t X i PAGE EIGHT. misa nnsicnvKU. la c.rande. ouFGcy, wkiiiat. maiuhio B3CI1T PACKS. : il HENDERSON CORSETS-For over 50 years the Fav- orite Corset of America's most fastidious women- A Model for every Normal Figure. N . K W EST Showing New Gloves, New Neckwear, New VeiKngs, New Waists, New Ribbons, New Hosiery, New Belts, New Wash Goods, etc. Informal Showing Millinery and Women's SMART ATTIRE Don't miss seeing our window display of Women's Suits and Millinery. A glimpse of these authorative fashions will be a revelation concerning this Spring's Style Tendencies. T'will only whet your appetite for what's to come and a visit to the Suit and Millinery De pigments will make you enthusiastic concerning this Spring's fashions and the little it cost to follow them, if you make this store your source of supply. We pride ourselves on the superb assortment we are showing of ex clusive models, andwill find lower prices here for good quality and perfection in style than an other store in La Grande. By all mean come in and see the very r ewest and most correct things for women to wear. The Quality Store - A piii amsm Furniture bargains thai will appeal to your iudgement, We have iust recieved a caiload of goods that went through a fire. Dozens of pieces that bear no mark or sear, whatever. A crit ical examination is invited. Besides this carload we haw bargains in second hand goods We can only quote you a few prices, but we know if you call the values will speak for themselves. RUGS JUST 50 PER CENT Solid onk bedroom suite, regu lar value $50; our price $25.00 CENTER TABLES Splendid assortment all the way from .. 75c to $10.00 GARDEN HOSE BO-font lengths !M to 7 New Goods. tsAKGAINS in LOUNGES Damaged os slightly you would never detect It. $15 and $20 values for only.. $12 ami $13 SPECIAL BARGAINS No. 8 Cook Stove . $8 Springs, Job lot $1 Carpet paper, per roll 75o Cook Stove, good order ....$14 9x12 . .. lk'lUltk'3 for $6 up ...$1 LINOLEUM We are selling the regular 85c goods for 6oc nii'io" 1SIIIIMVJ A strong line, with wide range of prices. 75c to $2.50. CARPET Splendid value, per yard.... 25c MATTING Tretty designs for 2K-, Og, MATTRESSES Our range of prices, coupled with our bargain marking, will interest you. ' $2, S:, $3.50, $1, $6. NEW TENTS 8x10, 8-oz 8x10, 10-oi 9x12. 8-os! 12x14, 10-oz ...SO ,.$10 ft ..$14 ROCKERS Largo line to select from; a net saving fo $2 on eevry chair. WASHING MACHINES Let us show you what $6.00 will boy here. i t : I i : : : Everything marked in plain figures. Large stock of new and second hand goods iCh arks L 0 TWO I'AKMS SOLD. f ;7. SHU'S A QIKEX! SI IK'S A SIHEX! is an explosion that is, always heard at sight of a well dwe ,.J woman. If you ore flat-chested, vilh Ul undeveloped, a srawny neck, thin, lead arm remark will never be applied to you. "SI1' . wafers will make you beautiful, bewitch ing They DEVKLOP Till". 1U"ST in a week from 3 to ( inches and produce a fine, firm, volupt'tous bosom. They fill out the hollow places, make th i arms handsome and well modeled and the nek and shoulders shapely and of perfect contour. Send for a bottle today and you'll be p!eae.t nd Knt-Tui. "M HXN"' .wfer r Oo!,t-,.v h o. n ,,,.- pWeAht ' ra:v. and eorwetfent to carry around. They are sola under guarantee to do all we claim or MONEY BACK! Price $1.00 per bottle. Inquire at good drug stores r send DI RECT TO US. JUKE. During the next SO days only we will send you a sam ple bottle of these beautifying wafers on rec lpt of 10c to pay cost of packing and postage If you mention that you saw the advertisement In this paper. The sample alone may b sufficient If the defects are RFSK . ESTHETIC CHEMICAL. CO.. SI Y. lS5th ST., NEW YOltK. One I'lrm ClitMtt Two IH-aM Hopnx-nt-ln- Otcr $1 l,0(U. school election may take iart In. the bond election, namely: resident tax payers. . ill, QOWD AT ISLAND If real estate s:iles reflect the con dition of a community, money circles are eny in Grande Ilonde today. Two sales made. to.lHV by the La Grande Heal Kslate, Loan & Commission Co. are: Hcmlcks bros., of Marysvllle, ' Idaho, bought 200 acres of Herman (Vehrs for $11,5D. James Alnswnrth has bought 6 4 acres of Walter Rixt In the Mt. Glenn neighborhood for $3. , Sou. Island City. March J 4'. (Special.) An excellent attendance marked the opening of the Union County Sunday school convention here this morning. The weather Is . Ideal and nothing stands In the way of fulfillment of the splendid program, after noon today. A most sumptuous feast was enjoy ed In the M. A M. Co.'s hall at noon, where the genial hospitality of the Is land City ladles shone In splendor. The program as carried out today and as arranged for tomorrow follows: jl Words of Welcome, Pastor C. E. Deal, - 11:10 "The 3ource and Element of Power," Rev. J. E. Youel. Discussion. 