La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, March 26, 1909, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    KVEXixfi o r. : Ri-Kit, t. '-rR. oiinnor?, riun.w, maucii 5, '"
EI GUI M(it:S,
tut t.
U - OKnae".. fvenini OUseivei
TuMUIied Dully lUccjit Sunday.
, Ju1um1 l'roK Tclcgr"!''' feorvlce.
Dally, tingle copy
ally, per month . .
Dtlljr, six month In advance..
Dairy, one year In advance.'...
Weekly, six months. In advance.
Weekly, one year, In advance..
. 66c
. 75o
Cntered at the postofflco at La Grande
as second-class matter.
Thla paper will not publish any arti
cle appearing over a norn da plume,
Mgned article will be received sub
fct to the discretion of the editor.
Fleas sign your articles and ave dla-
ppolntmnnt' " ' '
. . . AdverUshiK limes.
Display ad. rate furnlBhed upon
- application. ' - .
Local reading notice 10c per line
first Insertion; 'p.Pr "ne 'op eacn
ubsequent insertion.
Resolution of condolence, 6o a Una.
Cards of thanks, to a line.
Whatever may be the result of the
jehool election Saturday, the people
generally will-realize that for want of
equipment we do not have a public
school that people accustomed to good
schools would expect In a city of our
class. A high school that baa simply
eliminated chemistry and physios from
want of a laboratory t not up-to-date.
Another year must not pass, whether
we build a new school or not, with
out a first-class laboratory being add-
'.in . i
The public will soon have an oppor
tunity to show their appreciation of
a fine band. The boys desire new uni
forms and the'proceecis of the concert
to be given Monday, April 5, should
tie -so well patronized that the boys
can send In their order on the morn
ing W the sixth.
Growers and vendors of wormy
fruit had better tnke winning before
they become muched Into costs that
will more than offset what little prof-j
It they might make in selling a few
- boxes of diseased fruit.
.- ...... .,.- - ;
The voters are giving tho question
of the proposed new high school much
thought, and by Saturday will ho pre
pared to cast an Intelligent vote.
A few days continuation of this
fceautlful spring weather and the far
mers will have their spring seeding
. .
The school election, for the purpose
f voting yes or no on the question of
bonds to provide for u new high school
building, will begin at -4 o'clock tomor
row, and will he held In the high
school building. Any resident tax
payer, according to attorneys, ha the
right tn vote.
The officers of election will he
chosen tomorrow afternoon at the
polls. It is evident. Judging from the
deep Interest taken, that the vote will
be large. Several have ben heard to
affirm today that thiy would exert nil
poxMbl.' strength to defeat the new
building while again, there are many
Who earnestly believe that a matter of
high taxes has but Utile bearing on
the welfare of the schools. There
teems to be some misunderstanding:
as to whnt. solutions can he
made of the demands for more room.
Tho matter Is so weighty that the
Voter needs be cartful to tiooiuiitlt him
self with "II facts attained at first
hand, before acting his vol oil" way
or the other.
Real estate transfers for weekend
ing March 24. Reported by L.
jPrand Investment company, attract-
Minnie Hulrd to Murguet Slooum,
't Interest In lot 4, and BW14 NW'U
of section 3; lot 1 and 8E14 NEW
l.f sec tion 4, township south, range
41 K. l. j
Hulda Htonedahl to Anna Sehoon
over. NW of section 15, township S
south, range 41 K. $800.
Spalding & Weed to W. & Lovely,
lots i and 6 of Division D of New Ha
ven add to La Grande." $365.40.
Amanda J. flrldor to E. O. Salisbury.
SWi. section ll, township 3 south,
range 3 K. $S000.
Spalding & Weed to 15. Q. Tovely,
lot II of Division C of New Haven add
to La Orande. v.-.'
TTcotr 'tioodail to' E. o!"f. & S. B.,
lot 3 nnd of lot 2 of block 79, of
Chaplin's add to La Orande. $7S.
S. Cross to William Greenwood, S'-i
RE 14 of section 3, township 3 south.
range 38 E. $ 1.
