l , .. - ....... .,- - - ' '- ' '' 1 r !! y Yi) I i -x -.!-;. 1 ; ! l t PAGE SIX. instil jjjpj r u 1 1 i. i ..i . .? I l7 . vou wouliln l be wunoui one anoiner nour. turn me vm.iv or as low as you please there's just direr! intense heat that's Beaulilully finished in nickel and apan orna mental anywhere. The brass lont holds 4 quarts, giv- "--' heal lor 9 hours. It is light ina carried from room to room. Every healer warranted. steady light ideal to read or study by. Made of brass nickel plated. latest im proved crnlral dralt burner. Every lamp warranted. .. . . r l A I I I 11 vour dealer does not carry 1 ei and Rayo Lamp write our nearest HTANUAK n Oil. COMPAJIV tla'rerat4j (pi (rS C&'O ZZ2Q LIliS5Jisi Wua2EL& I Any chronic ulcer shows an unhealthy amf itnpure condition cf the blool It is a di.sva.snl condition of the tiesli at that pnrticul.ir .vjH't, caused and kept inflamed and irritated by a continual discharge ir.to it, of un btalthy vi.ittcr from the circulation. No treatment can have any curative ef fect exce pt a medicine which will renovate the Mood nnd entirely remove the cause. - Salves, washes, lotions, ttc. are sometiiiHS helpful in reducing in flammation, cleansing the ulcer, or perhaps lessening the discharge, but such applications do not reach the blovd where he di-ta.-t retina ore located ad can never ctect a cvt. S. S S. pcs i!n into the circulation, drives cut all impuiilies and morbid mailer, and by nourishing the flesh with rich pure blood causes the place to Lt d naturally and permanently. S. S. S. does not make a surface cure, but bv Ix-inrirg nt the bottom, and rebuilding broken-down tissue, and supplying healihful, healing qualities to the blood, causes the Mace to fill in with r.ew. firm flesh, w hile it steadily but surely eflU a permanent cure. The ulcer can not exist when the Wood is pure, und S. S. S. will thoroughly purify the blood. Book on Sores nd Ulcers aui auy medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Will for the next 60 days dispose of the stock of jewelcry carried by J. R. Smith, which he bought from the Trustee in Bankruptcy. You can get a $2.00 Alarm Clock for from - 50c to $1.50 -$2.50 to $37. Fancy Clock from $1. to $20.00 and Silverware, Cut Glass, Fancy Toilet Articles, Hand Painted China as well as a selection from a fine assortment of first quality rings, pins, bracelets, chains, lockets or anything carried in a first-class jewelery store. Call early and have the first choice. Opposite the United States Land Office. Where the oor Opens onstantly , You can quickly heal and keep cozy the draugl-ty hall or cold room no mailer w' ! the weather conditions are and il yau only knew how much real comlort you can have Irom a PERFECTION OH Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) l T iL. 1. L:t. no danger no smoke no smell because ol the smokeless device. in weight easily I tection neater agency. CURES EVFXTXO ODSFHVFTt. T.A GRAXnE, ni o The Leading Jeweler KNGIXK IX PIT. Turntable l KhiiicIh Improperly Sot and Engine Huns Oil. Helper engine Xu, 356, stationed at Kamcla, plunged into the turntable pit early this morning, while being- run onto the table to be turned. Though not seriously damaged, the plunge was sufficient to warrant a visit of the wrecker from La Grande, and at 5 o'clock the crane started from here to the Hiimmlt. The table had not been propwly set when th engineer ran on the table, and when the full weight of the lead er trucks struck the rails, the table swerved, throwing the pilot Into the pit. The trouble was soon remerlid once the crane had reached the scene. No one was hurt by the accident. i:n MriiPiiY happy. Hits Prosperous lliishiess In Little Tmu of MiirysWllo, Vali. . Kd Murphy writes from Marysville, Wash., that fortune smiles on his bus iness. In (he live little community of 200i inhabitants. The only thing lack ing In making his present location sublimely happy was the fact that The j Observer was not a regular visitor to his home town. Now that lack has I been filled. Mr. Murphy was foriner- jly manager of ih. TYoph-s store when that place was known as the Chicago store. v.i:iu; motion o ruin i.ki. 'Cannot Hrim .Amlier Stilt Hint i Palmer Mill for Damages. Al Warrt-n's efforts to bring another suit aaainst the George Palmer I.um b.r ciiinpany for damages as the re f,1f f nn Intnrv an i neiA liat -..ar and f r which a Jury awarded him a small sum at the February term, failed i U .... T...1 T Tl jri'-iiiflt tiling, n.