V" .... 'xiivnr .MILIUMS. I'ltlDAY. MAHUI 1. EVENING O st,iir-i, - : : - FAuB T WO. i i : . '; t ;; r i' f I La Grande Professional ; I Directory PHYSICIANS. J. H. m.'BJARD. M. D. WiysU-lan and Surgwtt. Office In New Bank Building. Rooms 'phones. Residence, Main , if. Office. Main 7. - Deo LLM. DR. A. L. RICHARDSON. Boom u, La Grande National Banl Physician and Surge. Building. 'Phone Blank 11. Office over Hill's Drug Store. , . . .. -- Wflce 'Phone IIILMM Main II TEACHERS OF MPSIO PROF. E. PORTER DAT. Pritadpa N. MOLITOR. M D; l a Grande School of Murfc. Physician and Surgeon. Mra. Day, assistant. School, 10' Comer Adama Ave. and Depot' St. Greenwood Ave., ona door south of C-ffloe Main l -:- Residence Main (I Adama Ave. 'Phone Black 1831. DACON V HAH " " MISS STELLA OLIVER. Fhvalclan. and Surgeon Te her of Piano and Harmony, tflo. I Grande National Bank Studio at residence of Turner Olive Building. 'Phone Main II. corner Fourth and O avenue. . ft. T. Bacon. Residence. Main U. MIsg RQgE HOUSEf M. K. Hall. Residence, Main 12. Instrilctor ,n PUll0f ,, nd ' Technlo. . OJt, V. E. MOORB 210S North Spruce Street. DR. H. C. P. MOORI La Grande, Oregon. Osteopathic Physicians. Wrknrtue Graduate! Under Founder ELKCTRICAL ENGINEERS. . Office Simmer Balldlng. ..-u-i.n-i.-L. t -.. -, - - -. Phones: Office Main IS; Rea. Mai M j, A. PICUER. ' Civil, Mining, Irrigation Engl-ecrU C. H.. UPTON, PIL O , M. D. . and Surveying. '. Physician and Surgeon. Estimates, plana and specifications pedal attention given to Eye, Ear, Office In Bohnenkamp Building. Nose and Throat. La Grande - Orego Office In La a-ande Vatlonal B'tnk - Building. C. It. THORNTON. -rboneOfflce. Main I; Residence, Arc hitect and K.lneer. Matn J2 Surveying. CIvH and Structural Eng ' neerlng. VET Ell I N A H Y SntGEONS. Twenty Tears' Experience. DR. P. A. CHARLTON,"-' ROBERT MILLER. Veterinary Hurgecn. AMiltcot. Office at Hill s Drug Store, La Grandt O,floe lm Adamg avenue. Phoner Residence Thone Red 701. Pacific, Main 1. Home Independent Office 'Phone Black 1S61. No g. Independent 'Phooe II. ' .Both 'phon.. at, residence. ATTORNEYS. ? ' ' Dli. W. H. UII.ET, .' -.-u.-u,.-, -,- Graduate Ohio State University. Cliaa. E. Cochran Goo. P. Oiwhraj Vaccination, Dentistry and Surgery - COCHRAN A COCHRAN, f all kind. Country calls promptly Attorneys. answered. La Grande National Bank Building. Office 1111 Adams Avenue. La Grande - - Orego; ( Phones: Pacific Black 1901. j Independent. I7S. R. H. LLOID. DR. T. V. KIDDELL, M. 1. O. Attorney at Imw. Graduate Veterinarian, Tr clr ,n aU the courts of the stat' Office Red Cross Drujt Store. and United States, rhones: Pacific. Main 4. Home, 121. Elgin - - - - - - Oregon La Grande .... Oregon . . , , . u - '-' C. II. CRAV IX)RD. VIAVI. Attorney at Imw. .7T'r"rnn"X?; . 'w'"1'" Practices In all the courts of the Btet. 1 MRS. GRACE McALISTER. ,..,.,, i - .cac u ... Offloe Jn 0ramle Natlonal Banl Telephone Farmers 17I. Bua,ng, La Grande. Oregon. ' ManZnn Pl!e Remedy Is put up la " . tube with nozzle attached. May be WII.I.IAM M. R-VMSEV, applied directly to the affected parts. Attorney and CouiiKcllor at Law. Guaranteed, Price 50c. Sold at Sll- Rooms 15 and 16 Sommtr Block, verthorn's Family drug store. La Grande Oregon THE EDISON LINE! Yes, we will have anything you wish in the Ed ison line and everything you can find in the latest catalogue, March 1 1th. March records are now on sale. We have the Double Disc Records for the small sum of 65 cents each. Read what . I. Paderewski, the world's best Pianoist. has to say in the Music Trades Review for the Weber Pimo. When he says it is best it must be sc. WE SELL WLBER AfiD Ail OTHER GCCD FlAhOS ' j Bramivell Music Company S PHONE HACK 1071. ADAMS AVENUE ................... litttM""' " DAILY OBSERVER 65c a Month " C. B. CATJTHORX. Dentist. OfMce over Hill's Drug Store. La Grande Oregon J. C PRICE. D. M. D. .........((Ill e PRAISES fl A c IIOPIN fXIOX t'OlXTY WILL itKmvix rnoM honing Growing Inllliitloil Should llo I .ft Alone -Southern Oregon 1'coplc Are hiifiiliMc Uef'Tcnduni. "O. A. C. Is a great lntlt iitlnn. grow- inir rapidly, and we trust that the p-o- not entertain. 