s EIGHT rACE3. eventxo onsEuvrn, la grande, oitr.Go.v, mwvY, mhch i, ioo. PAGE THREE. JOST OK BAY J Our Millinery Opening has certainly been the success of the season. Every lady, if nothing more than to become acquainted with correct styles; should avail herself of the privilege by calling this evening or tomorrow and view our exclusive uptodate creations ADAMS AVENUE m Mm I M . I I I I B , ' .- . in - I iMUUli ,.,,,,, .SBS i ui4MW mm''WHW4 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 1 1 1 ' i , 5 . MODERN MILLINERY " Moderately Priced Rats and Ruching : ;-'c.n.WELLruiN 6r o.. , - ADAMS AVENUE- School District Bond Election Notice. Notloe Is hereby given that at a school meeting of school district No. One, ef Union county, Oregon, to bo tield at High School building In said district, on the J7th day of Morch, IS09, there will be submitted to the legal voters of said district the ques tion of contracting a bonded debt of twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting and equipping a high school building, the vote to be by ballot, upon which shall be the words, "Bonds Yes," and the words. "Bonds No." . Polls to be opened at 1 o'clock p. m. and remain open until 4 o'clock p. m. By order of the board of directors cf school district No. One, of Union county, Oregon. Dated this 5th day of March, A. D. 1909. ARTHUR C. WILLIAMS, DAVID BAY, Clerk-Chairman. m Tiara a I BUSINESS COLLEGE I II WASHINSTON ANOTKNTMSTS. Ul 1 PORTLAND. OHMOK JLX WRITE FOR CATALOG It Saved Ills Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 16 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured It sound and well." Infallible for skit eruptions, eczema, salt rheum, bolls, feve rsores, burns, scalds, cuts and piles. 25c at Newlln Drug Co.'s. The "Wily Ghink" wash houses are having their troubles with con tagious diseases, etc. Ours is a j Sanitary Laundry Treasurer's fall for City Warrants. Notice Is hereby given that there are mow funds on hand to pay all out standing warrants issued on General 'Fund of La Grande City, up to and In cluding No. 6968, endorsed July 10th, 1907. ; Interest on all warrants on General Fund from No 6893 to No. 6968, In clusive, ceases from this date. La Grande, March 10, 1909. J. K. WRIGHT, City Treasurer. I Merchantsl Save -a - - - - t - - t $ $ - ITS ft-- 'Mnfc Dfl pairing I ALL WORK CUA1UNTEED. J A Shoe poorly repaired Is J worthless, but a properly re- paired Shoe Is good us new. ly J work pleases and satisfies. I R Plant THE OLD PRESTON STAND. T Not quite so cheap . of " .'. .. e course, we can t live on rice and rats. But our work is better; best of all clean and sweet smelling. TRY US Both Phones CHERRY'S NEW : LAUNDRY : rfn ntf - In 1907 the Merchants of Oregon saved over $10,000 by carrying a part of their Insurance in their own company, the Oregon Merchants Mutual Fire As surance Association, of Dayton, Oregon. In 1908 they will save $15,000. During the same period their neighbors were hand ing over $1,500,000 in profits to outside companies In the Oregon Merchants Mutual you get: INSURANCE AT COST A LIMIT TO YOUR LIABIL ITIES P R0 MPT SETTLEMENT OF LOSSES J. IV. OUVER, Agent - Quick Transfer For Rapid Delivery Seivice : Call Up WILLCOCK BROS. We are In position to do any kind of transferring. Give us a trial order. Calls answered day or night. 'Phones: Day, Red 761. Night, Black 1271. PASTIME THEATRE f!fcagazine IF Y01TVE GOT 5:t!e ir.ortf fiioncy than you nee J br every-day uses, that's liable to nd iu wy to Wall Street some time fbr good new sake" in vest i j centi of it in the March EVERYBODY'S and find out Low much chance you've got in " the bij fellow pmc" Your i y cents wQl piy you back MH. , i: ! FEUIIIX FRENCH. ' Proprietors and Managers. PROGRAM: Vaudeville: "Dream Ori" Angela May. Mazle Mazie, Angela May. Monologue, J. Louis MacEvoy. Comic Opera Skit, "What the Papers Say," closing with "Just My Style" from "Fantana." An gela May and Mr. MacEvoy. "Klppy," the cartoonist comedian. Illustrated You." song "I Want When Love Wtil. All's Well That Ends WclL The Fank Messenger. A Secret. Change of program Sunday, Wednesday and Friday. Mati nees: Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Doors open at 1:10 m. Evening performance 7 p. m. P. at LOW NOKTI1WKST NEWS. . ' The big revival meetings among the Indians on the reBervatlon and under the ausploes "of the Preibyterlan church .will be held, at the Tutullla mission for one week, beginning with Wednesday. May 28. The hearing of the O. IV & N. side of the grain rates in effect between eastern- Oregon points and Portland, which whs to have been held yesterday before the railroad commission at Sa lem, failed to materialize. The head officials of the road had been called from the state on business so the hear ing was postponed until April 26.. . Among other questions absorbing the attention of the Walla Walla Trac tion company, It Is understood, is the location of an amusement park for the coming summer. Seevral propo sitions are receiving their consldera tlon and within a few days It is very likely that some site will be definitely decided upon. Hear ye, hear ye, Hear ye now! Friday and