5 Noon. 2. p. m. Devotional, O. C. Flesh- man. 2:15 Organization and announce ment. 2:30 "The Supreme Object of the Teacher," H. A. Ketchum, D. D., Ba ker City. Discussion. . S "Loyalty to Christ," S. W. See- mann, D. D. Business communications, reports, etc. 4 "The Boy Problem; How Solved," Rev. I. M. Boyles. Discussion. - ' " Supper. Social visitation. 7:30 Devotional, Mrs. J. E. Steven son. 7:45 "Where-We Shine," two-minute talks by a representative from each school. 8:10 "Influence of the Modern Theater on Young Life," Rev. Ford Ellis. 8:30 "The Seven Devils In Sunday School Work." Rev. C. A. Phlpps. Thursday. 9 a. m, Devotional, Mrs. Thomas Walslnger. 9:20 "Relation of the ' Sunday School to 'Modern Reforms," Mrs. C. H. Laws. Discussion, led by Mrs. Hattle-Wolf. 9:50 "The Adult Class Movement," Rev. II. L. Willis. 10:io "Teacher Training; How to Teach," Rev. J. E. Youel, 10:30 "Primary Problems; How Solved," Mrs. H. J. Hockenberry. 10:50 "The Obligations of the Teacher," E. T. Starkey. Discussion. 11:30 Problems "For the Good t? the Cr2er," Rov. v. A. rr.irr". Noon. . - o p. ni. Devotional, Mrs. H. I. Willis. . ' 2:20 "Things Helpful, from Super intendent's Viewpoint." George II. Currey. 2:40 The Question Box, Dr. Ket chum answering. 3:10-IIow to Teach Next Sundays Lesson," Rev. N. P. Barlow. . 3:30 "Row to Create a Missionary Atmosphere," Mrs. W. L. Brcnholts. Discussion. 4 "How to Maintain Lively Inter est During Summer," E. L. Mcintosh. 4:20 "Method of Illustrating to Primary School," Mr. J. W. McAllster. Supper hour. 7:30 Devotional, Thomas Walslng er. 7:45 "Our Local Option Iiw Im periled; How May We Save it?" Rev. W. F. Bradley.- 8:13 "The Open Door and What Lies Beyond" Rev. C. A. Phipps. Xoliv 10 Water Consumers. Notice Is hereby given that those in arrears for water rent, to the La Grande water works, must pay up by jthe first of April or the water will i be shut off according to section 28 of Ordinance regulating the use of wa j ter. By order of ! 3-24-31 WATER COMMITTEE. $20. Meadow Brook VJater Will Raise as Much as Others at $60. or More A Free Perpetual Right will Raise as Much as hither ,"'('... 5 Forty Acre Tracts in the Cove District, the best of orchard land, at $100.00 per acre, with perpetual water right Free is a proposition you can't afford to overlook. The weather is fine, why not look it over. Terms can be arranged. . ' WHEAT LAND x 400 acres of wheat land with 320 acres- in crop is a farm you can step onto without losing a year. . It . yields about 30 bushels to the acre, and the price is $55. per acre. There is plenty of water on the place, ar d is improved. See this at once. , The VAN DUYN REALTY Co. DEPOT STREET Daily Observer. 65c per Month WHO CAX VOTE? TKBDY USES "GYM." 'HoowvHt ami 'or Seep Worklns While Stowmcr .Mxnrea. Same Condition Next Milunlay as Gov ern Sehtml Elections. Some question has been raised as to who Is entitled to vote In the school election next Saturday, and this morn ing The Observer called up an attorney i for an opinion. The attorney said that all who are entitled to a vote in any i t New York, March 24. A staff cor respondent of the United Press aboard the Hamburg, reported by wireless to day that Roosevelt Innd son Kermlt worked In the gymnasium early today. When the message was sent the ship was 2"0 miles off Sandy Hook, and the weather was excellent. Roosevelt t"lay will Inspe-t the engine room. DRY CHAIN WOOD DRY For Best quality ol DRY chain wood call on : . V. E. BEAN ' Biggest loads for least money PtIONERED 1741 I I A GOOD RrXORD We have conducted a laundry business in La Grande for many years. There must ' be a reason. A trial order will explain the mystery. , A. B G . Laundry PHONE MAIN 7 GEORGE PALMER, President w. H. BRENHOLIS" Asftuasnier F. J. HOLMES, Vice President C. S. WILLIAMS. 2d Ass't Cashier F. L. MEYERS Cashier La Grande National Bank Of La Grande, Oregon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 170,000 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY DIRECTORS J. M. Berry J. D. Mathescn F. J. Holmes F. M. Bryltit C. C. Pennirgton F. L Meycr$ Gao. L. Cleaver W. L Brenholts George Palpw FT - TTnMl m a tm m a rSnm n BUSINESS COLLEGE WASHINGTON AND TENTH STRKT PORTLAND. OREGON IV i i white, run UHIHLww C Th School that Place You in a Good FotiUon