t4 PAGE SIX. evening on.sEnrr:n la fiRAxnr. onrcox. Tuesday, march 2a, to. rrcirr pages. 0 Til o The Leading Jeweler PEAR Will for the next 60 days dispose of the stock of jewelery carried by J. R. Smith, which he bought from the Trustee in Bankruptcy. You can get a $2.00 Alarm Clock for from - 50c to $1.50 $2.50 to $37. Fancy Clock from $t. to $20.00 and Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy Toilet Articles, Hand Painted China as well as a selection from a fine assortment of first quality rings, pins, bracelets, chains, lockets or anything carried in a first-class ewelery store. Call early and have the first choice. Opposite the United States Land Office. Wood Liver Medicine Is a liver reg ulator which brings quick relief to s nick headache, constipation, biliousness-and other symptoms of liver dis orders. Particularly recommended, for Jaundice, chills, fever, malaria. The $1 size contains 2 times as much as the 50c size. Sold at Silver- thorn's Family Drug store. DEMOCRAT SKKKS JUDGESHIP. Pendleton Semis Ncv Man In Hie Field In Opix.se Fulton. In the Justice's Court for the Grande Justice of' the Peace and Constable District,' Union Coun- . ty, Oregon. Wadhams & Kerr, plaintiff, vs. W. K. Amos, defendant. To V. E. Amos, the above named De fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, ;"'.! arc hereby iiuuu to appear in the above entitled court and action on or before the 24th day of April, 1909, the same being full six weeks after the first publication of this summons, nnd If you fall to appear and answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment ngainst you In the sum of $43.50 and costs and disbursements herein. The raid sum of $43.50 being the amount due the plaintiff. ' This summon Is published by order of the Hon. A. Stewart, Justice of the Peace for the La Grande district, in the above entitled court. Made and entered on the 1st day of February, 1909, which order directed that said summons shall be published not less than once a week for the full period f -( i . . ... t - . "i t . m nltig Observer. The first publication hereof Is made on the 12th day f March, 1909. WAPHAMS & KEItR, -.I. Plaintiff, f 8-H-l'J -4-2 ) ' . - I of The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold by acting as a cathartic on the bowels is G! LAXATIVE HIGH SYRUP Friends of Attorney , Charles II. Carter of this city, have 'started a campaign to land him In the federal judgeship, recently created, relates the Pendleton East Oregonian In speaking the political situation regarding the appointment. While insisting he will tnakn no effort to secure the place. Mr. Curler has signified his willing ness to accept the position if It of fered him. While Mr. Carter Is a democrat, he Is not an "offensive partisan." and is In the same class politically us are Dickenson nnd McVev. reeentlv on- pointed to position in the cabinet by President Tsft, according to Col. Will Moore, president of the ' Commercial association, and Attorney Will M. Pe terson, chairman of the democratic county central committee, who are largely responsible for the launching of the Carter boom. Rut In case he becomes an active campaign, Sir. Carter's support would rot be confined to the democrats alone. He would. reeeUe the unqualified en dorsement of lawyers and men in both parties, say his friends. "They can go a long way and never find a better qualified man nor u more honest cue," declared one prominent repub lican this morning. It Is beginning to be conceded In local' political flrcles that rhttiic W. Fu'ton will not be able to land the po sition. This was made practically cer tain in a special dispatch from Wash ington to the Sunday Oregonlnn, in whL'h it v,u said that T.ift had sU'til fled his Intention of appointing a man recommended by the M eson senators. As neither Pout'tic ti'r Chamberlain will recommend Full on hi chances are considered as killed. In thts event It Is declared that Fulton's large fol lowing In I'maiillu cour.ly In partleu lar and In eastern Oregon In general, would much rather see Carter ap pointed than some members of their own party. eastern Washington for the purpose of diverting traffic to the O. R. & N. and Union Pacific that would other wise be hauled over .the Northern Pa cific and Great Northern. Robert Strahorn, the head of the North Coast project, who has carried on the work under the Instructions of whoever has been putting up the money, has wrapped the project In mystery so successfully up to this time that nobody could speak with author ity on the hackers of the new railway. Many guesses have been made and the North Coast has been connected up with almost every road that has en tered the territory or has any remote intention of building here, with the miifciu exception ot the Harrimun lines. No one thought that (lie Strahorn pro ject could be an extension of the O. R. & N. into a territory as yet left un noticed by the Harriman people. Hut nrtw has come the conviction to many people that the North Coast Is In real ity a Haiiimim road that Is Intended to tap the eastern Washington Country from a connection with the O. If. & N. on Its main line from Pendleton and Spokane. The building of the big bridge across the Columbia river "near Kennewlck and the connection with the main line f the O. R. fcX. has, apparently, let the cat out of the bag. It Is now he- lleved that the time for secrecy has about passed, and that soon there will It n official announcement 'verifv- Ing the report now generally credited assigning the North Const Construc tion to the Hantman lines. Nctice. All parties knowing themselves In debted to me, please call Immediately and make settlement, as, I am closing out my business. My new location is with Carl Bros., next door to Newlln Drug Co. O.