Nellie M. Eubaoks to Margaret
Rlneharl, PEU SK !i of section 9.
township 1 saouth, range 39 E. $1,
600. J. C. Blanchard o James E. Bass,
lots 13 to IS In block 19, of Imbler.
J. L. Mara to Palmer Lumber Co.,
block 12 of Rynearson'a add to La
Grande. $1.
Anna Biy to William Rollins. 1 In
terest In lot 5 of blcrk 2, B street, La
Grande. $450.
B. L. Bennett to II. T. Hill, Bame as
Inst above. $500.
United States to Dora E. French,
NEtt of sectlo n 3 3,' township 38 E.
Vnlted States to J. W. Allen. 8ft
NE'4 and E'6 SE14 of section 4,
township 1 south, range 40 E.
L. M. Jensen to J. E. Bass, lots 11,
12. 13 and 14 of block 7, of Imbler.
G. .11. Bessey to J. A. Farley, lots 7
and 8 of block 13, of Union. $600.
O L. flwlger to S. S. Boothe, NE
'K Vi and tract In SEVi NEVi of sec-
lion 20 township 4 south, range 40 E.
William Swlger to S. S. Boothe,
same as last above. $300.
Mary A. Mills to J. M. Leslie, lots
5 ami 6 of block 2, of Summervllle.
$225. '
Ed B. Johnson to Annie E. Devlne,
lots 12 and 13 of block IS, or l-i-ea-more
add. $1000.
J. M. Tarker to George Kelts, lots
2 nnd 3 of block 2, of McWhlrter's add
to La Grande. $600.
Bernnrd Snow to Alex Llndsey. tract
In NE 'i SWV of section 15, township
3 south, range 38 E. $1500.
George It. White to W. A. Adams,
SE'i section 26, township i soutn,
range 40 E. $1.
Harry XT. Myers to W. M. Sargent,
lot 7 of block 4 of Grandy s acta to
La Grande. $1.
W. M. Sargent to Harry U. Myers,
lot 9 Of block 7 of Grandy's add to La
Grande. $1. .
William H. Dredge to William
Chnttln, part of lots 1 1, 12. 13 and 14
of block 7 of Imbler. $1500.
Walter Strlnghnm to Nora E. Coble,
lots 5 to'S of block 5 of Imbler, $1500.
Georire Stoddard to Lehl Wright,
KVi NE'4. NE'4 NE4. of section 33.
township 2 south, range 38 E. $4o0.
Rachel Hilts to H. F. Torrey, SE'i
SE',4 of section 6, township 3 south,
range ax K.
D. B. Hendricks lo N. Hackett, lota
11. 12. 13, 14. 15 and 16 of block 06,
of landman's add to Elgin. $1. -J.
A. Draper to Ellas Kuhn, NIOVt NE
i', of section 16. township 1 south,
range 38 E. $1000.
(.'iMienci; Monlton. son of Street Stl
pet Inlcndeht (i. B. Monlton of Baker
City, was struck and seriously Injured
last evening by train No. 2 at a point
about 10 mlt.-s ,-ast of P. ndteton. Al
j though the young man's condition was
slateJ last evening I lie critical at St.
Anthony's hospital at I'endleton.
whither rhe was taken, It was declared
the injuries were not fatal.
The accident occurred upon a sharp
curve along the Umatilla river, which
the t. U. t N. parallels at that point.
No. 2 was running about an hour and
a half late and was running up the
st. i p grade Ht ns fast a speed a could
be made when she rounded a turn and
' dirie-Toiiicivniy upnn a reedi-r carrvjj
ins three men. one of whom wss the
'unfortunate Monlton. The speeder
h r.rt ipo yasds d:tAnt from the
train wfci-n th danrr n first per-
llool'. c'j comrades on t?v fi-ej.r
Accuracy the Key Note
When you are installing a new plumbing
system or making the minutest repair. ' We
do this at the time you want it and at prices
you can afford to pay. .
F o f
Ten Room House, Stone Foundatian, Stone Cellar, Two Blocks
from Depot, Furnished Throughout
One half cash, balance on two years time at 7 per cent interest
Realty Company
Are you afflicted with this disease
Are you still using a r-"or . .