'he referfid'Jin i"tinn, which has bi-en circulating among the southern Oregon pecple," s.U'l Super intendent Robert Wlthycoinbe of the Union experiment station,' yesterday, on his return from Corvallls. Mr. Wlthycombe, It will be remembered, recently assumed the superlntendency of the Union station, and spent some time In Corvallls conferring with of ficials. Like every other loyal-hearted citizen of Union county, he realizes that it would be folly to Invoke the referendum on a school which fills so Important a place In the education of Oregon's young. The state suffered considerable damage In the east when a similar measure was aimed at the State university ut Eugene, and to re peat the attempt on another school of the state would luave a stilt worse Im pression among those who aim to come west with a family of children needing an education. BURNETT TO BE PRESENT WASCO It.WKEK WILL UK . HEADY TO I.EXD All. Man W ho Owim I6K Acres of Grande Homle Valley Land, U Here and Will Subscribe Hhr Portion. ' Wilson Burnett, the leading banker if Wasco, Shermnn county, l In the "Ity for the purpose of attending the mass meeting of lirlgntlonists tomor row morning. Mr. Burnett has 1600 acres of land In Union county, and will throw most of it under the pro posed scheme. "I h'ft my business In W'ascco to attend this extremely Im portant meellnif," snld the financier today. "In our county we would gob ble up such a proposition so quickly that you could not "see us for the dust," vehemently explained tho bank er In response to what he thought of the local scheme. Others are here from various parts of tho northwest, at.d will be here to morrow to have a voice In the Import ant meeting. Woods Liver Medicine Is a liver reg ulator which brings quick relief Jo sssmca-xf - i S n .1 - ys ; -- .... ....-:.:,. 1 e f ' ' r h L c- v i v'l, rs u I i .U i v v f m 1 - - 'A- . ..-' 'v...- ' : T f- . i ..- , - .,: . ; v' '."-..'. 7 -2 . - s ' f . . , ' ,l ' ZJ- - , MA III E DKOFNAII AS 1 irk hiMdache. conntliatlon, bilious news. and other symptoms of liver dis orders, particularly recommended for Jaundice, chills, fever, malaria. The It size contains S . tlnvs as much as Ihe 50c size. Sold ut Sllver- thorn's Family Drug store. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds Is now at hand and too much enre can not be used to protect the children. A child la much more likely to con tract diphtheria or'ecarlet fever when he has a cold. Tho quicker you cure his cold the less the risk. ChambeV Inln'a Cough Rentc-dy Is the sole- rcll- jance of hiuny mothers, ana few 01 tfcuso who have tried It are willing to use any other, Mrs. F. F. Starcber. -t Ripley, W. Va., says: "I have never used anything other than Chomber laln's Cough Remedy for my children, and It has always given good satisfac tion." This remedy contains no opium or other narcotics and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by all good dealers. In the Justice's Court for the La Grande Justice of the Peace and Constable District. Union Coun ty. Oregon. Wadhams St Kerr, plaintiff, vs. W. E. Amos, defendant. To W. E. Amos, the above named De fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear lu the above entitled court and action on or before the 24th day of April, 1909, the same being full six weeks after the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to appear and answer, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you In the sum of 943.50 and costs and disbursements herein. The said sum of $43.50 being the amount due the plaintiff. This summons la published by order of the Hon. A. Stewart, Justice of the Peace for the L"a Grande district, in tho ibove entitled court Made and entered on the 1st day of February. 1909, which order directed that said summons, shall be published not les--than once a week for the full period of six weeks lu the La Grande Eve ning Observe.'. The first publication hereof Is made on the 12th day of March, 1909. WADHAMS & KERR, Plaintiff. 