-i iiiigit' rf. ,, . Knowl.-s overruled the motion for a new trial. Another case to he given the same decision was that nf Hewitt against Huffman. Ktister i'ards. fntlt Enster, every school tablet sold at Ferguson'. will contain an Easter card. These cards are pretty and fell regularly nt two for a nickel. None of them cost us less than one cent. Some postcard dealers sell them for a nickel each. FERGUSON'S. THE BOOK STORE. PRECOX, raUY. MltC7fln. Nctlce. All parties knowing' themselves in debted to me, please call immediately and make settlement, as I am closing out rny business.'' My new location Is with Carl Bros., next door to Newlin Drug Co. O. M. HE ACOCK. Pine&aive ACTS llKE poultice i " - . j BELIEVES ALt fwfiTDOlIZGu roRua or 8KIH DISEASE I BLUE MOUNTAIN HOUSE ! T. J. CRAY. Prop. Board by I I IA ftl IVVI I $5.00 and up I One block from depot. I ONLY HOUSE IN THE CITY EMPLOYING WHHE HELP ONLY THY OUR SERVICE i For Diseases of the Skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as eczema, tetter, salt rheum and bar bers' itch, are characterized by an in tense Itching and smarting, which of ten nuikes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It allays the Itching and smarting al most instantly. Many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by all good dealers. SIMMONS. In the Justice's Court for La Grande rltrlct, Union County, Oregon. J. Y. White, plaintiff, vs. William Dye. defendant. To William Dy, Defendant above name:d. Greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you m tne atove-enTUJed ro:;rt and action n or before the expiration of the time prescribed In the order of said court directing the publication hereof, to-wlt: Six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this Summons, which is March t, 10, and If you fail to appear, answer, or othtr wlse plead within the said time, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you In the aura of 1114.15. with Inter- CD) CZf est at the rate of I per cent per an num on J29.15 thereof from October 16, 1907, and on $16.50 thereof from the ISth day of January, 1909, and on $108.50 thereof from April 22nd, 190S, and for plaintiff's costs and disburse ments; and the plaintiff will further take an order of said court directing the sale of the property now held un der attachment, to-wlt: 150 cord of wood, and the application of the pro ceeds of said sale to the satisfaction of said judgment. This summons la published In the Evening Observer, a dally newspaper of general circulation, printed and published In Ia Grande,' Union coun ty, Oregon, by virtue of nn order of the Hon. A. Stewart, Justice of the peace and Judge of the Bhove-enttiifl j court, made and entered on the 15th I day of January, 1909. ' A. HTKWAKT, Justice of the Peace COCHRAN & COCHRAN, Attorneys for Plaintiff. M9Aprl3 it Tastes LiKe Maple" Said mrcet tittle cirl who tried It on botrakm. It UirtM like maple oo til kinds o( breed end eekee. Towle's CIRCUS Brand Table Syrup le delicloae blend of Siimr Oene Sjrup, Corn Sjrrup, Hoorj and Maple Syrup Your srorer baa It-auk blm tndar Tkt TawU HapU Symp C. mm WHT NCT-WT' Popham'a . ASTHMA REMKDTT Glres prompt and positlTe relief r Tirr case. Sold by druggists. Price 11.00. Trial package by mail 10 cent. WmUms Mfg. Con Props. ClcTelaaxl For amk by A. T. HILL, Druggist. rtiirr paces. . 0 i BtSisEVS HACK JUNE. Best of service, Day and 4 Night. Hacks furnished for funeralB and private parties. Baggage transferred Day and Night and Sundays. Stand at Paul's Cigar Store. 'Phone Red J-tl. Night 'Phone Main 25. E. L. BUSSEY. Changed His Location. All partiea wishing a first-clasa workman to repair their watches and Jewelry, will find O. M. Heacock lo ctiei wun Carl Bros., at Huelat'a olJ stand. Repairing done promptly, tf j DO YOU KNOW : j FOR CERTAIN? I that your title is gocd? An abstract will tell you J all about it and it may be I to your advantage to have I one made. You cannot Z afford to take chances. I LR. OLIVER: La Grande National Bank 5 Building I ED STRIXGHAM, AUCTIONEER, Sale cried on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. No extra chare for dlatanco. LA GRANDE - - - OREGON Routa No. t 'Phono No. V o r