Are ycu still using a tweev...
Dr. Alexander Crossman, the Eminent Hair and
Scaly Spscialist has, after 15 years of research,
and experimenting, discovered an absolute remedy
for this unsightly disfigurement. '
to Destroy tlic
Coarsest Gruwlli
or Vour
Guaranteed to
be absolutely
non-injurious to .
the most
Auirf we
i til Wj i' L..,
The above Is net the result of magic, but of this wonderful discov
ery named MAJI. This protograph is ONE of the thousands of cases
MA JI has cured. MAJI is endorsed and recommended by the most
reputable physicians as the only remedy for PERMANENT removal
and destruction of superfluous hair
The action of this WONDERFUL!
CSmpOUIi.! COiioncwve imiiieuiaieiy Oil
its application to the parts afflicted.
MAJI does not burn the hair,
makln? It return more coarse
bristly than ever. MAJI goes to
root of the evil It dstroys the cause
of the growth. It destroys the factors
favorable to Us growth. Majl cures,
by destroying the productive condi
tions that cause this disease
If you want to be CURED, If you want to dispense with tho fine
razor, if you want to discard the heavy veil you are compelled to
wear to conceal this humiliating, unsightly blemish, get a bottle of
JIAJI now at once. If your druggist does not keep It send $1 to ua
direct and we will mail it to you, postage prepaid; In plain wrapperr.
Turkish Remedy Co.
31 West 125 Street. New Yoik, N. Y.
Address De sk I. Tree Valuable Dooklct "The Key to the Problem,"
were-hK hi. f. Engineer I .each of the
right of ay department of the road,
and A:i'in:iii Smith, whose heiulqimr-
ters are at Pendleton. Mr. Monlton
was the of the party, and the
men had been spending the day in
going over the roadbed along Meach
am creek.
As soon as the men on the speeder
perceived their danger the engineer
and axeman jumped j.nd escaped
without Injury. Mxiift.j.. however.
.) hajj .Hee? Mit: x.Iavi'U - the other
members of thv' rrtV and before he
was able to Jump the speeder collid.-l
with the train.
Th" unfortunate boy was
9erral feet Into the air and to one
slJe of the tra-k. The force of the
THEN 0U Certainly
Have .lot Used
collision was such that by being
.hrown against t!.e locomotive he was
j seriously injured about the spin
Notice to Chicken Owners.
Notice Is hereby given to those owtri
Ing chickens within the limits of the
city.- must put them up Immediately
and keep them up In accordance with
ordinance No. 4, series 1891.
, . L,. n.VTBCRN.
3-;etf chif of poiw
Jiitt. Arrived.
Another 1 of ladies ar.d misses"!
Is "9. Ai". the leading shades. When
purchking ybur spring suit don't fall
' to glre us a call. Our prices are r'f ht.
2-22-17 VAN DUTN OO.
Fresh Vegetables by Express
Asparagus - ,The
Rhubarb Very ., ;
Lettuce . ' Best s - j r j .
Radishes' ' ' '. Potatoes ' ' V
Spinach ' ' Grown in
Tomatoes Grande
Celery - Ronde
Cauliflower . ; Valley - ,
City Grocery
. POLACK, Prop
Bell Piione Main 75 - Independent 241
We Guarantee the
Purity of all Drugs
sold here ; ; :
Gomplete equipment for
rubber buggy tires.
D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor ' . '
Complete Machine Shops and Foundry.
. . . ,
I Just the kind of drinks for cold
CHOCOLATE With Whipped Cream
J N. K. WEST, Pres.
Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres.
We are constantly adding new accounts and
our business is increasing at a very satisfact-"
ory rate. Probably you might te glad and
join us.
United States National Bank
Of La Grande
H. E. Coolidge
T. J. Scroggin
J N. K. West
I I. P. Staples
I C. I. Bacon
and Bakery, l
- r
resetting arid repairing
tke aw
H. . CC0LIDCE, Asst. Cash t
. L Cavines
A. T.Hill