3-12-19-26-4-2-9 . Stiff Neck. Stiff neck Is caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the neck. It Is usu ally confined to one side, or to the back of the neck and one side. While It Is often quite painful, quick relief may be had by applylnt Chamber Inln's Liniment. Not one case of rheu mutism in 10 requires internal treat ment. When there Is no fever and no swelling as In muscular and chronic rheumatism. Chamberlain's Liniment will accomplish more than any inter nal treatment. For' sale by all good dealers. "PORTIA." IN "THE MERCHANT OF VENICE." AT THE iiTUW AP.D SOON. f V WWWWWW WWW WW www WW WW ww w w wwy w T WWW Wtf Wc Want Our Want Your want it p'aced before a thousand or more want- seeker very day Can you afford to spend one cent per word of your want au wha: results are the keynote? FOR RENT. FOR RENT Seven-room house. In quire of Mrs. Zuber. . 18-tf FOB RENT Four-room cottage. In quire of Mrs. Zuber. FOR SALE A' 240-egg incubator and brooder; cheap if taken at once. 'Phone Bl.acit 1331. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, suitable for lady or gent. Electric light, bath and fire. Inquire at 1611 Adams avenue or 'phone Red 131. MHMMHMWMMMBWMMBwaaBMKsM FOR RENT A 6-room house, In good condition; large clothea closet and pantry: garden, chicken park; good cellar; convenient to shops. 'Phone ' Red 1921 or call at 1115 Jackson Ave., North La Grando S-3tf FOR RENT Nice) cheerful, sunny room for rent to gentleman, facing east on Fourth street; close in; mod ern conveniences. Call at Observer office. FOR RENT Five-room house, hot and cold water, good lawn. Corner Madison and Fir. 'Phono Black 1231. 4-16-22 WANTED. WANTED Horses for pasture, $3 per month. Hay feed and run to st-aw. Inquire of J. E. Reynold's. WANTED Experienced man wants position as gardner. Spading, seed ing gardens and repairing lawns a specialty. Address "A," Observer. WANTED Help wanted in small family. Call at this office or 'phone Red 1312. 2-22tf Plowing. Orchard or garden plowing on rhort notice. 'Phone black 1011, Careful and painstaking. Young trees plowed around with care. 2-25tf A. HERMAN, , South La Grande A Pleasant Pliysic. When you want a pleasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets a trial. The yare mild and gentle In their action and always pro duce a pleasant cathartic effect. Call at all good dealers for a free sample. At Dr. Stevenson's Dental efnee every instru ment is sterilized in ar electric sterilizer after it is used. No danger of infection from an instrument which has been used in previous operations. Lock for the sterilizer. It should be where you can see it. i j. E. STEVENSON 0. D. S. 5 Cref uatecftfce Fhilftiilpt fa Dental CoHce, Morth- ucstcin Dcr.tal Ccll e i rd lit -'Stale Dental Beard" : Post Office BIcck Your Wants Ad Column XR BALK. , FOR SALF: Two to four acres of suburban property, well Improved. 'PhoneBlack 1532,. or ft E. W. Kammerer, 2004 Adama avenue. . Land for Sale. 40 acres of fruit, garden or alfalfa, land for sale cheap If taken soon. C D. Huffman, R. F. D. 3. La Grande. Complete Threwhlng Outfit. For sale at a bargain. Has bee run about 100 days. Time given, oa approved aecurlty. LA GRANDE INVESTMENT CO. FOR SALE OR TRADE A young; Clydesdale stallion., J. E. Reynolds 'phone Black 02, or Farmers, 11. - S-lStf-d&w FOR SALE Five-room house and an acre lot with water right. A bar gain. 'Phone Main 20. H. M. Mon son. . ' ' 3-1 9tt FOR SALE Portable sawmill with !5 h. p. holler and 20 h. p. engine. In good running trim. Inquire at cor ner North street and V avenue. H. A. Bishop. 3-19-2t FOR SALE New auto-plano, with, music. Going away. Will sell at a sacrifice to save shipping. Terms ir desired. 'Phone Main 20 H. M. Monson. 8-1 9tf LOST AND FOUND. LOST Between 1114 Wash. Ave. and depot a black lace collar; medalllon ; stick pin and a turquoise brooch Finder please return .same to 1114 Wash. Ave. and rfecelve reward. LOST A Bmall black purse wtth sil ver and Jewelry, In this city last night. . Finder leave at this office. FOUND On Valley Ave., between Alliance mill and McAllstcr farm, a pair of spectacles In leather case-' Owner can have same by calling at this office and paying charges. 2-27tf LOST A leaf hatpin, betweed Perry and La Grande. Finder please lcav at this office.. 3-1 5tf A guaranteed Cough remedy is Bees: Laxative Cough syrup. ' For coughs, t colds, croup, whooping cough, hoarsa ness and all bronchial affections. Best for children because It is quick to re lieve and tastes good. Gently laxa tive. Sold at Sllvertorn's Family drug ! l ib I r c tl J v;T: