland and Wil
lamette valley towns.
Simon Welmer, formerly of La
Grande, and now living at Union,
passed through the city today on his
way to Elgin.
Master Mechanic J. T. Langley and
Trainmaster J. D. Matheson went east
this morning on No. 6, to look after
company matters.
Several from here will go to Union
tomorrow to attend the .teachers
nx-eting. which lakes place there nt
that time. -
James McCoy, formerly a resident
of La Grande, but now of Spokane,
arrived in the city this morning and
will remain for probably two weeks-
E. S. Mascall of Grants Pass, was
on the morning train en route home
from a visit to Illinois. He visited a
few minutes with his cou.-iin, F...I.
E. Relsland went to Wallowa today,
where he has a contract for 1200 yards
of plastering for Hotel Proprietor
Cameron, who was formerly a resident
of Perry. " .
Guv K. McCully. who has been In
Portland for several days, assisting. In
the United States district attorney's
office with matters pertaining to the
Srriber probe, returned this morning.
Westbound train No. 1 was delayed
a few moments here this morning by
the blowing out of a steam hose on
one of the Pullmans just as the train
started. Bystanders were startled, but
jio damage was done.
President John Collier took his de
parture this morning for Wallowa
county points on personal business.
However, ho will not forget to speak
n word or two for La Grande while he
is in the sister community.
P. L; Helfrich, the Elgin capitalist,
came up last night from that place,
and left for Ontario, where he will at
tend the Oregon-Idaho Development
congress, as a booster from his com
munity. ,
B. Quass, representing the Spokesman-Review,
came In last night from
u.ifc All nwa
county. Mr. Quass speaks highly of
the enterprise of Wallowa county's
citizenship. ,
James Ireland, a real estate dealer
at Woodstock, Oregon, near Portland,
arrived this morning to transact bus
iness In the city for a day. Mr. Ire
land Is comfortably located in the sub
urban town. He has. valuable.' city
property here which he wishes to dis
pose of.
A large number, of Greeks boarded
the Elgin train this morning, and will
1". employed on the extension work.
They were accompanied by one Who
corresponds to the "padrone" In a
camp of Italians, a man with an eagle
beak, a fierce eye and an air of being
much superior to the poor devil who
work f ir a living.
Earl KHpatrick. who has been visit
ing his parents and friends here for
- ral days, will ' tomorrow morning
resume hU Journey to- Salt Lake,
wh-r. with Thomas II- Townsend, a
aenlor In the V. of O.. he will take
p.irt in a d-bate with stud'-nts of the
Vr.Iversdty of Vtah. Thedebate was
originally planned for tonight, but wa
postponfd Tintil the coming Monday.
T"-ar Tom Off and Fwt t'ru !! U In
Jury to One Person.
Seattle, March 45. Three persons
seriously and one probably fatally hurt
today when an outbound Broadway
'-tric car became uncontrollable and
hashed down the hill, overturning
wr-n It struck a curve. Motorman
tcrkette was badiy cut
M. was pinned bnea??i the
r and vat r:ncncio';s wh-n re-
Pv.h fcis f-rt wTt cruh I
si esr t m off. i
A qnlit wedding took place last
night In the homo of Hon. S. F, Rich
ardson on Adams avenue, when J. F.
Alden of Starkey, was united In mar
riage to Mrs. Annie F. Parker, of Bos
tonMass. Pastor W, H. Gibson, of
the First Btiptlnl church, officiated.
Mr. Ald-n is a pioneer farmer and
stock ri!.-r if Starkey Prairie, and is J
well known throughout eastern Ore
gon. The bride Is an accomplished
adn cultured Boston lady who has for
several years labored as a city mission
ary under the Congregational church
In he rhome city. Mr. and Mrs. Al
den have long known each other and
will be happy in their home life,
though Starkey Is slightly differen
tiated from Boston. A post-nuptial
luncheon was served In the home and
heartily enjoyed by the few chosen
ones present. -The happy couple will
be at home to their many well-wishing
friends at Starkey after April 1.
Dr. W. D. McMillan
Painless Denistry
La Grande National Bank Bldq
Both Phones
New lUifiti-r Will C'otiie to La tirmule'
to Be Ready to yuallfj' Has lloml;
Ready To lie JIuithiI.
"" j seekers awaited them at the Union de
According to private dispatches from , pnV u nJtortrA that Gunjlro Aoki,
Joseph today Colon It. Eberhard. re-,he dishwas)ler vhom the girl is bent
ctiver of the land office appointed, will ' nerving, prided the mother and
arrive in La Orande net Monday lo fiaughter north. The couple rode about
await the hour when be may be quail-,he city n a tax,4b, which left them
lied and ordered to resume hia duti.'s.jat the nlon depot, where It Is sup-
Aa yet Mr. Lbvihard nas neara notn-1
Ing in an official way from hing -
ton. He w ill have hia bonds ready as
soon as the blank bond sheet reach
him. .
In La Grande '- is believed that in?!
usual routine plaining to such ma'-
ters will be hurried on account of ti:e
vacancy now exUting in the local
Xetv Musk iaa.
' Born, in this city Friday, March 26,
1909, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Scott. Mr. Scott i.s a member of the
Bramwe'lT-Soott Music Co., and the
boys all say the newcomer already
sings high tenor.
Notldng IXfing. '
Usually the county offices are good
sources of news, but today there was
nothing doing. County Clerk Ed
Wright has yesterday and today col
i .i 4.... the rcccrcr'r
office there were but few Instru
ments offered for record.
M. Peter's Oiurch. . j
Fifth Sunday in Lent. Holy com-J
munion, S a. m.; Sunday school, 10 a. J
m.; morning service, 11 a. m.; Bible j
ccliiss, 4:15 p. m.; evening service, s
p. m. Rev. Upton H. Gibbs, rector.
I "I rl IiaptM Oiurtli,
At SM5, Sunday school; 11,
Ing worship," sermon by W. H.
of McMinnviile college. Mr.
Moore Moore
is a volunteer for the foreign mis
sion field. At S, the young peo
ple's meeting will be led t-y EarroJ
Ludiker. The evening preaching serv
ice wl!i b announced later. Pastor
Gibson will remain with the church in j
r igin through next week.-
Ilrt 5!-!hjli?t Epwopal liaixli.
Comer M avenue and Fourth street.
Sunday. :45 a. m.. Iiib!e school for
all: 11 a. m.. morning worship, sub
ill; 11 a. m., morning worship, sub-f
ct, "A Mourtaln Trail." At :3dj
. m., Epwurth League. 'Shepherds
and Hir:liiK," Mi! Elhel Redh"ad.
leader; S:J0 p. rn., evening wo-shlp,
subject, "Poverty or Riches; Which?"
Thursday, 7;!0 p. m , ptayr me-llng.
"Hindrances to Prayr-r." S
Pte by the choir. A cardial welcome
all. IJeir. ('. E. I t" r.
H. J. Scott of ifonur.
county. Is here visiting his n.'-. 'ier snd
father-in-law. Jir. and Mrs. Oark of
Fonth La Grand. H expe to lar
Itr home this evenit g.
Ftlisou Big Fvature Film at llio Pax
time TVmifctit. '
Here In Oregon that great spurt
known as skiing Is seldom sen, and
the Pastime theater la coming to the
front with a film tonight that will
give the La Grande citizens a splendid
Idea of .what skiing is. No cue who
has not seen the Norwegian national
sport can have any conception of Its
dangers and Int.-nsely thHUIng mo
niftil. but ail cannot be privileged
with such a treat and the Pastime the
ater wi!) be taxed, no doubt, to make,
room for those who are anxious to set
a splendid picture of the real tourna
ment The scene Is laid in Canada,
where the sport is carried on aa In
other countries. The longest Jump
made was II feet C Inches, by E. L.
This U the most interesting film
ever seen in La Grande.
"Reagan's Visit," an Irish comedy,
will be presented by Orton and Leota
in which Leota impersonates "Buster
Brown" with appropriate songs and
monologue. She is said to be the very
best there la In this Impersonation.
At the matinee tomorrow Miss Le
ota will present her Teddy Bear" spe
cialty for the special benefit of the
children. She has a very large Teddy
Cramer promlsea his bet efforts at
this change. All pictures are the lat-
(Continued from page 1.)
"accompanK-d by her mother, arrived In
Portland at 7 o'clock ' this morning
"and quietly lert the train on the eatt
I side, while a big crowd of curiosity
,hty rjj th s:j train for
It disannninled crowd !
,Vj.,t th? Oregon eres wm-n
lit roiij into the deput. It
unUl the last pajssenerr U-ft that the!
j c,!r50!is one gave up h'pe ttt the
J m,tm.r aoj daughter niigfcr dr Jay their
. rrt sre from the car to avoid the
!crowds. The Emerys wrnt to thw Sar-
srent hotl and sat In the tobbr a f-
moments awaiting the taxicab they
had ordered. During this time the
newspaper reporters were anxioucly
scouring the c-lty for them.
Heai li TMfNiM.
Tacoma. March !. Aoki- Is ex
pected to arrive In Tacoma by steam
er today or tomorrow. He di?appar-:
ed in San Francisco Wednesday, and
his whereabouts were unknown until,
a Tacoma Japanese stated today he Is
t t Mfm Tmrv. The
,M, k..,!-. Ih- rwi nd mother ar-!1
iiniM . - - o - - - -
uvea nere at uiw urnMin. Ai-
though opposition to the marriage i
general all over the city, the officials
say they must ifsue the license If ask
ed for. The law does not prevent in
termarriage of races.
(Continued from page 1.)
! sugar factory to remain one year
longer," he explained, "but if water
' Is not In sight nxt year. It Is going to
'a place when) It will make mony.
which It has not done here."
Makes Broad Statement.
Relative to the matter of flotinii
the necessary bonds when sufficient
stock has been subscribed. Mr. Eccles
; i it irt m u
Mines' and Children's Hats, also re-
duced Prices
Make the Bargain Department PAR EXCELLENCE
We have them ail and if you are looking for bargains it will pay you to visit our store
$1000.00 worth of Ladles' Summer Waists, Wrappers,
Kimonas, Skirts bought at Fifty cents on the Dollar.
$500.00 worth of Sample Shoes bought at one-third off
wholesale jsrice. Lot Children's Sample Dresses and
numerous other special buys.
Opera House Block
assured bis listeners that he would
nr nl he J,rj"n-
a4itol under the f mer proposition.
With everything pointing to success
on every turn. Mr. !- reflected
the re3iiig f the local promoters
when he 4 he was highly pleased.
He rea!iw?d that the sum nwewary for
preliminary wrk would B-cearily be
larger than might first be expected.
"I will be back and will visit La
Grande in a few days, and anything
that I can do then for the good of the
cause will be willingly offered," Is the
statement be made as his train depart
ed. He Is so confident of the success of
tK venture that he is going to take
stock and with the aid of the local
moneyed men will lead the proces-
on to the goal of success.
About 149,000 in actual subscrip
tions are now recorded. There is much
more than that promised and will b
actually subscribed as soon as the pe
tition holders can get to the men. At
present the sum total of actual signed
amounts Is Just below the 4O,0O!
Trt-aMirer's t all for City Warrant .
Xotice is hereby given that there are
now funds on hand to pay all out
standing warrants Issued on General
Fund of Ia Grande city, up to and In
cluding No. 70, endorsed August,
Interest on all warrants on General
Fund from No. SJ to 70S, inclus
ive, from this dat.
La Grande, Oregon, March 25, 1909.
, S-2C-4-6
City Treasurer.
eery Date
on Gage Hats
and E
Invested In a bottle of those wonderful, karmlrrs fat-reducing tablet'
nd la 50 days you wld be a normal, well-formed person again. Don't carr
around your ugly bulk, your ungainly superfluous fiesh. It makes you mis.
erable ridiculous and what is more Important, It subjects you to fatal conse
quences, sudden death f'om fatty degeneration, heart disease, kidney trou
ble, apoplexy and muscular rheumatism all come from OVER-FATXES
' S
, uul
Thousands of Testimonials from Crate
fui People Prove This
AXTI-CORI'U is absolutely the greatest discovery in medicine for se
ducing fat. It Is made In the form of a little tablet out of Vegetable mat
ter and is easy and pleasant to take. I t Is endorsed by every reputuble phy
sician and College of Medicine. Ask y our doctor.
ANTI-COUPTJ is absolutely harmless. The formula vs! In making thla
reparation l on file In the Bureau of Chemistry In Washington, which :s
proof that It is PURR- and HARMLESS.
AXTI-C ORFU reduces FAT 3 to S pounds a week. It reduces doubls
chin, fat hips and flabby cheeks. No wrinkles result ' from this reduction,,
for It makes (he skin close-fitting and smooth.
ANTI-COItPU strengthens W';ak heart, cures palpitations, short breath,
and acts like magic in muscular rhcu mails m and gout.
PRICE $1.00 per bottle. M'.ney back If It don't do all .we claim. It
your druggist does not keep It, show him this odvertlsement and make him
ret It for you. or you can send for it DIRECT to us. Wo pay postage and
lend in plain wrapper,
We will tend you
desired weight
Observer Want Ads Pay
La Grande, Ore.
asamplo cf this wondeiful fat-reducing
remedy on receipt of ten certs to pay for postags and
packing. The sample itself may be sufficient to reduce ths
Mention this paper. Desk 4,