-.M. HE ACOCK. Pinesmve ACTS USE A 'mltice Carbolized FOBMt) Of SKIM DISEASE m i the origin! lasative congh yrnp, contains no p. J"0" bowels, carrying the cold o though Batnral channels. Guaranteed to ( Miction or wooey refunded. For Sale mt SlKcrthorn . Idem It y IMscloMd. The iu.vsteri.ju! Nonti 'vijit r-id ! that h js huiij been the enigma of the 1 northwest lalitnnd situation Is believed to have been connected up with the O. U. X. The North roust has up to this time remained an'unguessed riddle, ventures the Portland Orego nlan. Put now it Is though the Har rlman Interests h.we been behind the project from lt Inception and that the road mill Invade the Hill territory In TH.ACK 1H-!ETS ACTION. Palo Alto, Cat.. March 22 Desig nating recent action of the state sen ate as "discourteous, nnd an Infringe ment 'on his rights nnd privileges. Senator Marshall Black, whose Illness prevented a bresk In the direct pri mary deadlock, today sent a lengthy telegram to Lieutenant Governor Por ter, clearing up the situation so far.os he is concerned. The telegram says: "I beg to Inofrm you. and through Ivou. the senate, that I roirarA olutlnn adopted Saturday In reference to my absence, as discourteous and an infr'ici iiu nt "in my pmi.egcs anil rights ns senator or citizen. I there fore decline to see persons sent here under this resolution." Dr. Plack. who Is attending his hrother, says his pstl.nl will not be able to go to Sacramento 4o vote be fore th end of the week. BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE T.. J. CRAY, Prop. Board by the week $5.00 and up One block from depot. -ONLY HOUSE IN THE CITY EMPLOYING WHIIE HELP ONLY IBY 00 R SERVICE est at the rate of I per cent per an num on $29.15 thereof from October 16, 1907, and on $16.50 thereof from the 13th day of January, 1909, and on I108.B0 thereof from April 22nd, 1908, and for plaintiff's costs and disburse ments; and the plaintiff will further take an order of said court directing the sale of the property now held un der attachment, to-wit: 150 cord of wood, and the application of the pro ceeds of said sale to the satisfaction of said judgment. This summons Is published In the livening Observer, a daily newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in La Grande, Union coun ty, Oregon, by virtue of an order of ihe Hon. A. Stewart, Justice of the peace and Judge of the above-entitled court, made and entered on the 15th day of January, 1909., A. STEWART, Justice of the Peace COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. M9Aprl3 . " BUSSEVS HACK LINE. ' ' ;' . Best of service, Day and Night Hack furnished for funerals and private parties. ' Baggage transferred Day and Night and Sundays. Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. . 'Phone Red 241. ' Night 'Phone Main JS. " - E. L. BCSSEY. Changed Ills Location. All parties wishing a first-class workman to repair their watches and jCn'Cujr", mm Xiuu O. M. Heacock lo- cated with Carl Bros., at Huelafs oU stand. Repairing done promptly, tf For Diseases or the Skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and bar bers' ItchT are characterized by an In tense Itching and smarting, which of ten makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may 'be! had by applying Chamberlain's Salve. J ft alluys the Itching and smarting al most instantly. Many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by all good dealers. DO YOU KNOW: FOR CERTAIN? RINGS DYSPEPSIA TIELETS SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court for La Grande District, Union County, Oregon. J. W. White, plaintiff, vs. William lye. defendant. To William Dye. Defendant shove named. Greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon ' jou are hereby required to appear and ! answer the complaint filed against vou n the above-entitled court and action on or before the expiration of the lime prescribed In the order of said Court directing the publication hereof, to-wit: SI consecutive weeks from the date of the first pulilcatlon of this Summons, which Is March 9. 1S09, and If you fall to appear, answer or other wise plead within the safd time, the Plaintiff will take Judgment against you in the sum of I1SUJ. with lnter- "TastesLiKe Maple 8ldsiret little girl who tried 'ton botcRke. It tauten Ilk maple on all H kind ot bread and eakee. Towle's CIRCUS Brand ' Table Syrup lea detlelou blend of Sarar Cane bjrup. Corn Sjrup, Houcj and Maple Syrup v-i-uU n lid Aamui me 11 Tht Tswlt Mapl. Syrup Co. that your title is gocd? I I An abstract will tell you I all about it and it may be I to your advantage to have j one made. You cannot J WHT NOT TRT Popliam's ' . ASTHMA REMEDT? Ulves prompt and posture relief r erry case. Sold by druggists. Price $1.00. Trial package by mall 10 cent. Williams Mrg. Co Prop; " CleTln.l o. For Ml- by A. T. HILL, Drucrst. afford to take 'chances. J R. OLIVER': La Grande National Bank I Building ; KD STRIXGILL " AUCTIONEER. Sale crW on short notice. . Satisfaction guaranteed. - No extra charge for distance. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON Route No. t 'Phone No. 1M'