rr rrrn. s:c.iyr..-..r vavn i rr.'.wnr., oitKco..,..t.ivr.i.AV. xunui 20. .30. Ij Me ' Evening oasem ; Published Dally Kiccpt Sunday. ClUREY imoTHEKS, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. United J'rews Telegraph Kervli. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Pally, single copy....' , . ' BO Daily, per month 5o Uy, six month In advance. , .(3 50 XaMy, one year In advance. ....f ( SO Weekly, nix months, In advance.. 75c ..Weekly, one year, In advance. . .$1.00 Catered at the postoffloo at La Grando as second-class matter. ffvlrcd result and that he would take S000 In the proposed corporal tuft, which hv did, A general discussion followed tu which It was brought out conclusively that this 'now corporation was not a charity oiganlzatlon by any means, but that It was the Intention and ex pectation thttt the stockholders In the corporation would reeelve substantial dividends and that It was desired to have this stock as widely distributed as possible, -and with this In view It wsa decided to limit the stock Htib- scrlptlona to $5000 until It whs aseer talned that no more " This paper will not publish any artl- appearing over a nom de plume, Signed articles will be received sub ject to the discretion of the editors. Please sign your articles and save dis appointment Advertising ltu. Display ad. rates . furnished upon application. Local reading nMlces 10c per lino frat Insertion; 5c per line for etch aubaequent Insertion. Resolutions of condolence, 6c a Una. Cards of thanks, 6c a line. I The recognised Importance of the west Is signally reflected In the com mittee appointments In congress. The west has received recognitions as ever before. It took us quite a while to even get on the map, but we will be In evidence from this time on. The panlHh-Amerlcan war gave consid eration to the went- that otherwise would not have been attamea ai mis time. Another war might place uk where we belong, unless through lack f proper coast defense we would lone several of our largo cities. . v . .,- .- ' ' ' We are of the opinion that 'Presi dent Taft would make at least a' few Oregon appointments If he fully real ised to what extent the public is In terested, not so much for the good of the public service as Is the curiosity to learn to whom will fall the plum. .. , ' Los Angeles will be the new field for the explosion of the grafter. Same eld story, officials suddenly disappear ing, grand ury returning true bills, Jater will come the details of the mu nicipal officials' malfeasance In of---lce. ' '. , i i.v-e-e Ex-President Roosevelt has been leading a strenuous life the past-wek. He has been learning to shave him self, .-i- -.,, BOTH CONVICTED (Continued from page I.) manded the Coopers to stand up and then pronounced the sentence. The only sound In the room was the sob king of the daughters Vhen they were led out the defend ants' counsel announced an appeal from the verdict nnd Judgment would be taken. In support of the appeal the defense caused copies to be made of the court's ruling to the Jury when It announced It could not agree re garding the Coopers and subsequent Instructions to the Jury that It must convict or acquit. Eighteen ballots were' taken, the first resulting In the acquittal of John Bhnrpe. and the same vote showed Die jury standing five for conviction of murder In the first decree, and six favoring .conviction in the second, one fcoldlng for acquittal. After several ballots, II Jurors voted for conviction in the second degree. Finally Hyde was won over. Vnder the laws of Tennessee the Ju ry, fixes the penalty In nil cases ex oept convictions In the first degree. The minimum for the crime for which the Coopers ''are convicted Is 10 years. The Jury decided on a maximum of JO years. After the release on ball, the Coop ers were driven to the home of Mrs. Burch, the colonels daughter. The arguments f'-r a new trial will besrin April 3. of the stock i; W'iulJ bo taken' ill small no)diiii;. "" Alter llios present b3n to realize the Importance and business methods ; that were being perfected, the great majority of the land owners readily saw tb? advantages over the former plan and that this meant something. The land owner had some responsible corporation to deal with and at the same time would receive umple pro tection. It Is expected to have this corpor ation formed within the , next few days and then a committee will go out after acreage and If anywhere from 12,000 to 20,000 acres can be se cured by the first of June, the entire matter can be financed and active work on the dam begin during the ear ly part of the summer. Within 10 minutes after the meeting iidjourned, which was 20 minutes past the noon hour, the voluntary atock subscrlp tions reuched over $12,000, In amounts ranging from $100 to $5000. A com mittee was appointed to work on the street this " afternoon and several thousands dollars were added to the list which tit noon contained the following: George Stoddard .......... $5,000 J., A. Thronson ... 200 S. McMillan luu C M. Riddle .......... 100 J. 1). McKcnnon , 2,000 fl.' I !! rooks '.I'.'. . .. .V. ' 500 ! Fred Hull 100 W. M. Harnett 1.900 J. a. Lambert ........... . . . . 100, R. .W. Orandy 1,000 The meeting was largely attended. Though the representation did not in clude the -most wealthy land owners, the farmers in attendance represented a large scope and many smaller hold ings. On the streets this afternoon general satisfaction has been express ed ut the new turn of events and the objections raised previously have been droppcl. In addition to tho list named above the following thla afternoon signed up as follows: W, V. Carbine T. If. t'rawford C. J. Black , William Hall Logiin-Sherwood J. 11. MUlerlng Amalgamated Sugar Co. F. H. Tatman J. B. Stoddard J, P. Thomaj V.. ;. Noriis STEWARD'S OPERA HOUSE ' . : ; ; -I : . Event of the Season ENGAGEMENT OF THE DISUNGUISHED ACTOR MR. CHARLES B HMFQRD AccTnI : Miss Marie Drofnah IN A BRILLIANT SCENIC. PRODUCTION OF "The Merchant of Venice u MR. H Ml FORD as "SHYLOCK" MISS DROFNAH as "PORTIA" And a Company.of Thirty Seats on Sale Saturday Morning, March 20. $1.50; $1.00; 75c; 50c. Prices: PURITY IS A NECESSITY WHEN IT COMES TO DRUGS V " '" ' f i :.'- ! Accuracy the Key Mote When you are installing a new plumbinij system or making the minutest repair. We do this at the' time 'you want it and at prices you can afford to pay. BAY & ZWEIFEL 211 DEPOT STREE1 We Guarantee Jhe Purity of all Drugs sold here : : : MILL'S bKm JTOREi LA GRANDE, OREGON r i i - ia 1 . t . . . rubber buggy tires. . LA GRANDE IRON WORKS ' D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor G.-mpfete Machine Shops and Foundry . a r a a a ..$ loo r.oo 100 200 500 200 5,000 500 200 : ioo 100 D. C. Carbine 100 F J. A, Pay T. Muellenburg lOrt 100 John Splkehart 200 2,000 R.000 500 MEETING BIG SUCCESS (Continued from psge 1 ) At the conclusion of Mr. Pierce's explanatory remarks, he called upon George Stoddard, who simply replln! nt In tii. opinion .the il-'l way j(,e corporate' stock tn ?M rorpi, Thronson Fruit Co. W. M. Pierce ...... P. A. McDonald D. M. McDonald B0 llobert Clark rn0 Ttn-ms of Contnu-t. The terms of the contract which Is to be signed, follow: T.a Grande, Ore.. March 20, 1909. We .the undersigned, do hereby sub scribe for and agree to take and pay for the number f shares of corporate stock .s-t opposite our respective names. In the Grande Konde Reser voir company, a corporation incorpor ated for the purpose of Impounding th- vatrs of Grande Uonde liver, and using said Impounded waters and oth er waters of the Grande Konde. river In the'lrrlgallon of lands In the Grande Hondo valley, and we do hereby mutu ally agree with one another that each will take the number of shares of stock set opposite his name at the par value of One Hundred Dollars IT share, and will pay for the same in Install ment! as follows: Ten per cent thereof Cm the first day of May. 1909; fifteen per cent (hereof on the first day of July. 1909. nnd twenty-five per cent thereof on the first days of October. November and December. 1909, respectively, and we agree to form ourselves into a cor poration and ornnnbse with One Hun dred Thousand Dollars capital for the purpose of carrying out this enter prise. It Is hereby mutually under stood and agreed that no Individual nuWrlfior can take mora t';.aR.J,(i0C r Ten Room House, Slone Foundatian, Stone Cellar, Two Blocks from Depot, Furnished Throughout $2fi00.00 0 e half cash, balance on two years time at 7 per cent interest Logan-Sherwood HOT DRINKS Just the kind oF drinks for cold weather. CLAM BROTH BEEF TEA I X CHOCOLATE With Whipped Cream t t SELDRR, THE CANDY MAN In St. Peter's church, March 20. 1909, William Donaldson and Miss 101 ma Mills, both of Hummervllle, Ore. n?-v. Upton H. GIblis officiated. ! DRILLING I Grocery and Bakery, lo form a mutual concern, but after the long delay tn bringing this to a . eucceMful Usue. he was positive that atlon until everybody who de're to subscribe stock shall have the V'ixi lege of subscribing, provided that tl.if he new plan was the next best wy privilege will not be extended beyond And the only way to bring aboiit th tne fjr.t jay f M,y, 1909. 1 lllds Wantcil. S:-, l i Id. Is will be received by the board ni' iireciors of the Joseph WarV- house 'o., of Joseph, Oregon, up to Saturday, March 20th, 1909, at 10 a. in., for the construction of a ware house at the "ity of Joseph. Said warehouse ' lie completed on or be fore Tuesday, May 2Ti. 190. Bidders to furnish a good and sufficient bond to be approved by the board of -directors of the Joseph Witreliiitise Co. The rlijht t. iej.it j ii j ii-i ail bids rc- rvd. J'-'.-.'-h a - " pevifloati.is can be s" nt t) iflee of Caviness & " M-ph. Oregon. Dated i .. Joseph, Oregon, March 10. Board of Plrei-tors of Joseyli Ware- There are several kinds ; of drilling but the kind J the kind that makes -the J farm pay is the drilling ; which makes water avail- ; able. ' There is no need of a dry farm. The task ; is not so great as you may think. I have had ; years of experience and ; understand the well busi- ness thoroughly. Nice smoked Finn and Hoddy Bloaters. Extra nice God Fish, Mackeral. All kinds of canned Fish. '-' ..'' -.'-.:. Fresh vegatables are arriving. Spinach, As paragus. Gauliflowpr, Lettuce, Radishes,, ery, Rhubard and Green Onions. E.PCLACK,Prop Belt Piionc Main 75 InrJercrriciit 241 t iV. K. WEST, Pres. Wm. MILLER, Vice Pres. T. I. SCR0GG1N, Cash H. E. CC0LIDGE, Asst. Cash i D. M. HUNT I LA GBAM5E, ..OREGON houe Company. ALBERT WTRZWEILER. v,T ' Secretary. ADDING NEW ACCOUNTS We are constantly adding new accounts and our business is increasing' at a very satisfact ory rate. Probably ycu might fcte glad and join us. The United States National Bank Of La Grande T I N. K: West . P. Staples I C. T. Bacon iAAAIAiiAAAi TTTTTTTtTTTl DIRECTORS Wm. Miller H. E. Coolidge T. J. Scroggin J. L Cavines Frank'Conley A.T.Hill ft