Saturday, March 28 and 27 has been duly set apart by the com mon council of the city of Pendleton, state of Oregon, as a general clean-up av the Pendleton Tribune. All school children, all women's organic tlons and all churches are Invited to lend a helping hand in this worthy undertaking. On the above mentioned days all rubbish will be raked together and that portion which is not burned will be carted otf on the following Monday. RATES TO OREGON DAILY DURING MARCH and APRIL from all part3of the East Vid UNION PACIFIC OREGON SHORT 1 INC , THE OREGON' RAILROA &. NAVIGATION CO. SOUTHERN PACIFIC i33. from Chicago $30 50 f-om St. Louis $25. from Omaha $25 from Kansas City Correspondingly low from all other points. To the Public Write letters to everybody you kno In the east and tell them about these low colonist rates. Send them litera ture about Oregon, or Rend their ad dresses to us and we will do It. In this way you can be a great help in the growth and progress of your state. You Can Prepay Fares for any one from any place If you want to. Deposit the necessary amount with our local agent and he will tele graph ticket promptly. Inquire of Agents or write to WM. McMURKAT General Passenger Agent The Oregon Railroad tt Navigation Co Southern Pacific Co. (Lines In Oregon) Portland, Oregon WALL PAPER All the newest things in wall paper. Pa per your rooms with some of MAXWELL'S exclusive designs. Paints, Oils, Varnish Japalac and Liquid Veneer W H. BOHNENKAMP CO DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month WF.I)IIX AT SSVJIMEKVILLE. Harry Xwhlll and Ethel Hamilton I'nitcd in Marrlasv lMt Wediiendiiy. Summerville. March 18. (Special.) On Wednesday evening, March 17, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hamilton of Summerville, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Mix Ethel to Harry A. Newhill, a son of Mr. and Mrs, J. J. isewuii oi uumiun vum , The ceremony was performed by Rev. Alpha F. Kline of Summerville, In the presence of only the Immediate friends. The young couple have a large circle of friends and acquaint ances who hanten to extend hearty con gratulations. - LIVE JEN'S JENSEN. Employe on Jowiih Train l Jens Jen sen, Kxc't for Grafting. The Barlow Bros', news agency has a man In Its employ on the Joseph-La Grande train that meets every require ment of a regular "Jens Jt-nsen," of funny picture type, except that this JenH Jensen Is no grafter. He wears the vlsored cap, has the same stoop, uses the same brogue and except for the exception cited, 1st a Jens Jensen through and through. In his Jensen brogue he cries his wares to the pas sengers and his genial smiles often times sell for hi man article when other wise no sale would he recorded. He has been In this county for 21 years, hut never seems to be able to acquire the American dliilect. But last St. Patrick's day Jens was an Irishman, an Irishman of which an Irishman tan be proud of. am TRY US TRY US TO SERVE YOU "Nothing Is Too Much Trouble' THE BOOKSTORE E i D 2 H AAP 5 START FACTOKY MONDAY. Palmer Mill lUx Factory Completed Wlicn Illoucr Systiiii Is Done. Another huge blower system Is h. Ing lpt!i!lpl ty the George Palmer Lum ber oompany. It U similar to the one that now urnvev all the refuse from the planlns mil! to the boiler roo-ns, hut this one will be operated f in the ." .( vt'T.y,'1?;. ?5 ..no??'..ri:-i..-''.).r.,.?;i- ed. A large fan wi'l oo-.-nite the s-s-tem. The hnx factory . costing several thousands and held back from com pletion on account of delayed ship ments of machinery, will be ready to start next Monday. Plneules are for backache and bring oulck relief to lumbago, rheumatism, fatigue and all other symptoms of kid- 1. H eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeece a reee GREAT CUT IN LUMBER PRICES We are closihg our our retail lumber yard in La Jrande. Discount on rough, sizad, matched and finish lumber 20 per cent. 75 and 10 per cent off on doors and sash, universal lisC Regu lar moulding and mill work same as lumber. Job lots at any old price. Delivery at yard. Stock taken in present shape and in quanities amounting to $20. or more. No reduction on small lots and on stuff gotten out to special order. Stoddard Lumber Co. ..:.eeeee-eeeeveeeeee hey disease. They are a tonic to the and amendatory thereto, the NW14 entire system and build up strength NE4 (lot 2) section 2, township' .end ht-ahh. Price i'c and 51. i'or south, range 37 L.. W. H., seri&l 2fa- die at tiiivertorn's Family drug store. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States 'Land Office, . La Grande, Oregon, March 9, 1909. Notice is hereby given that the state of Oregon has filed In this office. Its In thta office on or before the Uta. application to select under the pro-, day of April, 199J. visions of the act of congress of Aug-! F- c BRAMWELL. and act supplementary I -l-I-I;4-2--l Register. Gs41. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the lands described or desir ing to object because of the mineral character of the land or for any other purpose to the disposal to applicant, should file their affidavits of protest ft ( 'i "': - li ;' w - ' 5 k- ' ;i t I i hi i !i .4 I, n r !